3,399 research outputs found

    Application of a Weather Research and Forecasting model to study the urban heat island in Tomsk

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    The results of application of a Weather Research and Forecasting model (version 4.2) to study the heat island phenomenon in the city of Tomsk are considered. The results of numerical calculations were compared with measurements obtained using the instruments of Joint Use Center (JUC) Atmosphere and Tomsk Bogashevo Airport. On some days, the temperature difference between the city and the suburbs was shown to reach 1-3 °C

    Forecast of the near ground air temperature based on the multilayer perceptron model

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    In this study, a multilayer perceptron model is implemented for predicting meteorological values. Based on the known distribution of meteorological values for several previous days, the task was set to predict the values of the near ground air temperature. The overall mean square error for the entire forecast was 3.11 C. Comparison of various optimization methods showed the advantage of the method of Adaptive Moment Estimation. Comparison of the multilayer perceptron model forecasting results with the Weather Research and Forecasting numerical model forecast showed the promise of using neural networks to predict meteorological parameters at weather observation points

    Evolution of low-mass star and brown dwarf eclipsing binaries

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    We examine the evolution of low-mass star and brown dwarf eclipsing binaries. These objects are rapid rotators and are believed to shelter large magnetic fields. We suggest that reduced convective efficiency, due to fast rotation and large field strengths, and/or to magnetic spot coverage of the radiating surface significantly affect their evolution, leading to a reduced heat flux and thus larger radii and cooler effective temperatures than for regular objects. We have considered such processes in our evolutionary calculations, using a phenomenological approach. This yields mass-radius and effective temperature-radius relationships in agreement with the observations. We also reproduce the effective temperature ratio and the radii of the two components of the recently discovered puzzling eclipsing brown dwarf system. These calculations show that fast rotation and/or magnetic activity may significantly affect the evolution of eclipsing binaries and that the mechanical and thermal properties of these objects depart from the ones of non-active low-mass objects. We find that, for internal field strengths compatible with the observed surface value of a few kiloGauss, convection can be severely inhibited. The onset of a central radiative zone for rapidly rotating active low-mass stars might thus occur below the usual \sim 0.35 \msol limit.Comment: to appear in A&A Letter

    Features of structure of mucous membrane of alveolar arc of human maxilla in embriogenesis

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    Робота присвячена вивченню будови слизово оболонки альвеолярно дуги верхньо щелепи людини в період з 10 по 30 тиждень внутрішньоутробного розвитку. Встановлено, що на ранніх етапах (з 10 по 23 тижні) слизова оболонка присінка порожнини рота істотно відрізняється відтако власне порожнини рота. Малі слинні залози в основному завершують своє формування до 25 тижнів внутрішньоутробного розвитку, а покривний епітелій до 27-30; Работа посвящена изучению строения слизистой оболочки альвеолярной дуги верхней челюсти человека в периодс 10 по 30 неделю внутриутробного развития. Установлено, что на раннихэтапах (с 10 по 23 неделю) слизистая оболочка преддстения полости рта отличается от полости рта. Малые слюнные железы в основном завершают свое формирования до 25 недель внутриутробного развития, а покровный эпителий к 27-30; The structure of mucous membrane of alveolar arc of maxilla of human maxilla in а period from the 10th to the 30th week of fetal development has been studied in the work. It has been established that on the early stages (from the 10th to the 23th weeks) the mucous membrane of vestibule of oral cavity essentially differs from such of actually oral cavity. Small salivary glands mainly complete their formation to 25 weeks of fetal development, and integumentary epithelium -to 27-30

    Forecast of extreme weather conditions that promote aircraft icing during take-off or landing

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    This work presents the results of forecasting meteorological conditions that promote aircrafts icing in the atmospheric boundary layer; the forecasting results were obtained based on mesoscale meteorological model TSU-NM3. Godske formula which is based on the calculation of saturation temperature above ice, NCEP method, and statistical method of Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia were used as criteria of probability of aircraft icing during take-off or landing. Numeric forecast results were compared with physical observations made in the atmospheric boundary layer in October 2012 at the Tomsk airport. A good agreement obtained provided an opportunity to be certain about the above approach viability. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    Структурна організація зачатків молочних ікол на 10-12 тижнях внутрішньоутробного розвитку

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    Установлено, що на 10-12 тижнях внутрішньоутробного розвитку в зачатках мо­лочних ікол відбувається зміна періоду закладки на період формування і диференціювання зубних зачатків. Зачатки молочних ікол істотно відстають у розвитку від зачатків молоч­них різців. Припускається наявність прямої кореляції між ступенем зрілості зачатків мо­лочних зубів і термінами прорізування відповідних молочних зубів на ранніх етапах одонтогенезу

    Meteorological optical range predictability with the use of high resolution mesoscale models

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    The report describes and argues in favor of the data base for numerical experiments with hydrodynamic and photochemical atmospheric models with the purpose of the meteorological visibility forecast. The obtained results demonstrate methodological potential of this approach. © (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    Ways of optimization of morphological disciplines’ teaching fo foreign students

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    В статье анализируются проблемы, которые возникают у иностранных студентов при изучении анатомии и гистологии на первом курсе. На основании проведенного анализа объективных трудностей, возникающих у иностранцев при изучении данных дисциплин, высказано предположение о целесообразности начала изучения анатомии и гистолгии во втором семестре, после интенсивного изучения в первом семестре социально-гуманитарных дисциплин. Предложено внедрение в учебный процесс системной интеграции, на основании модульной системы, между такими дисциплинами как анатомия, гистология, физиология и биохимия; У статті аналізуються проблеми, які виникають у іноземних студентів при вивченні анатомії і гістології на першому курсі. На підставі проведеного аналізу об'єктивних труднощів, що виникають у іноземців при вивченні зазначених дисциплін, висловлено припущення про доцільність початку вивчення анатомії і гістолгіі у другому семестрі, після інтенсивного вивчення в першому семестрі соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін. Запропоновано впровадження в навчальний процес системної інтеграції, на підставі модульної системи, між такими дисциплінами як анатомія, гістологія, фізіологія і біохімія; The articles analyzes the problems that arise for international students in the studying of anatomy and histology of the first year. Based on the analysis of the objective difficulties of foreigners in the study of these disciplines, suggested whether to start studying anatomy and gistolgii in the second semester, after intense study in the first semester of social and humanities. Proposed introduction in the educational process of system integration based on a modular system, between disciplines such as anatomy, histology, physiology, and biochemistry

    A PMT-Block test bench

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    The front-end electronics of the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter (Tile Cal) is housed in a unit, called {\it PMT-Block}. The PMT-Block is a compact instrument comprising a light mixer, a PMT together with its divider and a {\it 3-in-1} card, which provides shaping, amplification and integration for the signals. This instrument needs to be qualified before being assembled on the detector. A PMT-Block test bench has been developed for this purpose. This test bench is a system which allows fast, albeit accurate enough, measurements of the main properties of a complete PMT-Block. The system, both hardware and software, and the protocol used for the PMT-Blocks characterisation are described in detail in this report. The results obtained in the test of about 10000 PMT-Blocks needed for the instrumentation of the ATLAS (LHC-CERN) hadronic Tile Calorimeter are also reported.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure