9,218 research outputs found

    Multiple hydrodynamical shocks induced by Raman effect in photonic crystal fibres

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    We theoretically predict the occurrence of multiple hydrodynamical-like shock phenomena in the propagation of ultrashort intense pulses in a suitably engineered photonic crystal fiber. The shocks are due to the Raman effect, which acts as a nonlocal term favoring their generation in the focusing regime. It is shown that the problem is mapped to shock formation in the presence of a slope and a gravity-like potential. The signature of multiple shocks in XFROG signals is unveiled

    Rotational effects in the band oscillator strengths and predissociation linewidths for the lowest ¹∏u–X¹Σg+ transitions of N₂

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    A coupled-channel Schrödinger equation (CSE) model of N2 photodissociation, which includes the effects of all interactions between the b, c, and o Πu1 and the C and C′ Πu3 states, is employed to study the effects of rotation on the lowest- ν Πu1 -

    Nonlinear wavelength conversion in photonic crystal fibers with three zero dispersion points

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    In this theoretical study, we show that a simple endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fiber can be designed to yield, not just two, but three zero-dispersion wavelengths. The presence of a third dispersion zero creates a rich phase-matching topology, enabling enhanced control over the spectral locations of the four-wave-mixing and resonant-radiation bands emitted by solitons and short pulses. The greatly enhanced flexibility in the positioning of these bands has applications in wavelength conversion, supercontinuum generation and pair-photon sources for quantum optics

    Simulating Particle Dispersions in Nematic Liquid-Crystal Solvents

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    A new method is presented for mesoscopic simulations of particle dispersions in nematic liquid crystal solvents. It allows efficient first-principle simulations of the dispersions involving many particles with many-body interactions mediated by the solvents. A simple demonstration is shown for the aggregation process of a two dimentional dispersion.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Scattering of particles by neutron stars: Time-evolutions for axial perturbations

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    The excitation of the axial quasi-normal modes of a relativistic star by scattered particles is studied by evolving the time dependent perturbation equations. This work is the first step towards the understanding of more complicated perturbative processes, like the capture or the scattering of particles by rotating stars. In addition, it may serve as a test for the results of the full nonlinear evolution of binary systems.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Phys. Rev. D in pres

    Extinction Curves, Distances, and Clumpiness of Diffuse Interstellar Dust Clouds

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    We present CCD photometry in UBVRI of several thousand Galactic field stars in four large (>1 degree^2) regions centered on diffuse interstellar dust clouds, commonly referred to as ``cirrus'' clouds (with optical depth A_V less than unity). Our goal in studying these stars is to investigate the properties of the cirrus clouds. A comparison of the observed stellar surface density between on-cloud and off-cloud regions as a function of apparent magnitude in each of the five bands effectively yields a measure of the extinction through each cloud. For two of the cirrus clouds, this method is used to derive UBVRI star counts-based extinction curves, and U-band counts are used to place constraints on the cloud distance. The color distribution of stars and their location in (U-B, B-V) and (B-V, V-I) color-color space are analyzed in order to determine the amount of selective extinction (reddening) caused by the cirrus. The color excesses, A_lambda-A_V, derived from stellar color histogram offsets for the four clouds, are better fit by a reddening law that rises steeply towards short wavelengths [R_V==A_V/E(B-V)<=2] than by the standard law (R_V=3.1). This may be indicative of a higher-than-average abundance of small dust grains relative to larger grains in diffuse cirrus clouds. The shape of the counts-based effective extinction curve and a comparison of different estimates of the dust optical depth (extinction optical depth derived from background star counts/colors; emission optical depth derived from far infrared measurements), are used to measure the degree of clumpiness in clouds. The set of techniques explored in this paper can be readily adapted to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data set in order to carry out a systematic, large-scale study of cirrus clouds.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures (postscript, gif, jpg). Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, scheduled for the May 1999 issue. Full resolution postscript versions of all figures are available at http://www.ucolick.org/~arpad

    Ultradeep Infrared Array Camera Observations of sub-L* z~7 and z~8 Galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: the Contribution of Low-Luminosity Galaxies to the Stellar Mass Density and Reionization

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    We study the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) mid-infrared (rest-frame optical) fluxes of 14 newly WFC3/IR-detected z=7 z_{850}-dropout galaxies and 5 z=8 Y_{105}-dropout galaxies. The WFC3/IR depth and spatial resolution allow accurate removal of contaminating foreground light, enabling reliable flux measurements at 3.6 micron and 4.5 micron. None of the galaxies are detected to [3.6]=26.9 (AB, 2 sigma), but a stacking analysis reveals a robust detection for the z_{850}-dropouts and an upper limit for the Y_{105}-dropouts. We construct average broadband SEDs using the stacked ACS, WFC3, and IRAC fluxes and fit stellar population synthesis models to derive mean redshifts, stellar masses, and ages. For the z_{850}-dropouts, we find z=6.9^{+0.1}_{-0.1}, (U-V)_{rest}=0.4, reddening A_V=0, stellar mass M*=1.2^{+0.3}_{-0.6} x 10^9 M_sun (Salpeter IMF). The best-fit ages ~300Myr, M/L_V=0.2, and SSFR=1.7Gyr^{-1} are similar to values reported for luminous z=7 galaxies, indicating the galaxies are smaller but not younger. The sub-L* galaxies observed here contribute significantly to the stellar mass density and under favorable conditions may have provided enough photons for sustained reionization at 7<z<11. In contrast, the z=8.3^{+0.1}_{-0.2} Y_{105}-dropouts have stellar masses that are uncertain by 1.5 dex due to the near-complete reliance on far-UV data. Adopting the 2 sigma upper limit on the M/L(z=8), the stellar mass density to M_{UV,AB} < -18 declines from rho*(z=7)=3.7^{+1.0}_{-1.8} x 10^6 M_sun Mpc^{-3} to rho*(z=8) < 8 x 10^5 M_sun Mpc^{-3}, following (1+z)^{-6} over 3<z<8. Lower masses at z=8 would signify more dramatic evolution, which can be established with deeper IRAC observations, long before the arrival of the James Webb Space Telescope.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, emulateapj, accepted for publication in ApJ

    A Smooth Interface Method for Simulating Liquid Crystal Colloid Dispersions

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    A new method is presented for mesoscopic simulations of particle dispersions in liquid crystal solvents. It allows efficient first-principle simulations of the dispersions involving many particles with many-body interactions mediated by the solvents. Demonstrations have been performed for the aggregation of colloid dispersions in two-dimensional nematic and smectic-C* solvents neglecting hydrodynamic effects, which will be taken into account in the near future.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure