207 research outputs found

    Media use among young people in Serbia

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    Cilj rada je da pokaže kako su štampani i elektronski mediji korišćeni među mladima u Srbiji. Analizom ćemo pokušati da prikažemo različite modalitete korišćenja medija u odnosu na demografske i socioekonomske osobine mladih, sa pretpostavkom da godine, pol, mesto stanovanja, obrazovanje, zanimanje, i dr. utiču na izbor medija, sadržaje koje mladi preferiraju, kao i količinu vremena koju posvećuju konzumaciji istih. Pitanje koje je najviše potaklo našu pažnju je mogućnost pristupa različitim vrstama medija - štampi, televiziji i internetu - jer mediji predstavljaju i jednu od ključnih pretpostavki društvene participacije.The aim of this paper is to present how the electronic and print media have been used among the youth in Serbia. The analysis aims to show diverse modes of media usage in relation to the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the youth, on the assumption that age, sex, residence, education, occupation, etc. influence the choice of media, the contents that young people prefer, as well as the amount of time spent on their usage. The issue that prompted our attention most is access to different types of media (print, television and internet) because the media also represent one of the key preconditions of social participation

    Environmental activism as a new form of political participation of the youth in Serbia

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    Cilj ovog rada je da pruži odgovor na pitanje da li je ekološki aktivizam jedan od novih oblika političke participacije mladih u Srbiji. Jedna od karakteristika postindustrijskih društava je ukupno povlačenje građana iz tradicionalnih kanala političke participacije. Smatra se da političko isključivanje karakteriše sve građane, ali mlade ponajviše. Ipak, iako se mladi ljudi sve više okreću od 'mainstream' politike, oni su zainteresovani za različite teme koje se mogu svrstati u političke u širem značenju pojma. U postsocijalističkim evropskim zemljama, mladi ljudi još manje učestvuju u političkom životu nego što je to slučaj sa etabliranim demokratijama. Ipak, oni su takođe skloni da usvoje nove forme političkog izražavanja. Da li omladina u Srbiji prati iste obrasce političkog angažovanja, namera nam je da istražimo u ovom radu. U potrazi za odgovorom na ovo pitanje, fokusiraćemo našu analizu na ekološki aktivizam, kao jedan od oblika novog političkog angažovanja široko prihvaćenog među mladima.The aim of this paper is to explore whether the environmental activism is a new form of political participation of the Serbian youth. One of the characteristics of the postindustrial societies is a general citizen withdrawal from the traditional channels of political participation. Political disengagement is thought to characterize all citizens but most of all the young people. However, although young people may have turned away from mainstream politics, they are nevertheless concerned with a wide range of issues that could be considered political in a broader sense of the term. In the post-socialist Europe young people tend to be even less involved in political life than the youth in the established democracies. However, they are also likely to adopt novel forms of political expression. Whether the Serbian youth follow the same pattern of political involvement, we intend to explore in this article. In searching for the answer to this question, we will focus our analysis on the environmental activism, as one of the forms of the new political engagement widely accepted among young people

    Between cv builder" and "genuine" activist: the many faces of youth civic engagementin Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to explorethe characteristics and relative importance of civic engagement for young members of civil society organisations in Serbia. This article is exploratory in character and is based on qualitative methodology. Youth engagement is observed through the theoretical lens of the lifecourse approach. The questions addressedbythe paper are as follows: How do young people perceive their civic engagement? What motivates their participation? How does this engagement relate to other aspects of their lifecourse? The method used here is narrative analysis of 20 semi-structured interviews conducted with young volunteers and members of civil society organisations in Serbia selected through theoretical sampling. The key finding is that there is arange of motivations and accompanying strategies - from the purely idealistic to the highly instrumental. The majority of our respondents displayed a mixed type of motivation, successfully combiningactivities aimed at protectingthe "social good" with thosethat contribute to the achievement of personal goals. Motivation, however, tends to vary between the different types of organisations, professional and grassroots. Engagement in professional organisations is more frequently instrumental and, in contrast, grassroots organisations typically attract "genuine", value-driven activists

    Housing and family trajectories of young adults in five countries: Sweden, germany, united kingdom, italy and serbia – sequence analysis of european social survey data

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse housing and family transitions among the young and young adults in five countries: Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and Serbia, representing the Social-democratic, Conservative, Liberal, Mediterranean and (SEE) Post-socialist models of welfare regimes. For the purposes of our analysis, we used round 9 of European Social Survey data. The focus of our analysis was on the rotating module “Timing of life” which aims to capture the views of European citizens about their life courses and their strategies to plan their own lives, as well as measures the timing of key life events. Variables from this module were used to construct life trajectories of respondents which are statistically modelled as sequences. Interpretation of the obtained results leads to two important conclusions. First, the differences in the types of family transitions of young people between countries are significant. Second, these differences can be explained both by individual characteristics and by the social and cultural context that determines the horizon of opportunities for young people. Even after controlling the effects of individual characteristics such as gender, age, education, parental education, religious affiliation, statistical differences between countries persist, indicating that a significant part of variability cannot be explained on an individual-level but exclusively by social and institutional context

    Hard core scene and mass media in Serbia

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    Na primeru hardkor scene u Beogradu u tekstu se ukazuje na ulogu svetskih i domaćih masovnih medija prilikom konstituisanja scene, kao i njihova uloga u formiranju njenog identiteta i načina funkcionisanja. U odnosu na hardkor scenu u Srbiji, masovni mediji su odigrali bar trostruku ulogu. (1) oni su glavni kanal kojim je ova scena pristigla, u prvom redu preko stranih masovnih medija (MTV), (2) oni daju materijal na osnovu kog se formira slika mainstreama, etablirane kulture kao i svih relevantnih Drugih, (3) svojim negativnim interesovanjem (neinteresovanjem) za samu scenu čine da hardkor ostane kulturno nevidljiv, što povratno utiče na unutrašnju dinamiku scene.In the paper the author examines the hardcore scene in Belgrade and points out the role that foreign and Serbian mass media have had during its constitution, as well as their role in the formation of its identity and the manner of its functioning. Mass media have affected the hardcore scene in Serbia in at least three ways: (1) they were a main channel to which this scene first came in Serbia, primarily by foreign mass media, (2) the material they provided was used to form the image of mainstream, established culture and relevant Other images, (3) they have made hardcore invisible in a cultural sense by their negative interest, which has in turn influenced the internal dynamic of the scene

    Ultraviolet radiation and melanogenesis

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    Light radiation is a part of the electromagnetic radiation, and it consists of the ultraviolet (UV) radiation, visible light, and infrared radiation. UV radiation energy is absorbed in the form of photons in biomolecules (chromophores) and induces various cellular reactions, out of which photochemical and photosensitizing are the most significant. In contact with the skin UV radiation incites protection mechanisms: the most important are stratum corneum thickening and melanin synthesis (melanogenesis). Basic role of melanin is absorption and scattering of UV rays and neutralization of free radicals. In this review physical characteristics of UV radiation, its biological effects, and relation to melanogenesis and carcinogenesis are discussed

    Procena genetskih parametara osobina dugovečnosti goveda crno bele rase

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    The research was conducted with the aim to estimating genetic parameters of longevity traits as well as to choose adequate methodology and develop optimal model for genetic evaluation of longevity traits in the population of Black and White cattle in Serbia. Besides genetic parameters for longevity traits the culling reasons were also analysed. The research was conducted on the basis of set of data which included records on longevity, culling risks and origin of cows that started first calving in the period from 1989 to 2012 at the Agricultural Corporation Belgrade AD. The culling reason, according to their relationship, were divided into 10 categories and their share in the level of production, lactation in which animals were culled and share of Holstein Friesian breed genes was analysed. Longevity of cows was observed through three indicators: length of productive life (LPL), life milk yield (LMY) and number of realised lactations (NL). Set of data which included 12309 cows in total and on the basis of which the analysis of culling risks was conducted included only the culled animals with known reason for culling. Genetic evaluation of longevity was performed by means of Weibull proportional risk model within the survival analysis and linear models. Weibull model of proportional risk took into account fixed time-independent effects of farm, share of genes of Holstein Friesian breed and age at first calving while the effects of year and season of calving as well as relative milk yield and lactation were treated as fixed time-dependent effects. Sire was regarded as random time-independent effect (sire model). The use of Weibull proportional risk model enabled including the incomplete (censured) records into the analysis as well. Total number of cows involved in the set of data used in the survival analysis was 22109, out of which 26% were incomplete records. Set of data used for genetic evaluation of longevity traits by applying linear models contained data on 16539 cows whose length of productive life was known. Model used in genetic evaluation of longevity traits by applying linear models involved the farm, year and season of first calving, share of genes of Holstein Friesian breed, age at first calving and relative milk yield in first lactation as fixed factors, while the animal itself was treated as a random factor (animal model). The average length of productive life for all animals included in the analysis was 1267 days (41.7 months), that is 1300 days (42.7 months) for the animals with known length of productive life and 1170 days (38.4 months) for censored records...Sprovedeno istraživanje imalo je za cilj da se procene genetski parametri osobina dugovečnosti, kao i da se odabere adekvatna metodologija i razvije optimalni model za genetsko vrednovanje osobina dugovečnosti u populaciji crno belih goveda u Srbiji. Pored genetskih parametara osobina dugovečnosti, analizirani su i razlozi izlučenja krava iz proizvodnje. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na setu podataka koji je obuhvatao podatke o dugovečnosti, razlozima izlučenja i poreklu krava, koje su se prvi put telile u periodu od 1989. do 2012. godine na Poljoprivrednoj korporaciji Beograd AD. Razlozi izlučenja su svrstani u 10 kategorija, prema srodnosti, i analiziran je njihov udeo prema nivou proizvodnje, laktaciji u kojoj su grla izlučena i udelu gena holštajn frizijske rase. Dugovečnost krava je posmatrana kroz tri pokazatelja: trajanje produktivnog života (LPL), životnu proizvodnju mleka (LMY) i broj ostvarenih laktacija (NL). Set podataka na kojem je izvršena analiza razloga izlučenja sadržao je samo grla koja su bila izlučena i imala su evidentiran razlog izlučenja, ukupno 12309 krava. Genetsko vrednovanje osobina dugovečnosti je izvršeno je upotrebom Weibull-ovog modela proporcionalnih rizika, u okviru analize preživljavanja, i linearnih modela. Weibull-ov model proporcionalnih rizika je uvažio fiksne vremenski nezavisne efekte farme, udela gena holštajn frizijske rase i uzrasta pri prvom teljenju, dok su efekti godine i sezone teljenja, kao i relativne proizvodnje mleka i laktacije tretirani kao fiksni vremenski zavisni uticaji. Otac je posmatran kao fiksni vremenski nezavisan uticaj (model oca). Primena Weibull-ovog modela proporcionalnih rizika omogućila je uključivanje u analizu i nepotpunih (cenzurisanih) zapisa. Ukupan broj krava koji se nalazio u setu podataka korišćenom u analizi preživljavanja bio je 22109, od čega su 26% činili nepotpuni zapisi. Set podataka koji je korišćen za genetsko vrednovanje osobina dugovečnosti upotrebom linearnih modela, sadržao je podatke o 16539 krava koje su imale poznato trajanje produktivnog života. Model koji je korišćen u genetskom vrednovanju osobina dugovečnosti upotrebom linearnih modela uvažio je farmu, godinu i sezonu prvog teljenja, udeo gena holštajn frizijske rase, uzrast pri prvom teljenju i relativnu proizvodnju mleka u prvoj laktaciji kao fiksne faktore, dok je sama životinja tretirana kao slučajan faktor (model individue)..

    Support for the measures in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of political ideology

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    Sve je više podataka koji ukazuju da je politička ideologija važna determinanta poštovanja pravila i preporuka za borbu protiv korona virusa. Ovaj rad analizira ulogu samopozicioniranja u odnosu na levičarsku ili desničarsku ideologiju u podržavanju vladinih mera za borbu protiv pandemije COVID-19 i sprovođenju preporuka za održavanje fizičke distance u Srbiji. Istraživanje je sprovedeno onlajn, na uzorku od 656 ispitanika. Testirana su dva hijerarhijska regresiona modela u kojima su uzrast, iskustvo sa COVID-19, percepcija opasnosti koju korona virus predstavlja i politička ideologija bili prediktori: (1) podrške politici (vlade, za borbu protiv pandemije, prim. prev.) i (2) (praktikovanja, prim. prev.) fizičkog distanciranja. Rezultati pokazuju da se stepen podrške politici (vlade za borbu protiv pandemije, prim. prev.) može predvideti na osnovu rastuće percepcije rizika i izraženije desničarske ideologije. Percepcija rizika predviđa održavanje fizičke distance, a predviđaju ga i uzrast i iskustvo sa COVID-19. Rezultati takođe pokazuju da je politička ideologija moderator povezanosti između percepcije rizika s jedne strane i podržavanja politike (vlade za borbu protiv pandemije, prim. prev.) i održavanja fizičke distance s druge strane. Opažanje pandemije kao veće pretnje je povezano sa snažnijim podržavanjem politike (vlade za borbu protiv pandemije, prim. prev.) i fizičkom distancom samo kod desničarski orijentisanih osoba. Čini se da su oni naročito osetljivi na opaženu pretnju.There is growing research evidence that political ideology is an important determinant of complying with the rules and recommendations aimed at fighting the coronavirus. This paper analyses the role of the left-right ideology self-positioning in supporting the government measures in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and practicing the physical distancing guidelines in Serbia. The study was conducted online on a sample of 656 respondents. Two hierarchical multiple regression models with age, the COVID-19 experience, the perception of risk posed by the coronavirus, and political ideology predicting: (1) policy support and (2) physical distancing were tested. The results show that policy support was predicted by increasing risk perception and the right-leaning ideology. Risk perception predicted physical distancing practices, and so did age and the COVID-19 experience. The results also indicate that the relationship between risk perception and both policy support and physical distancing is moderated by political ideology. Perceiving the ongoing pandemic as a greater threat is related to higher policy support and physical distancing among the right-leaning persons only. They seem especially sensitive to the perceived threat

    Resursi i strategije mladih roditelja u Srbiji

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    The paper deals with resources available to young parents and the strategies they deploy as a response to various domain-related demands (housing, finance, work, family). First, the structural and cultural features of the social context in Serbia are discussed as the framework for the study. Secondly, the paper analyses young parents’ differences, by socioeconomic status (SES) and gender, regarding their resources, such as housing, finances, and employment, as well as their strategies. The analysis is based on a mixed-methods approach, which brings together the survey results of a sub-sample of 435 parents from a nationally representative survey of young adults aged 18 to 35, and a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with 24 young mothers and fathers. The analyses indicate significant SES and gender differences in young parents’ resources and strategies, which are shaped by the structures and cultures of parenthood specific to the contemporary social context in Serbia.Predmet ovog članka su resursi i strategije koje mladi roditelji koriste kao odgovore na zahtjeve koji dolaze iz različitih domena (stanovanja, financija, rada i obitelji). Strukturne i kulturne karakteristike društvenog konteksta Srbije čine okvir unutar kojega je smješten predmet istraživanja. Zatim su analizirane razlike među mladim roditeljima koje se tiču resursa poput stanovanja, zaposlenja kao i njihove strategije, imajući u vidu njihov socioekonomski status (SES) i rod. Analiza je temeljena na kombiniranim metodama koje uključuju rezultate anketnog istraživanja mladih u dobi od 18 do 35 godina, kao i kvalitativnu analizu polustrukturiranih intervjua provedenih s 24 mladih očeva i majki. Analize upućuju na značajne SES i rodne razlike mladih roditelja u pogledu resursa kojima raspolažu i strategija kojima se koriste, a koje su oblikovane društvenim strukturama i kulturom roditeljstva specifičnom za suvremeno društvo Srbije

    The estimation of genetic parameters of longevity traits in black and white cattle breed

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    Sprovedeno istraživanje imalo je za cilj da se procene genetski parametri osobina dugovečnosti, kao i da se odabere adekvatna metodologija i razvije optimalni model za genetsko vrednovanje osobina dugovečnosti u populaciji crno belih goveda u Srbiji. Pored genetskih parametara osobina dugovečnosti, analizirani su i razlozi izlučenja krava iz proizvodnje. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na setu podataka koji je obuhvatao podatke o dugovečnosti, razlozima izlučenja i poreklu krava, koje su se prvi put telile u periodu od 1989. do 2012. godine na Poljoprivrednoj korporaciji Beograd AD. Razlozi izlučenja su svrstani u 10 kategorija, prema srodnosti, i analiziran je njihov udeo prema nivou proizvodnje, laktaciji u kojoj su grla izlučena i udelu gena holštajn frizijske rase. Dugovečnost krava je posmatrana kroz tri pokazatelja: trajanje produktivnog života (LPL), životnu proizvodnju mleka (LMY) i broj ostvarenih laktacija (NL). Set podataka na kojem je izvršena analiza razloga izlučenja sadržao je samo grla koja su bila izlučena i imala su evidentiran razlog izlučenja, ukupno 12309 krava. Genetsko vrednovanje osobina dugovečnosti je izvršeno je upotrebom Weibull-ovog modela proporcionalnih rizika, u okviru analize preživljavanja, i linearnih modela. Weibull-ov model proporcionalnih rizika je uvažio fiksne vremenski nezavisne efekte farme, udela gena holštajn frizijske rase i uzrasta pri prvom teljenju, dok su efekti godine i sezone teljenja, kao i relativne proizvodnje mleka i laktacije tretirani kao fiksni vremenski zavisni uticaji. Otac je posmatran kao fiksni vremenski nezavisan uticaj (model oca). Primena Weibull-ovog modela proporcionalnih rizika omogućila je uključivanje u analizu i nepotpunih (cenzurisanih) zapisa. Ukupan broj krava koji se nalazio u setu podataka korišćenom u analizi preživljavanja bio je 22109, od čega su 26% činili nepotpuni zapisi. Set podataka koji je korišćen za genetsko vrednovanje osobina dugovečnosti upotrebom linearnih modela, sadržao je podatke o 16539 krava koje su imale poznato trajanje produktivnog života. Model koji je korišćen u genetskom vrednovanju osobina dugovečnosti upotrebom linearnih modela uvažio je farmu, godinu i sezonu prvog teljenja, udeo gena holštajn frizijske rase, uzrast pri prvom teljenju i relativnu proizvodnju mleka u prvoj laktaciji kao fiksne faktore, dok je sama životinja tretirana kao slučajan faktor (model individue)...The research was conducted with the aim to estimating genetic parameters of longevity traits as well as to choose adequate methodology and develop optimal model for genetic evaluation of longevity traits in the population of Black and White cattle in Serbia. Besides genetic parameters for longevity traits the culling reasons were also analysed. The research was conducted on the basis of set of data which included records on longevity, culling risks and origin of cows that started first calving in the period from 1989 to 2012 at the Agricultural Corporation Belgrade AD. The culling reason, according to their relationship, were divided into 10 categories and their share in the level of production, lactation in which animals were culled and share of Holstein Friesian breed genes was analysed. Longevity of cows was observed through three indicators: length of productive life (LPL), life milk yield (LMY) and number of realised lactations (NL). Set of data which included 12309 cows in total and on the basis of which the analysis of culling risks was conducted included only the culled animals with known reason for culling. Genetic evaluation of longevity was performed by means of Weibull proportional risk model within the survival analysis and linear models. Weibull model of proportional risk took into account fixed time-independent effects of farm, share of genes of Holstein Friesian breed and age at first calving while the effects of year and season of calving as well as relative milk yield and lactation were treated as fixed time-dependent effects. Sire was regarded as random time-independent effect (sire model). The use of Weibull proportional risk model enabled including the incomplete (censured) records into the analysis as well. Total number of cows involved in the set of data used in the survival analysis was 22109, out of which 26% were incomplete records. Set of data used for genetic evaluation of longevity traits by applying linear models contained data on 16539 cows whose length of productive life was known. Model used in genetic evaluation of longevity traits by applying linear models involved the farm, year and season of first calving, share of genes of Holstein Friesian breed, age at first calving and relative milk yield in first lactation as fixed factors, while the animal itself was treated as a random factor (animal model). The average length of productive life for all animals included in the analysis was 1267 days (41.7 months), that is 1300 days (42.7 months) for the animals with known length of productive life and 1170 days (38.4 months) for censored records..