3,884 research outputs found

    Reversals in nature and the nature of reversals

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    The asymmetric shape of reversals of the Earth's magnetic field indicates a possible connection with relaxation oscillations as they were early discussed by van der Pol. A simple mean-field dynamo model with a spherically symmetric α\alpha coefficient is analysed with view on this similarity, and a comparison of the time series and the phase space trajectories with those of paleomagnetic measurements is carried out. For highly supercritical dynamos a very good agreement with the data is achieved. Deviations of numerical reversal sequences from Poisson statistics are analysed and compared with paleomagnetic data. The role of the inner core is discussed in a spectral theoretical context and arguments and numerical evidence is compiled that the growth of the inner core might be important for the long term changes of the reversal rate and the occurrence of superchrons.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Towards a precession driven dynamo experiment

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    The most ambitious project within the DREsden Sodium facility for DYNamo and thermohydraulic studies (DRESDYN) at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) is the set-up of a precession-driven dynamo experiment. After discussing the scientific background and some results of water pre-experiments and numerical predictions, we focus on the numerous structural and design problems of the machine. We also outline the progress of the building's construction, and the status of some other experiments that are planned in the framework of DRESDYN.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Magnetohydrodynamic

    An epidemiological assessment of lens opacifications that impaired vision in patients injected with radium-224

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    The incidence of lens opacifications that impaired vision (cataract) was analyzed among 831 patients who were injected with known dosages of 224Ra in Germany shortly after World War II. The dependence of the incidence on dosage, i.e., injected activity per unit body weight, and on time after treatment was determined. The observations are equally consistent with proportionality of the incidence of cataract to the square of dosage or with a linear dependence beyond a threshold of 0.5 MBq/kg. The possibility of a linear dependence without threshold was strongly rejected (P less than 0.001). The analysis of temporal dependences yielded a component that was correlated with the injected amount of 224Ra and a component that was uncorrelated. The former was inferred by a maximum likelihood analysis to increase approximately as the square of the time after treatment. The component unrelated to the treatment was found to increase steeply with age and to become dominant within the collective of patients between age 50 and 60. The relative magnitudes of the two components were such that a fraction of 55 to 60% of the total of 58 cataracts had to be ascribed to the dose-related incidence. Impaired vision due to cataract was diagnosed before age 54 in 25 cases. In terms of injected activity per unit body weight no dependence of the sensitivity on age was found; specifically there was no indication of a faster occurrence of the treatment-related cataracts in patients treated at older ages

    One-Parameter Darboux-Deformed Fibonacci Numbers

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    One-parameter Darboux deformations are effected for the simple ODE satisfied by the continuous generalizations of the Fibonacci sequence recently discussed by Faraoni and Atieh [Symmetry 13, 200 (2021)], who promoted a formal analogy with the Friedmann equation in the FLRW homogeneous cosmology. The method allows the introduction of deformations of the continuous Fibonacci sequences, hence of Darboux-deformed Fibonacci (non integer) numbers. Considering the same ODE as a parametric oscillator equation, the Ermakov-Lewis invariants for these sequences are also discussed


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    In language learning, sometimes, the students made errors in written language. The students are difficult to master writing comprehension. They get difficulties to comprehend the grammatical system in writing English sentence. They also need to consider about the grammatical components of English that differ from Indonesian language. This article describes about errors made by the students in writing dialogue script. Thirty students from the second grade of SMPN 8 SKA were asked to write about free essay in dialogue script. All students writing are, then, analyzed in order to investigate students’ errors. Based on linguistic category and surface strategy, it can be concluded that the students have difficulties in grammar (tenses, preposition, agreement, article), lexicon (vocabulary and spelling), punctuation for linguistic category and addition (double marking, regularization, simple addition), omission, misformation (regularization, archiform, alternating form), misordering for surface strategy. Most students tend to have difficulties in spelling and omissio

    Electromagnetic induction in non-uniform domains

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    Kinematic simulations of the induction equation are carried out for different setups suitable for the von-K\'arm\'an-Sodium (VKS) dynamo experiment. Material properties of the flow driving impellers are considered by means of high conducting and high permeability disks that are present in a cylindrical volume filled with a conducting fluid. Two entirely different numerical codes are mutually validated by showing quantitative agreement on Ohmic decay and kinematic dynamo problems using various configurations and physical parameters. Field geometry and growth rates are strongly modified by the material properties of the disks even if the high permeability/high conductivity material is localized within a quite thin region. In contrast the influence of external boundary conditions remains small. Utilizing a VKS like mean fluid flow and high permeability disks yields a reduction of the critical magnetic Reynolds number for the onset of dynamo action of the simplest non-axisymmetric field mode. However this decrease is not sufficient to become relevant in the VKS experiment. Furthermore, the reduction of Rm_c is essentially influenced by tiny changes in the flow configuration so that the result is not very robust against small modifications of setup and properties of turbulence

    Psychiatric profile of motor subtypes of de novo drug-naïve Parkinson's disease patients

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    Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder. It is well established that different motor subtypes of PD evolve with different clinical courses and prognoses. The complete psychiatric profile underlying these different phenotypes since the very early stage of the disease is debated. Aims of the study: We aimed at investigating the psychiatric profile of the three motor subtypes of PD (akinetic-rigid, tremor-dominant, and mixed) in de novo drug-naïve patients with PD. Methods: Sixty-eight patients with PD, divided into 39 akinetic-rigid (AR), seven mixed (MIX), and 22 tremor-dominant (TD) patients underwent a complete assessment of psychiatric, cognitive, and motor symptoms. Results: No significant differences were found among groups. Conclusions: Our results suggest that a differentiation of the psychiatric symptoms associated with specific motor subtypes of PD is not detectable in de novo drug-naïve patients. Previous evidence that emerges later along the disease progression may be a consequence of the dopaminergic and nondopaminergic damage increase