415 research outputs found

    Проблеми інтеграції галузі АПК у світове господарство

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    Наук. кер.: О.В. КліменкоВходження економіки України до світового економічного простору, участь вітчизняних виробників у конкурентній боротьбі на міжнародному ринку надає нового змісту процесу інтеграції між ланками національної економіки. Розрив виробничо-господарських зв’язків, які існували в агропромисловому виробництві до реформування аграрного сектора економіки, виступає однією з причин кризових явищ в агропромисловому комплексі України. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2807

    Олександру Андрійовичу Трипільському — 80 років

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    Semiosis of textual categories of time and space in short fiction by Breece D’J Pancake

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    The article explores the semiosis of textual categories of time and space in short fiction by Breece D’J Pancake. The methodology of the research is based on the works by M. Bakhtin, Yu. Lotman, G. Genett, P. Ricoeur and U. Eco. It has been proved that the stories by Pancake replicate several Biblical plots: the creation of the world and the origional sin (“Trilobites”), a prodigal son (“Time and Again”), the whore of Babylon / Mary Magdalene (“A Room Forever”) and the apocalyptical mark of the beast (“The Mark”). The time is static and is marked by seasonality. The space is segregated into macro-outer world and the inner space of the towns, engulfing people’s destinies and predetermining their down-to-earth existence. The semantic system is represented by the cross-cultural concepts: the light as a sign of hope; a room as an embodiment of a shelter; the hollowness of the night, growing into the hollowness of life; a rabbit embryo, symbolizing the mark of the beast; a snake, serving as a symbol of seduction; a train or a bus as the means of escapism. Three rounds of coffee in “Trilobite” replicate three circles of Hell in “The Divine Comedy” by Dante

    Decisions of the Сongress of the Orthodox military clergy of the Southwestern front in Proskurov in 1917

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    The decisions of the congresses of the military and naval clergy, held at the beginning of the 20th century, remain little studied to this day. Turning to this topic, researchers most often focus on the decisions of congresses of all-Russian significance which is the 1st All-Russian congress of the military and naval clergy (July 1914, Petrograd), less often on the decisions of the 2nd All-Russian congress of the military and naval clergy (July 1917, Mogilev). However, front-line congresses also played an important role in the history of the institute of military priests: they took place in the Southwestern (5–7 May 1917), Western (24–28 May 1917), Romanian (25 June 1917) and Northern (26–28 June 1917) fronts. This article discusses the work of the first of them which is the Сongress of the Orthodox military clergy of the Southwestern front in Proskurov in May 1917. The author of the article analyses the main decisions of this congress. The attitude of the military clergy of the front to the war, participation in the political parties, organisation of cultural and educational activities are shown. The proposals of the delegates on the reorganisation of the administration of the department and the introduction of an elective principle are analysed. It is shown whether the opinion of the participants of the congress in Proskurov coincided with the decisions of the 2nd All-Russian congress of the military and naval clergy in Mogilev. The article was prepared on the basis of archival documents and materials of the periodical press. In particular, documents from the funds of the Russian State Historical Archive (Saint Petersburg) such as protocols of the sessions of the Сongress of the Orthodox military clergy of the Southwestern front, the resolutions of the protopresbyter on the decisions of the congress, the protocols of the sessions of the 2nd All-Russian congress of the military and naval clergy were used

    The Hospital Town of «the First Garden City in Russia» near Prozorovka: the History of Design and Construction (1912-1930)

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    The article is devoted to the buildings of the hospital town an implemented fragment of one of the most famous town planning projects of early 20th century. «The first Garden City in Russia» at Prozorovka (now Kratovo), which was to include not only the hospital town, but a set of other major public buildings, was designed by civil engineer V. N. Semyonov, by order of the Board of Directors of Joint-stock company of the Moscow-Kazan Railway for this company employees. The initiator of the project was the Chairman of The Board of Directors N.K. von Meck. The article on base on a wide range of archival sources, recreates the history of designing the hospital town in 1912-1913 and contains previously unknown facts and materials. Among these materials is the original project of the hospital town (primary drawings of this project published in the article the first time) and the discussions papiers of the project in the Ministry of Railways in 1913. It also provides information about the construction process of the buildings of the hospital town in 1915-1918. For the first time on archival documents is fixed the condition of buildings at the time of completion of the first constructions phase in 1918. Special attention is paid to the hospital complex fate in 1924-1930, when the buildings were rebuilt and adapted for accommodation of the tuberculosis sanatorium of Cusstrah No. 1. The revealed papiers make it possible to understand how during completing of the buildings in the second half of the 1920s, there preserves neoclassical facades, designed by architect A.I. Tamanov (Tamanyan) in 1913

    Effect of Alloying Oxides Y2O3 and ZrO2 on the Microstructure of Austenitic Steel 18Cr10NiTi

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    Nanomaterials are materials of new generation with unique characteristics which are not characteristic for other materials. Nanofilms, nanoprocessors, nanorobots – the more well known technologies, but demands of modern industry, electronic industry, power industry dictate the development of nanomaterials in higher scales. The use of nanomaterials is very promising direction in nuclear power. Conditions of operation of structural materials in nuclear reactors, namely, high temperature (higher 300°C for thermal reactors and higher 600°C for fast reactors) which together with high density of neutrons (~1021-1022 neutrons/cm-2) cause the degradation of initial physical-chemical characteristics and the significant dimension changes. These factors influence considerably on safe and long-term operation period of reactor