38 research outputs found

    Micro-climatic effect of plastic nets for crop protection in greenhouse.

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    Excessive levels of solar radiation may negatively influence crop growth, with sunburns or other possible crop damages, while increasing the internal greenhouse temperature above levels that are tolerable for plants and workers. In order to control hot air temperature inside a greenhouse, one of the most common solutions traditionally employed by growers in Southern Europe is whitening the external side of its cladding material, by painting it with liquid calcium carbonate. More recently, the use of plastic shading nets is progressively affirming, thanks to their cheaper price and some improved technical characteristics that enable them to act as a “passive” tool for controlling internal microclimate and produce suitable environmental conditions. A comparative analysis between a plastic net and a traditional whitening technique, aimed to critically assess the efficacy of the two different shading methods to modify and control the internal microclimate inside a plastic-covered greenhouse, is presented in this paper. A trial was carried out in Pontecagnano (Southern Italy), where one small-scale tunnel was shaded with a plastic net characterized by 60% of shade effect, while another identical small-scale tunnel was whitened with liquid calcium carbonate on the external side of the cladding plastic film. The radiometrical characteristics both of the plastic net and the whitened film were determined in the laboratory of the SAFE School of the University of Basilicata (Italy). The results obtained through these experimental trails enabled a comparative analysis of the performances of the two tested shading methods, confirming the relationship among the shading conditions and the transmittance in the solar range, highlighting the role that a correct solution may play on the final results in terms of crop protection from high temperatures and sunburns

    Multi-temporal analysis of vernacular farm buildings and rural landscape through historical cartography and 3-D GIS

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    Farm buildings, designed over the centuries in order to fulfil their primary agricultural goal, now often constitute a widespread heritage of vernacular constructions, endowed with an unreplaceable architectural value. Together with the concurrent action of natural events, human interventions and changes in natural cycles, they play indeed a central role in shaping the rural landscape. In this paper, thanks to the use of a Geographic Information System in which historical cartography, aerial photos and other ancillary dataset have been implemented, the land use of the area of “Monte Vulture and Monticchio lakes” and its environmental components have been investigated through a 3-D modelling of the relevant rural landscape and its main features. This area, located in the Basilicata Region (southern Italy), is one territory with a great scenic interest, having been recognized as a landscape heritage thanks to some specific cultural and historical elements. This rural landscape also includes – similar as many other Italian rural landscapes - some vernacular constructions having a high historical and architectural value, that have contributed to create this traditional rural landscape. The analysis has involved a multi-temporal comparison of the vernacular constructions located in the study area, so as to evaluate the built heritage evolution in the framework of its rural landscape, as well as its interactions with the surrounding territory. With this aim, the historical reconstruction of the landscape before and after the year 1900 has been conducted through implementing digital terrain models enriched by draping land cover pictures over them. The results which have been obtained enabled an evaluation in a scenic way of the morphological and vegetation variations during time of the rural landscape, allowing a virtual “time jump” back to periods when digital aerial photography was not yet existing. Thanks to these new technologies, able to exploit information included into old cartographic supports, some suitable tools have been then developed, skilled to support the sustainable planning and management of rural built heritage, enabling an analysis of their possible valorisation for cultural tourism purposes as well

    Analysis of the effects of agricultural land use change on rural environment and landscape through historical cartography and GIS tools

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    The human activities and the social and economic transformations occurred during the last century led modifications in the agro-forestry areas. This paper shows a study case study in which the dynamics of land use are analysed using a geographic information system applied to historical maps in order to evaluate the consequences of these land transformations over the last 179 years on the rural environment and landscape. The use of three-dimensional reconstructions, obtained through the creation of different digital terrain model, has allowed to appreciate the landscape modifications, in term of morphological and vegetation variation, determining its aesthetic quality. The analysis shows a common dynamic present in many rural areas of Southern Italy, i.e., the increase of agricultural areas replacing forested surfaces in an older period followed by the further phenomenon of spontaneous re-naturalisation of many of these areas, due to the abandonment of extensive cultivated areas. Moreover, through comparison with historical documents, it was possible to analyse how the agricultural activities influenced the quality of the forest ecosystem. The methodology employed in this study allows a detailed analysis of the processes that occurred in different rural context and the creation of appropriate tools for sustainable land management

    Integrating remote-sensed and historical geodata to assess interactions between rural buildings and agroforestry land

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    The rural built heritage constitutes a unique example, due to architectural and technical issues, which plays a central role in the formation of rural landscape. In this research, interactions between rural buildings and the surrounding land have been examined. Two case studies exemplifying some of typical dynamics of some internal mountain areas of Mediterranean region have been considered. These areas are located in Basilicata Region (Southern Italy) and suffer from land and rural buildings heritage abandonment, as well as from the concurrent disappearance of agroforestry systems with high ecological value. A multi-chronological geo-database incorporating different land cover datasets over a period of 62 years (1955–1988–2008–2017) has been implemented into a GIS to assess relationships between some rural buildings and the surrounding land have been then assessed. This has been achieved by integrating different types of remote-sensed geodata: historical aerial photos, digital orthophotos and satellite images. The analyses carried out have shown that the intensity of land abandonment can also be related to the type of rural building and prevalent agricultural activity. Moreover, thanks to this methodology, it has been possible to produce several spatial information useful to support public decisionmakers at different level

    Valorisation of vernacular farm buildings for the sustainable development of rural tourism in mountain areas of the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region

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    Rural buildings play a central role on the environmental characteristics of the extra-urban land. They accompanied in the centuries the development of agricultural activities by humans, who was so able to breed cattle, to grow and yield crops, and to store, transform and process agricultural products in a functional and efficient way, working into intensive conditions, so being unaffected by the external climate. On the other hand, constructions built by the farmer-man marked the territory, influencing and steering the spontaneous development of nature, while leading to production that enabled humanity to get food. Vernacular farm buildings, often used as seasonal settlements, are in some cases organised in areas of mountain pasture for summer cattle grazing. Even if in most case they were abandoned during recent years - since people living there moved to more comfortable residences within urban settlements - their contemporary potential for preserving traditional cattle-raising procedures and dairy products, rich cultural-historical heritage and perspectives of organised tourism activities, appears a very intriguing task to be approached. Rural tourism - including agro-, eco- and cultural tourism - offers indeed new opportunities for enjoying the extra-urban land in close contact with naturally untouched landscapes. It enables to appreciate some traditional aspects that the new industrialised modern society may have forgotten. The opportunities offered by rural tourism could help in the development of environmentally friendly tourism, which is growing three times faster than those choosing mainstream trips. With the aim to valorise the vernacular rural buildings in some mountain areas of the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region, in the present paper a first approach was proposed, through the implementation of a geographical information system aimed to survey the current situation into two different mountain areas within this macro-region, located in Southern Italy and Montenegro. This first step could pave the way for future possible planning the restoration of these buildings, within the general framework of a concerted approach aimed to their safeguard and the general sustainability of their landscape inclusion, fighting the progressive abandonment of rural land. The exploitation of their unexpressed potential in the sector of tourism usage, together with cultural and historical heritage, rich tradition and old infrastructure, would therefore reveal an interesting profitable way for their valorisation

    Implementing a GIS-Based Digital Atlas of Agricultural Plastics to Reduce Their Environmental Footprint; Part I: A Deductive Approach

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    The agricultural sector has benefitted over the last century from several factors that have led to an exponential increase in its productive efficiency. The increasing use of new materials, such as plastics, has been one of the most important factors, as they have allowed for increased production in a simpler and more economical way. Various polymer types are used in different phases of the agricultural production cycle, but when their use is incorrectly managed, it can lead to different environmental impacts. In this study, an applied and simplified methodology to manage agricultural plastics monitoring and planning is proposed. The techniques used are based on quantification through the use of different datasets (orthophotos and satellite images) of the areas covered by plastics used for crop protection. The study area chosen is a part of the Ionian Coast of Southern Italy, which includes the most important municipalities of the Basilicata Region for fruit and vegetable production. The use of geographical techniques and observation methodologies, developed in an open‐source GIS environment, enabled accurate location of about 2000 hectares of agricultural land covered by plastics, as well as identification of the areas most susceptible to the accumulation of plastic waste. The techniques and the model implemented, due to its simplicity of use and reliability, can be applied by different local authorities in order to realize an Atlas of agricultural plastics, which would be applied for continuous monitoring, thereby enabling the upscaling of future social and ecological impact assessments, identification of new policy impacts, market searches, etc

    Classificazione di vocazionalità all'impiego di energie rinnovabili mediante grid multi-layer

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    Le energie rinnovabili si pongono come una alternativa sempre di più valida alle fonti energetiche tradizionali, considerato che il loro utilizzo non pregiudica le risorse naturali, in quanto non immettono in atmosfera sostanze nocive e/o climalteranti. La Regione Basilicata, grazie alla sua morfologia, orografia ed alle caratteristiche del patrimonio forestale ben si presta ad essere considerata un serbatoio di energia pulita. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro è quello di individuare la vocazionalità del territorio agricolo e forestale con l’impiego di Grid Multi-Layer rispetto a ciascuna delle varie fonti di energia rinnovabile, in particolare individuando aree potenzialmente più idonee alla produzione di energia solare, eolica e da biomasse. L'analisi delle caratteristiche del territorio è stata effettuata attraverso specifiche elaborazioni GIS che hanno condotto alla realizzazione di una banca dati territoriale, all'interno della quale tutti i vari strati informativi sono stati inseriti come file vector, raster e/o geodatabase. Per poter rendere tale strumento facilmente utilizzabile e/o consultabile dai decisori, è stato inoltre implementato un unico livello informativo in formato raster grid, con la caratteristica di contenere tutte le informazioni necessarie al fine della classificazione della vocazionalità. Il Grid Multi-Layer realizzato permette di valutare le differenti propensioni del territorio rispetto alle varie fonti energetiche considerate, in modo da consentire una più consapevole opera di pianificazione e gestione del territorio. Nell’attuale sistema di sviluppo e salvaguardia ambientale il Grid Multi-Layer potrebbe costituire un valido supporto anche nella programmazione delle politiche energetiche regionali

    Physical and gas permeation properties of five-layer polyethylene film used as greenhouse roof

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    The effect of sand wind ageing simulation performed under different conditions for a five-layer film consisting of polyethylene, poly-vinyl-acetate and various additives has been investigated. The mechanical properties of the five-layer films after several treatments were evaluated, together with their surface morphology - analysed by using Fourier transform infrared and contact angle - and gas permeation properties. The experimental analysis indicated that these treatments had a significant influence on the surface of the film only. An attempt has been done to compare the properties of the five-layer films with the monolayer and tri-layer films with or without air bubble under similar conditions

    Valorisation of vernacular farm buildings for the sustainable development of rural tourism in mountain areas of the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region

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    Rural buildings play a central role on the environmental char- acteristics of the extra-urban land. They accompanied in the cen- turies the development of agricultural activities by humans, who was so able to breed cattle, to grow and yield crops, and to store, transform and process agricultural products in a functional and efficient way, working into intensive conditions, so being unaf- fected by the external climate. On the other hand, constructions built by the farmer-man marked the territory, influencing and steering the spontaneous development of nature, while leading to production that enabled humanity to get food. Vernacular farm buildings, often used as seasonal settlements, are in some cases organised in areas of mountain pasture for summer cattle grazing. Even if in most case they were abandoned during recent years - since people living there moved to more comfortable residences within urban settlements - their contemporary potential for pre- serving traditional cattle-raising procedures and dairy products, rich cultural-historical heritage and perspectives of organised tourism activities, appears a very intriguing task to be approached. Rural tourism - including agro-, eco- and cultural tourism - offers indeed new opportunities for enjoying the extra-urban land in close contact with naturally untouched landscapes. It enables to appreciate some traditional aspects that the new industrialised modern society may have forgotten. The opportunities offered by rural tourism could help in the development of environmentally friendly tourism, which is growing three times faster than those choosing mainstream trips. With the aim to valorise the vernacular rural buildings in some mountain areas of the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region, in the present paper a first approach was proposed, through the implementation of a geographical information system aimed to survey the current situation into two different mountain areas within this macro-region, located in Southern Italy and Montenegro. This first step could pave the way for future possible planning the restoration of these buildings, within the general framework of a concerted approach aimed to their safeguard and the general sustainability of their landscape inclusion, fighting the progressive abandonment of rural land. The exploitation of their unexpressed potential in the sector of tourism usage, together with cultural and historical heritage, rich tradition and old infrastruc- ture, would therefore reveal an interesting profitable way for their valorisation

    Micro-climatic effect of shading nets for crop protection in Mediterranean areas.

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    Mediterranean areas are characterized by hot summers that can determine bad environmental conditions for the growth of vegetable crops cultivated inside greenhouse. In Southern Italy, the traditional technique often employed by farmers during summer to reduce sun radiation and excessive internal air temperature is the whitening of the external side of the greenhouse plastic film through painting it with liquid calcium carbonate. More recently, the use of plastic shading nets is progressively affirming, thanks to a cheaper price and improved photo-selective properties, as a way to more effectively control the micro-climatic conditions inside closed greenhouse and tunnel. Thanks to a specific formulation of their chemical and physical properties, plastic nets may indeed combine the shade effect with some specific features useful for creating more favourable microclimatic conditions for the crop growth. With the aim to analyze the efficacy of different greenhouse shading techniques, an experimental trial was carried out by comparing two commercial plastic nets characterized by different shade effects, respectively equal to 60 % and 36%. These two plastic nets were tested in laboratory, where their radiometrical characteristics were determined. The same plastic nets were then installed on two different small-scale tunnels located in Southern Italy, in which inside air and relative humidity were measured during some late spring days. The results obtained through these experimental trails enabled to start a comparative analysis of the performances of the two tested shading nets, highlighting the role that a correct selection of the most suitable net may play on the final results in terms of crop protection from high temperatures and sunburns