208 research outputs found

    Soft Constraint Programming to Analysing Security Protocols

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    Security protocols stipulate how the remote principals of a computer network should interact in order to obtain specific security goals. The crucial goals of confidentiality and authentication may be achieved in various forms, each of different strength. Using soft (rather than crisp) constraints, we develop a uniform formal notion for the two goals. They are no longer formalised as mere yes/no properties as in the existing literature, but gain an extra parameter, the security level. For example, different messages can enjoy different levels of confidentiality, or a principal can achieve different levels of authentication with different principals. The goals are formalised within a general framework for protocol analysis that is amenable to mechanisation by model checking. Following the application of the framework to analysing the asymmetric Needham-Schroeder protocol, we have recently discovered a new attack on that protocol as a form of retaliation by principals who have been attacked previously. Having commented on that attack, we then demonstrate the framework on a bigger, largely deployed protocol consisting of three phases, Kerberos.Comment: 29 pages, To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) Paper for Special Issue (Verification and Computational Logic

    Mechanism Design Approach for Energy Efficiency

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    In this work we deploy a mechanism design approach for allocating a divisible commodity (electricity in our example) among consumers. We consider each consumer with an associated personal valuation function of the energy resource during a certain time interval. We aim to select the optimal consumption profile for every user avoiding consumption peaks when the total required energy could exceed the energy production. The mechanism will be able to drive users in shifting energy consumptions in different hours of the day. We start by presenting a very basic Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism, we discuss its weakness and propose several more complex variants.Comment: Techical repor

    Abstracting soft constraints: framework, properties, examples

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    Soft constraints are very and expressive. However, they also are very complex to handle. For this reason, it may be reasonable in several cases to pass to an abstract version of a given soft constraint problem, and then to bring some useful information from the abstract problem to the concrete one. This will hopefully make the search for a solution, or for an optimal solution, of the concrete problem, faster. In this paper we propose an abstraction scheme for soft constraint problems and we study its main properties. We show that processing the abstracted version of a soft constraint problem can help us in finding good approximations of the optimal solutions, or also in obtaining information that can make the subsequent search for the best solution easier. We also show how the abstraction scheme can be used to devise new hybrid algorithms for solving soft constraint problems, and also to import constraint propagation algorithms from the abstract scenario to the concrete one. This may be useful when we don\u27t have any (or any efficient) propagation algorithm in the concrete setting

    Solving Finite Domain Constraint Hierarchies by Local Consistency and Tree Search

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    We provide a reformulation of the constraint hierarchies (CHs) framework based on the notion of error indicators. Adapting the generalized view of local consistency in semiring-based constraint satisfaction problems (SCSPs), we define constraint hierarchy k -consistency (CH-k-C) and give a CH-2-C enforcement algorithm. We demonstrate how the CH-2-C algorithm can be seamlessly integrated into the ordinary branch-and-bound algorithm to make it a finite domain CH solver. Experimentation confirms the efficiency and robustness of our proposed solver prototype. Unlike other finite domain CH solvers, our proposed method works for both local and global comparators. In addition, our solver can support arbitrary error functions

    On the Computation of Local Interchangeability in Soft Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    Freuder in (1991) de?ned interchangeability for classical Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). Recently (2002), we extended the de?nition of interchangeability to Soft CSPs and we introduced two notions of relaxations based on degradation ? and on threshold ? (?neighborhood interchangeability (?NI )and ?neighborhood interchangeability ?NI ). In this paper we study the presence of these relaxed version of interchangeability in random soft CSPs. We give a description of the implementation we used to compute interchangeabilities and to make the tests. The experiments show that there is high occurrence of ?NI and ?NI interchangeability around optimal solution in Fuzzy CSP and weighted CSPs. Thus, these algorithms can be used succesfully in solution update applications. Moreover, it is also showed that NI interchangeability can well approximate full interchangeability (FI )

    Timed Soft Concurrent Constraint Programs: An Interleaved and a Parallel Approach

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    We propose a timed and soft extension of Concurrent Constraint Programming. The time extension is based on the hypothesis of bounded asynchrony: the computation takes a bounded period of time and is measured by a discrete global clock. Action prefixing is then considered as the syntactic marker which distinguishes a time instant from the next one. Supported by soft constraints instead of crisp ones, tell and ask agents are now equipped with a preference (or consistency) threshold which is used to determine their success or suspension. In the paper we provide a language to describe the agents behavior, together with its operational and denotational semantics, for which we also prove the compositionality and correctness properties. After presenting a semantics using maximal parallelism of actions, we also describe a version for their interleaving on a single processor (with maximal parallelism for time elapsing). Coordinating agents that need to take decisions both on preference values and time events may benefit from this language. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)
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