691 research outputs found

    The Design of a Cognitive Apprenticeship to Facilitate Storytime Programming for Librarians

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    The majority of research that has been conducted on structuring mentorship programs has been on career support in terms of transferring tacit and explicit knowledge from the supervisor to the protégé. While the instructional design literature touts that cognitive apprenticeships provide a great framework for constructivist and situated learning environments, little research has been done examining how much time should be allocated to the various phases of the apprenticeship framework. The purpose of this study was to explore whether the use of a cognitive apprenticeship framework could be used to mentor new librarians. Data was collected and analyzed in three phases. Phase 1 consisted of a needs assessment to determine the skills necessary for programmers to deliver a curriculum based storytime. Phase 2 data collected during the implementation of the cognitive apprenticeship included observation and reflective journals. Data collected during Phase 3 consisted of participant interviews immediately following the implementation of the cognitive apprenticeship, and three months after the conclusion of the study. All data was coded and analyzed using a phenemonological approach. The researchers found the need for flexibility when utilizing a cognitive apprenticeship model, based on participant prior knowledge and experience, the importance of the modeling and coaching stages of the model, participant desire for working with other programmers being trained

    Events and their impact on place - towards an international practice-based classification system

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    Events and festivals have been shown to be catalysts for place making, particularly in terms of community engagement, pride of place and even place branding, though the latter remains a contested topic. Whilst a substantial and growing body of literature exists on the impact of events and festivals on town and city centres, much of the focus of past research has been on economic and social issues. Yet, as the focus of event impact evaluation begins to shift towards their longer term legacy - the London Olympic Games have been a prime example of this -, this paper argues that the environmental impact research agenda will grow in importance and summarises some of the early findings of a pan-European research study led by the University of East London with project partners in ten different countries and funding from the European Regional Development Fund’s INTERREG IVC programme. In line with this and building on earlier work on town centre management and urban revitalisation schemes across Europe, this paper argues the case for the development of an international classification system for events and festivals that helps funders and local policy makers to compare international practice and improve decision making with regards to event planning, funding and implementation with particular emphasis on sustainability

    Influence of religiosity on the quality of life and on pain intensity in chronic pancreatitis patients after neurolytic celiac plexus block:Case-controlled study

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    The quality of life in patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP) is reduced due to their suffering of high levels of pain. It has been presented that quality of life can also be linked to religiosity and/or spirituality. The aim of this study is to assess the influence of religious practices on the quality of life and on the subjective level of pain in CP patients. Ninety-two patients (37 women and 55 men) with chronic pancreatitis were treated invasively for pain with neurolytic celiac plexus block (NCPB). The religiosity of the patients was recorded and served as a dichotomizer. Group 1 was for patients who claimed to have no contact with the church or to have very sporadic contact (N = 35 patients). Group 2 was for patients who claimed to have deep faith and were regular participants at church activities (N = 57 patients). Visual analogue scale was used to assess pain, while the quality of life was measured by using QLQ C-30 questionnaire adapted for chronic pancreatitis patients in Polish population. The patients were assessed prior to the pain-relieving intervention and subsequently 2 and 8 weeks after it. The intensity of pain was reduced in both groups significantly after performing the NCPB. Patients who declared a deep faith reported higher level of pain on the VAS scale prior to intervention than non-religious patients. Quality of life in both groups of patients significantly improved after NCPB. Following NCPB, global quality of life in patients who declared higher religiosity/church attendance was significantly higher (79.88) than for those patients who have no contact or sporadic contact with the church (44.21, P < 0.05). NCPB resulted in significant reduction of pain and increase in quality of life in both groups of patients with CP. Nevertheless, in the group declaring higher religiosity/church attendance, reported pain was higher, but, despite that, quality of life better. It may be concluded that religious practices might serve as an additional factor improving quality of life and coping in patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis. Keywords Chronic pancreatitis Pain Coping Religiosity Neurolytic coeliac plexus block NCPB Spiritualit

    Inhibition of the MEK/ERK pathway augments nab-paclitaxel-based chemotherapy effects in preclinical models of pancreatic cancer

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    Nab-paclitaxel (NPT) combination with gemcitabine (Gem) represents the standard chemotherapy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Genetic alterations of the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK (MAPK) signaling pathway yielding constitutive activation of the ERK cascade have been implicated as drivers of PDAC. Inhibition of downstream targets in the RAS-MAPK cascade such as MEK remains a promising therapeutic strategy. The efficacy of trametinib (Tra), a small molecule inhibitor of MEK1/2 kinase activity, in combination with nab-paclitaxel-based chemotherapy was evaluated in preclinical models of PDAC. The addition of trametinib to chemotherapy regimens showed a trend for an additive effect on tumor growth inhibition in subcutaneous AsPC-1 and Panc-1 PDAC xenografts. In a peritoneal dissemination model, median animal survival compared to controls (20 days) was increased after therapy with NPT (33 days, a 65% increase), Tra (31 days, a 55% increase), NPT+Tra (37 days, a 85% increase), NPT+Gem (39 days, a 95% increase) and NPT+Gem+Tra (49 days, a 145% increase). Effects of therapy on intratumoral proliferation and apoptosis corresponded with tumor growth inhibition. Trametinib effects were specifically accompanied by a decrease in phospho-ERK and an increase in cleaved caspase-3 and cleaved PARP-1 proteins. These findings suggest that the effects of nab-paclitaxel-based chemotherapy can be enhanced through specific inhibition of MEK1/2 kinase activity, and supports the clinical application of trametinib in combination with standard nab-paclitaxel-based chemotherapy in PDAC patients

    New, emerging and re-emerging fungal diseases on medicinal and aromatic plants in European domain

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    Plant diseases cause agricultural and economic loss and impact negatively on human and animal health through mycotoxins and allergens produced by them. They also have consequences for biodiversity conservation. The pathogens could be classified in five categories: new - detected within the last five years; emerging - have always been present in an area but have grown in importance over the years; re-emerging - have been previously controlled but are once more a major problem associated with chemical resistance or changes in management or cultivars; threatening - not reported or limited in distribution in Europe and chronic-spreading – known for longer than 20 years and causing increased concern. Diseases emerge or re-emerge due to changes in farming practices, development of new strains of the pathogen, climate change, introduction of the pathogen to new geographical locations, or introduction of more efficient pathogen vectors. During the last years emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) are of special concern to researchers. Among all pathogens fungi are responsible for the greatest damage to plants in both agricultural and natural ecosystems. They represent over 70 % of all plant pathogens and over 30 % of plant EIDs. Surveys on fungal diseases of medicinal and aromatic plants have been carried out in the framework of several research projects between Germany, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Poland in the last two decades. EIDs have been reported, either as novel pathogens or as familiar pathogens affecting new host species. The importance of the problem could be illustrated by such examples as some phytopathogenic fungi on Apiaceae and Lamiaceae hosts discussed in the present work

    Differences in estimates of size distribution of beryllium powder materials using phase contrast microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and liquid suspension counter techniques

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    Accurate characterization of the physicochemical properties of aerosols generated for inhalation toxicology studies is essential for obtaining meaningful results. Great emphasis must also be placed on characterizing particle properties of materials as administered in inhalation studies. Thus, research is needed to identify a suite of techniques capable of characterizing the multiple particle properties (i.e., size, mass, surface area, number) of a material that may influence toxicity. The purpose of this study was to characterize the morphology and investigate the size distribution of a model toxicant, beryllium. Beryllium metal, oxides, and alloy particles were aerodynamically size-separated using an aerosol cyclone, imaged dry using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), then characterized using phase contrast microscopy (PCM), a liquid suspension particle counter (LPC), and computer-controlled SEM (CCSEM). Beryllium metal powder was compact with smaller sub-micrometer size particles attached to the surface of larger particles, whereas the beryllium oxides and alloy particles were clusters of primary particles. As expected, the geometric mean (GM) diameter of metal powder determined using PCM decreased with aerodynamic size, but when suspended in liquid for LPC or CCSEM analysis, the GM diameter decreased by a factor of two (p < 0.001). This observation suggested that the smaller submicrometer size particles attached to the surface of larger particles and/or particle agglomerates detach in liquid, thereby shifting the particle size distribution downward. The GM diameters of the oxide materials were similar regardless of sizing technique, but observed differences were generally significant (p < 0.001). For oxides, aerodynamic cluster size will dictate deposition in the lung, but primary particle size may influence biological activity. The GM diameter of alloy particles determined using PCM became smaller with decreasing aerodynamic size fraction; however, when suspended in liquid for CCSEM and LPC analyses, GM particle size decreased by a factor of two (p < 0.001) suggesting that alloy particles detach in liquid. Detachment of particles in liquid could have significance for the expected versus actual size (and number) distribution of aerosol delivered to an exposure subject. Thus, a suite of complimentary analytical techniques may be necessary for estimating size distribution. Consideration should be given to thoroughly understanding the influence of any liquid vehicle which may alter the expected aerosol size distribution