20 research outputs found

    Period -- mass-loss rate relation of Miras with and without technetium

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    Aims: We report the discovery that Mira variables with and without absorption lines of the element technetium (Tc) occupy two different regions in a diagram of near- to mid-infrared colour versus pulsation period. Tc is an indicator of a recent or ongoing mixing event called the third dredge-up (3DUP), and the near- to mid-IR colour, such as the (K-[22]) colour where [22] is the the 22 micron band of the WISE space observatory, is an indicator of the dust mass-loss rate of a star. Methods: We collected data from the literature about the Tc content, pulsation period, and near- and mid-infrared magnitudes of more than 190 variable stars on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) to which Miras belong. The sample is naturally biased towards optical AGB stars, which have low to intermediate (dust) mass-loss rates. Results: We show that a clear relation between dust mass-loss rate and pulsation period exists if a distinction is made between Tc-poor and Tc-rich Miras. Surprisingly, at a given period, Tc-poor Miras are redder in (K-[22]) than are Tc-rich Miras; i.e. they have higher mass-loss rates than the Tc-rich Miras. A few stars deviate from this trend; physical explanations are given for these exceptions, such as binarity or high mass. Conclusions: We put forward two hypotheses to explain this dichotomy and conclude that the two sequences formed by Tc-poor and Tc-rich Miras are probably due to the different masses of the two groups. The pulsation period has a strong correlation with the dust-mass loss rate, indicating that the pulsations are indeed triggering a dust-driven wind. The location in the (K-[22]) vs. period diagram can be used to distinguish between pre- and post-3DUP Miras, which we apply to a sample of Galactic bulge AGB stars. We find that 3DUP is probably not common in AGB stars in the inner bulge.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (5 pages, 2 figures, 1 on-line table); final version (language corrected

    Two barium stars in the Galactic bulge

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    Barium stars conserve important information on the s-process and the third dredge-up in intermediate mass stars. Their discovery in various environments is therefore of great help to test nucleosynthesis and mixing models. Our aim is to analyse two stars with a very strong barium line detected in a large survey of red giants in the Galactic bulge. Abundance analysis was done comparing synthetic model spectra based on the COMARCS code with our medium resolution spectra. Abundances of Ba, La, Y, and Fe were determined. Beside the two main targets, the analysis was also applied to two comparison stars. We confirm that both stars are barium stars. They are the first ones of this kind identified in the Galactic bulge. Their barium excesses are among the largest values found up to now. The elemental abundances are compared with current nucleosynthesis and mixing models. Furthermore, we estimate a frequency of barium stars in the Galactic bulge of about 1%, which is identical to the value for disc stars.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Interplay between pulsation, mass loss, and third dredge-up: More about Miras with and without technetium

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    We follow-up on a previous finding that AGB Mira variables containing the 3DUP indicator technetium (Tc) in their atmosphere form a different sequence of K-[22] colour as a function of pulsation period than Miras without Tc. A near- to mid-infrared colour such as K-[22] is a good probe for the dust mass-loss rate of the stars. Contrary to what might be expected, Tc-poor Miras show redder K-[22] colours (i.e. higher dust mass-loss rates) than Tc-rich Miras at a given period. Here, the previous sample is extended and the analysis is expanded towards other colours and dust spectra. The most important aim is to investigate if the same two sequences can be revealed in the gas mass-loss rate. We analysed new optical spectra and expanded the sample by including more stars from the literature. Near- and mid-IR photometry and ISO dust spectra of our stars were investigated. Literature data of gas mass-loss rates of Miras and semi-regular variables were collected and analysed. Our results show that Tc-poor Miras are redder than Tc-rich Miras in a broad range of the mid-IR, suggesting that the previous finding based on the K-[22] colour is not due to a specific dust feature in the 22 micron band. We establish a linear relation between K-[22] and the gas mass-loss rate. We also find that the 13 micron feature disappears above K-[22]~2.17 mag, corresponding to \dot{M}_{\rm g}\sim2.6\times10^{-7}M_{\sun}yr^{-1}. No similar sequences of Tc-poor and Tc-rich Miras in the gas mass-loss rate vs. period diagram are found, most probably owing to limitations in the available data. Different hypotheses to explain the observation of two sequences in the P vs. K-[22] explain the observation of two sequences in the P vs. K-[22 diagram are discussed and tested, but so far none of them convincingly explains the observations. Nevertheless, we might have found an hitherto unknown but potentially important process influencing mass loss on the TP-AGB.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, 2 online tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Constraining the structure and formation of the Galactic bulge from a field in its outskirts. FLAMES-GIRAFFE spectra of about 400 red giants around (l,b)=(0{\deg},-10{\deg})

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    The presence of two stellar populations in the Milky Way bulge has been reported recently. We aim at studying the abundances and kinematics of stars in the outer bulge, thereby providing additional constraints on models of its formation. Spectra of 401 red giant stars in a field at (l,b)=(0{\deg},-10{\deg}) were obtained with FLAMES at the VLT. Stars of luminosities down to below the two bulge red clumps (RCs) are included. From these spectra we measure general metallicities, abundances of Fe and the alpha-elements, and radial velocities (RV) of the stars. These measurements as well as photometric data are compared to simulations with the Besancon and TRILEGAL models of the Galaxy. We confirm the presence of two populations among our sample stars: i) a metal-rich one at [M/H] ~+0.3, comprising about 30% of the sample, with low RV dispersion and low alpha-abundance, and ii) a metal-poor population at [M/H] ~-0.6 with high RV dispersion and high alpha-abundance. The metal-rich population could be connected to the Galactic bar. We identify this population as the carrier of the double RC feature. We do not find a significant difference in metallicity or RV between the two RCs, a small difference in metallicity being probably due to a selection effect. The RV dispersion agrees well with predictions of the Besancon Galaxy model, but the metallicity of the "thick bulge" model component should be shifted to lower metallicity by 0.2 to 0.3dex to well reproduce the observations. We present evidence that the metallicity distribution function depends on the evolutionary state of the sample stars, suggesting that enhanced mass loss preferentially removes metal-rich stars. We also confirm the decrease of \alpha-element over-abundance with increasing metallicity.Comment: 19 pages (excluding on-line table), 21 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Mass loss and luminosities of S and C AGB stars with and without Li

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    AbstractWe present the preliminary results of an analysis performed on two samples of thermally pulsing Asymptotic Giant Branch stars from our Galaxy, the first made of carbon-rich sources and the second of S-type stars. We have estimated their absolute luminosities and updated rates of the stellar winds through methods based on their infrared spectrophotometry and on updated estimates of their variability and distance.We then focus on those sources in our database showing Li in their spectra looking for correlations between the Li abundance and the other physical parameters, in the aim of establishing observational criteria for understanding the conditions for the occurrence of the deep mixing phenomena to which the production of Li is currently attributed

    Elemental abundances in AGB stars and the formation of the Galactic bulge

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    We obtained high-resolution near-IR spectra of 45 AGB stars located in the Galactic bulge. The aim of the project is to determine key elemental abundances in these stars to help constrain the formation history of the bulge. A further aim is to link the photospheric abundances to the dust species found in the winds of the stars. Here we present a progress report of the analysis of the spectra.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of the conference "Assembling the Puzzle of the Milky Way", Le Grand-Bornand, France, 17-22 April 2011, European Physical Journal, editors C. Reyl\'e, A. Robin and M. Schulthei

    Collisional decoherence observed in matter wave interferometry

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    We study the loss of spatial coherence in the extended wave function of fullerenes due to collisions with background gases. From the gradual suppression of quantum interference with increasing gas pressure we are able to support quantitatively both the predictions of decoherence theory and our picture of the interaction process. We thus explore the practical limits of matter wave interferometry at finite gas pressures and estimate the required experimental vacuum conditions for interferometry with even larger objects.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The wave nature of biomolecules and fluorofullerenes

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    We demonstrate quantum interference for tetraphenylporphyrin, the first biomolecule exhibiting wave nature, and for the fluorofullerene C60F48 using a near-field Talbot-Lau interferometer. For the porphyrins, which are distinguished by their low symmetry and their abundant occurence in organic systems, we find the theoretically expected maximal interference contrast and its expected dependence on the de Broglie wavelength. For C60F48 the observed fringe visibility is below the expected value, but the high contrast still provides good evidence for the quantum character of the observed fringe pattern. The fluorofullerenes therefore set the new mark in complexity and mass (1632 amu) for de Broglie wave experiments, exceeding the previous mass record by a factor of two.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure