19 research outputs found

    Modulation of REI silencing transcription factor REST via DNA and RNA strategies

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    Modulation of REI silencing transcription factor REST via DNA and RNA strategie

    The VersaLive platform enables microfluidic mammalian cell culture for versatile applications

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    Microfluidic-based cell culture allows for precise spatio-temporal regulation of microenvironment, live cell imaging and better recapitulation of physiological conditions, while minimizing reagents' consumption. Despite their usefulness, most microfluidic systems are designed with one specific application in mind and usually require specialized equipment and expertise for their operation. All these requirements prevent microfluidic-based cell culture to be widely adopted. Here, we designed and implemented a versatile and easy-to-use perfusion cell culture microfluidic platform for multiple applications (VersaLive) requiring only standard pipettes. Here, we showcase the multiple uses of VersaLive (e.g., time-lapse live cell imaging, immunostaining, cell recovery, cell lysis, plasmid transfection) in mammalian cell lines and primary cells. VersaLive could replace standard cell culture formats in several applications, thus decreasing costs and increasing reproducibility across laboratories. The layout, documentation and protocols are open-source and available online at https://versalive.tigem.it/

    Discordance in pathology report after central pathology review: Implications for breast cancer adjuvant treatment

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    Abstract Aim Pathological predictive factors are the most important markers when selecting early breast cancer adjuvant therapy. In randomized clinical trials the variability in pathology report after central pathology review is noteworthy. We evaluated the discordance rate (DR) and inter-rater agreement between local and central histopathological report and the clinical implication on treatment decision. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted in a series of consecutive early breast cancer tumors diagnosed by local pathologists and subsequently reviewed at the Pathology Division of European Institute of Oncology. The inter-rater agreement (k) between local and central pathology was calculated for Ki-67, grading, hormone receptors (ER/PgR) and HER2/neu. The Bland–Altman plots were derived to determine discrepancies in Ki-67, ER and PgR. DR was calculated for ER/PgR and HER2. Results From 2007 to 2013, 187 pathology specimens from 10 Cancer Centers were reviewed. Substantial agreement was observed for ER (k0.612; 95% CI, 0538–0.686), PgR (k0.659; 95% CI, 0580–0.737), Ki-67 (k0.609; 95% CI, 0.534–0.684) and grading (k0.669; 95% CI, 0.569–0.769). Moderate agreement was found for HER2 (k0.546; 95% CI, 0444–0.649). DR was 9.5% (negativity to positivity) and 31.7% (positivity to negativity) for HER2 and 26.2% (negativity to positivity) and 12.5% (positivity to negativity) for ER/PgR. According to changes in Her2 and ER/PgR status, 23 (12.2%) and 33 (17.6%) systemic prescription were respectively modified. Conclusions In our retrospective analysis, central pathological review has a significant impact in the decision-making process in early breast cancer, as shown in clinical trials. Further studies are warranted to confirm these provocative results

    Engineering REST-Specific Synthetic PUF Proteins to Control Neuronal Gene Expression: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study

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    Regulation of gene transcription is an essential mechanism for differentiation and adaptation of organisms. A key actor in this regulation process is the repressor element 1 (RE1)-silencing transcription factor (REST), a transcriptional repressor that controls more than 2000 putative target genes most of which are neuron-specific. With the purpose of modulating REST expression, we exploited synthetic, ad hoc designed, RNA Binding Proteins (RBPs) able to specifically target and dock to REST mRNA. Amongst the various families of RBPs, we focused on the Pumilio and FBF (PUF) proteins, present in all eukaryotic organisms and controlling a variety of cellular functions. Here, a combined experimental and computational approach was used to design and test 8- and 16-repeat PUF proteins specific for REST mRNA. We explored the conformational properties and atomic features of the PUF-RNA recognition code by Molecular Dynamics simulations. Biochemical assays revealed that the 8- and 16-repeat PUF-based variants specifically bind the endogenous REST mRNA without affecting its translational regulation. The data also indicate a key role of stacking residues in determining the binding specificity. The newly characterized REST-specific PUF-based constructs act as excellent RNA-binding modules and represent a versatile and functional platform to specifically target REST mRNA and modulate its endogenous expression

    miRNAs confer phenotypic robustness to gene networks by suppressing biological noise

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    miRNAs are small non-coding RNAs able to modulate target gene expression. It has been postulated that miRNAs confer robustness to biological processes, but clear experimental evidence is still missing. Here, using a synthetic biological approach, we demonstrate that microRNAs provide phenotypic robustness to transcriptional regulatory networks by buffering fluctuations in protein levels. We construct a network motif in mammalian cells exhibiting a 'toggle-switch' phenotype in which two alternative protein expression levels define its ON and OFF states. The motif consists of an inducible transcription factor that self-regulates its own transcription and that of a miRNA against the transcription factor itself. We confirm, using mathematical modelling and experimental approaches, that the microRNA confers robustness to the toggle-switch by enabling the cell to maintain and transmit its state. When absent, a dramatic increase in protein noise level occurs, causing the cell to randomly switch between the two states

    CCDC6 and USP7 expression levels suggest novel treatment options in high-grade urothelial bladder cancer

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    The muscle invasive form of urothelial bladder cancer (UBC) is a deadly disease. Currently, the therapeutic approach of UBC is mostly based on surgery and standard chemotherapy. Biomarkers to establish appropriate drugs usage are missing. Deficiency of the tumor suppressor CCDC6 determines PARP-inhibitor sensitivity. The CCDC6 levels are modulated by the deubiquitinase USP7. In this work we scored CCDC6 and USP7 expression levels in primary UBC and we evaluated the expression levels of CCDC6 in correlation with the effects of the PARP-inhibitors combined with the USP7 inhibitor, P5091, in vitro. Since PARP-inhibitors could be enhanced by conventional chemotherapy or DNA damage inducers, we tested the new agent RRx-001, able to induce DNA damage, to prove the benefit of combined treatments in bladder cancer cells

    MRI in Late-Onset Rasmussen Encephalitis: A Long-Term Follow-Up Study

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    Late-onset Rasmussen encephalitis (LoRE) is a rare unihemispheric progressive inflammatory disorder causing neurological deficits and epilepsy. The long-term radiological evolution has never been fully described. We retrospectively analyzed the MR images of 13 LoRE patients from a total of 136 studies, and searched for focal areas of volume loss or signal intensity abnormality in grey matter or white matter. Each subject had a median of nine MRI studies (IQR 7–13). Frontal and temporal lobes were the most affected regions (13/13 and 8/13, respectively) and showed the greatest worsening over time in terms of atrophic changes (9/13 and 5/8, respectively). A milder cortical atrophy was found in the insular and parietal lobes. The caudate nucleus was affected in seven patients. Hyperintensities of grey matter and white matter on T2-WI and FLAIR images were observed in all patients, and transiently in eight patients. In two cases out of the latter patients, these transient alterations evolved into atrophy of the same region. Disease duration was significantly associated with signal abnormalities in the grey matter at last follow-up. LoRE MRI alterations are milder, and their progression is markedly slower compared to radiological findings described in the childhood form

    IL-33 and Superantigenic Activation of Human Lung Mast Cells Induce the Release of Angiogenic and Lymphangiogenic Factors. (VARRICCHI ULTIMO AUTORE E AUTORE CORRISPONDENTE)

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    Human lung mast cells (HLMCs) express the high-affinity receptor FcεRI for IgE and are strategically located in different compartments of human lung, where they play a role in several inflammatory disorders and cancer. Immunoglobulin superantigens (e.g., protein A of Staphylococcus aureus and protein L of Peptostreptococcus magnus) bind to the variable regions of either the heavy (VH3) or light chain (κ) of IgE. IL-33 is a cytokine expressed by epithelial cells that exerts pleiotropic functions in the lung. The present study investigated whether immunoglobulin superantigens protein A and protein L and IL-33 caused the release of inflammatory (histamine), angiogenic (VEGF-A) and lymphangiogenic (VEGF-C) factors from HLMCs. The results show that protein A and protein L induced the rapid (30 min) release of preformed histamine from HLMCs. By contrast, IL-33 did not induce the release of histamine from lung mast cells. Prolonged incubation (12 h) of HLMCs with superantigens and IL-33 induced the release of VEGF-A and VEGF-C. Preincubation with IL-33 potentiated the superantigenic release of histamine, angiogenic and lymphangiogenic factors from HLMCs. Our results suggest that IL-33 might enhance the inflammatory, angiogenic and lymphangiogenic activities of lung mast cells in pulmonary disorders

    Definition of IgG Subclass-Specific Glycopatterns in Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy: Aberrant IgG Glycoforms in Blood

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    The podocyte injury, and consequent proteinuria, that characterize the pathology of idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN) is mediated by an autoimmune reaction against podocyte antigens. In particular, the activation of pathways leading to abundant renal deposits of complement is likely to involve the binding of mannose-binding lectin (MBL) to aberrant glycans on immunoglobulins. To obtain a landscape of circulatory IgG Fc glycosylation characterizing this disease, we conducted a systematic N-glycan profiling study of IgG1, 2, and 4 by mass spectrometry. The cohort included 57 IMN patients, a pathological control group with nephrotic syndrome (PN) (n = 20), and 88 healthy control subjects. The effect of sex and age was assessed in all groups and controlled by rigorous matching. Several IgG Fc glycan traits were found to be associated with IMN. Interestingly, among them, only IgG4-related results were specific for IMN and not for PN. Hypo-galactosylation of IgG4, already shown for IMN, was observed to occur in the absence of core fucose, in line with a probable increase of pro-inflammatory IgG. In addition, elevated levels of fucosylated IgG4, along with low levels of hybrid-type glycans, were detected. Some of these IgG4 alterations are likely to be more pronounced in high PLA2R (phospholipase A2 receptor) patients. IgG Fc glycosylation patterns associated with IMN warrant further studies of their role in disease mechanisms and may eventually enrich the diagnostic spectrum regarding patient stratification