313 research outputs found

    Uticaj klimatskih uslova na kontaminaciju zrna kukuruza sa aflatoksinom B1 i fumonizinima i njihova združena pojava

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    Agroecological and climatic conditions in Serbia greatly affected the development of toxigenic fungi and occurrence of mycotoxins in the maize. The presence of fungal toxigenic Aspergillus and Fusarium species and levels of aflatoxin B 1 (AFB 1) and sum of fumonisins B 1 , B 2 and B 3 (FBs) were established in 127 maize kernel samples harvested during 2012 (37 samples) and 2013 (90 samples). The periods of silking and grain filling of the maize in 2012 in comparison to 2013 were characterised with extremely dry spells, with high temperatures and low precipitation sums. The mean incidences of A. flavus and F. verticillioides were 50.4 and 11.7% in 2012 and 18.9 and 33.4% in 2013, respectively. According to the regulations of the World Health Organisation, unacceptable levels of AFB 1 (>20 μg kg-1) and FBs (>2000 μg kg-1) were established in the 30.6 and 24.1% samples of 2012 and 16.7 and 40% maize kernel samples of 2013, respectively. It can be concluded that high temperatures and low precipitation sums in 2012 favoured the development of A. flavus affecting the high level of AFB 1 , in comparison with F. verticillioides and the production of FBs. There was no positive correlation between the incidences of A. flavus and F. verticillioides, while a statistically significant positive correlation has been found between AFB 1 and FBs levels, in both investigated years (2012-2013). This indicates that the mycotoxin production depended more on weather conditions than on the distribution of corresponding toxigenic fungal species.Agroekološki i klimatski uslovi u Srbiji veoma su pogodni za razvoj toksigenih gljiva i njihovih mikotoksina u kukuruzu. Prisustvo toksigenih vrsta gljiva iz rodova Aspergillus i Fusarium, kao i nivoi aflatoksina B1 (AFB1) i ukupnih fumonizina B1, B2 i B3 (FBs) utvrđeni su u 127 uzoraka zrna kukuruza iz berbe tokom 2012 (37 uzoraka) i 2013. godine (90 uzoraka). U fenofazama svilanja i nalivanja zrna kukuruza u 2012. u odnosu na 2013. godinu zapaženi su ekstremno sušni periodi sa visokim temperaturama i niskim količinama padavina. Prosečne vrednosti za učestalost vrsta A. flavus i F. verticillioides bile su 50,4 i 11,7% u 2012., odnosno 18,9 i 33,4% u 2013. godini. Prema pravilniku Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO) nedozvoljeni nivoi AFB1 (>20 µg/kg) i FBs (>2000 µg/kg) utvrđeni su u 30,6% i 24,1% uzoraka u 2012., odnosno u 16,7% i 40% uzoraka u 2013. godini. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključeno je da su visoke temperature i niske količine padavina u 2012. godini uslovile značajno veću učestalost A. flavus i visoku produkciju AFB1 u poredjenju sa vrstom F. verticillioides i produkcijom FBs. U obe ispitivane godine (2012-2013), između učestalosti A. flavus i F. verticillioides nije ustanovljena pozitivna korelacija, dok je statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija ustanovljena između nivoa AFB1 i FBs. Ovo ukazuje da produkcija mikotoksina je više zavisna od vremenskih uslova u odnosu na distribuciju toksigenih vrsta gljiva

    Effect of the kanamycin resistance marker on stability of 2μ-based expression plasmids

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    U ovom radu opisan je uticaj gena za kanamicinsku rezistenciju (Kmr) na održavanje 2μm plazmida u Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Prisustvo ovog marker gena dovodi do gubitka stabilnog model-vektora konstantnom stopom nezavisnom od izvora ugljenika i stope rasta kulture. Kod sojeva za sintezu heterolognih proteina sa galaktoznog promotora (GALUAS) uvođenje Kmr rezultira "čišćenjem" od kvaščevih epizomalnih plazmida (YEp) u svega nekoliko generacija. Primena selektivnog pritiska na sojeve koji proizvode rekombinantnu penicilin G amidazu (rPGA) nije dovela do očekivanog povećanja prinosa proteina. Ispitivanjem uticaja samih genetičkih elemenata za proizvodnju heterolognih proteina na stabilnost vektora pokazano je da najjače destabilišuće dejstvo ima prisustvo i eksprecija stranog gena.In this paper we describe the effect of the kanamycin resistance gene (Kmr) on 2μm-based plasmid maintenance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The influence of this marker gene on the loss of the stable model-vectors proved to be constant, as well as independent of carbon source and culture growth rates. In strains for GALUAS - driven heterologous protein production introduction of Kmr resulted in curing of the yeast episomal plasmid (YEp) from the population in a small number of generations. Application of selective pressure on the strain producing recombinant penicillin G amidase (rPGA) did not provide the expected increase of protein yield. The influence of genetic elements for heterologous protein production on vector stability was examined, and the most destabilizing factors prove to be the presence and expression of the foreign gene

    Divergence of maize synthetic populations and their progenies determined by phenotypic and molecular markers

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    IZVOD: U radu je proučavana divergentnost sintetičkih populacija, roditeljskih linija i linija potomstava analizom srednjih vrednosti njihovih deset osobina i primenom SSR markera. Za istraţivanja su korišćene tri sintetičke populacije per se i njihove S1 familije, deset roditeljskih linija i jedanaest linija potomstava. Sintetička populacija Syn ZP je nastala dialelnim ukrštanjem devet inbred linija poreklom iz lokalnih sorti sa Zapadnog Balkana, Syn ZP/USA iz ukrštanja linija lokalnog porekla sa linijom poreklom iz BSS sintetika, a Syn FS rekombinacijom predhodne dve populacije. Linije potomstva su poreklom iz sintetičkih populacija Syn ZP i Syn ZP/USA. Na osnovu rezultata istraţivanja utvrĎeno je da su se S1 familije tri sintetičke populacije značajno razlikovale po srednjim vrednostima ispitivanih osobina. Varijabilnost i heritabilnost ispitivanih osobina je povećana nakon unošenja strane germplazme, kao i nakon rekombinacije sintetičkih populacija, a naročito je izraţeno povećanje genetičke dobiti od selekcije. Genetički koeficijenti korelacija su pokazali da je kod sve tri populacije najveći uticaj na prinos zrna imala duţina klipa, a najmanji masa 1000 zrna. Rezultati analize glavnih komponenti su pokazali da je duţina klipa, zajedno sa brojem zrna u redu, imala najveći indirektan uticaj na prinos zrna kod S1 familija sve tri sintetičke populacije. Inkorporacija strane germplazme, kao i rekombinacija sintetičkih populacija, su doprinele stvaranju nove varijabilnosti ispitivanog genetičkog materijala i poboljšanju srednjih vrednosti ispitivanih osobina. Rezultati istraţivanja sintetičkih populacija per se, roditeljskih komponenti i linija potomstava su ukazali da su selekcionisane linije imale bolje srednje vrednosti za ispitivane osobine od roditeljskih linija. Koeficijenti korelacija su bili pribliţno isti kod linija roditelja i linija potomstava, s tim da je uočeno povećanje uticaja mase zrna na prinos, u odnosu na S1 familije. Na osnovu ovih rezultata odabrano je nekoliko linija potomstava kod kojih je zabeleţeno poboljšanje osobina u odnosu na roditelje i koje mogu biti perspektivne za dalju selekciju...SUMMARY: Divergence of synthetic populations, parental and progeny inbred lines has been studied using both mean values of ten phenotypic traits and SSR markers. The research was performed on three synthetic populations per se and their S1 families, ten parental and 11 progeny inbred lines. Syn ZP synthetic population was obtained by diallel crossing of nine inbreds that originated from local, West Balkans, landraces, Syn ZP/USA by crossing inbreds of local origin with an inbred from BSS synthetic and Syn FS by recombination of the two previous populations. Progeny inbred lines were obtained from Syn ZP and Syn ZP/USA. The results revealed that S1 families of the three synthetics were significantly different in the mean values of the analysed traits. Variability and heritability of these traits has been increased after introduction of exotic germplasm as well as after recombination of the synthetic populations and genetic gain was particularly expressed. Genetic correlation coefficients showed that ear length had the highest and 1000 kernel weight the lowest impact on grain yield. Principal component analysis showed that ear length, together with kernel number per row, had the highest indirect impact on grain yield of S1 families considering all three synthetic populations. Incorporation of exotic germplasm, as well as recombination of the synthetic populations, contributed to the generation of new variability in the genetic material and improvement of mean values of the analysed traits. Analyses of synthetic populations per se, parental components and progeny inbreds indicated that new inbred lines had better mean values of the traits compared to parental inbreds. Correlation coefficients were approximately the same within parental inbreds and within progeny inbreds, except that increase of kernel weight impact on grain yield in regard to S1 families was observed. Based on the presented results of the research, several progeny inbreds have been chosen, which have better trait performances in comparison to parents and could be perspective for further selection..

    An improved RADFET-based module with an extended dose range of 1 kGy TID based on COTS parts

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    An improved RADFET based module dosemeter has been developed by Varadis (a spin out company of Tyndall National Institute in Cork, Ireland) with serial number RM-VT01-A. The module is based on commercially available, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) parts and represents an updated version of its predecessor RM-VT01 with an upper dose limit of 10Gy (1 kRad) also based on COTS parts. The RM-VT01-A module was tested to a total dose of 1kGy (100 kRad) in Co60 field at Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia. The improved module circuit was specifically designed to address the challenge of withstanding 1 kGy (100 kRad) received dose. The primary goal of this poster is to present the improvements in the circuit design and working principle. For this purpose, eleven modules were tested, 8 powered and 3 unpowered during irradiation. The module electronics accommodates both irradiation “sense” and readout “single-current-point” mode, outputting the RADFET threshold voltage (VT) as a dosimetric information, directly proportional to the absorbed dose. The output voltage of the module was measured with a simple benchtop voltmeter to demonstrate module operation simplicity and easy system integrability. The experimental data results showed excellent agreement with the dosimetry system used at the Vinca irradiation facility, and calibration data of the VT01 RadFET part.ELICSIR Project Symposium; January 25-27, 2023, Niš, Serbi


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    The vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands (VRPSD) is a combinatorial optimization problem. The VRPSD looks for vehicle routes to connect all customers with a depot, so that the total distance is minimized, each customer visited once by one vehicle, every route starts and ends at a depot, and the travelled distance and capacity of each vehicle are less than or equal to the given maximum value. Contrary to the classical VRP, in the VRPSD the demand in a node is known only after a vehicle arrives at the very node. This means that the vehicle routes are designed in uncertain conditions. This paper presents a heuristic and meta-heuristic approach for solving the VRPSD and discusses the real problem of municipal waste collection in the City of Niš

    Suicides in Serbia during and after the time of conflicts and in the transition period of the early 21st century

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    The paper explores the dynamics of the number of suicid es in the period of 1990-2014 and discovers differences in the direction and intensity of changes in the number of suicides in several subperiods. For Serbia, from a political, social, and economic aspect, that 25-year period encompasses at least three distinct subperiods: the breakdown of former Yugoslavia and conflicts that ensued during the 1990s (1990-2000); the change of political regime and the delayed transition in the early 2000s (2001-2006); the recession period after the beginning of the global finance crisis (2007-2014). The official statistical data for Serbia (excluding Kosovo) imply that the highest number of suicides was in the first subperiod, especially in the time of the culmination of the crisis connected to the disintegration of former Yugoslavia (1991-1993), while a trend of decrease has been noticeable in the last two sub periods. Positive changes in the suicide rate recorded in two other subperiods do not imply that the societal and economic crisis had a negative effect on the suicide mortality. The increase in suicides in the first subperiod, the period of the war conflicts, can be connected to a certain extent to the greater availability of firearms, highly lethal suicide means. The paper also looks at the other most frequently used suicide methods as well as the changes in the observed period. The analysis showed that there was a multifold increase in the use of firearms in committed suicides in the period of an increase in the number of suicides during the first years of greatest crisis, especially for young and young adult population. In this context, the paper determines a change occurred in Serbia's ranking on the European list according to the suicide rate, as well as what types of differences exist in the dynamics of these changes in comparison to other countries. Special attention is paid to the trends in ex­ communist European countries, including former Yugoslav republics . Trends in Serbia resemble those recorded in some other transition countrie s, but the increase in the suicide rate in Serbia in the first subperiod and its subsequent decrease was less intensive . Suicides do not equally affect the old and the young, men and women. Therefore, the paper observes suicides in Serbia in relation to the most significant characteristics of the deceased , age and sex, aimed to explore not only the differences at the level of suicides but also similarities of the changes in the observed subperiods. This is especially relevant for determ inin g the level differences of male and female suicide rates by age and simultaneity of the highest overall and age-specific suicide rates. The number of suicide s for men and women have changed in the same direction, but the decrease among women was greater, which increased the pre-existing differences

    COST 354 - evropska harmonizacija indikatora stanja kolovoznih konstrukcija na putevima

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    In 2004 the COST Action 354 'Performance Indicators for Road Pavements' was initiated by the European intergovernmental scientific network COST (European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) with the main objective to define uniform European performance indicators and indexes for road pavements. The specification of performance criteria from the perspective of road users and road operators is a key prerequisite for the efficient maintenance and management of road pavements. In the context of the Action single indicators, as well as combined indicators are defined for different road networks and pavements taking into consideration functional and structural demands of road pavements, as well as demands from the environmental point of view. These performance indicators should build the basis for the economic evaluation within PMS and PPP contracts.COST akcija 354 'Performance Indicators for Road Pavements' (Indikatori stanja kolovoznih konstrukcija na putevima) je inicirana tokom 2004. godine od strane Evropskog međuvladinog okvira za naučno- tehničku saradnju COST (European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) sa osnovnim ciljem da se definišu uniformni indikatori i indeksi stanja kolovoznih konstrukcija u Evropi. Definisanje kriterijuma za stanje kolovoznih konstrukcija je iz perspektive korisnika putne mreže i agencija koje se bave održavanjem puteva osnovni preduslov za efikasno upravljanje održavanjem putne mreže. U okviru Akcije su definisani pojedinačni indikatori i indeksi, kao i kombinovani indeksi stanja za različite putne mreže i tipove kolovoznih konstrukcija uzimajući u obzir funkcionalne i strukturne zahteve kao i zahteve u pogledu zaštite okoline. Ovi indikatori stanja mogu predstavljati osnovu za ekonomsko vrednovanje u okviru sistema za upravljanje održavanjem kolovoznih konstrukcija i ugovora o partnerstvu privatnog i javnog sektora

    Smoke Cloak – New Conception in Object and Facilities Protection

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    Svjedoci smo gotovo svakodnevnih provala u našoj neposrednoj okolini i svugdje u svijetu. Provalnici su sve smjeliji i provaljuju u svako doba dana i noći u objekte poput banaka, poštanskih ureda, kladionica, mjenjačnica i slične prostore u kojima je postavljena visoka razina zaštite (zaštitari i sredstva tehničke zaštite). Unatoč tome provale su učestale. Zbog toga se pristupilo osmišljavanju novih koncepcija i strategija osiguravanja objekata i prostora. Jedan od uspješnih koncepata je i zaštita dimom ili dimnom zavjesom. Idejni princip rada ovog sustava je u prevenciji krađe je: „Ne može se ukrasti ono što se ne vidi“. Sustav dimne zavjese radi tako da u vrlo kratkom vremenu ispunjava prostoriju bezopasnim dimom kako bi provalniku smanjio vidljivost i tako ga psihološki dezorijentirao, osujetio i odvratio od daljnjih aktivnosti. Ovaj novi sustavni pristup za dezorijentaciju kao protuprepadni sustav počeo se sve više primjenjivati (NATO ga koristi kao dio sustava za zaštitu tankera od gusara) i do sada se pokazao izuzetno učinkovit.lmost daily we are witnesses to burglaries in our immediate environment. The burglars are more audacious and they break in at any time of day and night in buildings such as banks, post offices, betting office, exchange office and places in which high level of protection (security guards and means of technical protection) are set up. Despite that, the burglaries are very ommon. Therefore, a new conception has been made to secure objects and indoors and outdoors of buildings. One of them is the smoke cloak or smoke screen. The principle of this stealing prevention system is “You can not steal what you can not see”. Smoke cloak system in a very short time fills the oom with harmless smoke in order to totally reduce visibility. The burglar is psychologically disoriented, frustrated and discouraged for further activities. This new systematic approach to disorientationas anti-foray system, began to be increasingly applied (NATO uses it as part of system to protect tanker ships from pirates), and so far it has proved very effective

    Samoubistva u Srbiji: najzastupljeniji načini izvršenja

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    Način izvršenja samoubistva je važna determinanta ishoda suicidnog ponašanja, a smanjenje dostupnosti najčešće korišćenih metoda ima značajan preventivni potencijal. U radu je analizirano kretanje ukupnog broja samoubistava u Srbiji prema načinu izvršenja u periodu 1990-2014, s naglaskom na strukturne razlike po polu i starosti. Relativna zastupljenost pojedinih starosnih grupa kod najčešće primenjivanih metoda suicida utvrđena je na osnovu dobijenih vrednosti pokazatelja relativnog rizika nazvanog starosni indeksi metoda suicida (SIMS). Korišćeni su podaci Republičkog zavoda za statistiku, i to uglavnom neobjavljeni. Rezultati analize pokazuju da je u Srbiji u periodu 1990-2014. vešanje izrazito najzastupljeniji metod samoubistva (61%). Sledeća po brojnosti, ali sa značajno manjim udelom, su samoubistva vatrenim oružjem (13%) i trovanjem (8%). Najveće promene su registrovane u pogledu povećanja samoubistava vatrenim oružjem, vremenski jasno povezane s početkom ratova na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije, ali nastavljeno i tokom 2000-ih. Među muškarcima je veća zastupljenost spomenuta tri metoda (85%), dok su žene, pored vešanja (59%), najviše samoubistava izvršile trovanjem (16%) i davljenjem (8%). Posmatrano po starosti, najviše je starih (60+), i to bez obzira na način izvršenja. Razike koje postoje se pre svega tiču udela pojedinih starosnih grupa u broju samoubistava određenim metodom. Utvrđena je značajna razlika u relativnoj zastupljenosti pojedinih velikih starosnih grupa u primeni određenih metoda samoubistva. Promene u tom pogledu odvijale su se u smeru ublažavanja postojećih razlika. Prikazani rezultati mogu biti od koristi istraživačima i stručnjacima raznih profila koji se bave problemom samoubistva, kao i kreatorima javnih politika prilikom planiranja mera i akcija za prevenciju samoubistva

    Comparison of predictive value of five risk scores in patients with myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Introduction: Mortality of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) treated by primary PCI (pPCI) is relatively high when short and long term-outcomes are concerned, despite the progress of standard of care. The stratification of patients according to risk of death is of great diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic significance. Several risk scores have been developed, however only a few studies so far investigated the efficacy of these scores in predicting long-term mortality. Aim: The aim of study was to compare the predictive value of five risk scores, regarding long-term mortality among patients with AMI treated with pPCI in the Clinical Center of Serbia. Materials and methods: We performed a retrospective study that included 497 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of AMI treated with pPCI in 2012. For every patient, the value of CADILLAC, ZWOLLE, ACEF, TIMI and PAMI scores was calculated. Prognostic ability of risk scores was compared by area under (AUC) the ROC (receiver-operating characteristics) curve. Results: Population consisted of 497 patients with AMI treated with pPCI, average age 61.07 ± 11.55 out of which 67.4 % were male. Cumulative mortality rate at 30 days, 1, 2 and 3 years of clinical follow-up amounted to 1.5 %, 5.2 %, 9.5 % and 10.5 %, respectively. CADILLAC score performed very well predicting one-year (AUC 0.822), two-years (0.819) and three-year mortality (0.815). The good predictive value, although significantly less accurate compared to the CADILLAC score, was shown for ZWOLLE and ACEF score in predicting one-year (0.742; 0.742), two-years (0.728; 0.741) as well as the three-year mortality (0.721; 0.743) respectively, while the PAMI and TIMI scores obtained the lowest predictive values for one-year (0.680; 0.605), two-years (0.706; 0.599), and for the three-year mortality (0.700; 0.590), respectively. Conclusion: CADILLAC risk score showed the best predictive ability regarding mortality up to three years in a population of AMI patients treated with pPCI