44 research outputs found

    Antimikrobno dejstvo eteričnih ulja na oralne patogene

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    Periodontal disease and Dental caries associated with dental plaque are the most common bacterial diseases, but also, significant oral health problem is Candidiasis. Candida albicans, is an opportunistic pathogen that can, under certain conditions proliferate and cause infections. The need for prevention and alternative forms of treatment and products for oral diseases comes from the rise in disease incidence, increased resistance by pathogenic bacteria to currently used chemotherapeutics. The products derived from medicinal plants have proven to be a source of biologically active substances, and thanks to their active principles, products based on medical herbs are more prevalent in modern phytotherapy. Essential oils are complex natural mixtures of volatile secondary metabolites - aliphatic and aromatic, terpinen and phenyl- propane compounds isolated from plants. The main constituents of essential oils are terpenes and sesquiterpenes including carbohydrates, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes and ketones, which are responsible for the fragrant and biological properties of plants. Different oils produce various pharmacological effects such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancerogenic properties, but also oils are biocides. There are numerous in vitro studies that dealt with the research activities of natural herbal substances against oral bacteria that are known to be etiological factors in the development of oral and dental diseases. The phenolic major compounds of essential oils have been suggested to have a potential antifungal activity. There is ample of evidence that plant extracts and essential oils have the potential to be developed into agents that can be used as preventative or treatment therapies of oral diseases.Parodontopatija i dentalni karijes, čiji je nastanak povezan sa dentalnim plakom, predstavljaju najčešća bakterijska oboljenja. Takođe, značajni oralni zdravstveni problem predstavlja i kandidijaza. Candida albicans je oportunistički patogen koji pod pojedinim okolnostima može da proliferiše i uzrokuje infekciju. Potreba za prevencijom i alternativnim oblicima lečenja i produktima za oralna oboljenja proizilazi zbog povećanja učestalosti oboljenja i povećane rezistencije patogenih bakterija na primenu hemoterapeutika koji se trenutno upotrebljavaju. Dokazano je da su produkti dobijeni od lekovitog bilja izvor biološko aktivnih supstanci, a zahvaljujući svojim aktivnim principima, produkti na bazi lekovitog bilja zastupljeniji su u modernoj fitoterapiji. Eterična ulja su kompleksne prirodne mešavine isparljivih sekundarnih metabolita - alifatičnih i aromatičnih, terpenskih i fenil-propanskih jedinjenja izolovanih iz biljaka. Glavni sastojci etarskih ulja su terpeni i seskviterpeni, uključujući i ugljene hidrate, alkohol, etar, aldehide i ketone, koji su odgovorni za mirisna i biološka svojstva biljaka. Različita ulja imaju brojne farmakološke efekte, kao što su antiinflamatorno, antioksidativno i antikancerogeno dejstvo, ali su takođe i biocidi. Postoje brojne in vitro studije koje su se bavile istraživanjem aktivnosti prirodnih biljnih supstanci usmerenih na oralne bakterije za koje je poznato da su etiološki faktori u nastanku oralnih i dentalnih oboljenja. Navedeno je da glavne fenolne komponente eteričnih ulja imaju potencijalnu antigljivičnu aktivnost. Postoje brojni dokazi da biljni ekstrakti i eterična ulja imaju potencijal da se razviju u agense koji se mogu koristiti u preventivi ili u lečenju oralnih oboljenja

    Uloga klastera u savremenom obrazovanju u oblasti bioekonomije

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    Razvoj konkurentnosti na Evropskom i svetskomtržištu doveo je do pojave klastera kao oblika povezivanjakompanija iz srodnih delatnosti sa naučno-istraživačkiminstitucijama. Ideja klastera je da podstiču saradnju, ali ikonkurentnost i specijalizaciju u određenoj oblasti. Značajnuulogu u formiranju klastera ima sektor obrazovanja, tačnijevisokoškolske ustanove. Kroz obrazovanje grade sevisokokvalifikovani stučnjaci koji predstavljaju temelj zaorganizovanje i formiranje klastera. Intelektualni kapital kaoskup svih znanja unutar jedne organizacije, učestvuje uobrazovanju zaposlenih, i doprinosi građenju konkurentskeprednosti organizacije. Budući stručnjaci bi trebalo da raspolažutakozvanim intelektualnim materijalom u obliku informacija,iskustva, znanja itd, na osnovu kojih se ostvaruje konkurentnost.Cilj ovog rada bio je ukazivanje na značaj i potencijalvisokoškolskih ustanova u kreiranju klastera u Republici Srbiji.Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 8 državnih i 9 privatnihUniverziteta u okviru kojih se nalazi ukupno 95 državnih,odnosno 57 privatnih fakulteta. Rezultati istraživanja pokazujuda se veliki potencijal za razvoj klastera nalazi upravo u okviruuniverziteta. Posebno se izdvajaju pojedine oblasti u razvoju izsfere bioekonomije, kao što su ekologija i zaštita životne sredine,koje postaju sve značajnije privatnim i državnim univerzitetimau Srbiji, i izučavaju se kroz module

    Fatty acid in colorectal cancer in adult and aged patients of both sexes

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    Purpose: Colorectal cancer represents the second most common type of cancer in Serbia. Alteration of lipid metabolism begins early, and can represent a central hallmark in cancer evolution. Fatty acids have various important functions as building components of cell membranes, as signaling molecules in immune responses and also manage the general cancer signaling network. The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of various fatty acids content between colorectal cancer and adjacent healthy intestinal tissue in adult and aged patients of both sexes. Methods: 52 subjects participated in this study. Healthy colon mucosa and tumor tissue samples were obtained from patients previously diagnosed with colorectal carcinoma. Simplified method of Berstad et al was used for direct transesterification of total lipids in tumor and healthy mucosa tissue samples and separations of the methyl esters was carried out using a gas chromatograph equipped with a split/ splitless injector and a flame ionization detector. Results: 18 0, 18 1 n7, 20 3, 20 4, 20 5, 22 4, 22 5 22 6, SFA, PUFA, n6, n3 and AA/EPA were significantly higher in tumor tissue. On the other hand, 18 1 n9, 18 2, 18 3 n3, MUFA, n6/ n3 were significantly higher in healthy tissue. Conclusions: Saturation index (SI) could be a valuable tool to delineate robust immune response and worse prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer. Our study demonstrated significant differences in fatty acid profiles between tumor tissue and healthy mucosa. Parameters, such as gender, age, stage and mucinous component didn't influence altered fatty acid content

    Review of the thermoluminescent dosimetry method for the environmental dose monitoring

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    Passive solid state dosimeters, such as thermoluminescence dosimeters, provide integrated measurement of the total dose and are widely used in environmental monitoring programs. The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review on the use of thermoluminescent dosimetry methods for monitoring radiation dose in the environment. The article presents the part of the research results of the project PREPAREDNESS (EMPIR 2016 call for Metrology for Environment joint research project) with a particular objective to harmonize procedures used by dosimetry services, relevant authorities and Institutes across the Europe. To achieve this, different monitoring routines that are based on passive environ mental dosimetry methods are investigated. Differences in performing specific steps such as preheating, reading, annealing, minimizing fading, and others, are analyzed. The investigation was performed by means of qualitative literature review that showed the lack of information about specific steps. The conclusion of this work is that thermoluminescent dosimetry measurement system has to be type-tested even though the testing procedure is complicated. In addition to this, control dosimeters should be introduced, International Organization for Standardization protocols should be followed during calibration, and finally, parameters influencing the measurement uncertainty have to be identified and well understood in order to pro duce ac cu rate dose measurement results

    Harmonisation of dose measurement procedures using passive dosemeters: use of passive H*(10) dosimetry systems in Europe

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    Jedan od zadataka projekta 16ENV04 Preparedness jeispitivanje pasivnih dozimetrijskih sistema namenjenih za merenje operativne dozimetrijske veličine H*(10). Cilj ovog zadatka je evaluacija i harmonizacija procedura koji koriste laboratorije u Evropi a odnose se na merenje ambijentlnog ekvivalenta doze,a u vezi eventualne primene ovakvih doziemtrisjkih sistema u kontekstu dleovanja u vanrednom događaju.One of the outstanding tasks of the project 16ENV04 Preparedness, is to investigate the use of passive dosemeters aimed for measurement of operational quantityH*(10). The aim of this task is to develop a rationale to harmonize the procedures used by European measuring bodies and authorities, which provide services or fulfil tasks in radiation protection by using passive H*(10) area monitoring systems. Procedures used by European measuring bodies and services for environmental monitoring using passive area dosemeters are investigated, with a goal to investigate the applicability of passive dosimetry systems in the aftermath of a nuclear event.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј

    Black inorganic pigments obtained from waste materials

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    Hazardous industrial wastes are the most common source of environmental pollution. Waters originating from unregulated landfills and places of inadequate disposal of this type of wastes can pollute the water sources and affect the human health. In this study, electroplating waste sludge (ES) and various Fe-rich wastes were used as starting materials for the synthesis of inorganic pigments. Obtained black Cr1.3Fe0.7O3 pigments possess adequate properties required for use as inorganic pigments

    Application of ascorbic acid as a radiolytic stabilizer for [131I]mibg

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    In this paper the results of a stability of [131I]mIBG, stored under various conditions, are presented. The stability was followed during 14 days. The most important radiochemical impurity in [131I]mIBG is free [131I]iodide, formed by radiolysis. The results indicate that the rate of radiolytic decomposition of [131I]mIBG is much slower at higher concentration of ascorbic acid (20 mg/mCi) and at lower storage temperature (40C)

    Physicochemical evaluation of Technetium-99m complexes with baclofen

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    The 99mTc-labeling of baclofen (Bac), a muscle relaxant, as well as physicochemical properties of the labeled compounds are investigated. Two different approaches for the labeling with 99mTc have been studied: direct reduction with tin(II)chloride and the 'organometallic approach' using [99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3] + precursor. The direct labeling approach was not successful and the yield was poor. The use of [99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+ precursor pointed at the formation of 99mTc(I) coordinated complexes with high yield. In this approach, pH didn’t influence the yields. Promising results of in vitro experiments suggest that 99mTc(I)-baclofen may be of potential use for diagnosis of some central nervous system disorders.Physical chemistry 2012 : 11th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 201

    New perspectives of purple starthistle (Centaurea calcitrapa) leaf extracts: phytochemical analysis, cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity

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    Ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological studies of many Centaurea species indicated their potential in folk medicine so far. However, investigations of different Centaurea calcitrapa L. extracts in terms of cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity against phytopathogens are generally scarce. The phenolic profile and broad antimicrobial activity (especially towards bacterial phytopathogens) of methanol (MeOH), 70% ethanol (EtOH), ethyl-acetate (EtOAc), 50% acetone (Me2CO) and dichloromethane: methanol (DCM: MeOH, 1: 1) extracts of C. calcitrapa leaves and their potential toxicity on MRC-5 cell line were investigated for the first time. A total of 55 phenolic compounds were identified: 30 phenolic acids and their derivatives, 25 flavonoid glycosides and aglycones. This is also the first report of the presence of centaureidin, jaceidin, kaempferide, nepetin, flavonoid glycosides, phenolic acids and their esters in C. calcitrapa extracts. The best results were obtained with EtOAc extract with lowest MIC values expressed in µg/mL ranging from 13 to 25, while methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus was the most susceptible strain. The most susceptible phytopathogens were Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae, Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The highest cytotoxicity was recorded for EtOAc and Me2CO extracts with the lowest relative and absolute IC50 values between 88 and 102 µg/mL, while EtOH extract was the least toxic with predicted relative IC50 value of 1578 µg/mL. Our results indicate that all tested extracts at concentration considered as non-toxic can be one of great importance in combat towards phytopathogenic and human pathogenic strains, as well as natural sources of antimicrobials

    99mTc-complex of novel diamine-dioxime ligand

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    Novel diamine-dioxime ligand, 4,7-diaza-3,8-diethyldecane-2,9-dione bis oxime (LH2), derivative of hexamethyl-propylene amine oxime (HMPAO), was synthesized in order to develop new brain perfusion imaging agent, based on 99mTc(V) complexes. The 99mTc(V)-d,l-HMPAO complex is well-known radiopharmaceutical for brain imaging. The structures of the synthesized compound were characterized by UV-Vis, IR, 1 H NMR and 13C NMR. The procedure for radiolabeling of diamine-dioxime with 99mTc was developed and radiolabeling yield of the 99mTc-complex was followed by paper and thin-layer chromatography. The maximum radiolabeling yield was obtained when the reactions were carried out at pH~9 within 10 min at room temperature (RT). Biodistribution studies on rats has shown significant uptake of 99mTc-complex (2.1% ID), 2 min after injection.Physical chemistry 2012 : 11th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 201