1,684 research outputs found

    Rapport d'intervention du programme À vos stratĂ©gies, prĂȘts, partez!

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    Rapport d'analyse d'intervention prĂ©sentĂ© Ă  la FacultĂ© des arts et sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de MaĂźtrise Ăšs sciences (M. Sc.) en psychoĂ©ducation.Le programme À vos stratĂ©gies, prĂȘts, partez! vise les parents ayant un enfant atteint d'un trouble envahissant du dĂ©veloppement. Les objectifs proximaux de ce programme sont d'augmenter la qualitĂ© de la relation parent-enfant et d'augmenter l'utilisation de pratiques parentales Ă©ducatives chez ces parents dans le but de favoriser un fonctionnement adaptatif chez les enfants. Le programme a Ă©tĂ© implantĂ© dans un Centre local de services communautaires dans un quartier multiethnique de MontrĂ©al. Cinq dyades parents-enfants ayant des services d'une travailleuse sociales ont participĂ© au programme. Les enfants prĂ©sentaient un diagnostic de trouble de l'autisme, de trouble envahissant du dĂ©veloppement non-spĂ©cifiĂ© ou encore un syndrome d'Asperger. Le programme qui s'est fortement inspirĂ© du programme Ces AnnĂ©es incroyables Ă©tait composĂ© de six rencontres de groupe (co-animĂ©es avec une travailleuse sociale du milieu) et trois rencontre Ă  la maison oĂč de la rĂ©troaction vidĂ©o Ă©tait faite. Les thĂšmes discutĂ©s lors des rencontres de groupe Ă©taient : (1) les comportements de mon enfant ayant un diagnostic de trouble envahissant du dĂ©veloppement et ses besoins, (2) le jeu parent-enfant, (3) les fĂ©licitations et rĂ©compenses et (4) mettre des limites claires. Un devis Ă  protocole Ă  cas unique a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© afin d'Ă©valuer les effets du programme. Les rĂ©sultats ne suggĂšrent aucune tendance de groupe. Cependant, certains sujets semblent avoir amĂ©liorer leur perception de leur relation avec leur enfant (C01 p et C02) tandis que C03 semble avoir modifiĂ© de façon positive certaines de ses pratiques parentales. Afin de favoriser une plus grande atteinte des rĂ©sultats, il serait pertinent d'ajouter un volet psychosocial au programme ainsi qu'Ă©tendre le programme sur une plus longue pĂ©riode

    Boßte à outils destinée aux chercheurs de documents iconographiques

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    Travail rĂ©alisĂ© Ă  l'EBSI, UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, sous la direction de M. Yvon Lemay dans le cadre du cours SCI6111 - Politique de gestion des archives, Ă  l'automne 2013.Cette boĂźte Ă  outils rassemble des informations pouvant aider les chercheurs de documents iconographiques. Une centaine de sites Web de fournisseurs d'images fixes sont proposĂ©s Ă  ceux qui ont besoin d’images pour illustrer un projet, que ce soit un article de magazine ou de journal, un site Web, un film, une publicitĂ© ou une recherche acadĂ©mique. Ces sources sont des banques d’images, des agences photographiques, des agences micro-stocks, des archives musĂ©ales, des archives institutionnelles, des collections de bibliothĂšques, des sites de partage populaires, bref, des lieux qui offrent une information visuelle disponible et utilisable conformĂ©ment Ă  des conditions prĂ©Ă©tablies. La boĂźte Ă  outils est organisĂ©e selon les types de photographies trouvĂ©es dans les agences, c'est-Ă -dire, photojournalisme, photos scientifiques, photos architecturales, etc.This toolkit brings together information which may help researchers in need of iconographic documents. Hundreds of still image suppliers' websites are suggested. These sources are image banks, photo agencies, micro-stock agencies, museum archives, institutional repositories, libraries’ collections, image hosting websites, in short, places that provide visual information usable accordingly to certain conditions. The toolkit is arranged by types of photographs (photojournalism, scientific photos, architectural photos, etc.)

    Life in the slow lane: Estimating the metabolic rate and trophic impact of the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus)

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    Metabolic rate is intricately linked to the ecology of organisms and can provide a framework to study the behaviour, life history, population dynamics, and trophic impact of a species. Acquiring measures of metabolic rate, however, has proven difficult for large water-breathing animals such as sharks, greatly limiting our understanding of the energetic lives of these highly threatened and ecologically important fish. The following thesis presents the first estimates of metabolic rate for one severly understudied and near-threatened species, the long-lived Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus). Resting and active routine metabolic rates were estimated through field respirometry conducted on four relatively large-bodied individuals (33-126 kg), including the largest individual shark studied via respirometry. Despite recording very low whole-animal resting metabolic rates, estimates were well explained by derived interspecies allometric and temperature scaling relationships. Combining these results with data acquired from biologger deployments on free-roaming sharks allowed for the estimation of field metabolic rates for individuals inhabiting the Eastern Canadian Arctic. The estimated low energy needs of Greenland sharks in the wild translated to equally low estimates of prey consumpion rate at the individual level. However, when assessed at the scale of localized populations in two coastal fjord ecosystems and across all of Baffin Bay, prey consumption by Greenland sharks is assumed to play a key role in the top-down regulation of Arctic marine food webs, though important data deficiencies must be addressed before final conclusions can be drawn

    Adult Development and Theological Field Education

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    The overall goal of theological field education is to equip adult learners for effective pastoral leadership. In order to achieve that goal, not only must theoligical field education be a space for learners to acquire specific skills and knowledge, but it must also attend to their development as adult learners. Although the formation and education of religious leaders has always been about the development of adults; the connections between the two perspectives are often more implicit than explicit. This separation is understandable,given the fact that the notions of adult develoment and adult learn are still fairly new, and it is only recently that we have started to make explicit connections between the two

    Role of zoledronic acid in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis

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    Taken once a year, intravenous zoledronic acid (Zol) (ReclastÂź or AclastaÂź) is a third-generation nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate that is effective compared with placebo in reducing the risk of fractures in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis and recent low-trauma hip fracture. In glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis, there is no significant difference between Zol and risedronate for new fractures. Improvements in bone mineral density and early reduction of bone remodeling markers are observed in postmenopausal osteoporosis, recent low-trauma hip fracture, and glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Given that Zol is generally well tolerated and very convenient, it is an interesting therapeutic option for aging patients who take multiple oral drugs, who have adherence or gastrointestinal tolerance issues, and who have an indication for oral bisphosphonates. Zol is not recommended for patients with severe renal impairment. Vitamin D deficiency should be corrected before the administration of Zol

    Lunch Keynote: Halfway There - On the Drive to 48

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    Metabolic communication in tumors: a new layer of immunoregulation for immune evasion

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    The success of cancer immunotherapy reveals the power of host immunity on killing cancer cells and the feasibility to unleash restraints of anti-tumor immunity. However, the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment and low immunogenicity of cancer cells restrict the therapeutic efficacy of cancer immunotherapies in a small fraction of patients. Therefore deciphering the underlying mechanisms promoting the generation of an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment is direly needed to better harness host anti-tumor immunity. Early works revealed that deregulated metabolic activities in cancer cells support unrestricted proliferation and survival by producing macromolecules. Intriguingly, recent studies uncovered that metabolic switch in immune and endothelial cells modulate cellular activities and contribute to the progression of several diseases, including cancers. Herein, we review the progress on immunometabolic regulations on fine-tuning activities of immune cells and discuss how metabolic communication between cancer and infiltrating immune cells contributes to cancer immune evasion. Moreover, we would like to discuss how we might exploit this knowledge to improve current immunotherapies and the unresolved issues in this field

    The role of rodents and shrews in the transmission of Toxoplasma gondii to pigs

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    Inadequate rodent control is considered to play a role in Toxoplasma gondii infection of pigs. This issue was addressed in the current study by combining a 4-month rodent control campaign and a 7-month longitudinal analysis of T. gondii seroprevalence in slaughter pigs. Three organic pig farms with known rodent infestation were included in the study. On these farms, presence of T. gondii in trapped rodents was evaluated by real-time PCR. All rodent species and shrews investigated had T. gondii DNA in brain or heart tissue. Prevalence was 10.3% in Rattus norvegicus, 6.5% in Mus musculus, 14.3% in Apodemus sylvaticus and 13.6% in Crocidura russula. Initial T. gondii seroprevalence in the slaughter pigs ranged between 8% and 17% and dropped on the three farms during the rodent control campaign to 0–10%, respectively. After 4 months of rodent control, T. gondii infection was absent from pigs from two of the three farms investigated and appeared again in one of those two farms after the rodent control campaign had stopped. This study emphasizes the role of rodents and shrews in the transmission of T. gondii to pigs and the importance of rodent control towards production of T. gondii-free pig meat
