674 research outputs found

    Безпілотні літальні апарати в космосі

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    Recent years have shown a rapid increase in air traffic. Unmanned Air Vehicles will deteriorate this situation. For this reason, Air Traffic Management should be adopt Unmanned Air Vehicles, than Unmanned Air Vehicles flights within Controlled Airspace, Uncontrolled Airspace and Special Use AirspaceПоказано, что полеты беспилотных летательных аппаратов могут резко увеличить интенсивность воздушных сообщений. Предложено учредить службу управления воздушным движением беспилотных летательных аппаратов, которая будет разрешать полеты в контролируемом, неконтролируемом и специальном воздушном пространствеПоказано, що польоти літальних апаратів можуть збільшити інтенсивність повітряних сполучень. Запропоновано запровадити службу керівництва повітряним рухом безпілотних літальних апаратів, яка буде дозволяти польоти в контрольованому, неконтрольованому і спеціальному повітряному простор

    Approach to modeling of thermal airflow dynamics

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    This work considers the modeling of thermal airflow. The dynamic airflow is spit on flat circular elements. The extrapolation method, which is referred to as adaptive extrapolation, is proposed. The extrapolation which is influenced by stochastically changing settings is the key for adaptive extrapolation. The change of these parameters is determined experimentally during real flight or using prediction techniques. This paper presents modeling with preset parameters. The thermal airflow is modeled by taking into account its inclination towards wind and the change of diameter in accordance with linear and nonlinear laws

    Evaluation of the secondary radiation impact on personnel during the dismantling of contaminated nuclear equipment

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    The article contains a numerical analysis of the secondary radiation contribution to the total radiation affecting the operational personnel during the dismantling activities of the contaminated equipment at a nuclear power plant. This study considers a widely applicable Monte Carlo particle transport code MCNPX and real Ignalina nuclear power plant records. A simplified albedo method is investigated in order to analyze the selected geometrical design cases. Additionally, the impact of the secondary radiation on the personnel dose was analyzed. The numerical MCNPX simulation allowed ascertaining the optimal distance between the source and the wall for the working personnel in closed rooms with contaminated equipment. The developed dose rate maps of the secondary radiation showed cross-sectional distribution of the dose rate inside the enclosed area

    Endocardial Brg1 disruption illustrates the developmental origins of semilunar valve disease

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    AbstractThe formation of intricately organized aortic and pulmonic valves from primitive endocardial cushions of the outflow tract is a remarkable accomplishment of embryonic development. While not always initially pathologic, developmental semilunar valve (SLV) defects, including bicuspid aortic valve, frequently progress to a disease state in adults requiring valve replacement surgery. Disrupted embryonic growth, differentiation, and patterning events that “trigger” SLV disease are coordinated by gene expression changes in endocardial, myocardial, and cushion mesenchymal cells. We explored roles of chromatin regulation in valve gene regulatory networks by conditional inactivation of the Brg1-associated factor (BAF) chromatin remodeling complex in the endocardial lineage. Endocardial Brg1-deficient mouse embryos develop thickened and disorganized SLV cusps that frequently become bicuspid and myxomatous, including in surviving adults. These SLV disease-like phenotypes originate from deficient endocardial-to-mesenchymal transformation (EMT) in the proximal outflow tract (pOFT) cushions. The missing cells are replaced by compensating neural crest or other non-EMT-derived mesenchyme. However, these cells are incompetent to fully pattern the valve interstitium into distinct regions with specialized extracellular matrices. Transcriptomics reveal genes that may promote growth and patterning of SLVs and/or serve as disease-state biomarkers. Mechanistic studies of SLV disease genes should distinguish between disease origins and progression; the latter may reflect secondary responses to a disrupted developmental system

    Quality assessment of book covers using shadow moiré technique

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    Shadow moiré method is often used in various areas for measurement of displacements, such as orthopedics, PCB warpage measurement and others. In this article, we propose a method for quality assessment of book covers using shadow moiré technique. Qualitative and quantitative approaches are used to estimate the quality of the book cover. In order to get a qualitative estimation, a manual count of fringes indicates a presence of the distortions of the book cover. In the second case, quantitative estimation of the displacements on the book cover can be made by applying centerline identification technique

    Shielding analyses supporting the Lithium loop design and safety assessments in IFMIF-DONES

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    The assessment of radiation fields in the lithium loop pipes and dump tank during the operation were performed for International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility – DEMO-Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) in order to obtain the radiation dose-rate maps in the component surroundings. Variance reduction techniques such as weight window mesh (produced with the ADVANTG code) were applied to bring the statistical uncertainty down to a reasonable level. The biological dose was given in the study, and potential shielding optimization is suggested and more thoroughly evaluated. The MCNP Monte Carlo was used to simulate a gamma particle transport for radiation shielding purposes for the current Li Systems’ design. In addition, the shielding efficiency was identified for the Impurity Control System components and the dump tank. The analysis reported in this paper takes into account the radiation decay source from and activated corrosion products (ACPs), which is created by d-Li interaction. As a consequence, the radiation (resulting from ACPs and Be-7) shielding calculations have been carried out for safety considerations

    Differences in reporting somatic complaints in elderly by education level

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    Aim: To evaluate the association between somatic complaints and education level among elders in selected European countries. Methods: Cross-sectional study among randomly selected community dwelling persons aged 60–84 years from seven cities in Europe: Ancona (Italy), Athens (Greece), Granada (Spain), Kaunas (Lithuania), Stuttgart (Germany), Porto (Portugal) and Stockholm (Sweden). Somatic complaints were measured with the 24-item version of the Giessen Complaint List (GBB-24). A regression analysis was done to investigate the association between education and somatic complaints. Results. The mean GBB-24 scale was 16.3±14.9. The most common complaints were pain in joints and limbs (29.6%), back-pain (24.1%), heaviness or tiredness in the legs (19.1%) and general tiredness (15.7%). Respondents with less than primary education reported higher levels of somatic symptoms compared to those with university degree. A regression analysis showed that higher education (OR=0.69) and being male (OR=0.48) were associated with a decreased risk for high levels of somatic complaints, and the opposite for older age (OR=1.03) and being single/divorced/window (OR=1.28). Conclusions: The results indicate that less educated elders are more likely to expressed somatic complaints

    Principle and data analysis of vertical angle calibration of geodetic instruments

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    Many opto-electronic digital instruments, such as rotary encoders, theodolites, total stations, laser trackers, etc. are used in machine engineering and instrumentation, geodesy, surveying, robotics and other branches of industry. Most of optical-electronic geodetic measuring instruments consist, among the other elements, of the circular scales and angular transducers for angle determination in two perpendicular planes – horizontal and vertical. Accuracy of the instrument mostly depends on the accuracy of these means for angle measurement. Even if calibration of horizontal angle measurement instrumentation can be relatively easily solved implementing rotary tables of different constriction the calibration of vertical angle measurement instrumentation is still a very complicated and not easily solvable task. Here in this paper we present a review and some simple means and methods that can be used in the angle measurement metrology, especially in vertical plane angle calibration. The results of the experimental calibration with the brief errors analysis and possibilities of accuracy increase of tested instrument are also give

    Research of positioning accuracy of robot MOTOMAN SSF2000

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    Research of the dynamic properties, positioning precision and repeatability of MOTOMAN SSF2000 movement is presented in this article. Dynamic properties were analyzed using a mobile equipment of measuring „Machine Diagnostic Toolbox Type 9727“ with a DELL notebook. The manipulator vibrations were measured in two robot’s positions: vertical and horizontal, and at three different speeds. The research was made under three different conditions, changing the tool mass and spee

    Dose rates and specific activities of copper based materials irradiated during the TT plasma operation at JET

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    Before deuterium-tritium (DTE2), a new tritium campaign (TT) with the objective to validate the activities, dose rates for selected materials and OLTIS container components, as resulting from neutron irradiation at Joint European Torus (JET), is planned. This paper describes the activation and dose rate calculation performed for copper based materials irradiated throughout the foreseen TT plasma operation. Preparatory experiments and calculations are in progress for TT campaign to measure neutron flux spectrum at the irradiation position using dosimetry foils. In addition, the materials to be considered for irradiation during the TT campaign of the OLTIS were identified and analyzed in this study: Al-Bronze and CuCrZr. The neutron-induced activities and dose rates at shutdown were calculated by activation inventory code FISPACT-2010 using the neutron fluxes and spectra provided by the detailed MCNP5 neutron transport calculations. After the irradiation, the activities and dose rates are calculated at several cooling times after the end of irradiation. Highest dose rates the end of irradiation are attributed to Cu-64 radionuclide. Co-58 and Co-60 are the most dominant radionuclides during intermediate and long cooling periods. Highest activities are ascribed to Cu-64 at the beginning and Ni-63 at the end of investigation time.Comunidad Europea de la Energía Atómica. EURATOM - 2014-2018 y 2019-2020 - 63305