11 research outputs found

    Elucidation of different cold-adapted Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) trypsin X isoenzymes

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    Trypsins from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), consisting of several isoenzymes, are highly active cold-adapted serine proteases. These trypsins are isolated for biomedical use in an eco-friendly manner from underutilized seafood by-products. Our group has explored the biochemical properties of trypsins and their high potential in biomedicine. For broader utilization of cod trypsins, further characterization of biochemical properties of the individual cod trypsin isoenzymes is of importance. For that purpose, a benzamidine purified trypsin isolate from Atlantic cod was analyzed. Anion exchange chromatography revealed eight peaks containing proteins around 24 kDa with tryptic activity. Based on mass spectrometric analysis, one isoenzyme gave the best match to cod trypsin I and six isoenzymes gave the best match to cod trypsin X. Amino terminal sequencing of two of these six trypsin isoenzymes showed identity to cod trypsin X. Three sequence variants of trypsin X were identified by cDNA analysis demonstrating that various forms of this enzyme exist. One trypsin X isoenzyme was selected for further characterization based on abundance and stability. Stepwise increase in catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of this trypsin X isoenzyme was obtained with substrates containing one to three amino acid residues. The study demonstrates that the catalytic efficiency of this trypsin X isoenzyme is comparable to that of cod trypsin I, the most abundant and highly active isoenzyme in the benzamidine cod trypsin isolate. Differences in pH stability and sensitivity to inhibitors of the trypsin X isoenzyme compared to cod trypsin I were detected that may be important for practical use.Research funded by AVS R&D Fund of Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture in Iceland (R069-08, R11 028-11, R14 044-14) | Science and Technology Development Fund (120852-0611, 131804-0611)Ritrýnt tímaritPeer ReviewedPre-Prin

    Biochemical characterization of a native group III trypsin ZT from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)Atlantic cod trypsin ZT is biochemically characterized for the first time in this report in comparison to a group I trypsin (cod trypsin I). To our knowledge, trypsin ZT is the first thoroughly characterized group III trypsin. A more detailed understanding of trypsin ZT biochemistry may give insight into its physiological role as well as its potential use within the biotechnology sector. Stability is an important factor when it comes to practical applications of enzymes. Compared to trypsin I, trypsin ZT shows differences in pH and heat stability, sensitivity to inhibitors and sub-site substrate specificity as shown by multiplex substrate profiling analysis. Based on the analysis, trypsin ZT cleaved at arginine and lysine as other trypsins. Furthermore, trypsin ZT is better than trypsin I in cleaving peptides containing several consecutive positively charged residues. Lysine- and arginine-rich amino acid sequences are frequently found in human viral proteins. Thus, trypsin ZT may be effective in inactivating human and fish viruses implying a possible role for the enzyme in the natural defence of Atlantic cod. The results from this study can lead to multiple practical applications of trypsin ZT.This work was supported by the AVS R&D Fund of Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture in Iceland [grant reference number: R15 046-15 , R069-08 , R11 028-11 and R14 044-14 ]; and Technology Development Fund (The Icelandic Centre for Research ) [grant reference number: 120852-0611 and 131804-0611 ]. The funding source had no involvement in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in the decision to submit the article for publication.Peer Reviewe

    Kraftþjálfun fyrir handknattleik

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    Að hafa forskot á keppinaut sinn er eitthvað sem að allir íþróttamenn vilja hafa. Kraftur er einn þeirra þátta sem að getur gefið íþróttamönnum forskot á andstæðinga sína. Hlaupahraði, skotkraftur, stefnubreytingar og stökkkraftur eru dæmi um hreyfingar sem þarfnast krafts. Kraftþjálfun veitir íþróttamönnum hæfnina til þessa að framkvæma vinnu á sem skemmstum tíma. Margir fræðinmenn hafa rannsakað efnið og er verkefnið byggt á niðurstöðum þeirra rannsókna. Með þessu verkefni vill höfundur kynna kraftþjálfun á einfaldan og auðlesinn hátt. Einnig er megintilgangur verkefnisins að gefa þjálfurum yfirsýn yfir það hvernig eigi að haga kraftþjálfun og hvernig eigi að skipta þessari þjálfun niður eftir tímabilum á þjálfunarári

    Samanburðarkönnun á vindtúrbínum. Vestas V112-3.3 MW og Siemens SWT-3.4-108

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    Í þessari skýrslu eru bornar saman tvær gerðir af vindtúrbínum, gíraðar og ógíraðar af sambærilegri stærð, og framleiðslugeta þeirra skoðuð miðað við veðuraðstæður og vindafar í Þykkvabæ. Þær gerðir sem um ræðir eru Vestas VM112-3.3 MW (3,3 MW) og Siemens SWT-3.4-108 (3,4 MW). Veðurgögn frá veðurathugunarstöðinni í Þykkvabæ, mæld í 10 metra hæð yfir sjávarmáli, eru skoðuð og út frá þeim er vindhraði nálgaður upp í 90 m hæð og líka er fundin nálgun á þéttleika lofts. Veðurgreiningaforritið WAsP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) er notað til að gera vindrósir fyrir þau tímabil sem skoðuð eru. Niðurstaða samanburðarkönnunarinnar var sú að á rúmlega 15 ára tímabili hefðu báðar gerðir framleitt um 190 GWh af orku og út frá því er ályktað að horfa verði til annarra þátta en framleiðslugetu með tilliti til hagkvæmni

    Who joins the table? A critical overview of the co-creation approach for the implementation of an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management

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    Trabajo presentado en la MareFrame Final Meeting (MareFrame Policy & Scientific Days / Conference Co-creation of Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management - MareFrame final meeting), celebrada en Bruselas el 13 y 14 de diciembre de 2017.N