186 research outputs found

    Genomic Diversity among Beijing and non-Beijing Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates from Myanmar

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    Background: The Beijing family of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is dominant in countries in East Asia. Genomic polymorphisms are a source of diversity within the M. tuberculosis genome and may account for the variation of virulence among M. tuberculosis isolates. Till date there are no studies that have examined the genomic composition of M. tuberculosis isolates from the high TB-burden country, Myanmar. Methodology/Principle Findings: Twenty-two M. tuberculosis isolates from Myanmar were screened on whole-genome arrays containing genes from M. tuberculosis H37Rv, M. tuberculosis CDC1551 and M. bovis AF22197. Screening identified 198 deletions or extra regions in the clinical isolates compared to H37Rv. Twenty-two regions differentiated between Beijing and non-Beijing isolates and were verified by PCR on an additional 40 isolates. Six regions (Rv0071-0074 [RD105], Rv1572-1576c [RD149], Rv1585c-1587c [RD149], MT1798-Rv1755c [RD152], Rv1761c [RD152] and Rv0279c) were deleted in Beijing isolates, of which 4 (Rv1572-1576c, Rv1585c-1587c, MT1798-Rv1755c and Rv1761c) were variably deleted among ST42 isolates, indicating a closer relationship between the Beijing and ST42 lineages. The TbD1 region, Mb1582-Mb1583 was deleted in Beijing and ST42 isolates. One M. bovis gene of unknown function, Mb3184c was present in all isolates, except 11 of 13 ST42 isolates. The CDC1551 gene, MT1360 coding for a putative adenylate cyclase, was present in all Beijing and ST42 isolates (except 1). The pks15/1 gene, coding for a putative virulence factor, was intact in all Beijing and non-Beijing isolates, except in ST42 and ST53 isolates. Conclusion: This study describes previously unreported deletions/extra regions in Beijing and non-Beijing M. tuberculosis isolates. The modern and highly frequent ST42 lineage showed a closer relationship to the hypervirulent Beijing lineage than to the ancient non-Beijing lineages. The pks15/1 gene was disrupted only in modern non-Beijing isolates. This is the first report of an in-depth analysis on the genomic diversity of M. tuberculosis isolates from Myanmar

    Merger and Acquisitions: Effects of Cultural Adaptation on Burnout over Time among Middle Managers

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    Merger and acquisition (M&A) actions are common; however, research on cultural adaptation over time leading to burnout is scarce. The purpose of this quantitative, nonexperimental study was to evaluate the relationships between independent variables defined as organizational and group adjustment, and the criterion variables operationalized as emotional exhaustion and cynicism, and to determine if the adjustment factors and time interact, affecting burnout in middle managers working in a target organization of U.S.-based M&As. The theoretical framework used was organizational socialization, conceptualized as newcomer adaptation, suggesting that individuals must traverse through an adjustment period regardless of the context of the change. Amazon Mechanical Turk was used to identify 220 research participants who were asked to respond to an online survey in SurveyMonkey that assessed organizational adjustment using the Organizational Assimilation Index – Extended Version, group adjustment using the Belongingness at Work Scale, and burnout using the Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey. Correlation and regression analysis techniques were used to examine the study variables. The results indicated that organizational adjustment was negatively related to cynicism, while group adjustment was negatively related to and predicted both emotional exhaustion and cynicism. The time factor did not moderate any relationships between variables. The results point to the importance of adjustment factors and their potential relationship in reducing burnout in middle managers, thus, providing insights into early M&A integration considerations and positive social change to improve organizational performance and employee well-being

    Hvor mange gullplater henger på veggen? Om danseband og kvalitet

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    Kvalitet er et sentralt begrep i norsk kulturpolitikk. I kulturpolitiske dokumenter betones nødvendigheten av at kvalitet må ligge til grunn for kulturpolitiske ordninger og tiltak, og kvalitet er i de fleste tilfeller et avgjørende kriterium for å motta offentlig støtte til kunst og kultur (jf. for eksempel St.meld. nr. 21 (2007â2008); St.meld. nr. 48 (2002â2003)). Men samtidig som kvalitet er et grunnleggende premiss i kulturpolitikken, er det også et paradoksalt begrep (Hylland 2012; Hylland m.fl. 2011). Selv om kvalitet kontinuerlig benyttes som argument i kulturpolitisk praksis, er det ofte uklart hvordan kvalitet skal defineres. For hvilken type kvalitet er det man snakker om, hva slags kvalitetsbegrep ligger til grunn for vurderingene som blir gjort â og sist, men ikke minst, fra hvilket ståsted eller perspektiv er det kvaliteten defineres

    Kosthold og kroppslig selvoppfatning i barnehagen

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    Problemstilling: Hvordan jobber personalet i barnehagen med rammeplanens mål om kosthold og kroppslig selvoppfatning?bachelor-v201

    Glemte minner? Operasjon asfalt, kaptein Arntzen og sju former for glemsel

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    Master i samfunnsvitenskap med fordypning i historie - Nord universitet, 201

    Musikalsk nasjonsbygging

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    In this article, we discuss the music policy of Arts Council Norway in the period 1965–2015. Our starting point is that the music policy of Council is an example of musical nation building. Through the schemes and projects of the Arts Council, the boundaries of the musical nation have been drawn up, maintained and redefined in various ways that have had both aesthetic, institutional and organizational consequences. The Arts Council’s music policy is about building a country, building a music life, and building a people. It is about musical nation building in dual sense: both building a nation with the help of music, as well as building a music nation. This project has been challenged by the redefinition of two types of boundaries: aesthetic boundaries and geographical boundaries. From being an artistic building project within a safe national framework, music policy has evolved to be characterized by both aesthetic, geographical and cultural diversity. At the same time, the national element has far from disappeared. The musical nation building is not a completed project
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