3,517 research outputs found

    Coherent Quantum Ratchets Driven by Tunnel Oscillations

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    We demonstrate that the tunnel oscillations of a biased double quantum dot can be employed as driving source for a quantum ratchet. As a model, we use two capacitively coupled double quantum dots. One double dot is voltage biased and provides the ac force, while the other experiences the ac force and acts as coherent quantum ratchet. The current is obtained from a Bloch-Redfield master equation which ensures a proper equilibrium limit. We find that the two-electron states of the coupled ratchet-drive Hamiltonian lead to unexpected steps in the ratchet current.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The relationship between capacity utilization and inflation

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    There's a common belief among economists that when there’s slack in the economy — that is, when labor and capital are not fully employed — the economy can expand without an increase in inflation. One measure of the intensity with which labor and capital are used in producing output is the capacity utilization rate. According to some economists, when capacity utilization is low, firms can increase employment and their use of capital without incurring large increases in the costs of production. So firms will not be forced to raise prices in order to make profits on additional output. But this theory is not universally accepted. In “The Relationship Between Capacity Utilization and Inflation,” Mike Dotsey and Tom Stark investigate some of the problems with what, at first glance, seems a compelling story.Inflation (Finance) ; Industrial capacity

    Meinardus' theorem on weighted partitions: extensions and a probabilistic proof

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    We give a probalistic proof of the famous Meinardus' asymptotic formula for the number of weighted partitions with weakened one of the three Meinardus' conditions, and extend the resulting version of the theorem to other two classis types of decomposable combinatorial structures, which are called assemblies and selections. The results obtained are based on combining Meinardus' analytical approach with probabilistic method of Khitchine.Comment: The version contains a few minor corrections.It will be published in Advances in Applied Mathematic

    Do Phillips curves conditionally help to forecast inflation?

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    The Phillips curve has long been used as a foundation for forecasting inflation. Yet numerous studies indicate that over the past 20 years or so, inflation forecasts based on the Phillips curve generally do not predict inflation any better than a univariate forecasting model. In this paper, the authors take a deeper look at the forecasting ability of Phillips curves from both an unconditional and a conditional view. Namely, they use the test results developed by Giacomini and White (2006) to examine the forecasting ability of Phillips curve models. The authors' main results indicate that forecasts from their Phillips curve models are unconditionally inferior to those of their univariate forecasting models and sometimes the difference is statistically significant. However, the authors do find that conditioning on various measures of the state of the economy does at times improve the performance of the Phillips curve model in a statistically significant way. Of interest is that improvement is more likely to occur at longer forecasting horizons and over the sample period 1984Q1—2010Q3. Strikingly, the improvement is asymmetric — Phillips curve forecasts tend to be more accurate when the economy is weak and less accurate when the economy is strong. It, therefore, appears that forecasters should not fully discount the inflation forecasts of Phillips curve-based models when the economy is weak.Phillips curve ; Unemployment

    Multi-View Priors for Learning Detectors from Sparse Viewpoint Data

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    While the majority of today's object class models provide only 2D bounding boxes, far richer output hypotheses are desirable including viewpoint, fine-grained category, and 3D geometry estimate. However, models trained to provide richer output require larger amounts of training data, preferably well covering the relevant aspects such as viewpoint and fine-grained categories. In this paper, we address this issue from the perspective of transfer learning, and design an object class model that explicitly leverages correlations between visual features. Specifically, our model represents prior distributions over permissible multi-view detectors in a parametric way -- the priors are learned once from training data of a source object class, and can later be used to facilitate the learning of a detector for a target class. As we show in our experiments, this transfer is not only beneficial for detectors based on basic-level category representations, but also enables the robust learning of detectors that represent classes at finer levels of granularity, where training data is typically even scarcer and more unbalanced. As a result, we report largely improved performance in simultaneous 2D object localization and viewpoint estimation on a recent dataset of challenging street scenes.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, International Conference on Learning Representations 201

    Software Engineering Laboratory Ada performance study: Results and implications

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    The SEL is an organization sponsored by NASA/GSFC to investigate the effectiveness of software engineering technologies applied to the development of applications software. The SEL was created in 1977 and has three organizational members: NASA/GSFC, Systems Development Branch; The University of Maryland, Computer Sciences Department; and Computer Sciences Corporation, Systems Development Operation. The goals of the SEL are as follows: (1) to understand the software development process in the GSFC environments; (2) to measure the effect of various methodologies, tools, and models on this process; and (3) to identify and then to apply successful development practices. The activities, findings, and recommendations of the SEL are recorded in the Software Engineering Laboratory Series, a continuing series of reports that include the Ada Performance Study Report. This paper describes the background of Ada in the Flight Dynamics Division (FDD), the objectives and scope of the Ada Performance Study, the measurement approach used, the performance tests performed, the major test results, and the implications for future FDD Ada development efforts

    Coordinate actions of BMPs, Wnts, Shh and noggin mediate patterning of the dorsal somite

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    Shortly after their formation, somites of vertebrate embryos differentiate along the dorsoventral axis into sclerotome, myotome and dermomyotome. The dermomyotome is then patterned along its mediolateral axis into medial, central and lateral compartments, which contain progenitors of epaxial muscle, dermis and hypaxial muscle, respectively. Here, we used Wnt-11 as a molecular marker for the medial compartment of dermomyotome (the ‘medial lip’) to demonstrate that BMP in the dorsal neural tube indirectly induces formation of the medial lip by up-regulating Wnt-1 and Wnt-3a (but not Wnt-4) expression in the neural tube. Noggin in the dorsal somite may inhibit the direct action of BMP on this tissue. Wnt-11 induction is antagonized by Sonic Hedgehog, secreted by the notochord and the floor plate. Together, our results show that the coordinated actions of the dorsal neural tube (via BMP and Wnts), the ventral neural tube/notochord (via Shh) and the somite itself (via noggin) mediates patterning of the dorsal compartment of the somite

    Culture, Utility or Social Systems?:Explaining the Cross-National Ties of Emigrants from Borsa, Romania

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    Emigrants from BorƟa, Romania, display two quite distinct patterns of ties with their community of origin: migration to Italy is discernibly transnational, with a strong reliance on migrant networks; while migration to the UK is more individualistic, with emigrants shunning interaction with compatriots and retaining only weak ties to BorƟa. We argue that prevalent theories of cross-national ties fail adequately to explain this divergence. Instead, we draw on systems theory to explain the discrepancy in terms of divergent conditions for societal inclusion. In Italy, incorporation into parallel, unofficial structures of work, welfare and accommodation encouraged a reliance on cultural criteria for maintaining social ties. In the UK, migrants were obliged to integrate into state-sponsored systems, encouraging the relinquishing of ethnic ties in favour of more strategic networking to facilitate societal inclusion
