61 research outputs found

    Developing optimal ventilation system for a pasta production workshop using mathematical model

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    The more real conditions differ from the rated ones,the greater error is observed when calculating the aerodynamics and air temperature for specific premises. The paper considers a technique for estimating the efficiency of ventilation systems at the stage of choosing design solutions using mathematical simulation exemplified by a pasta production workshop in Magnitogorsk. Two air change circuits with central and local air conditioners to remove heat have been estimated. Mathematical models were built with the boundary conditions preset,which allowed visually estimating the airflow temperature and velocity field distribution for the circuits studied. Based on the simulation results,conclusions have been drawn on the efficiency of the circuits proposed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    The features of game mechanics use in teaching computer science for the development of creative thinking of students

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    Problem statement. One of the priority tasks of modern society is the creation of conditions conducive to the upbringing and development of a creative personality. The computer science course has a didactic potential in terms of the formation of initiative, independence, imagination, the ability to set and solve problems. The presented study aimed at substantiating the effectiveness of game mechanics use in teaching computer science to solve the problem associated with the need to develop the creative thinking of students. Methodology . The mechanics “Achievement,” “Reckoning on trust,” “Fun once - always fun,” “User progress” are implemented with game elements and methods in the study of theoretical computer science. Resources of digital services (interactive whiteboards, random selection generators) are used for gamification. The base of the experiment is a secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects in the Stulovo village (Slobodskoy district, Kirov region). The study covered 74 students of the seventh grade (64% - girls and 36% - boys). The average age of the respondents is 13 years. Statistical processing of the results was performed using Pearson's chi-squared test. Results. During the game, students study theoretical material, solve a system of creative and non-standard tasks on the topic “Measurement of information.” For each game mechanic, a goal, tasks, sets of rules and restrictions are defined. Statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that have taken place in the system according to the levels of development of creative thinking are identified. Conclusion . The features of the presented version of the application of game mechanics in teaching computer science in terms of the development of creative thinking are described: taking into account the age characteristics of students when formulating message texts, inclusion of digital services, combination of oral and written speech with interaction on a computer network

    Виробництво м’ясних сиров’ялених снеків: перспективи та конкуренто-спроможність

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    The article presents the results of the study of consumer expectations on the example of the “standard” sample of meat dries snacks. The purpose of the work is to study consumer expectations of raw meat products and to study the competitiveness of this product on the Ukrainian market, as well as the impact of quality on this indicator. Nutrition is one of the main determinants of human health. In recent years there has been a disturbance of the nutrition structure due to changes in the rhythm of life and a decrease in the consumption of biologically valuable nutrition components. Unfortunately, the accelerated pace of life of a modern person makes her resort to food on the go. To satisfy this need people can have such products as snacks. Snacks, as a rule, are ideal for solving this problem – It is available natural dry products ready for use and packaged in individual packaging, which allows them to be used anywhere and in all conditions. Meat snack products quite recently appeared on the domestic market and attracted the attention of the consumer as a protein-containing product. The evaluation and comparison of the competitiveness of meat snacks presented on the consumer market of Kyiv with a “standard” sample has been carried out. The study was conducted using statistical methods of quality assessment. Roasted meat snacks are a new product on the market of Ukrainians, but their popularity is growing. With the necessary balance between the indicators of economy, safety and consumer desirable organoleptic indicators, the profitability of this segment of food production will only increase. The research of the competitiveness of meat snacks proves that the consumer is interested in their purchase, and therefore producers should pay attention to the development of this type of products.У статті наведені результати дослідження споживчих очікувань на прикладі “еталонного” зразка м’ясних сиров’ялених  снеків. Харчування – один із найголовніших факторів, що визначають здоров’я людини. В останні роки спостерігається порушення структури харчування, зумовлене зміною ритму життя і зниженням споживання біологічно цінних компонентів харчування. На жаль, прискорений темп життя сучасної людини, змушує її вдаватися до харчування на ходу. Задовольнити цю потребу людей можуть такі продукти як снеки. Снеки, як правило, ідеально підходять для вирішення цієї проблеми – це доступні натуральні сухі продукти, готові до вживання і розфасовані в індивідуальну упаковку, що дозволяє їх застосовувати в будь-якому місці і в будь-яких умовах. М’ясна снекова продукція досить недавно з’явилася на вітчизняному ринку і привернула до себе увагу споживача як білкововмісний продукт. Проведено оцінювання та порівняння конкурентоспроможності м’ясних снеків, які представлені на споживчому ринку м. Києва, з “еталонним” зразком. Дослідження проводилось з використанням статистичних методів оцінки якості. Сиров’ялені м’ясні снеки є новим продуктом на полицях українців, проте їх популярність набирає обертів. При дотриманні необхідного балансу між показниками економічності, безпечності та бажаними для споживача органолептичними показниками, рентабельність даного сегменту харчового виробництва буде лише зростати. Дослідження конкурентоспроможності м’ясних снеків доводить, що споживач зацікавлений в їх придбанні, а отже виробникам варто звернути увагу на розробку цього виду продукції

    Аcinetobacter baumannii bv Tryptophandestruens bv nov. isolated from clinical samples

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    The aim of the study was to determine the taxonomic status of a group consisting of atypical strains of Acinetobacter baumannii, outline relevant characteristics and methods necessary for their identification. There were examined 10 strains of A. baumannii (6 of them primary comprised) bearing similar profile of atypical features isolated from clinical samples (urine, sputum) in 2017–2019 at the Military Medical Academy. Сlinical strains of typical A. baumannii (n = 36), Acinetobacter nosocomialis (n = 14), Acinetobacter pittii (n = 9) and 1 strain of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus isolated from the external environment were used in comparative studies. Atypical strains had the characteristics of A. calcoaceticus — A. baumannii (ACB) complex bacteria and were identified as A. baumannii. The utilization of substrates as the only carbon source was studied on a dense synthetic medium added with 0.2 % substrate during incubation for 72 hours at 37°C. Carbohydrate oxidation coupled to acid formation was detected on the Hugh–Leifson medium by using a micromethod. Aromatic amino acid biotransformation was carried out in liquid and dense nutrient media assessed in chromogenic reaction. The rpoB gene was used for strain genetic characterization. Amplification of two 940 and 1210 base pair (bp)-long fragments from the rpoB gene was performed by the routine polymerase chain reaction using primers with previously described sequences. Amplification products were sequenced by Sanger using Big Dye Terminator v3.1 (Applied Biosystems, USA) and capillary electrophoresis on an automatic sequencer ABI PRISM 3130 (Applied Biosystems, USA), followed by using methods for determining the similarity levels of sequenced fragments with the rpoB gene sequences of the reference strain A. baumannii ATCC 17978 (GenBank accession no. CP053098.1). It was found that all strains belonging to atypical A. baumannii spp. had a specific set of features that distinguish them from typical strains of A. baumannii as well as other types of the ACB complex: detected biotransformation of L-tryptophan (via anthranilate pathway) and anthranilic acid under unambiguous lack of such signs in other bacteria; lack of utilized sodium hippurate and L-arabinose being unambiguously evident in other bacteria; lack of utilized L-tryptophan, putrescine, L-ornithine being utilized in the majority of strains of belonging to other bacterial species. Genetic analysis showed that the control strains of typical A. baumannii displayed 99.20–99.21% similarity within the sequenced fragments of the rpoB gene with those from the rpoB gene of the reference strain. All 10 strains of atypical A. baumannii had similar features (99.20–99.21%). At the same time, parameters of control strains from other bacterial species significantly differed: A. nosocomialis (95.10–95.97%), A. pittii (94.63–94.92%), A. calcoaceticus (93.00%). Hence, the strains of atypical and typical A. baumannii are genetically homogeneous and belong to the same species. The data presented allow us to consider this group of atypical A. baumannii strains as a new biovar. We propose the name for this new biovar — tryptophandestruens (tryptophan-destroying) stemming from the Latin word destruens — destroying. Identification of A. baumannii bv. tryptophandestruens bacteria can be carried out in laboratory of any level by using tests for L-tryptophan biotransformation as well as sodium hippurate utilization

    Биопсия сторожевого лимфатического узла при раке молочной железы с применением метода флуоресцентной визуализации красителя индоцианин зеленый

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    We presented the preliminary results of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLN) using the method of fluorescent visualization with the indocyanine green. The study included 40 breast cancer patients with the prevalence of the cTis-2N0M0 process. 1 ml of Indocyanine Green (ICG) aqueous solution was administered periareolarly and subcutaneously from the tumor side with total drug dose of 5 mg. In the following few minutes the ICG trail along the lymphatic vessels was observed by its fluorescence in the infrared spectral range using a special camera with image transmitted to a computer screen. After the trail reached the axillary region and broke off, skin and subcutaneous tissue incision in axillary area was made, and the superficial fascia was dissected. The first contrasted lymph nodes were extracted. The incidence of SLN was 92.5%. Metastases were detected in 20% of cases. On average, it took 17.6 minutes to identify and remove the SLN. In 7 patients the use of the fluorescent SLN detection method was combined with radioisotope (Technefite 99m Tc colloid) – in all cases the same SLN was identified. The use of the ICG lymphotropic dye with the subsequent detection of SLN by the fluorescence method makes it possible to diagnose the status of SLN with a high degree of accuracy and can be comparable in effectiveness with the isotopic method. The specificities of lymphatic drainage were found out with the use of fluorescence lymphography: inverse dependence of the lymphatic drainage rate on the body mass index and breast size, and absence of dependence on degree of ptosis of breast.В работе представлены результаты исследования биопсии сторожевого лимфатического узла (СЛУ) с помощью метода флуоресцентной визуализации красителя индоцианин зеленый. В исследование были включены 40 больных раком молочной железы с распространенностью процесса сTis-2N0M0. 1 мл водного раствора красителя индоцианина зеленый вводили периареолярно внутрикожно и подкожно со стороны опухоли в дозе активного вещества 5 мг. В ближайшие минуты наблюдали движение красителя по лимфатическим путям в виде «дорожки» способом флуоресценции в инфракрасном спектре с помощью специальной камеры с передачей изображения на экран компьютера. После того, как дорожка достигала подмышечной области и обрывалась, производили разрез кожи и подкожной клетчатки в подмышечной области, рассекали поверхностную фасцию. Выделяли первые контрастиро ванные лимфатические узлы. Частота выявления СЛУ составила 92,5%, из них метастазы выявлены в 20% случаях. В среднем на этап идентификации и удаления СЛУ уходило 17,6 мин. У 7 больных комбинировали применение метода флуоресцентного (краситель ICG) определения СЛУ с радиоизотопным (коллоид Технефит 99m Tc) – во всех случаях идентифицировали одни и те же СЛУ. Применение лимфотропного красителя индоцианина зеленого с последующим выявлением СЛУ методом флуоресценции позволяет с высокой степенью точности диагностировать состояние СЛУ, а также сопоставимо по эффективности с изотопным методом. Выявлены осо бенности лимфооттока в молочной железе с помощью флуоресцентной лимфографии: обратная зависимость скорости лимфоотто ка от индекса массы тела и размера молочной железы, отсутствие зависимости от степени птоза железы

    Time-aging time-stress superposition in soft glass under tensile deformation field

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    We have studied the tensile deformation behaviour of thin films of aging aqueous suspension of Laponite, a model soft glassy material, when subjected to a creep flow field generated by a constant engineering normal stress. Aqueous suspension of Laponite demonstrates aging behaviour wherein it undergoes time dependent enhancement of its elastic modulus as well as its characteristic relaxation time. However, under application of the normal stress, the rate of aging decreases and in the limit of high stress, the aging stops with the suspension now undergoing a plastic deformation. Overall, it is observed that the aging that occurs over short creep times at small normal stresses is same as the aging that occurs over long creep times at large normal stresses. This observation allows us to suggest an aging time - process time - normal stress superposition principle, which can predict rheological behaviour at longer times by carrying out short time tests.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, To appear in Rheologica Act

    SARS Coronavirus 3b Accessory Protein Modulates Transcriptional Activity of RUNX1b

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    BACKGROUND: The causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) genome encodes several unique group specific accessory proteins with unknown functions. Among them, accessory protein 3b (also known as ORF4) was lately identified as one of the viral interferon antagonist. Recently our lab uncovered a new role for 3b in upregulation of AP-1 transcriptional activity and its downstream genes. Thus, we believe that 3b might play an important role in SARS-CoV pathogenesis and therefore is of considerable interest. The current study aims at identifying novel host cellular interactors of the 3b protein. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, using yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation techniques, we have identified a host transcription factor RUNX1b (Runt related transcription factor, isoform b) as a novel interacting partner for SARS-CoV 3b protein. Chromatin immunoprecipitaion (ChIP) and reporter gene assays in 3b expressing jurkat cells showed recruitment of 3b on the RUNX1 binding element that led to an increase in RUNX1b transactivation potential on the IL2 promoter. Kinase assay and pharmacological inhibitor treatment implied that 3b also affect RUNX1b transcriptional activity by regulating its ERK dependent phosphorylation levels. Additionally, mRNA levels of MIP-1α, a RUNX1b target gene upregulated in SARS-CoV infected monocyte-derived dendritic cells, were found to be elevated in 3b expressing U937 monocyte cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results unveil a novel interaction of SARS-CoV 3b with the host factor, RUNX1b, and speculate its physiological relevance in upregulating cytokines and chemokine levels in state of SARS virus infection


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    Objective: to provide various methods for sentinel lymph node detection considering their advantages and disadvantages.Material and Methods. The search of the relevant articles published in Pubmed, MedLine, RINTs, etc. database was conducted. 49 publications from 1970 to 2018 were analyzed.Results. Currently, sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLN biopsy) has become a worthy alternative to traditional lymphatic surgery for early breast cancer. SLN biopsy significantly decreases the number of postoperative complications caused by lymphadenectomy and improves the quality of life of cancer patients. So far, a large number of SLN detection techniques have accumulated. Each of these techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages.Conclusion. Despite a large number of SLN detection methods, the question of the optimal technique is currently debatable. Цель исследования – представить различные методы диагностики сторожевых лимфатических узлов, рассмотрев их достоинства и недостатки.Материал и методы. Проведен поиск статей, опубликованных в базах Pubmed, MedLine, РИНЦ, РГБ за 1970–2018 гг. Из 150 проанализированных публикаций в обзор вошли 50.Результаты. В настоящее время биопсия сторожевого лимфатического узла (СЛУ) стала достойной альтернативой традиционной хирургии на лимфатических путях при раннем раке молочной железы (РМЖ). Благодаря данной методике снизилось количество послеоперационных осложнений, вызванных лимфодиссекцией, а качество жизни больных значительно возросло. С момента появления и до настоящего времени накопилось большое количество техник определения СЛУ, каждая из которых имеет свои плюсы и минусы.Заключение. Несмотря на большое количество методов детекции СЛУ, вопрос об оптимальной технике в настоящее время остается дискуссионным.

    Divalent cation chelators citrate and EDTA unmask an intrinsic uncoupling pathway in isolated mitochondria.

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    We demonstrate a suppression of ROS production and uncoupling of mitochondria by exogenous citrate in Mg2+ free medium. Exogenous citrate suppressed H2O2 emission and depolarized mitochondria. The depolarization was paralleled by the stimulation of respiration of mitochondria. The uncoupling action of citrate was independent of the presence of sodium, potassium, or chlorine ions, and it was not mediated by the changes in permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane to solutes. The citrate transporter was not involved in the citrate effect. Inhibitory analysis data indicated that several well described mitochondria carriers and channels (ATPase, IMAC, ADP/ATP translocase, mPTP, mKATP) were not involved in citrate's effect. Exogenous MgCl2 strongly inhibited citrate-induced depolarization. The uncoupling effect of citrate was demonstrated in rat brain, mouse brain, mouse liver, and human melanoma cells mitochondria. We interpreted the data as an evidence to the existence of a hitherto undescribed putative inner mitochondrial membrane channel that is regulated by extramitochondrial Mg2+ or other divalent cations

    Approaches to Understanding and Normative Definition of the Category “Cybercrime” and Related Concepts in the Practice of Regional International Organizations

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    INTRODUCTION. Against the background of the unfolding epidemic of coronavirus, the trends in cybercrime that appeared in previous years have reached unprecedented magnitudes. The rapid transfer of many basic spheres of social functioning to a digital platform in an actual legal vacuum provided criminals with almost unlimited opportunities. In these circumstances, the task of improving and unifying the basic categories in the field of combating the «new form of crime» is of paramount interest not only from the point of view of theory, but also in order to create an effective international legal mechanism to counter this threat.MATERIALS AND METHODS. The material for the study were legal documents developed under the auspices of 14 regional international organizations, which represent one or another regional group, scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists. The methodological basis of the study was the general scientific and private scientific methods of cognition, traditional for legal work.RESEARCH RESULTS. The study revealed inconsistencies in terminology, the absence of a uniformly understood and applied normative definition of a «new form of crime» and related concepts that would meet the criterion of authenticity. Regional international organizations operate with such concepts as "cybercrime", "attacks against information systems", "crimes in the field of computer information", "crimes in the field of information technology", "information crime", "crimes related to computers and networks", "digital security risks", "the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for terrorist and criminal purposes". All this indicates the absence of common approaches to understanding the very essence and specific features of this criminal phenomenon.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. The author draws attention to the fact that the term "cybercrime" is used in 7 out of 14 groups of international documents of a regional nature. Analysis of the work of domestic and foreign researchers confirms the validity of the use of the term "cybercrime", as most fully and accurately reflecting the unique properties of this type of crime, its technical component. Based on the correlation and comparative study of the terms "information crime", "computer crime", "cybercrime", the author formulates basic provisions that can be taken into account when trying to develop a unified concept. The author draws attention to the fact that, taking into account the specific nature of the object, subject and virtual environment of committing these crimes, any legal norm should be formulated and correlated with the objective possibility of its practical implementation, taking into account technical characteristics