3 research outputs found

    Letters from the Front and Memoires in a Museum Exhibition as the Means of Commemoration and Formation of Historical Memory

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    The article researches the process of historical memory formation and the role of museum spaces in it. The authors consider the use of letters from the front as the means of commemoration. The issues of commemoration and re-commemoration, museum reflection and its influence on historical memory are studied. Special attention is paid to museumification of front letters and memoires of war workers. The authors consider the new possibilities of using them in museum displays using multimedia technologies, emphasizing the higher accessibility of the letters’ content in multimedia. The research novelty consists in the cross-disciplinary view of a historical source through the prism of museum space. The authors show the properties and possibilities of narrative sources which are now available due to modern technologies. The unpublished ego-documents (private letters and memoires) from museum funds were studied and described. The research topicality is due to identification of the influence of written museum exhibits on the formation and socialization of historical memory. It is proved that the personal materials in a museum display using modern technical opportunities enhance the informative effect, stimulating commemoration and facilitating the formation of historical memory. The article employs the experience of fund, exhibition and excursion work of the Museum of the history of Gorky railroad development

    Characteristic features of Reformation in Hungary and the Formation of the Unitarian (Anti-Trinitarian) Church in Transylvania in the Second Half of the 16th Century

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    This article examines the peculiarities of the Reformation process in the Hungarian territories, followed by the formation of a Unitarian (Anti-Trinitarian) church in Transylvania in the 16th century. The study aims to identify the specific features and periodization of this process in the said area. The first feature is the complex ethnic composition of the population, which led to political and religious opposition and the strengthening of state power by certain ethnic groups that adopted Protestant religious doctrines. The second feature is related to the complex military-political situation in Central Europe in the 16th century: the disintegration of the Kingdom of Hungary, the annexation of parts of the disintegrated kingdom by the Ottoman Empire, which led to several major Austro-Turkish wars and constant border skirmishes. This resulted in the emergence of various vassal formations and the use of interfaith conflict as a means to achieve success in military-political confrontations. The third feature, closely related to the previous ones, is the strengthening of magnate clans, which, in the context of weak government and a challenging international situation, became independent political forces significantly influencing the religious processes in the country. These characteristics of Reformation in the Hungarian territories led, in the second half of the 16th century, to a substantial expansion of Protestantism supporters and an increase in the number of Protestant denominations. In the small, frontier, vassal state of the Eastern Hungarian kingdom under the Ottoman Empire, the widest religious freedom in Europe was granted. A few years later, a Unitarian (Anti-Trinitarian) Christian church was established, receiving equal rights with all other religious denominations. It continues to exist in Hungary and Romania. This study will be of interest to the researchers of history of Reformation and religion in general

    Letters from the Front and Memoires in a Museum Exhibition as the Means of Commemoration and Formation of Historical Memory

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    The article researches the process of historical memory formation and the role of museum spaces in it. The authors consider the use of letters from the front as the means of commemoration. The issues of commemoration and re-commemoration, museum reflection and its influence on historical memory are studied. Special attention is paid to museumification of front letters and memoires of war workers. The authors consider the new possibilities of using them in museum displays using multimedia technologies, emphasizing the higher accessibility of the letters’ content in multimedia. The research novelty consists in the cross-disciplinary view of a historical source through the prism of museum space. The authors show the properties and possibilities of narrative sources which are now available due to modern technologies. The unpublished ego-documents (private letters and memoires) from museum funds were studied and described. The research topicality is due to identification of the influence of written museum exhibits on the formation and socialization of historical memory. It is proved that the personal materials in a museum display using modern technical opportunities enhance the informative effect, stimulating commemoration and facilitating the formation of historical memory. The article employs the experience of fund, exhibition and excursion work of the Museum of the history of Gorky railroad development.El artículo investiga el proceso de formación de la memoria histórica y el papel de los espacios museísticos en él. Los autores consideran el uso de letras del frente como medio de conmemoración. Se estudian los temas de la conmemoración y re-conmemoración, la reflexión museística y su influencia en la memoria histórica. Se presta especial atención a la museificación de las portadas y memorias de los trabajadores de guerra. Los autores consideran las nuevas posibilidades de utilizarlas en exposiciones de museos utilizando tecnologías multimedia, haciendo hincapié en la mayor accesibilidad del contenido de las cartas en multimedia. La novedad de la investigación consiste en la mirada transversal de una fuente histórica a través del prisma del espacio museístico. Los autores muestran las propiedades y posibilidades de las fuentes narrativas que ahora están disponibles gracias a las tecnologías modernas. Se estudiaron y describieron los documentos ego inéditos (cartas privadas y memorias) de los fondos del museo. La actualidad de la investigación se debe a la identificación de la influencia de las exhibiciones escritas en los museos en la formación y socialización de la memoria histórica. Está comprobado que los materiales personales en una exhibición de museo que utilizan las oportunidades técnicas modernas mejoran el efecto informativo, estimulan la conmemoración y facilitan la formación de la memoria histórica. El artículo emplea la experiencia del trabajo de fondos, exposiciones y excursiones del Museo de la historia del desarrollo del ferrocarril de Gorky