6 research outputs found

    Effect of nitrate supply and mycorrhizal inoculation on characteristics of tobacco root plasma membrane vesicles

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    Plant plasma membrane (pm) vesicles from mycorrhizal tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun) roots were isolated with negligible fungal contamination by the aqueous two-phase partitioning technique as proven by fatty acid analysis. Palmitvaccenic acid became apparent as an appropriate indicator for fungal membranes in root pm preparations. The pm vesicles had a low specific activity of the vanadate-sensitive ATPase and probably originated from non-infected root cells. In a phosphate-limited tobacco culture system, root colonisation by the vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, Glomus mosseae, is inhibited by external nitrate in a dose-dependent way. However, detrimental high concentrations of 25 mM nitrate lead to the highest colonisation rate observed, indicating that the defence system of the plant is impaired. Nitric oxide formation by the pm-bound nitrite:NO reductase increased in parallel with external nitrate supply in mycorrhizal roots in comparison to the control plants, but decreased under excess nitrate. Mycorrhizal pm vesicles had roughly a twofold higher specific activity as the non-infected control plants when supplied with 10–15 mM nitrate

    Sixteen diverse laboratory mouse reference genomes define strain-specific haplotypes and novel functional loci.

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    We report full-length draft de novo genome assemblies for 16 widely used inbred mouse strains and find extensive strain-specific haplotype variation. We identify and characterize 2,567 regions on the current mouse reference genome exhibiting the greatest sequence diversity. These regions are enriched for genes involved in pathogen defence and immunity and exhibit enrichment of transposable elements and signatures of recent retrotransposition events. Combinations of alleles and genes unique to an individual strain are commonly observed at these loci, reflecting distinct strain phenotypes. We used these genomes to improve the mouse reference genome, resulting in the completion of 10 new gene structures. Also, 62 new coding loci were added to the reference genome annotation. These genomes identified a large, previously unannotated, gene (Efcab3-like) encoding 5,874 amino acids. Mutant Efcab3-like mice display anomalies in multiple brain regions, suggesting a possible role for this gene in the regulation of brain development

    Bildung und physiologische Bedeutung von Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) am Plasmalemma von Tabakwurzeln (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun NN)

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    Anorganische Stickstoffformen, wie Nitrat oder Nitrit, dienen in Pflanzen als Quelle fĂŒr die enzymatische Bildung des SignalmolekĂŒls Stickstoffmonoxid (NO). In Wurzeln wird NO an der apoplastischen Seite der Plasmamembran (PM) durch die Nitrit:NO-Reduktase (NI-NOR) gebildet, die fĂŒr Nitrit eine hohe AffinitĂ€t aufweist. Die dafĂŒr benötigten Elektronen stammen aus der Oxidation von Succinat, wobei in vitro auch Elektronen aus reduziertem Cytochrom c akzeptiert werden. Zur fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Lokalisierung der NI-NOR (in planta) innerhalb der Tabakwurzeln (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun) wurden DAF-Farbstoffe (Diaminofluoresceine) eingesetzt, die sich jedoch aufgrund zahlreicher NO-unspezifische Reaktionen zum Nachweis der NI-NOR unter den gegebenen experimentellen Bedingungen nicht eigneten. Die Bestimmung und Quantifizierung der NI-NOR-AktivitĂ€t in vitro, an isolierten PM-Vesikeln, solubilisierten PM-Proteinen und partiell gereinigten PM-Proteinen, erfolgte mittels Chemilumineszenzanalyse. Neben NO wurde unter Anwendung der Membran-Inlet-Massenspektrometrie an PM-Vesikeln außerdem die Bildung von N2O und NO2 nachgewiesen. In AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der externen NitraternĂ€hrung der Tabakpflanzen bestand ein Zusammenhang zwischen der NI-NOR-AktivitĂ€t und der Kolonisierungsrate der Wurzeln mit dem vesikulĂ€r-arbuskulĂ€ren Mykorrhizapilz Glomus mosseae, wobei geringe NI-NOR-AktivitĂ€ten unter Stickstoffmangelbedingungen mit hohen Kolonisierungsraten und umgekehrt hohe NI-NOR-AktivitĂ€ten bei optimaler NitraternĂ€hrung mit geringen Kolonisierungsraten korrelierten. Die NI-NOR-AktivitĂ€t wurde konzentrationsabhĂ€ngig und reversibel durch die Anwesenheit von Sauerstoff gehemmt und erreichte bei einer Luftsauerstoffkonzentration von 21 % noch etwa 22 % ihrer ursprĂŒnglichen, unter anoxischen Bedingungen gemessenen AktivitĂ€t. Um die IdentitĂ€t dieses Enzyms ĂŒber massenspektrometrische Analysen zu klĂ€ren, wurde die NI-NOR ausgehend von isolierten PM-Vesikeln aus Tabakwurzeln durch Solubilisierung sowie ĂŒber chromatographische und gelelektrophoretische Trennungsmethoden aufgereinigt. Mit Hilfe der Massenspektrometrie wurden vor allem verschiedene Aquaporine und KanĂ€le sowie einige noch unbekannte Proteine identifiziert, bei denen es sich möglicherweise um die NI-NOR handeln könnte. Eine Oxidoreduktase, als möglicher Kandidat fĂŒr die NI-NOR, wurde jedoch nicht gefunden.Inorganic forms of oxidized nitrogen, as nitrate and nitrite, serve as sources for enzymatic formation of the signalling compound nitric oxide (NO) in plants. At the apoplastic face of root plasma membranes, NO is produced by nitrite:NO reductase (NI-NOR), an enzyme with high affinity towards its substrate nitrite. Electrons for this reaction derived from the oxidation of succinate. In vitro, NI-NOR accepts also electrons from reduced cytochrome c. Diaminofluoresceins (DAF) were used to localise NI-NOR activity within the root tissues of tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun) by fluorescence microscopy in planta. Under the applied experimental conditions, the DAF dyes turned out to be NO unspecific and were therefore unsuitable for the detection of NI-NOR activity. Enzymatic NO formation by isolated plasma membrane vesicles, solubilised and partially purified plasma membrane proteins was analyzed by chemiluminescence in vitro. Beside NO, also N2O and NO2 were shown to be produced by purified plasma membrane vesicles using membrane inlet mass spectrometry. Depending on nitrate supply, a correlation between NI-NOR activity and root colonisation rate with the vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae was found. Low NI-NOR activity under nitrate deficiency corresponded to a high colonisation rate whereas high NI-NOR activity under optimal nitrate supply was found with a low colonisation rate. NI-NOR activity was proven to be reversibly inhibited by oxygen in a concentration dependent manner. In ambient air, NI-NOR activity attained about 22 % of its activity measured under anoxia. To identify NI-NOR by mass spectrometry, the enzyme was enriched from isolated plasma membrane vesicles by solubilisation, chromatography and gel electrophoresis. Different aquaporines, membrane channel proteins and some so far unknown proteins were identified by mass spectrometry. The latter are possible candidates for NI-NOR. However, no oxidoreductase, as expected for NI-NOR, was found