19,330 research outputs found

    Low-G fluid transfer technology study, executive summary

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    For abstract, see N76-24502

    Space LOX vent system

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    The research of the program to design and build a prototype vent system capable of exhausting only vapor to space from an all liquid or two-phase mixture of oxygen, while operating under low or zero-gravity conditions is reported. Work performed during the detail design phase of the program was concerned with the finalization of vent system performance, development of component specifications, solicitation of vendor bids, selection of components and overall system package design. The compact system preliminary design defined for the comparisons was reviewed in light of a desirability to demonstrate complete tank mixing at one-g. Also, performance of the system at low-g conditions with a full tank and maximum temperature stratification or maximum pressure rise between vent cycles was investigated. It was found that under these extreme conditions, not previously considered, that use of a larger pump mixer than previously defined would be desirable. In addition, to simplify ground testing with only a small weight penalty, the exchanger vent pressure was increased from 5 psia to 22 psia nominal. This resulted in less than a 0.2% increase in system weight

    Cryogenic zero-gravity prototype vent system

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    Design, fabrication, and tests of prototype cryogenic zero-gravity heat exchanger vent syste

    Differences between the Two Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars: Variations in the Spin Down Rate of 1E 1048.1-5937 and An Extended Interval of Quiet Spin Down in 1E 2259+586

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    We analysed the RXTE archival data of 1E 1048.1-5937 covering a time span of more than one year. The spin down rate of this source decreases by 30 percent during the observation. We could not resolve the X-ray flux variations because of contamination by Eta Carinae. We find that the level of pulse frequency fluctuations of 1E 1048.1-5937 is consistent with typical noise levels of accretion powered pulsars. Recent RXTE observations of 1E 2259+586 have shown a constant spin down with a very low upper limit on timing noise. We used the RXTE archival X-ray observations of 1E 2259+586 to show that the intrinsic X-ray luminosity times series is also stable, with an rms fractional variation of less than 15 percent. The source could have been in a quiet phase of accretion with a constant X-ray luminosity and spin down rate.Comment: MNRAS in pres

    The bird: A pressure-confined explosion in the interstellar medium

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    The non-thermal radio continuum source G5.3-1.0, mapped at 20 cm with the Very Large Array (VLA) by Becker and Helfand, has an unusual bird-like shape. In order to determine possible interaction of this source with adjacent cold gas, we have mapped this region in the J=1-0 line of CO using the AT and T Bell Laboratories 7m antenna and the FCRAO 14m antenna. The map shown contains 1859 spectra sampled on a 1.5 arcminute grid; each spectrum has an rms noise of 0.2 K in 1 MHz channels. There are several molecular clouds at different velocities along the line of sight. The outer regions of a previously unknown Giant Molecular Cloud (GMC) at l=4.7 deg., b=-0.85 deg., v=200 km s(-1) appears to be interacting with G5.3-10: the molecular cloud has a bird-shaped hole at the position of the continuum source, except that the brightest continuum point (the bird's head) appears to be embedded in the cloud. The velocity of this GMC indicates it is within 2 kpc of the galactic center. The morphology suggests that a supernova or other explosive event occurred near the outside of the GMC, in a region where (n) is approximately 300 cm(-3), and expanded into a region of lower density and pressure. The pressures, densities, and velocity gradients of molecular clouds near the galactic center are on average higher than those of clouds near the Sun. We therefore expect that Type II supernovae near the galactic center would be distorted by their interactions with their parent molecular clouds

    Study of low gravity propellant transfer Quarterly progress report, 23 Dec. 1970 - 30 Apr. 1971

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    Bellows, metallic diaphragm, and paddle vortex subcritical transfer systems designs and high pressure systems analyses for orbital space station cryogen

    Gated rotation mechanism of site-specific recombination by Ď•C31 integrase

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    Integrases, such as that of the Streptomyces temperate bacteriophage ϕC31, promote site-specific recombination between DNA sequences in the bacteriophage and bacterial genomes to integrate or excise the phage DNA. ϕC31 integrase belongs to the serine recombinase family, a large group of structurally related enzymes with diverse biological functions. It has been proposed that serine integrases use a “subunit rotation” mechanism to exchange DNA strands after double-strand DNA cleavage at the two recombining att sites, and that many rounds of subunit rotation can occur before the strands are religated. We have analyzed the mechanism of ϕC31 integrase-mediated recombination in a topologically constrained experimental system using hybrid “phes” recombination sites, each of which comprises a ϕC31 att site positioned adjacent to a regulatory sequence recognized by Tn3 resolvase. The topologies of reaction products from circular substrates containing two phes sites support a right-handed subunit rotation mechanism for catalysis of both integrative and excisive recombination. Strand exchange usually terminates after a single round of 180° rotation. However, multiple processive “360° rotation” rounds of strand exchange can be observed, if the recombining sites have nonidentical base pairs at their centers. We propose that a regulatory “gating” mechanism normally blocks multiple rounds of strand exchange and triggers product release after a single round

    Towards electron transport measurements in chemically modified graphene: The effect of a solvent

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    Chemical functionalization of graphene modifies the local electron density of the carbon atoms and hence electron transport. Measuring these changes allows for a closer understanding of the chemical interaction and the influence of functionalization on the graphene lattice. However, not only chemistry, in this case diazonium chemistry, has an effect on the electron transport. Latter is also influenced by defects and dopants resulting from different processing steps. Here, we show that solvents used in the chemical reaction process change the transport properties. In more detail, the investigated combination of isopropanol and heating treatment reduces the doping concentration and significantly increases the mobility of graphene. Furthermore, the isopropanol treatment alone increases the concentration of dopants and introduces an asymmetry between electron and hole transport which might be difficult to distinguish from the effect of functionalization. The results shown in this work demand a closer look on the influence of solvents used for chemical modification in order to understand their influence
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