2,079 research outputs found

    Magnetometer suitable for Earth field measurement based on transient atomic response

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    We describe the development of a simple atomic magnetometer using 87^{87}Rb vapor suitable for Earth magnetic field monitoring. The magnetometer is based on time-domain determination of the transient precession frequency of the atomic alignment around the measured field. A sensitivity of 1.5 nT/Hz\sqrt{Hz} is demonstrated on the measurement of the Earth magnetic field in the laboratory. We discuss the different parameters determining the magnetometer precision and accuracy and predict a sensitivity of 30 pT/Hz\sqrt{Hz}Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    A diode laser stabilization scheme for 40Ca+ single ion spectroscopy

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    We present a scheme for stabilizing multiple lasers at wavelengths between 795 and 866 nm to the same atomic reference line. A reference laser at 852 nm is stabilized to the Cs D2 line using a Doppler-free frequency modulation technique. Through transfer cavities, four lasers are stabilized to the relevant atomic transitions in 40Ca+. The rms linewidth of a transfer-locked laser is measured to be 123 kHz with respect to an independent atomic reference, the Rb D1 line. This stability is confirmed by the comparison of an excitation spectrum of a single 40Ca+ ion to an eight-level Bloch equation model. The measured Allan variance of 10^(-22) at 10 s demonstrates a high degree of stability for time scales up to 100 s.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Fractal templates in the escape dynamics of trapped ultracold atoms

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    We consider the dynamic escape of a small packet of ultracold atoms launched from within an optical dipole trap. Based on a theoretical analysis of the underlying nonlinear dynamics, we predict that fractal behavior can be seen in the escape data. This data would be collected by measuring the time-dependent escape rate for packets launched over a range of angles. This fractal pattern is particularly well resolved below the Bose-Einstein transition temperature--a direct result of the extreme phase space localization of the condensate. We predict that several self-similar layers of this novel fractal should be measurable and we explain how this fractal pattern can be predicted and analyzed with recently developed techniques in symbolic dynamics.Comment: 11 pages with 5 figure

    Conceptual design of elliptical cavities for intensity and position sensitive beam measurements in storage rings

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    Position sensitive beam monitors are indispensable for the beam diagnostics in storage rings. Apart from their applications in the measurements of beam parameters, they can be used in non-destructive in-ring decay studies of radioactive ion beams as well as enhancing precision in the isochronous mass measurement technique. In this work, we introduce a novel approach based on cavities with elliptical cross-section, in order to compensate for existing limitations in ion storage rings. The design is aimed primarily for future heavy ion storage rings of the FAIR project. The conceptual design is discussed together with simulation results.Comment: Added definition of Uv and Pdiss in the introduction section. Added Mode numbering in table 1 and figure 1 for more clarity. Corrected one wrong figure reference. Other minor typo correction

    Distal motor latency and residuallatency as sensitive markersof anti-MAG polyneuropathy

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    Abstract.: There is debate whether the terminal latency index (TLI) is a sensitive marker for polyneuropathy with anti-myelinassociated-glycoprotein antibodies (anti-MAGP). We examined 6 patients with an anti-MAGP and 6 patients with a chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). The electroneurographic features studied were: distal compound motor action potential (CMAP), distal motor latency (DML), motor conduction velocity (MCV) elbow to wrist (distal MCV), MCV axilla to elbow (proximal MCV), MCV distal/proximal, terminal latency index (TLI), residual latency (RL), F-wave, and modified F ratio.We found significant differences between anti-MAGP and CIDP for DML and for RL.No significant differences were found for TLI and the other measures. The TLI values were not significant probably because our patients had a longer duration of disease,which supports the hypothesis of a distal to proximal progression of conduction slowing over time. We propose that a residual latency >4.0 and a distal motor latency >7.0 are strongly suggestive for an anti- MAG

    All sky Northern Hemisphere 10(15) EV gamma-ray survey

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    Flux limits in the range 10 to the minus 13th power-10 to the minus 12 power/sq cm/s have been obtained by observing Cerenkov flashes from small air showers. During 1983, a 3.5 sigma excess of showers was observed during the phase interval 0.2 to 0.3 of the 4.8h period of Cygnus X-3, but no excess was found in 1984 observations

    500 TeV gamma rays from Hercules X-1

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    A signal (chance probability = .0002) with the 1.24 s period of Hercules X-1 has been observed using the Utah Fly's Eye. The signal's relatively long period and high shower energy conflict with some popular models of particle acceleration by pulsars. Optical and X-ray data suggest a picture in which energetic particles produce multi-TeV gamma rays by collisions with Hercules X-1's accretion disk