27 research outputs found

    CLARIAH-DE cross-service search - prospects and benefits of merging subject-specific services

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    CLARIAH-DE combines services and offerings of CLARIN-D and DARIAH-DE. This includes various search applications which are made directly available to researchers. These search applications are presented in this working paper based on their main characteristics and compared with a focus on possible harmonizations. Opportunities and risks of different forms of technical integration are highlighted. Identified challenges can be explained in particular considering the background of different organizational and technical frameworks as well as highly specific and discipline-dependent requirements. The integration work that has already been carried out and the experiences gained with regard to future work and possible integration of further applications are also discussed. The experiences made in CLARIAH-DE can especially be of interest for other projects in the field of digital research infrastructures

    Daten sammeln, modellieren und durchsuchen mit DARIAH - DE

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    Die sammlungsübergreifende Recherche und Nachnutzung geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschungsdaten stehen im Blickpunkt aktueller Forschung in den Digital Humanities. Obwohl das Interesse an einer Zusammenführung digitaler Forschungsdaten bereits kurz nach der Einführung erster digitaler Bibliotheken um die Jahrtausendwende entstand, bleibt die Integration von Forschungsdaten über Sammlungsgrenzen hinweg ein aktuelles Forschungsthema. Bei einer forschungsorientierten Betrachtung von Sammlungen digitaler Daten (also z. B. digitale Texte, Digitalisate, Normdaten, Metadaten) stellt sich die Frage nach den Anforderungen und Erfolgskriterien einer übergreifenden Föderation, Verarbeitung und Visualisierung von Forschungsdaten. Entgegen der in der Praxis üblichen Orientierung an institutionellen Anforderungen stellen die in DARIAH-DE entwickelten Konzepte und Dienste zur Verzeichnung, Korrelation und Zusammenführung von Forschungsdaten die Bedürfnisse von WissenschaftlerInnen im Kontext ihrer Forschungsfragen in den Mittelpunkt. Dies äußert sich beispielsweise darin, dass DARIAH-DE keine strukturellen Bedingungen an Forschungsdaten stellt. Stattdessen können Daten so publiziert, modelliert und integriert werden, dass eine möglichst gute Passung an den jeweiligen geisteswissenschaftlichen Kontext erreicht wird

    Zebrafish biosensor for toxicant induced muscle hyperactivity

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    Robust and sensitive detection systems are a crucial asset for risk management of chemicals, which are produced in increasing number and diversity. To establish an in vivo biosensor system with quantitative readout for potential toxicant effects on motor function, we generated a transgenic zebrafish line TgBAC(hspb11:GFP) which expresses a GFP reporter under the control of regulatory elements of the small heat shock protein hspb11. Spatiotemporal hspb11 transgene expression in the musculature and the notochord matched closely that of endogenous hspb11 expression. Exposure to substances that interfere with motor function induced a dose-dependent increase of GFP intensity beginning at sub-micromolar concentrations, while washout of the chemicals reduced the level of hspb11 transgene expression. Simultaneously, these toxicants induced muscle hyperactivity with increased calcium spike height and frequency. The hspb11 transgene up-regulation induced by either chemicals or heat shock was eliminated after co-application of the anaesthetic MS-222. TgBAC(hspb11:GFP) zebrafish embryos provide a quantitative measure of muscle hyperactivity and represent a robust whole organism system for detecting chemicals that affect motor function

    Der Stroop Room : Ein tragbares Stresslabor in Virtueller Realität auf Basis des Elektrokardiogramms

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    According to the World Health Organization, stress-related problems and diseases will be one of the major healthcare problems in this decade. Prolonged exposure to stress has been found to reduce immune system functioning and promote secondary diseases like hypertension, arrhythmias, and stroke. In order to combat this development, the relatively young field of stress research needs tools to assess stress levels and reactivity parameters in large populations to advance research especially with respect to work-related stress management. Existing stress research methods like the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) are unsuitable for such endeavors, as they cannot easily be applied at scale. This work introduces a wearable, in-the-wild usable stress laboratory approach. Its prototypical implementation, from wearable-based biosignal recording device up to virtual reality-enhanced mobile stress recognition toolbox, can be used to assess and classify stress and the stress response of users within minutes at scale, without requiring complicated and expensive laboratory evaluations.Nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation werden stressbedingte Probleme und Krankheiten eines der größten Probleme im Gesundheitswesen in diesem Jahrzehnt sein. Eine längere Stressexposition beeinträchtigt die Funktion des Immunsystems und begünstigt Folgeerkrankungen wie Bluthochdruck, Herzrhythmusstörungen und Schlaganfall. Um dieser Entwicklung entgegenzuwirken, benötigt das relativ junge Gebiet der Stressforschung Instrumente zur Bewertung von Stressniveaus und Reaktivitätsparametern in großen Populationen, um die Forschung insbesondere im Hinblick auf die arbeitsbedingte Stressbewältigung voranzubringen. Bestehende Methoden der Stressforschung wie der Trierer Soziale Stresstest (TSST) sind für solche Bestrebungen ungeeignet, da sie sich nicht ohne weiteres in großem Maßstab anwenden lassen. Diese Arbeit stellt einen tragbaren, überall verwendbaren Stresslaboransatz vor. Seine prototypische Umsetzung, vom tragbaren Biosignalaufzeichnungsgerät bis hin zu einer mobilen Stresserkennungs-Toolbox in virtueller Realität, kann dazu verwendet werden, Stress und die Stressreaktion von Benutzern innerhalb von Minuten in großen Fallzahlen zu bewerten und zu klassifizieren, ohne dass komplizierte und teure Laborauswertungen erforderlich sind

    Big Data und Smart Data in den Geisteswissenschaften

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    Die Verbindung von großen Datenbeständen und geeigneten quantitativen Verfahren ermöglicht es, in den Geisteswissenschaften neue Fragestellungen zu formulieren und bereits bekannte Fragestellungen neu zu denken. Im Kontext des Cluster 5 wird die Möglichkeit genutzt, philologisch-kritische und historisch-vergleichende Perspektiven in die Modellierung großer Datenbestände einfließen zu lassen und in weiterer Folge neue, auf geisteswissenschaftliche Fragestellungen zugeschnittene Analysewerkzeuge zu entwickeln. Das beinhaltet auch die Möglichkeit der empirischen Überprüfung theoretischer Vorannahmen und Kategoriebildungen sowie eine Erweiterung und Veränderung der Modi akademischer Wissensproduktion – durch eine solche Modellierung wird schließlich auch eine unmittelbare Anwendbarkeit und Erfahrbarkeit geisteswissenschaftlicher Begrifflichkeiten möglich. Der Beitrag beschreibt zwei in Cluster 5 entwickelte Analysewerkzeuge: Dariah-DKPro-Wrapper, ein Softwarepaket zur automatischen linguistischen Analyse, zugeschnitten insbesondere auf literarische Texte in Buchlänge, sowie Cosmotool, ein Such- und Analysewerkzeug zur Exploration grenzübergreifender Lebensläufe anhand strukturierter und unstrukturierter Datenbestände

    Rediscovering the double Friedel-Crafts acylation : an expedient entry to phenanthrene-9,10-diones

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    The double Friedel–Crafts acylation of readily accessible biaryls with oxalyl chloride delivers the respective phenanthrene-9,10-diones, providing an alternative to the traditional methods, which require harsh oxidizing conditions and multistep sequences. This simple method allows the synthesis of various symmetrical and non-symmetrical targets, and is even effective for the synthesis of the parent ring system from (unactivated) biphenyl

    Comparison of Different Algorithms for Calculating Velocity and Stride Length in Running Using Inertial Measurement Units

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    Running has a positive impact on human health and is an accessible sport for most people. There is high demand for tracking running performance and progress for amateurs and professionals alike. The parameters velocity and distance are thereby of main interest. In this work, we evaluate the accuracy of four algorithms, which calculate the stride velocity and stride length during running using data of an inertial measurement unit (IMU) placed in the midsole of a running shoe. The four algorithms are based on stride time, foot acceleration, foot trajectory estimation, and deep learning, respectively. They are compared using two studies: a laboratory-based study comprising 2377 strides from 27 subjects with 3D motion tracking as a reference and a field study comprising 12 subjects performing a 3.2-km run in a real-world setup. The results show that the foot trajectory estimation algorithm performs best, achieving a mean error of 0.032 ± 0.274 m/s for the velocity estimation and 0.022 ± 0.157 m for the stride length. An interesting alternative for systems with a low energy budget is the acceleration-based approach. Our results support the implementation decision for running velocity and distance tracking using IMUs embedded in the sole of a running shoe

    Virtual and augmented reality in sports: An overview and acceptance study

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    The interest in virtual and augmented reality exploded during the last two years. We propose the use of these systems in the field of sports by combining this technology with a local area radio-based localization technology. This allows for novel application scenarios using virtual environments in team-based sports, which are outlined in this work. We conducted an online survey among 227 athletes about the acceptance of virtual reality headsets for training in different kind of sport disciplines

    Protein Surface Recognition by Rational Design: Nanomolar Ligands for

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    ys involving radioactive 86 Rb ions. 8 Electrophysiological methods can also be used to investigate the blocking characteristics of ligands, either at the whole cell (voltage clamp) or single channel (patch clamp) level. A large number of natural peptide inhibitors that bind to the pore region of these channels have been isolated from scorpions, snakes, spiders, and other organisms. In addition to this, a limited set of small-molecule blockers that bind in the same region of the channel, such as tetraethylammonium ion (TEA), have been identified. None of these inhibitors, however, make full use of the four-fold symmetry of a homotetrameric channel. Double-cycle mutant studies have identified residues in the channel's outer vestibule that are essential for high-affinity interaction of peptide inhibitors. 10 Some of these "hot spot" residues A-C are highlighted in a sequence alignment of KcsA with several potassium channels of the K v 1x class. They are mapped onto the crysta

    Instantaneous P- and T-wave detection: Assessment of three ECG fiducial points detection algorithms

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    Arrhythmia detection algorithms require the exact and instantaneous detection of fiducial points in the ECG signal. These fiducial points (QRS-complex, P- and T-wave) correspond to distinct cardiac contraction phases. The performance evaluation of different fiducial points detection algorithms require the existence of large databases (DBs) encompassing reference annotations. Up to last year, P- and T-wave annotations were only available for the QT DB. This was addressed by Elgendi et al. who provided P- and T-wave annotations to the MIT-BIH arrhythmia DB. A variety of ECG fiducial points detection algorithms exists in literature, whereas, to the best knowledge of the authors, we could not identify any single-lead algorithm ready for instantaneous P- and T-wave detection. In this work, we present three P- and T-wave detection algorithms: a revised version for QRS detection using line fitting capable to detect P- and T-wave, an expeditious version of a wavelet based ECG delineation algorithm, and a fast naive fiducial points detection algorithm. The fast naive fiducial points detection algorithm performed best on both DBs with sensitivities ranging from 73.0% (P-wave detection, error interval of 40 ms) to 89.4% (T-wave detection, error interval of 80 ms). As this algorithm detects a wave event in every search window, it has to be investigated how this affects arrhythmia detection algorithms. The reference Matlab implementations are available for download to encourage the development of high-accurate and automated ECG processing algorithms for the integration in daily life using mobile computers