1,369 research outputs found

    Resonant Five-body Recombination in an Ultracold Gas of Bosonic Atoms

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    We combine theory and experiment to investigate five-body recombination in an ultracold gas of atomic cesium at negative scattering length. A refined theoretical model, in combination with extensive laboratory tunability of the interatomic interactions, enables the five-body resonant recombination rate to be calculated and measured. The position of the new observed recombination feature agrees with a recent theoretical prediction and supports the prediction of a family of universal cluster states at negative aa that are tied to an Efimov trimer.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Double Quantum Dots in Carbon Nanotubes

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    We study the two-electron eigenspectrum of a carbon-nanotube double quantum dot with spin-orbit coupling. Exact calculation are combined with a simple model to provide an intuitive and accurate description of single-particle and interaction effects. For symmetric dots and weak magnetic fields, the two-electron ground state is antisymmetric in the spin-valley degree of freedom and is not a pure spin-singlet state. When double occupation of one dot is favored by increasing the detuning between the dots, the Coulomb interaction causes strong correlation effects realized by higher orbital-level mixing. Changes in the double-dot configuration affect the relative strength of the electron-electron interactions and can lead to different ground state transitions. In particular, they can favor a ferromagnetic ground state both in spin and valley degrees of freedom. The strong suppression of the energy gap can cause the disappearance of the Pauli blockade in transport experiments and thereby can also limit the stability of spin-qubits in quantum information proposals. Our analysis is generalized to an array of coupled dots which is expected to exhibit rich many-body behavior.Comment: 14 pages, 11 pages and 1 table. Typos in text and Figs.4 and 6 correcte

    Relationship between Exposureto Class Size Reductionand Student Achievementin California

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    The CSR Research Consortium has been evaluating the implementation of the Class Size Reduction initiative in California since 1998. Initial reports documented the implementation of the program and its impact on the teacher workforce, the teaching of mathematics and Language Arts, parental involvement and student achievement. This study examines the relationship between student achievement and the number of years students have been exposed to CSR in grades K-3. The analysis was conducted at the grade level within schools using student achievement data collected in 1998-2001. Archival data collected by the state were used to establish CSR participation by grade for each school in the state. Most students had one of two patterns of exposure to CSR, which differed by only one year during grade K-3. The analysis found no strong association between achievement and exposure to CSR for these groups, after controlling for pre-existing differences in the groups

    Preliminary report on IUE spectra of the Crab Nebula

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    The Crab Nebula is marginally observable with the IUE. Observations of the optically brightest filamentary regions, made with IUE in August 1979, show the C IV lambda 1549, He II lambda 1640, and C III lambda 1909 emission lines. The intensities of these lines were compared with the visual wavelength data. It appears that carbon is not overabundant in the Crab; carbon/oxygen is approximately normal and oxygen is slightly scarcer than normal as a fraction of the total mass

    Hyperspherical Description of the Degenerate Fermi Gas: S-wave Interactions

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    We present a unique theoretical description of the physics of the spherically trapped NN-atom degenerate Fermi gas (DFG) at zero temperature based on an ordinary Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a microscopic, two body interaction potential. With a careful choice of coordinates and a variational wavefunction, the many body Schr\"{o}dinger equation can be accurately described by a \emph{linear}, one dimensional effective Schr\"{o}dinger equation in a single collective coordinate, the rms radius of the gas. Comparisons of the energy, rms radius and peak density of ground state energy are made to those predicted by Hartree-Fock (HF). Also the lowest radial excitation frequency (the breathing mode frequency) agrees with a sum rule calculation, but deviates from a HF prediction

    A Middle Miocene Rhinoceros Quarry in Morrill County, Nebraska (with Notes on Hip Disease in Diceratherium)

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    Extensive deposits of fossil rhinoceros bones have been excavated from University of Nebraska State Museum collecting localities Mo-113, -114, -115, -116, and -118 some 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 miles north of Bridgeport, Morrill County, Nebraska. The fossils were associated with other faunal elements in the lower portion of the Marsland formation (middle Miocene) of the Hemingford group. The rhinoceros is considered to be Diceratherium niobrarensis Peterson, geologic variety. A pathologic right femur of D. niobrarensis provides evidence of hip disease in the medial Miocene rhinoceroses
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