537 research outputs found

    A Herschel-Resolved Debris Disk Around the Nearby G Star HIP 32480

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    The Herschel Space Observatory is providing unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution in the far-infrared. The DUNES Key Project (DUst around NEarby Stars, PI Carlos Eiroa) has finished its survey of 133 FGK stars within 25 pc of the Sun using the PACS photometer at 100 and 160 microns. We report the detection of a resolved debris ring around HIP 32480, a G0 star 16.5 parsecs distant. The ring is almost 300 AU in diameter and inclined 30 degrees from edge-on. We present a thermal emission model for the system that fits the Spitzer spectroscopy and Herschel images of the system. We find a minimum grainsize of approximately 4 microns in the main ring and a distinct warm dust population interior to it. Faint detached emission features just outside the ring may trace a separate, more distant ring in the system. The non-detection of the ring in archival HST/ACS coronagraphic images limits the dust grain albedo in the ring to be no more than 10%

    Common Warm Dust Temperatures Around Main-sequence Stars

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    We compare the properties of warm dust emission from a sample of main-sequence A-type stars (B8-A7) to those of dust around solar-type stars (F5-K0) with similar Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Spectrograph/MIPS data and similar ages. Both samples include stars with sources with infrared spectral energy distributions that show evidence of multiple components. Over the range of stellar types considered, we obtain nearly the same characteristic dust temperatures (~190 K and ~60 K for the inner and outer dust components, respectively)—slightly above the ice evaporation temperature for the inner belts. The warm inner dust temperature is readily explained if populations of small grains are being released by sublimation of ice from icy planetesimals. Evaporation of low-eccentricity icy bodies at ~150 K can deposit particles into an inner/warm belt, where the small grains are heated to T_(dust)~ 190 K. Alternatively, enhanced collisional processing of an asteroid belt-like system of parent planetesimals just interior to the snow line may account for the observed uniformity in dust temperature. The similarity in temperature of the warmer dust across our B8-K0 stellar sample strongly suggests that dust-producing planetesimals are not found at similar radial locations around all stars, but that dust production is favored at a characteristic temperature horizon

    The Kinematics of HH 34 from HST Images with a Nine-year Time Baseline

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    We study archival HST [S II] 6716+30 and Hα images of the HH 34 outflow, taken in 1998.71 and in 2007.83. The ~9 yr time baseline and the high angular resolution of these observations allow us to carry out a detailed proper-motion study. We determine the proper motions of the substructure of the HH 34S bow shock (from the [S II] and Hα frames) and of the aligned knots within ~30'' from the outflow source (only from the [S II] frames). We find that the present-day motions of the knots along the HH 34 jet are approximately ballistic, and that these motions directly imply the formation of a major mass concentration in ~900 yr, at a position similar to the one of the present-day HH 34S bow shock. In other words, we find that the knots along the HH 34 jet will merge to form a more massive structure, possibly resembling HH 34S

    Laboratory Determination of the Infrared Band Strengths of Pyrene Frozen in Water Ice: Implications for the Composition of Interstellar Ices

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    Broad infrared emission features (e.g., at 3.3, 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.3 microns) from the gas phase interstellar medium have long been attributed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). A significant portion (10%-20%) of the Milky Way's carbon reservoir is locked in PAH molecules, which makes their characterization integral to our understanding of astrochemistry. In molecular clouds and the dense envelopes and disks of young stellar objects (YSOs), PAHs are expected to be frozen in the icy mantles of dust grains where they should reveal themselves through infrared absorption. To facilitate the search for frozen interstellar PAHs, laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the positions and strengths of the bands of pyrene mixed with H2O and D2O ices. The D2O mixtures are used to measure pyrene bands that are masked by the strong bands of H2O, leading to the first laboratory determination of the band strength for the CH stretching mode of pyrene in water ice near 3.25 microns. Our infrared band strengths were normalized to experimentally determined ultraviolet band strengths, and we find that they are generally ~50% larger than those reported by Bouwman et al. based on theoretical strengths. These improved band strengths were used to reexamine YSO spectra published by Boogert et al. to estimate the contribution of frozen PAHs to absorption in the 5-8 micron spectral region, taking into account the strength of the 3.25 micron CH stretching mode. It is found that frozen neutral PAHs contain 5%-9% of the cosmic carbon budget, and account for 2%-9% of the unidentified absorption in the 5-8 micron region.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ on 14 Feb 201

    A layered edge-on circumstellar disk around HK Tau B

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    We present the first high angular resolution 1.4mm and 2.7mm continuum maps of the T Tauri binary system HK Tau obtained with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer. The contributions of both components are well disentangled at 1.4mm and the star previously known to host an edge-on circumstellar disk, HK Tau B, is elongated along the disk's major axis. The optically bright primary dominates the thermal emission from the system at both wavelengths, confirming that it also has its own circumstellar disk. Its non-detection in scattered light images indicates that the two disks in this binary system are not parallel. Our data further indicate that the circumprimary disk is probably significantly smaller than the circumsecondary disk. We model the millimeter thermal emission from the circumstellar disk surrounding HK Tau B. We show that the disk mass derived from scattered light images cannot reproduce the 1.4mm emission using opacities of the same population of submicron dust grains. However, grain growth alone cannot match all the observed properties of this disk. We propose that this disk contains three separate layers: two thin outer surfaces which contain dust grains that are very similar to those of the ISM, and a disk interior which is relatively massive and/or has experienced limited grain growth with the largest grains significantly smaller than 1mm. Such a structure could naturally result from dust settling in a protoplanetary disk.Comment: Accepted fopr publication in A&A, 8 pages, 1 embedded figur

    Orientation-dependent ionization yields from strong-field ionization of fixed-in-space linear and asymmetric top molecules

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    The yield of strong-field ionization, by a linearly polarized probe pulse, is studied experimentally and theoretically, as a function of the relative orientation between the laser field and the molecule. Experimentally, carbonyl sulfide, benzonitrile and naphthalene molecules are aligned in one or three dimensions before being singly ionized by a 30 fs laser pulse centered at 800 nm. Theoretically, we address the behaviour of these three molecules. We consider the degree of alignment and orientation and model the angular dependence of the total ionization yield by molecular tunneling theory accounting for the Stark shift of the energy level of the ionizing orbital. For naphthalene and benzonitrile the orientational dependence of the ionization yield agrees well with the calculated results, in particular the observation that ionization is maximized when the probe laser is polarized along the most polarizable axis. For OCS the observation of maximum ionization yield when the probe is perpendicular to the internuclear axis contrasts the theoretical results.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Manipulating the torsion of molecules by strong laser pulses

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    A proof-of-principle experiment is reported, where torsional motion of a molecule, consisting of a pair of phenyl rings, is induced by strong laser pulses. A nanosecond laser pulse spatially aligns the carbon-carbon bond axis, connecting the two phenyl rings, allowing a perpendicularly polarized, intense femtosecond pulse to initiate torsional motion accompanied by an overall rotation about the fixed axis. The induced motion is monitored by femtosecond time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging. Our theoretical analysis accounts for and generalizes the experimental findings.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PRL; Major revision of the presentation of the material; Correction of ion labels in Fig. 2(a
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