111 research outputs found


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    Data Analytics and Optimization for Decision Support

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    Utilizing Dual Information for Moving Target Search Trajectory Optimization

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    Various recent events have shown the enormous importance of maritime search-and-rescue missions. By reducing the time to find floating victims at sea, the number of casualties can be reduced. A major improvement can be achieved by employing autonomous aerial systems for autonomous search missions, allowed by the recent rise in technological development. In this context, the need for efficient search trajectory planning methods arises. The objective is to maximize the probability of detecting the target at a certain time k, which depends on the estimation of the position of the target. For stationary target search, this is a function of the observation at time k. When considering the target movement, this is a function of all previous observations up until time k. This is the main difficulty arising in solving moving target search problems when the duration of the search mission increases. We present an intermediate result for the single searcher single target case towards an efficient algorithm for longer missions with multiple aerial vehicles. Our primary aim in the development of this algorithm is to disconnect the networks of the target and platform, which we have achieved by applying Benders decomposition. Consequently, we solve two much smaller problems sequentially in iterations. Between the problems, primal and dual information is exchanged. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach utilizing dual information within the category of moving target search problems. We show the applicability in computational experiments and provide an analysis of the results. Furthermore, we propose well-founded improvements for further research towards solving real-life instances with multiple searchers

    Genetic Algorithm Approach for Casualty Processing Schedule

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    Searching for an optimal casualty processing schedule can be considered a key element in the MCI response phase. Genetic algorithm (GA) has been widely applied for solving this problem. In this paper, it is proposed a GA-based optimization model for addressing the casualty processing scheduling problem (CPSP). It aims to develop a GA-based optimization model in which only a part of the chromosome (solution) involves in the evolutionary process. This can result in a less complex training process than previous GA-based approaches. Moreover, the study attempts to investigate two common objectives in CPSP: maximizing the number of survivals and minimizing the makespan. The proposed GA-based model is evaluated on two real-world scenarios in the Republic of Moldova, FIRE, and FLOOD. The paper suggests that GA models with a population size of 500 or smaller can be applied for MCI scenarios. The first objective can help many casualties receiving specialization treatments at hospitals

    Intercepting a Target with Sensor Swarms

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    The article of record as published may be located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/HICSS.2013.281This paper introduces a new coordination method to intercept a mobile target in urban areas with a team of sensor platforms. The task is to intercept the target before it leaves the area. The approach combines algorithmic concepts from ant colony and particle swarm optimization in order to bias the search and to spread the team in the search area. The algorithms introduced are tested in simulation experiments on grids. The success probabilities measured are relatively high for most parameter combinations, and the target is intercepted in roughly half the simulation time on average. Furthermore, the experiments reveal robust behavior with regard to the parameter setting
