40 research outputs found

    Age-related differences of microRNA-21 in leukocytes and its association with physical performance

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    INTRODUCTION: Several studies suggest chronic inflammation as an underlying biological mechanism for the decline in physical performance of elderly (Cesari et al., 2004; Tiainen et al., 2010). Moreover, it has been shown that habitual exercise ameliorates the higher proinflammatory gene expression in leukocytes of elderly (Gano et al., 2011). Within the last years several microRNAs (short, non-coding RNAs) have been demonstrated to regulate gene expression also in the context of exercise immunology (Wessner et al., 2010). Interestingly, some of these microRNAs (miRs) such as miR-21 and miR-146 are involved in pathways important for ageing as well as inflammatory processes (Olivieri et al. 2012). Therefore, the main aims of the current study were (1) to investigate whether miR-21 and miR-146 levels in leukocytes are affected by age and (2) to correlate performance levels of elderly to miR gene expression levels. METHODS: Healthy young (n=7, age: 25.28 ± 2.3 years) and old (n=25, age: 83.40 ± 5.63 years) females participated in the study. After an overnight fast, leukocytes were isolated from heparinized blood using BD Vacutainer CPT tubes. miR-21 and miR146 gene expression in leukocytes was determined by quantitative RT-PCR using miScript Primer Assays (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Additonally, leukocyte numbers and inflammatory markers (hs-CRP, hs-IL6, IL1-ra) were quantified. In order to relate potential inflammtaory markers to the fitness level of the elderly, several functional tests were performed (handgrip, 6min walking test, chair-rise test, isokinetic measurement of knee extension and flexion). Differences between groups were detected by unpaired t-tests. Correlations between markers were characterized using Pearson correlation coefficients. RESULTS: Interestingly, miR-21 expression in leukocytes was significantly enhanced in the elderly (+55.1%, p=0.036) while miR-146a levels were not affected by age (p=0.492). However, miR-21 correlated signifantly with hs-CRP levels (r=0.352; p=0.033), we did not detect any associations between miR-21 expression and performance parameters of the elderly: Handgrip (r=0.533; p=0.121), 6-min Walking Test (r=0.231; p=0.220), Chair Rise (r=0.336; p=0.070), Peak Torque knee extension (r=0.589; p=0.105) as well as flexion (r=0.203; p=0.291). CONCLUSION: In conclusion these preliminary results show that miR-21 seems to be enhanced with age but not influenced by fitness level of the elderly. Gene targets of miR-21 have been identified in the TGF-β signaling pathway. Therefore, next steps would be to associate the changes in miR-21with its potential targets to further elucidate its role in the ageing process

    Reinventing ‘Many Voices’: MacBride and a Digital New World Information and Communication Order

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    The MacBride Commission Report was arguably one of the most significant multilateral interventions in the history of international communication. This article charts its emergence at the time of deeply contested Cold War politics, coinciding with the rise of the southern voices in the global arena, led by the non-aligned nations. Thirty-five years after the report's publication, has the global media evolved into a more democratic system, demonstrating greater diversity of views and viewpoints? Despite the still formidable power of US-led western media, the article suggests that the globalisation and digitisation of communication has contributed to a multi-layered and more complex global media scene, demonstrating the “rise of the rest”

    A Predictive Model for Corticosteroid Response in Individual Patients with MS Relapses

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    <div><p>Objectives</p><p>To derive a simple predictive model to guide the use of corticosteroids in patients with relapsing remitting MS suffering an acute relapse.</p><p>Materials and Methods</p><p>We analysed individual patient randomised controlled trial data (n=98) using a binary logistic regression model based on age, gender, baseline disability scores [physician-observed: expanded disability status scale (EDSS) and patient reported: multiple sclerosis impact scale 29 (MSIS-29)], and the time intervals between symptom onset or referral and treatment.</p><p>Results</p><p>Based on two a priori selected cut-off points (improvement in EDSS ≥ 0.5 and ≥ 1.0), we found that variables which predicted better response to corticosteroids after 6 weeks were younger age and lower MSIS-29 physical score at the time of relapse (model fit 71.2% - 73.1%).</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>This pilot study suggests two clinical variables which may predict the majority of the response to corticosteroid treatment in patients undergoing an MS relapse. The study is limited in being able to clearly distinguish factors associated with treatment response or spontaneous recovery and needs to be replicated in a larger prospective study.</p></div

    Apples and Dragon Fruits: The Determinants of Aid and Other Forms of State Financing from China to Africa

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    Bush the transnationalist: a reappraisal of the unilateralist impulse in US foreign policy, 2001-2009

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    This article challenges the common characterisation of George W. Bush’s foreign policy as “unilateral.” It argues that the Bush administration developed a new post-9/11 understanding of terrorism as a transnational, networked phenomenon shaped by the forces of globalisation. This led to a new strategic emphasis on bi- and multilateral security co-operation and counterterrorism operations, especially outside of Afghanistan and Iraq, driven by the perceived need to counter a transnational security challenge present in multiple locations. This (flawed) attempt to engage with transnational security challenges supplemented the existing internationalist pillar of the Bush administration’s foreign policy. Highlighting the transnational realm of international relations and the ways in which the Bush administration was able to co-opt other states to tackle perceived transnational challenges also shows the high importance the administration attached to concerted action even as it frequented eschewed institutional multilateralism

    Aid on Demand: African Leaders and the Geography of China's Foreign Assistance

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    Die Geschichte jüdischen Lebens in Großpetersdorf im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert

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    Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es, die jüdische Geschichte des südburgenländischen Ortes Großpetersdorf in ihrer Gesamtheit darzustellen. Sie wird dabei mit denen der großen burgenländischen Judengemeinden in Kontext gesetzt. Zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts begann sich in Großpetersdorf eine jüdische Gemeinde zu etablieren, die sich kontinuierlich weiterentwickelte. Die Einflüsse, die durch sie auf die Gemeinde wirkten, sollen in der Arbeit beleuchtet werden. Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt bilden die Familienrekonstruktionen, welche helfen sollen, die jüdischen Bürger in Großpetersdorf zu verorten. Ihre Besitzstände und ihre zum Teil heute noch bestehenden Häuser, in denen sie lebten, werden darin aufgezeigt. Deutlich gemacht werden soll auch der große nationalsozialistische Einfluss, unter dem die Großpetersdorfer Juden zu leiden hatten und der schließlich das Ende der jüdischen Gemeinde bedeutete. Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Vertreibung der Juden und der daraus resultierenden „Arisierung“ jüdischen Besitzes. Als Hauptarbeitsquellen diesbezüglich wurden Archiv- und Arisierungsakte aus dem Landesarchiv Burgenland herangezogen. Den Abschluss der Arbeit bildet eine Interviewanalyse – ein damals noch sehr junger Mann erinnert sich dabei an Geschichten, die man aus dieser Zeit erzählte und an selbst Erlebtes. Die mit dem Abzug der Juden aus Großpetersdorf in Vergessenheit geratene jüdische Geschichte soll durch diese Arbeit ins Bewusstsein gerufen werden.--- [Printversion enhält 2 CDs

    Creating Non-Photorealistic Images the Designer&apos;s Way

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    We present a novel way for quickly and easily designing nonphotorealistic images based on elementary operations which are linked together to create a variety of visual effects. Rather than mimicking a visual effect that an artist has already produced, we instead mimick the process undergone for the artist to produce that image. Compared to traditional approaches, this opens the possibility to have the images created by users with no programming skills. We describe a modular system that makes these elementary operatios available to the user. A specially designed user interface allows for an easy and intuitive combination of these operations to create an image. Visual feedback is provided to the user at any time and for any stage in the process