2,367 research outputs found

    Getting Feasible Variable Estimates From Infeasible Ones: MRF Local Polytope Study

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    This paper proposes a method for construction of approximate feasible primal solutions from dual ones for large-scale optimization problems possessing certain separability properties. Whereas infeasible primal estimates can typically be produced from (sub-)gradients of the dual function, it is often not easy to project them to the primal feasible set, since the projection itself has a complexity comparable to the complexity of the initial problem. We propose an alternative efficient method to obtain feasibility and show that its properties influencing the convergence to the optimum are similar to the properties of the Euclidean projection. We apply our method to the local polytope relaxation of inference problems for Markov Random Fields and demonstrate its superiority over existing methods.Comment: 20 page, 4 figure

    Weyl structures with positive Ricci tensor

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    We prove the vanishing of the first Betti number on compact manifolds admitting a Weyl structure whose Ricci tensor satisfies certain positivity conditions, thus obtaining a Bochner-type vanishing theorem in Weyl geometry. We also study compact Hermitian-Weyl manifolds with non-negative symmetric part of the Ricci tensor of the canonical Weyl connection and show that every such manifold has first Betti number b1=1b_1 =1 and Hodge numbers hp,0=0h^{p,0} =0 for p>0p>0, h0,1=1h^{0,1} =1, h0,q=0h^{0,q} =0 for q>1q>1.Comment: 8 pages, Latex format, no figures; added section; to appear in Diff. Geom. App

    Emergence of Bloch oscillations in one-dimensional systems

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    Electrons in periodic potentials exhibit oscillatory motion in presence of an electric field. Such oscillations are known as Bloch oscillations. In this article we theoretically investigate the emergence of Bloch oscillations for systems where the electric field is confined to a finite region, like in typical electronic devices. We use a one-dimensional tight-binding model within the single-band approximation to numerically study the dynamics of electrons after a sudden switching-on of the electric field. We find a transition from a regime with direct current to Bloch oscillations when increasing the system size or decreasing the field strength. We propose a pump-probe scheme to observe the oscillations by measuring the accumulated charge as a function of the pulse-length

    A Spectral Gap Estimate and Applications

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    We consider the Schr\"odinger operator -\frac{d^2}{d x^2} + V \qquad \mbox{on an interval}~~[a,b]~\mbox{with Dirichlet boundary conditions}, where VV is bounded from below and prove a lower bound on the first eigenvalue λ1\lambda_1 in terms of sublevel estimates: if wV(y)=Iy, where Iy:={x[a,b]:V(x)y}, w_V(y) = |I_y|,\text{ where } I_y := \left\{ x \in [a,b]: V(x) \leq y \right\}, then λ11250miny>minV(1wV(y)2+y). \lambda_1 \geq \frac{1}{250} \min_{y > \min V}{\left(\frac{1}{w_V(y)^2} + y\right)}. The result is sharp up to a universal constant if {x[a,b]:V(x)y}\left\{ x \in [a,b]: V(x) \leq y \right\} is an interval for the value of yy solving the minimization problem. An immediate application is as follows: let ΩR2\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2 be a convex domain with inradius ρ\rho and diameter DD and let u:ΩRu:\Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R} be the first eigenfunction of the Laplacian Δ-\Delta on Ω\Omega with Dirichlet boundary conditions on Ω\partial \Omega. We prove uL1ρ(ρD)1/6uL2, \| u \|_{L^{\infty}} \lesssim \frac{1}{\rho^{}} \left( \frac{\rho}{D} \right)^{1/6} \|u\|_{L^2}, which answers a question of van den Berg in the special case of two dimensions

    Seismic waves damping with arrays of inertial resonators

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    We investigate the elastic stop band properties of a theoretical cubic array of iron spheres connected to a bulk of concrete via iron or rubber ligaments. Each sphere can move freely within a surrounding air cavity, but ligaments couple it to the bulk and further facilitate bending and rotational motions. Associated low frequency local resonances are well predicted by an asymptotic formula. We find complete stop bands (for all wave-polarizations) in the frequency range [16,21][16,21] Hertz (resp. [6,11][6,11] Hertz) for 7.47.4-meter (resp. 0.740.74-meter) diameter iron spheres with a 1010-meter (resp. 11-meter) center-to-center spacing, when they are connected to concrete via steel (resp. rubber) ligaments. The scattering problem shows that only bending modes are responsible for damping and that rotational modes are totally overwritten by bending modes. Regarding seismic applications, we further consider soil as a bulk medium, in which case the relative bandwidth of the low frequency stop band can be enlarged through ligaments of different sizes that allow for well separated bending and rotational modes. We finally achieve some damping of elastodynamic waves from 88 to 4949 Hertz (relative stop band of 143143 percent) for iron spheres 0.740.74-meter in diameter that are connected to soil with six rubber ligaments of optimized shapes. These results represent a preliminary step in the design of seismic shields placed around, or underneath, the foundations of large civil infrastructures

    Aerodynamic Stability of Satellites in Elliptic Low Earth Orbits

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    Topical observations of the thermosphere at altitudes below 200km200 \, km are of great benefit in advancing the understanding of the global distribution of mass, composition, and dynamical responses to geomagnetic forcing, and momentum transfer via waves. The perceived risks associated with such low altitude and short duration orbits has prohibited the launch of Discovery-class missions. Miniaturization of instruments such as mass spectrometers and advances in the nano-satellite technology, associated with relatively low cost of nano-satellite manufacturing and operation, open an avenue for performing low altitude missions. The time dependent coefficients of a second order non-homogeneous ODE which describes the motion have a double periodic shape. Hence, they will be approximated using Jacobi elliptic functions. Through a change of variables the original ODE will be converted into Hill's ODE for stability analysis using Floquet theory. We are interested in how changes in the coefficients of the ODE affect the stability of the solution. The expected result will be an allowable range of parameters for which the motion is dynamically stable. A possible extension of the application is a computational tool for the rapid evaluation of the stability of entry or re-entry vehicles in rarefied flow regimes and of satellites flying in relatively low orbits.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure