18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of different epizootiological survey methodologies to assess classical swine fever vaccination coverage in the republic of Serbia

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    Класична куга свиња (ККС) је веома контагиозно обољење домаћих и дивљих свиња. Економски посматрано ККС представља највећу претњу свињарској производњи једне земље. У многим земљама, ККС је успешно искорењена применом опсежних мера контроле присуства вируса ККС у природним резервоарима, биосигурносне заштите, нешкодљивог уништавања оболелих свиња, контроле промета животиња, упоредо са програмом масовне вакцинације. Успешно заустављање циркулације вируса ККС кроз пријемчиву популацију и прекидање ланца инфекције уз примену вакцинације, захтева висок ниво имунизације свиња. Ако се вакцинација спроводи систематски на територији целе земље, долази до значајног смањивања клиничких случајева ККС и до заустављања циркулације вируса. Искуства су показала да је ерадикацију уз примену масовне вакцинације могуће постићи у року од годину дана. Да би се обезбедио одговарајући ниво имунитета стада и избегли нежељени ефекти ниског обухвата вакцинацијом, као што је присуство „маскираних“ случајева ККС, потребно је обезбедити константну вакцинацију свиња на терену. Упоредо са имунопрофиласком неопходно је спроводити и мониторинг вакцинације. Мониторинг вакцинације је заснован на плану узорковања, теренском истраживању и препознавању ризичних фактора који условљавају низак обухват имунизацијом. Циљ испитивања је био да се одреди одговарајући поступак израчунавања величине репрезентативног узорка, односно потребног броја насељених места, породичних фарми, сеоских газдинстава и свиња, код којих треба спровести епизоотиолошко истраживање и испитивање сероконверзије, ради одређивања обухвата вакцинацијом против ККС. У раду је описана студија пресека, примерена екстензивним условима држања свиња и урађен прорачун репрезентативног узорка на нивоу популације свиња у Републици Србији. Такође је извршено истраживање обухвата вакцинацијом против ККС на територији три општине у Републици Србији и испитана ефикасност имунизације.Classical swine fever is a highly contagious viral disease of pigs and wild boars. In economic point of view, classical swine fever is one of the highest threats to the pig production. In many countries, classical swine fever has been successfully eradicated with the application of wide control measures such as monitoring of CSFV in natural reservoirs, biosecurity measures, depopulation of diseased pigs and pigs which were in contact with diseased pigs, movement restriction, together with the vaccination of pigs. The efficient control and eradication of CSF by applying vaccination of pigs require a high degree of vaccination coverage in all categories of pigs. Experience shows that CSF can be eradicated in endemic areas with a strict vaccination regime within a year. To ensure satisfactory level of heard immunity and to avoid perverse effects of vaccination like complications due to low coverage, such as the presence of infected undetected pigs, i.e. the presence of "masked" clusters of diseased pigs with a mild clinical picture difficult to differentiate, it is necessary to ensure constant vaccination. Vaccination of pigs should be constantly monitored. Monitoring of vaccination is based on sampling plan of priory estimated required number of samples which have to be tested for the presence of seroconversion, filed investigation and detection of risk factors that may affect the quality and coverage of immunization. The objective of this research was to estimate different epizootiological methods and develop appropriate methodology for statistical calculations of sample size, to compute a representative number of settlements, holdings and pigs that should be investigated in order to determine vaccination coverage in extensive pig farming conditions. In the research was also developed sample size, based on probability distribution, on the level of pig population in the Republic of Serbia and estimated vaccination coverage in three municipalitie

    Ispitivanje mikrocurenja kod restauracija zuba glasjonomer-cementom

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    Introduction. A lack of appropriate adhesiveness is one of the biggest problems in the restorative dentistry today and the main cause of the microleakage between restorations and hard dental tissue. The aim of this study was to assess the adhesiveness of two different glass ionomer cement restorations class V on the hard dental tissue using the SEM analysis and dye penetration test. Material and methods. The study included 80 extracted teeth for orthodontic reasons (premolars and molars) in both genders and different age. On the vestibular and oral side of the teeth, adhesive preparations class V were done (size 3Ч2Ч2 mm). On the vestibular preparation, GC Fuji II was applicated and GC Fuji II LC-improved on the oral side. The quality of the adhesiveness between restorations and hard dental tissue was evaluated using the SEM analysis and dye penetration test (0.5% basic fuxsin). Linear penetration of the dye was observed using 10 times magnification. Results. The results showed that microleakage was presented with both materials but a ratio was less with Fuji II LC compared with Fuji II. Also, the microleakage was less on the occlusal parts of the restorations than on the gingival, with both materials. Microleakage was noticed in 93.44% teeth with Fuji II GJC restorations with index of microleakage of 148 on all edges. Fuji II LC GJC restorations showed microleakage in 68.4% teeth with index of microleakage 75 on all edges. The SEM analysis showed that both glass ionomer materials had better adhesiveness to the enamel than to the dentin. The average gap length between Fuji II LC and dentin was 9 μm and Fuji II 17 μm, respectively. Conclusion. Better adhesiveness to the hard dental tissue was achieved with materials of the newer generations, resin modificated glas ionomer cements.Uvod. Nedostatak odgovarajuće adhezivnosti je jedan od najčešćih problema u savremenoj restaurativnoj stomatologiji i glavni uzrok nastanka mikropukotine na spoju materijala i tvrdih zubnih tkiva. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se SEM analizom i semikvantitativnim ispitivanjima, odnosno metodom bojenih rastvora proveri kvalitet veze dve vrste glasjonomer-cementnih (GJC) restauracija za tvrda zubna tkiva kod kaviteta V klase. Materijal i metode rada. Klinička ispitivanja su obuhvatila 80 sveže ekstrahovanih intaktnih zuba (premolari i molari), izvađenih iz ortodontskih razloga, kod pacijenata oba pola i različite starosti. Na svim zubima su sa vestibularne i oralne strane urađene jednopovršinske preparacije V klase adhezivnog tipa sa zaobljenim zidovima kaviteta (dimenzija 3x2x2 mm). Sa vestibularne strane primenjen je GJC Fuji II, a s oralne GJC Fuji II LG improved. Kvalitet veze je procenjivan semikvantitativnim ispitivanjima rubnog zaptivanja metodom bojenih rastvora i SEM analizom kvaliteta veze ispuna i zubnih tkiva. Kao bojeni rastvor korišćen je 0,5-procentni rastvor bazičnog fuksina, a linearni prodor boje na gingivalnom i okluzivnom delu kaviteta posmatran je pod lupom i pri uvećanju od deset puta. Rezultati. Dobijeni nalazi su pokazali da je kod oba materijala zabeležena mikropukotina i daje stepen mikrocurenja kod Fuji II LC bio manji nego kod Fuji II. Kod oba materijala je utvrđen manji stepen mikrocurenja na okluzivnim ivicama ispuna nego na gingivalnim. Mikrocurenje je ustanovljeni u 93,44% zuba restauriranih sa Fuji II GJC, s ukupnim indeksom mikrocurenja 148 na svim ivicama. Kod Fuji II LCGJC mikrocurenjejezabeleženo u 68,4% zuba, s ukupnim indeksom mikrocurenja 75 na svim ivicama. SEM analizom je utvrđeno da je veza oba ispitivana GJC sa gleđi mnogo bolja nego sa dentinom, a srednja vrednost mikropukotine otkrivene za Fuji II LC bila je 9 um, dok je ova vrednost za Fuji II bila 17 um. Zaključak. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da je bolji kvalitet veze ostvaren primenom materijala novije generacije, odnosno primenom GJC modifikovanih smolom.

    Komparativna analiza različitih strategija za kontrolu klasične svinjske kuge upotrebom Monte Carlo simulacije

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    Several different strategies for control and eradication of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) were compared using a Monte Carlo method-based simulation model. The control strategy analyzed in this paper, in addition to other CSF control measures, includes application of biosecurity measures on pig farms and rural backyard holdings. Elements of the control strategy are based on applicable regulations and include the simulation of detection of the disease, setting up the protected and surveillance zones, standstill of pig movements and restricted movement of animals, vehicles, equipment, and people with strong control measures in protection and surveillance zones, euthanasia of susceptible pigs, protective vaccination of pigs, compensation etc. During the simulation, different output parameters were compared such as: duration of epizootic of a disease, number of affected holdings and animals, direct costs such as those for dead or culled animals, costs of surveillance, disposal of infectious materials, cleaning and disinfection. Depopulation of affected animals with early diagnostics and vaccination in protection and surveillance zone proved to be the most effective measures to stop spreading and eradication of the disease. However, during the simulation, systematic implementation of biosecurity measures in all pig production clusters demonstrated to be appropriate strategy for sustainable control of CSF and setting up a stable epizootiological situation.Nekoliko različitih strategija za kontrolu i iskorenjivanje klasične kuge svinja je upoređivano primenom modela simulacije zasnovanog na Monte Karlo metodi. Kontrolne strategije koje su obrađivane u ovom radu, pored opštih i posebnih mera suzbijanja KKS, uključuju i različite nivoe primenjenih biosigurnosnih mera na komercijalnim, porodičnim farmama i seoskim gazdinstvima na kojima se ga je svinje. Mere neškodljivog uništavanja obolelih životinja i životinja koje su bile u kontaktu sa obolelim životinjama, uspostavljanje zaštitnih zona pod nadzorom, kontrola i zaustavljanje prometa životinja i mehaničkih vektora (vozila i ljudi) unutar zona, rano otkrivanje bolesti i mera vakcinacije su bile uključene u simulaciju. Izlazni parametri kao što su: vreme trajanja epizootije, broj zaraženih gazdinstava i životinja, broj uništenih životinja, troškovi nadzora i direktne štete nastale zbog pojavljivanja bolesti s upoređivani tokom simulacije. Vakcinacija, neškodljivo uklanjanje obolelih životinja i rana dijagnostika su se pokazale kao najefektivnije mere zaustavljanja širenja i iskorenjivanja bolesti. Međutim, kao mera dugoročne strategije kontrole KKS i uspostavljanja stabilne epizootiološke situacije, tokom simulacije pokazala se mera planskog i sistematskog podizanja biosigurnosnih mera u svim klasterima proizvodnje svinja (komercijalne farme, porodične farme tipa A, porodične farme tipa B i seoska gazdinstva)

    Simulation of the transmission by vectors of bluetongue disease and analysis of the control strategy

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    Bluetongue disease is an infectious non-contagious disease of domestic and wild ruminants, transmitted by hematophagous insects of the genus Culicoides. In endemic areas the disease has a seasonal character, occurs usually in summer when the population of vectors is at its peak. Culicoides are active at temperatures in the range from 13 degrees to 35 degrees C. The replication of the virus stops when the environmental temperature is below 13 degrees C. It has been reported that the temperature and humidity of the environment affect to a great extent the biology of the vector and the survival of the virus in the reservoirs. During the summer, the number of infected cattle and sheep is directly dependent on the density of the population of the vector, the length of vectors life-span, the temperature of the environment and by precipitation, the affinity of the vector to different hosts, and the ability of the vector to locate the host. Bluetongue has been spreading worldwide due to climatic changes and increasing average daily temperatures. The seasonal occurrences of the disease and the climate change have conditioned the need for adopting new strategies. The stochastic SEIRD mathematical model has been developed in order to simulate the transmission of the Bluetongue virus through the susceptible ruminant population on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, as well as to investigate the effect of climatic factors on the vector population and the magnitude of a possible epizootia. Besides the effects of climatic factors, we have analyzed a number of different approaches in the control of the disease based upon the vaccination of ruminants and control of vectors

    SEM analiza kvaliteta ivičnog pripoja kompozitnih ispuna za gleđ posle primene totalno nagrizajućeg i samonagrizajućeg adhezivnog sistema

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    Introduction Quality and durability of enamel/composite interface essentially depend on an adhesive restorative system. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of marginal adaptation of composite adhesive systems to enamel by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and to analyze the morphology of the enamel surface along margins of composite restorations, following exposure to cariogenic solution. Methods The study material included 56 extracted human third molars. Class V cavities were prepared with margins at enamel. Cavities were restored with Single Bond/Z250 and Single Bond/Filtek flow, using the total etch adhesive system, and Prompt-L-Pop/Z250 and Prompt-L-Pop/Filtek flow, using the self etch adhesive system. After the restorative procedure, the restorations were submitted to demineralization during 7 and 28 days. Samples were stored in a cariogenic solution (lactic acid, pH 4.5; 0.1 M) at 37°C or in deionized water (the control group). The margins of restorations and perimarginal enamel were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The gap formations around restoration were measured on cervical, occlusal and approximate margins. Results The usage of the total etch adhesive system showed statistically significant lower marginal gap width around composite restoration, compared with the self etch system (p lt 0.01). The SEM examination also showed perimarginal enamel zones presenting several signs of demineralization and erosion (alteration of rods, porosities) after acting of a cariogenic solution, in both adhesive methods. Less alteration was found on the enamel surfaces not included in the perimarginal zone. Conclusion Treating the cavity with 35% phosphoric acid in the total etch system significantly improved the adaptation of the composite resins to enamel, compared with the self etch treatment. Stronger demineralization of the perimarginal enamel in a cariogenic solution was observed around all restorations in both adhesive systems.Uvod Kvalitet i trajnost veze gleđi i kompozitnih materijala zavisi, između ostalog, i od korišćenog adhezivnog restaurativnog sistema. Cilj rada Cilj istraživanja je bio da se analizom pomoću skening elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) proceni kvalitet ivičnog pripoja kompozitnih adhezivnih sistema i gleđi, odnosno prouče morfološke osobine gleđne površine duž ivica kompozitnih restauracija nakon delovanja kariogenog rastvora. Metode rada Kao materijal u istraživanju korišćeno je 56 ekstrahovanih humanih trećih molara. Na svim zubima su preparirani kaviteti pete klase s ivicama u gleđi. Kaviteti su restaurirani kompozitnim adhezivnim sistemima: Single Bond/Z250 i Single Bond/Filtek Flow, korišćenjem tehnike totalnog nagrizanja, i Prompt-L-Pop/Z250 i Prompt- L-Pop/Filtek Flow, primenom tehnike sa samonagrizajućim adhezivnim sistemima. Posle postupka restauracije zubi su izlagani demineralizaciji tokom sedam i 28 dana potapanjem u kariogeni rastvor (mlečna kiselina pH 4,5; 0,1 M) na 37°C ili držani u dejonizovanoj vodi (kontrolna grupa). Ivice restauracija i perimarginalna gleđ ispitivane su pomoću SEM. Ivična pukotina oko restauracija merena je u predelu vrata zuba, okluzivno i na aproksimalnim stranama. Rezultati Primena tehnike totalnog nagrizanja je pokazala značajno manju širinu ivične pukotine oko kompozitnih restauracija u odnosu na samonagrizajući sistem (p lt 0,01). SEM ispitivanja su takođe otkrila izrazitu demineralizaciju i eroziju ivične zone gleđi (oštećenja prizmi, poroziteti) nakon delovanja kariogenog rastvora kod oba adhezivna sistema. Na gleđnim površinama van perimarginalne zone uočena su neznatna oštećenja. Zaključak Tretman kaviteta sa 35-procentnom fosfornom kiselinom kod totalno nagrizajućeg postupka značajno poboljšava vezu kompozitnih smola za gleđ. Rastvaranje ivične gleđi u kariogenom rastvoru uočeno je oko svih restauracija i kod oba adhezivna sistema

    First Report of Brucella Seroprevalence in Wild Boar Population in Serbia

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    Brucellosis is one of the most important bacterial zoonotic diseases worldwide, characterized in domestic animals by long-term reproductive disorders. As known, wild boars (Sus scrofa) are natural hosts for Brucella suis biovar 2, in which the infection passes in inapparent form, increasing the pathogen transmission risk to domestic pigs, other domestic animals and humans. So far, no studies regarding brucellosis in wild boars in Serbia have been published. During the hunting season 2020/2021, 480 sera of wild boars living in Serbia were collected and tested for the presence of anti-Brucella antibodies. For the serological survey, the Rose Bengal Test (RBT) and competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA) were used. Of the 480 sera, 45 sera tested positive, indicating the acquired Brucella seroprevalence in wild boars of 9.4%. The greatest numbers of Brucella seropositive animals were detected in the eastern parts of the country and in one of the central districts, i.e., Pomoravski, Branicevski, Borski and Juznobanatski. This study provides the first data regarding brucellosis in the wild boar population in Serbia, revealing the seroprevalence of Brucella, thus indicating that wild boars as natural hosts and/or vectors of Brucella likely present a risk for the infection of other animals

    Reliability of molecular tests in diagnosing ovine brucellosis caused by Brucella ovis

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    Brucella ovis infects sheep and causes a clinical or subclinical disease characterized by genital lesions and reduced fertility in rams, placentitis and abortions in ewes, and increased perinatal mortality in lambs. As part of this study, analyses were conducted on a sheep farm near Belgrade (Serbia). Of the serological tests, indirect ELISA was performed. A total of 94 blood sera were analyzed, 33 from rams and 61 from ewes. The results showed 23 (69.7%) positive findings in rams and 2 (3.3%) positive findings in ewes, with an overall prevalence of 25.4% bounded by a 95% confidence interval. Bruce-ladder multiplex PCR and Real time PCR were performed on 19 serologically positive rams and two serologically positive ewes. The results indicate a slightly higher sensitivity of Real time PCR compared to conventional PCR in diagnosing B. ovis from the reproductive tissues of rams. However, the differences in sensitivity between different nucleic acid extraction protocols were not significant. Most rams showed a positive PCR result in only one sample of reproductive tissue, suggesting the recommendation to take multiple samples from each animal. Further research is needed to bring the sensitivity of molecular tests in diagnosing ram epididymitis closer to the sensitivity of serological tests

    Comparison of sugars, lipids and phenolics content in the grains of organically and conventionally grown soybean in Serbia

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    The aim of the current study was to determine the content of several primary metabolites: total soluble sugars, starch and lipids, soluble sugars, fatty acids and triacylglycerols profile, and secondary metabolites: total phenolics and flavonoids, in the grains of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivar ‘Kaća’. Additionally, grain antioxidant properties were assessed using ABTS•+ scavenging capacity and ferric reducing power (FRP) assays. Soybean was developed and grown in Serbia under two cultivation systems (conventional and organic) during two growing seasons (2016 and 2017). In both growing seasons and cultivation systems, soybean grains were characterised by reduced lipid content (8.16–14.34%) and as an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Triacylglycerols (TAGs) with 44 equivalent carbon numbers (ECN44) represented the main fraction (30.95–32.79%) followed by ECN46 TAGs (23.27–26.36%). Low total soluble sugars (2.36–11.51%) content was determined. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis revealed a significant prevalence of non-reducing disaccharides (1.41–6.57%) among the individual sugars. Soybean grains were proved as a good source of phenolic (2493.9–4419.5 mg kg-1) and flavonoid (292.7–500.9 mg kg-1) compounds with the dominance of free (extractable) fractions. Strong positive correlations were observed between both cultivation systems and growing seasons indicating no clear differences for the majority of analysed parameters. All examined extracts possessed a significant ability (27.6–38.2%) to neutralize ABTS•+ radicals, while in the case of FRP assay a significant ability for iron ions (Fe3+) reduction was recorded for the samples from the second growing season

    Evaluation of different epizootiological survey methodologies to assess classical swine fever vaccination coverage in the republic of Serbia

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    Класична куга свиња (ККС) је веома контагиозно обољење домаћих и дивљих свиња. Економски посматрано ККС представља највећу претњу свињарској производњи једне земље. У многим земљама, ККС је успешно искорењена применом опсежних мера контроле присуства вируса ККС у природним резервоарима, биосигурносне заштите, нешкодљивог уништавања оболелих свиња, контроле промета животиња, упоредо са програмом масовне вакцинације. Успешно заустављање циркулације вируса ККС кроз пријемчиву популацију и прекидање ланца инфекције уз примену вакцинације, захтева висок ниво имунизације свиња. Ако се вакцинација спроводи систематски на територији целе земље, долази до значајног смањивања клиничких случајева ККС и до заустављања циркулације вируса. Искуства су показала да је ерадикацију уз примену масовне вакцинације могуће постићи у року од годину дана. Да би се обезбедио одговарајући ниво имунитета стада и избегли нежељени ефекти ниског обухвата вакцинацијом, као што је присуство „маскираних“ случајева ККС, потребно је обезбедити константну вакцинацију свиња на терену. Упоредо са имунопрофиласком неопходно је спроводити и мониторинг вакцинације. Мониторинг вакцинације је заснован на плану узорковања, теренском истраживању и препознавању ризичних фактора који условљавају низак обухват имунизацијом. Циљ испитивања је био да се одреди одговарајући поступак израчунавања величине репрезентативног узорка, односно потребног броја насељених места, породичних фарми, сеоских газдинстава и свиња, код којих треба спровести епизоотиолошко истраживање и испитивање сероконверзије, ради одређивања обухвата вакцинацијом против ККС. У раду је описана студија пресека, примерена екстензивним условима држања свиња и урађен прорачун репрезентативног узорка на нивоу популације свиња у Републици Србији. Такође је извршено истраживање обухвата вакцинацијом против ККС на територији три општине у Републици Србији и испитана ефикасност имунизације.Classical swine fever is a highly contagious viral disease of pigs and wild boars. In economic point of view, classical swine fever is one of the highest threats to the pig production. In many countries, classical swine fever has been successfully eradicated with the application of wide control measures such as monitoring of CSFV in natural reservoirs, biosecurity measures, depopulation of diseased pigs and pigs which were in contact with diseased pigs, movement restriction, together with the vaccination of pigs. The efficient control and eradication of CSF by applying vaccination of pigs require a high degree of vaccination coverage in all categories of pigs. Experience shows that CSF can be eradicated in endemic areas with a strict vaccination regime within a year. To ensure satisfactory level of heard immunity and to avoid perverse effects of vaccination like complications due to low coverage, such as the presence of infected undetected pigs, i.e. the presence of "masked" clusters of diseased pigs with a mild clinical picture difficult to differentiate, it is necessary to ensure constant vaccination. Vaccination of pigs should be constantly monitored. Monitoring of vaccination is based on sampling plan of priory estimated required number of samples which have to be tested for the presence of seroconversion, filed investigation and detection of risk factors that may affect the quality and coverage of immunization. The objective of this research was to estimate different epizootiological methods and develop appropriate methodology for statistical calculations of sample size, to compute a representative number of settlements, holdings and pigs that should be investigated in order to determine vaccination coverage in extensive pig farming conditions. In the research was also developed sample size, based on probability distribution, on the level of pig population in the Republic of Serbia and estimated vaccination coverage in three municipalitie

    Foot and mouth disease in turkey and middle eastern countries: Epizootiological situation

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    Periodic outbreaks of epizooties of foot-and-mouth disease in countries of the Middle East and Africa pose a serious health threat to European states, in particular countries of the Mediterranean region and the Balkan peninsula. There are multiple reasons for the frequent appearance of this disease in Africa and the territory of the Middle East, and they are all a consequence of the insufficient development of the states in these geographic regions. More precisely, epizooties of foot-and-mouth disease are difficult to control in these regions due to the limited possibilities for activities by veterinary services, insufficiently developed diagnostic capacities for speedy and precise laboratory diagnostics, the lack of more advanced knowledge among the village populations, and the traditional manner of breeding ruminants. As a result of intensive traffic in goods, services and people, the cultural and tourist links between the Middle East and European countries, there is a constant and real danger of a swift and uncontrolled spreading of foot-and-mouth disease to the territory of Europe. This is why it is a priority of epizootiological services of the majority of European countries constantly to monitor the epizootiological situation in the Middle East and in Africa