486 research outputs found

    Bio-inspired kinematical control of redundant robotic manipulators

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    Purpose – This paper aims to propose an innovative kinematic control algorithm for redundant robotic manipulators. The algorithm takes advantage of a bio-inspired approach. Design/methodology/approach – A simplified two-degree-of-freedom model is presented to handle kinematic redundancy in the x-y plane; an extension to three-dimensional tracking tasks is presented as well. A set of sample trajectories was used to evaluate the performances of the proposed algorithm. Findings – The results from the simulations confirm the continuity and accuracy of generated joint profiles for given end-effector trajectories as well as algorithm robustness, singularity and self-collision avoidance. Originality/value – This paper shows how to control a redundant robotic arm by applying human upper arm-inspired concept of inter-joint dependency

    Multicomponent force transducer calibration procedure using tilted plates

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    The calibration of a multicomponent force transducers (MFTs)represents a challenge in the meganewtonrange. In fact,the generation of transversal forces and moments iscomplex since a force standard machine (FSM) is only able to apply an uniaxial force. Furthermore since MFTs are composed of multi-transducers, each one dedicated to a particular component, correlations between force and moment componentsare possible. Therefore, acalibration systemthat could simultaneously generate all force/moment components and could be suitableinevery FSMis needed. For this purpose, a coupleof tilted plates was designed. Calibration measurements were performed on a 2 MN MFT at INRiM, LNE and PTB. Exploitation matrixes and performance indicators showed good results, unless small but not negligible correlations between MFT outputs. In particularsome spurious valuesdue to the uncertainty inthe vertical force application pointinfluencedthe moment components

    Modelling the development and arrangement of the primary vascular structure in plants

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    Background and Aims The process of vascular development in plants results in the formation of a specific array of bundles that run throughout the plant in a characteristic spatial arrangement. Although much is known about the genes involved in the specification of procambium, phloem and xylem, the dynamic processes and interactions that define the development of the radial arrangement of such tissues remain elusive. Methods This study presents a spatially explicit reaction-diffusion model defining a set of logical and functional rules to simulate the differentiation of procambium, phloem and xylem and their spatial patterns, starting from a homogeneous group of undifferentiated cells. Key Results Simulation results showed that the model is capable of reproducing most vascular patterns observed in plants, from primitive and simple structures made up of a single strand of vascular bundles (protostele), to more complex and evolved structures, with separated vascular bundles arranged in an ordered pattern within the plant section (e.g. eustele). Conclusions The results presented demonstrate, as a proof of concept, that a common genetic-molecular machinery can be the basis of different spatial patterns of plant vascular development. Moreover, the model has the potential to become a useful tool to test different hypotheses of genetic and molecular interactions involved in the specification of vascular tissue

    Adult conspecific density affects Janzen-Connell patterns by modulating the recruitment exclusion zones

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    Plant-soil negative feedback (NF) is a well-established phenomenon that, by preventing the dominance of a single species, allows species coexistence and promotes the maintenance of biodiversity. At community scale, localized NF may cause the formation of exclusion zones under adult conspecifics leading to Janzen-Connell (JC) distribution. In this study, we explore the connection between adult density, either conspecifics or heterospecifics, on the probability of occurrence of JC distributions. Using an individual-based modelling approach, we simulated the formation of exclusion zones due to the build-up of NF in proximity of conspecific adult plants and assessed the frequency of JC distribution in relation to conspecifics and heterospecifics density ranging from isolated trees to closed forest stands. We found that JC recruitment distribution is very common in the case of an isolated tree when NF was strong and capable to form an exclusion zone under the parent tree. At very low NF intensity, a prevalence of the decreasing pattern was observed because, under such conditions, the inhibitory effect due to the presence of the mother tree was unable to overcome the clustering effect of the seed dispersal kernel. However, if NF is strong the JC frequency suddenly decreases in stands with a continuous conspecific cover likely as a result of progressive expansion of the exclusion zone surrounding all trees in closed forest stands. Finally, our simulations showed that JC distribution should not be frequent in the case of rare species immersed in a matrix of heterospecific adults. Overall, the model shows that a plant suffering from strong NF in monospecific stands can rarely exhibit a recruitment pattern fitting the JC model. Such counterintuitive results would provide the means to reconcile the well-established NF framework with part the forest ecologists’ community that is still skeptical towards the JC model.SynthesisOur model highlights the complex interconnection between NF intensity, stand density, and recruitment patterns explaining where and why the JC distribution occurs. Moreover, predicting the occurrence of JC in relation to stand density we clarify the relevance of this ecological phenomenon for future integration in plant community frameworks

    Fire regime: history and definition of a key concept in disturbance ecology

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    "Fire regime” has become, in recent decades, a key concept in many scientific domains. In spite of its wide spread use, the concept still lacks a clear and wide established definition. Many believe that it was first discussed in a famous report on national park management in the United States, and that it may be simply defined as a selection of a few measurable parameters that summarize the fire occurrence patterns in an area. This view has been uncritically perpetuated in the scientific community in the last decades. In this paper we attempt a historical reconstruction of the origin, the evolution and the current meaning of "fire regime” as a concept. Its roots go back to the 19th century in France and to the first half of the 20th century in French African colonies. The "fire regime” concept took time to evolve and pass from French into English usage and thus to the whole scientific community. This coincided with a paradigm shift in the early 1960s in the United States, where a favourable cultural, social and scientific climate led to the natural role of fires as a major disturbance in ecosystem dynamics becoming fully acknowledged. Today the concept of "fire regime” refers to a collection of several fire-related parameters that may be organized, assembled and used in different ways according to the needs of the users. A structure for the most relevant categories of parameters is proposed, aiming to contribute to a unified concept of "fire regime” that can reconcile the physical nature of fire with the socio-ecological context within which it occur

    Modelling Lobbying Behaviour and Interdisciplinarity Dynamics in Academia

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    Disciplinary diversity is being recognized today as the key to establish a vibrant academic environment with bigger potential for breakthroughs in research and technology. However, the interaction of several factors including policies, and behavioral attitudes put significant barriers on advancing interdisciplinarity. A "cognitive rigidity" may rise due to reactive academic lobbying favouring inbreeding. Here, we address, analyse and discuss a mathematical model of lobbying and interdisciplinarity dynamics in Academia. The model consists of four coupled non-linear Ordinary Differential Equations simulating the interaction between three types of academic individuals and a state reflecting the rate of knowledge advancement which is related to the level of disciplinary diversity. Our model predicts a rich nonlinear behaviour including multiplicity of states and sustained periodic oscillations resembling the everlasting struggle between the "new" and the "old". The effect of a control policy that inhibits lobbying is also studied. By appropriate adjustment of the model parameters we approximated the jump/phase transitions in breakthroughs in mathematical and molecular biological sciences resulted by the increased flow of Russian scientists in the USA after the dissolution of the Soviet Union starting in 1989, the launch of the Human Genome Project in 1992 and the Internet diffusion starting in 2000

    An agricultural system in a hostile environment: the Late Roman site of Umm al-Dabadib - Kharga Oasis (Egypt)

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    Funded by an ERC consolidator Grant, focuses on archaeological and environmental methodology used to investigate a chain of Late Roman fortified settlements of the Kharga Oasis, located in Egypt’s Western Desert, that in the Fourth Century AD represented a portion of the southern boundary of the Roman empire. The best-preserved site is Umm al-Dabadib containing the virtually intact remains of an imposing settlement with a vast and elaborated agricultural system. The site fully represents the struggle between man and environment on a knife edge. Ancient Roman centuriatio (field division), subterranean aqueducts (qanat), covered conduits, open-air canals, outlines of fields are studied using a combination of classic and innovative investigation techniques (3D survey, archaeological excavations of the built-up area and the agricultural system, archaeobotanical analyses, ceramic studies, analyses of satellite images)

    Effects due to the misalignment of build-up systems for force measurements in the Meganewton range

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    Calibration of force transducers in the Meganewton range is typically performed by comparison with reference build-up systems (BUS) under hydraulic presses for high loads. The centring of a BUS isa difficultoperation due to itsweight and dimension, andpossible misalignmentsand the resultingeffects are usually neglected.In this work the effect on force measurements due toa 3 mmmisalignment of a 3 MN BUS wasevaluated.Measurements were performed at INRiM and at LNE in hydraulic presses.Itis shown that the relative measurement errorsdue to misalignment were lowerthan the declared CMC uncertainty,thus the shiftof the BUSdid not influence the measurements
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