1,763 research outputs found


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    Turn on the television, open a book, or even walk down the street and you will no doubt notice at least one geek or nerd. Most Americans today have heard these terms, and each individual probably has his own working definition of what they mean. Unpacking those definitions, however, is tricky. What is a nerd? What is a geek? How does one identify a person as belonging to these groups? To analyze how modern culture understands geeks and nerds, one must first understand the history behind these terms. While most Americans today recognize and use the words geek and nerd, there is a surprising lack of consensus as to what these terms mean. In his 2007 exploration of cultural perceptions of geeks and nerds, David Anderegg explores the varied perceptions of these terms, particularly among children, and his findings are fascinating. In speaking to children from early elementary school into adolescence, Anderegg found that while young people were intimately familiar with these terms, even to the point of fearing them, they could not articulate an actual definition. When asked to unpack what a geek or a nerd actually was, they gave incredibly varied answers, and sometimes gave no answers at all. So how then, without a concrete definition, does one become a geek or a nerd

    The importance of comparative phylogeography in diagnosing introduced species: a lesson from the seal salamander, Desmognathus monticola

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In most regions of the world human influences on the distribution of flora and fauna predate complete biotic surveys. In some cases this challenges our ability to discriminate native from introduced species. This distinction is particularly critical for isolated populations, because relicts of native species may need to be conserved, whereas introduced species may require immediate eradication. Recently an isolated population of seal salamanders, <it>Desmognathus monticola</it>, was discovered on the Ozark Plateau, ~700 km west of its broad continuous distribution in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America. Using Nested Clade Analysis (NCA) we test whether the Ozark isolate results from population fragmentation (a natural relict) or long distance dispersal (a human-mediated introduction).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Despite its broad distribution in the Appalachian Mountains, the primary haplotype diversity of <it>D. monticola </it>is restricted to less than 2.5% of the distribution in the extreme southern Appalachians, where genetic diversity is high for other co-distributed species. By intensively sampling this genetically diverse region we located haplotypes identical to the Ozark isolate. Nested Clade Analysis supports the hypothesis that the Ozark population was introduced, but it was necessary to include haplotypes that are less than or equal to 0.733% divergent from the Ozark population in order to arrive at this conclusion. These critical haplotypes only occur in < 1.2% of the native distribution and NCA excluding them suggest that the Ozark population is a natural relict.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our analyses suggest that the isolated population of <it>D. monticola </it>from the Ozarks is not native to the region and may need to be extirpated rather than conserved, particularly because of its potential negative impacts on endemic Ozark stream salamander communities. Diagnosing a species as introduced may require locating nearly identical haplotypes in the known native distribution, which may be a major undertaking. Our study demonstrates the importance of considering comparative phylogeographic information for locating critical haplotypes when distinguishing native from introduced species.</p

    Missense-depleted regions in population exomes implicate ras superfamily nucleotide-binding protein alteration in patients with brain malformation.

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    Genomic sequence interpretation can miss clinically relevant missense variants for several reasons. Rare missense variants are numerous in the exome and difficult to prioritise. Affected genes may also not have existing disease association. To improve variant prioritisation, we leverage population exome data to identify intragenic missense-depleted regions (MDRs) genome-wide that may be important in disease. We then use missense depletion analyses to help prioritise undiagnosed disease exome variants. We demonstrate application of this strategy to identify a novel gene association for human brain malformation. We identified de novo missense variants that affect the GDP/GTP-binding site of ARF1 in three unrelated patients. Corresponding functional analysis suggests ARF1 GDP/GTP-activation is affected by the specific missense mutations associated with heterotopia. These findings expand the genetic pathway underpinning neurologic disease that classically includes FLNA. ARF1 along with ARFGEF2 add further evidence implicating ARF/GEFs in the brain. Using functional ontology, top MDR-containing genes were highly enriched for nucleotide-binding function, suggesting these may be candidates for human disease. Routine consideration of MDR in the interpretation of exome data for rare diseases may help identify strong genetic factors for many severe conditions, infertility/reduction in reproductive capability, and embryonic conditions contributing to preterm loss

    Formulation development of a recombinant protein based non-replicating rotavirus (NRRV) vaccine candidate: Antigen-adjuvant-preservative interactions

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    Rotavirus is the leading cause of acute diarrhea and gastroenteritis among infants and young children worldwide. Over 215,000 children under five years of age die from rotavirus infection each year, mostly in developing world1. Currently two live attenuated oral rotavirus vaccines are available globally (Rotarix® and RotaTeq®) to reduce the burden of this disease with an efficacy of \u3e90% in developed countries2. Vaccine efficacy is lower, however, in developing countries due to a variety of factors3. To this end, a non-replicating rotavirus (NRRV) vaccine candidate, containing three recombinant protein antigens (P2-VP8-P[4], P2-VP8-P[6] and P2-VP8-P[8]), is being developed by PATH and its partners as a trivalent vaccine for use in the developing world4. This trivalent rotavirus vaccine candidate includes the three antigens from the most prevalent serotypes associated with \u3e90% of rotavirus gastroenteritis worldwide. In the present study, the following formulation development issues were examined: (1) establish stability-indicating physicochemical assays for a NRRV protein antigen (P[8]) bound to an aluminum hydroxide adjuvant (Alhydrogel®), which include primary and higher-order structures, chemical and conformational stability of the protein on Alhydrogel, and the ability to desorb the antigen from Alhydrogel; (2) examine the adsorptive capacity and coefficients of Alhydrogel® for the P[8] antigen in several candidate drug product formulations; (3) investigate the effects of binding to Alhydrogel® and the addition of two antimicrobial preservatives (2-phenoxyethanol or thimerosal) on the structural integrity and conformational stability of P[8], the latter of which were found to be potent destabilizers of the antigen; and (4) monitor the real-time and accelerated storage stability over 3 months of P[8] bound to Alhydrogel® in several candidate formulations with and without thimerosal at different temperatures. In the absence of preservative, the P[8] protein antigen was overall stable with only a small amount of Asn deamidation observed in samples stored under real-time (4˚C) or accelerated (25˚C) temperatures. Similarly, little (if any) changes were observed in the real-time stability of the antigen on Alhydrogel® in the presence of thimerosal. Under accelerated storage temperatures (25 or 37˚C) however, the preservative caused an increase in inter-molecular disulfide bonding, decrease of apparent enthalpy as measured by DSC, and a decrease in in-vitro antigenicity. Similar stability studies are currently ongoing with the P[4] and P[6] protein antigens. Acknowledgements: Funding provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation References: 1. Tate et al 2016. Clinical Infectious Diseases 62:S96-S105 2. Tissera et al. 2017. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 13(4):921-927 3. Glass et al. 2014. Journal of Infection 68: S9-S18. 4. Groome et al. 2017. Lancet Infectious Diseases17(8): 843-853

    Targeting the Blood-Brain Barrier to Prevent Sepsis-Associated Cognitive Impairment

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    Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory disease resulting from an infection. This disorder affects 750 000 people annually in the United States and has a 62% rehospitalization rate. Septic symptoms range from typical flu-like symptoms (eg, headache, fever) to a multifactorial syndrome known as sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE). Patients with SAE exhibit an acute altered mental status and often have higher mortality and morbidity. In addition, many sepsis survivors are also burdened with long-term cognitive impairment. The mechanisms through which sepsis initiates SAE and promotes long-term cognitive impairment in septic survivors are poorly understood. Due to its unique role as an interface between the brain and the periphery, numerous studies support a regulatory role for the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in the progression of acute and chronic brain dysfunction. In this review, we discuss the current body of literature which supports the BBB as a nexus which integrates signals from the brain and the periphery in sepsis. We highlight key insights on the mechanisms that contribute to the BBB’s role in sepsis which include neuroinflammation, increased barrier permeability, immune cell infiltration, mitochondrial dysfunction, and a potential barrier role for tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP). Finally, we address current drug treatments (eg, antimicrobials and intravenous immunoglobulins) for sepsis and their potential outcomes on brain function. A comprehensive understanding of these mechanisms may enable clinicians to target specific aspects of BBB function as a therapeutic tool to limit long-term cognitive impairment in sepsis survivors

    Childhood-Diagnosed ADHD, Symptom Progression, and Reversal Learning in Adulthood

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    Objective: ADHD persists in up to 60% into adulthood, and the reasons for persistence are not fully understood. The objective of this study was to characterize the neurofunctional basis of decision making in those with a childhood diagnosis of ADHD with either persistent or remitted symptoms in adulthood versus healthy control participants. Method: Thirty-two adults diagnosed with ADHD as children were split into persistent (n = 18) or remitted (n = 14) ADHD groups. Their neural activity and neurofunctional connectivity during a probabilistic reversal learning task were compared with 32 healthy controls. Results: Remitters showed significantly higher neural connectivity in final reversal error and probabilistic error conditions, and persisters depict higher neural connectivity in reversal errors than controls at a family-wise error (FWE) corrected whole-brain corrected threshold. Conclusion: Remitters may have utilized higher neural connectivity than controls to make successful decisions. Also, remitters may have utilized compensatory strategies to override any potential underlying ADHD deficits

    Effects of early life adversity on immune function and cognitive performance: results from the ALSPAC cohort

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    Background Early life adversity (ELA) is a significant risk factor for mental health disorders. One hypothesised mechanism by which this occurs is via an effect on immune response. In this analysis of epidemiological data, we tested whether ELA was associated with cognitive performance, and if so, whether these effects were influenced by immune function. Methods We investigated the longitudinal relationship between ELA, inflammatory markers, and cognition in data from Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents And Children (ALSPAC; n ~ 5000). ELA was defined in terms of physical/emotional abuse, harsh parenting, or domestic violence before 5 years. Social cognition was measured in terms of theory of mind, and general cognitive ability was measured using IQ. Inflammatory markers included serum C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 levels. Results A significant association was observed between IQ and harsh parenting, whereby children who were physically disciplined had lower IQ scores (accounting for relevant social factors). Both immune markers were associated with variation in cognition, however, neither accounted for the effects of ELA on cognition. Discussion This study highlights the impact of ELA on cognition. In the absence of evidence that these effects are explained by inflammation, other mechanisms by which the effects of ELA are mediated are discussed

    West Nile Virus Isolated from a Virginia Opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in Northwestern Missouri, USA, 2012

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    We describe the isolation of West Nile virus (WNV; Flaviviridae, Flavivirus) from blood of a Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) collected in northwestern Missouri, USA in August 2012. Sequencing determined that the virus was related to lineage 1a WNV02 strains. We discuss the role of wildlife in WNV disease epidemiology
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