225 research outputs found

    Pinsko pavieto bajoro Teodoro Radzevičiaus siūlymai dėl Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės bajoriškų teismų veiklos pagerinimo (XVIII amžiaus pabaigoje)

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    This article analyzes the project for the improvement of the activities of the nobility (land, castle, border, arbitral tribunal and the Supreme Tribunal of Lithuania) courts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania prepared by Teodor Rodziewicz, a nobleman of the Pinsk district, having the title of cup-bearer. The aim is to reveal the main reasons for the flawed activities of the nobility courts, as singled out by the author of the manuscript, and to discuss his suggestions, which were aimed at remedying this situation. The most important postulates of the judicial reform proposed by T. Rodziewicz were the following: general election of judges, introduction of the fixed terms of office for judges, extension of the areas of responsibility of judges, and collegial examination of cases. Some of these principles were implemented in the Four-Year Sejm.Straipsnyje analizuojamas Pinsko pavieto taurininko Teodoro Radzevičiaus parengtas Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės bajoriškų teismų (žemės, pilies, ribų, trečiųjų ir Lietuvos Vyriausiojo Tribunolo) veiklos pagerinimo projektas. Siekiama atskleisti pagrindines rankraščio autoriaus išskirtas ydingos bajoriškų teismų veiklos priežastis ir aptarti jo siūlymus, kurie turėjo šią padėtį ištaisyti. Svarbiausi T. Radzevičiaus siūlomos teismų reformos postulatai buvo šie: visuotinis teisėjų renkamumas, teisėjų kadencijų įvedimas, teisėjų atsakomybės ribų išplėtimas, kolegialus bylų nagrinėjimas. Dalis šių principų buvo įgyvendinti Ketverių metų Seime

    Valstybės kontrolės atliktų veiklos auditų analizė

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    Performance audit is identified as one of the relatively newly developed type of audit, in which the reactivation of research was observed only in the twentieth century. The need to analyse and develop a new type of audit is associated with the changes occurred and on-going in business and public administration, and also with other factors such as social, political, economic, technological changes and other. Evaluation and improvement of entities becomes more and more important and substantial in accordance with the development of a new approach in public sector, public administration and asset management. The definition and implementation of the new public management paradigm has influenced this process as well. In light of new circumstances the importance of evaluation performance audit is growing rapidly. This paper briefly summarizes and evaluates the theoretical basis of the performance audit, the reasons for the performance audit examination, importance of improvement and adaptation of analysis. Particular attention was given to performance audit analysis which was done by the National Audit Office of Lithuania. The purpose of the paper is to examine performance reports published by the National Audit Office of Lithuania and statistic data for 2010-2012. Survey was conducted in accordance with the composition of performance audits operational process of auditing and the performance audits timeframe trend. The study revealed that in 2010 year was performed 41 percent of all conducted performance audits in 2010-2012 year, while in 2011 and 2012 – 29,5 percent. It was also found that over 54 percent of performance audits were conducted with pre-and main studies. Mainly performance audit conducted with pre-and main studies were in 2012 year and reached 68,2 percent from all conducted performance audits that year. The lowest rate was in 2010 year and it reached 46,7 percent from all conducted performance audits. Analysis of the performance audits conducted with pre-and main stages according to duration of each stage showed that time off each stage fulfilment has grown during the period of 2010-2012. Analysis of pre-stage period showed that it has increased by 8,3 percent from 2010 to 2012, without consideration of the reporting time. The reporting time after a preliminary investigation grew by 14,3 percent, main study fulfilment period increased by 26,8 percent, and reporting time after the main study – 2,6 percent.Straipsnyje trumpai apžvelgiami ir analizuojami veiklos audito teoriniai pagrindai, o taip pat veiksniai, dėl kurių veiklos audito nagrinėjimas, tobulinimas ir pritaikymas analizuojant, vertinant ir gerinant subjektų veiklą tampa vis aktualesnis ir svaresnis. Ypatingas dėmesys skirtas Lietuvos Respublikos Valstybės kontrolės atliktų veiklos auditų analizei, atsižvelgiant į veiklos auditų atlikimo procesų sudėtį, veiklos auditų atlikimo trukmės pokyčių tendencijas. Analizei atlikti išnagrinėtos Lietuvos Respublikos Valstybės kontrolės skelbiamos veiklos ataskaitos ir statistiniai duomenys

    Акты трыбуналу Вялікага княства Літоўскага другой паловы XVIII стагоддзя

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    The present article focuses on the acts of the Supreme Tribunal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the late 18th century. It is claimed that the records produced by the chancery or clerk’s office of this court in the discussed period were influenced by both centuries-old traditions and reforms carried out in 1764 and subsequent years. The transfer of powers to manage the work of the chancery to Tribunal judges did not have a negative effect on its efficiency because, in practice, a quite clear division of duties among court officials was observed. One of them was responsible for recording real estate property transactions into the acts of statements as well as keeping official and private documentation (he kept the book of acts and a protocol into which he registered the acts transferred to him). The other three sworn-in clerks were required to draw up verdicts; they were responsible for the decree books (final versions) and sentencjonarz (which was referred to in the Lithuanian Tribunal as a decree protocol), in which they placed the content of rulings delivered during the proceedings of taking evidence. One more clerk kept records of the cases in which suits were presented, and the last one compiled an on-going protocol, in which he registered the so-called judicial appeals, and recorded all the major activities related to the functioning of the court and its verdicts regarding litigations addressed to it.Przedmiotem artykułu są akta Trybunału Głównego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w II poł. XVIII w. Kancelarii Trybunału Litewskiego poświęcono kilka prac naukowych, jednak akta tego sądu nie zostały dotąd należycie rozpoznane. Obserwowana obecnie intensyfikacja badań dotyczących funkcjonowania i wytworów kancelarii sądów szlacheckich na terenie Korony skłania do podjęcia analogicznego tematu odnośnie do ziem Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Celem niniejszego artykułu było omówienie pracy kancelarii Trybunału Głównego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, przedstawienie używanych w tym sądzie serii akt oraz scharakteryzowanie znajdujących się w nich wpisów. Badanie przeprowadzono przez ustalenie oraz przeanalizowanie zawartości ksiąg Trybunału Litewskiego, a także porównanie otrzymanych wyników z pracami poświęconymi dokumentacji Trybunału Koronnego. Skonstatowano, że w Trybunale Litewskim w II poł. XVIII w. w formie czystopisów występowały jedynie zeznania zapisów, oblaty oraz dekrety (przeważnie umieszczane już w jednej księdze), oddzielnie funkcjonowały podserie brudnopisów akt i wyroków; pomocniczą rolę spełniały rejestry spraw, a codzienne czynności sądu odnotowywano w specjalnej księdze, zwanej protokołem potocznym. Skonstatowano ponadto, że przekazanie sędziom trybunalskim uprawnień do kierowania pracą kancelarii nie wpłynęło negatywnie na jej sprawność, gdyż w praktyce ukształtował się dosyć klarowny podział obowiązków między regentami. Na wytwory kancelaryjne tego sądu w II poł. XVIII w. miała wpływ tradycja, a także reformy przeprowadzone w roku 1764 oraz w latach następnych.У артыкуле даследуюцца акты трубыналу Вялікага княства Літоўскага другой паловы XVIII стагоддзя. Канцэлярыі Літоўскага Трыбуналу ўжо было прысвечана некалькі навуковых прац, аднак актам дадзенага суда дагэтуль у даследаваннях удзялялася недастаткова ўвагі. На сучасным этапе назіраецца інтэнсіфікацыя даследаванняў, прысвечаных функцыянаванню і вядзенню дакументацыі канцэлярыямі шляхецкіх судоў на тэрыторыі Каралеўства Польскага, што сведычць пра неабходнасць напісання працы на аналагічную тэму ў дачыненні да земляў ВКЛ. Мэтай дадзенага артыкула з’яўляецца апісанне дзейнасці канцэлярыі трыбуналу Вялікага княства Літоўскага, спецыфікацыя серый актаў, што выкарыстоўваліся ў гэтым судзе, і характарыстыка запісаў, якія ў іх знаходзяцца. Даследаванне праводзілася шляхам выяўлення і аналізу зместу кніг Літоўскага Трыбуналу, а таксама параўнання атрыманых вынікаў з працамі, прысвечанымі Кароннаму Трыбуналу. На падставе аналізу можна канстатаваць, што ў Літоўскім Трыбунале ў другой палове XVIII стагоддзя ў форме “чыставіка” выступаюць толькі паказанні, запісы юрыдычных актаў у судовых кнігах і дэкрэты (змешчаныя пераважна ў адной кнізе), асобна функцыянавалі падсерыі чарнавікоў актаў і прыгавораў, дапаможную ролю выконвалі спісы спраў, штодзённая дзейнасць трыбуналу фіксавалася ў спецыяльнай кнізе, якая называлася бягучым пратаколам. Намі зроблена выснова, што перадача ў дадзены перыяд паўнамоцтваў кіравання працай канцэлярыі трыбунальскім суддзям не аказала негатыўнага ўплыву на яе функцыянальнасць, паколькі ў практыцы сфарміраваўся досыць выразны падзел абавязкаў паміж рэгентамі. На тагачасныя канцэлярскія дакументы гэтага суда паўплывалі як шматвяковыя традыцыі, так і рэформы, праведзеныя ў 1764 г. і пазней

    Vertimas į lietuvių gestų kalbą per spaudos konferencijas ekstremaliomis COVID-19 pandemijos sąlygomis

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    The article presents a study of the work of Lithuanian Sign Language (LSL) interpreters in the spring of 2020, when live press conferences on the COVID-19 pandemic were interpreted. At the onset of the pandemic, LSL interpreters, like many other national sign language interpreters, were faced with a new form of live interpreting − interpreting under extreme conditions. Over the years the broadcast news interpreting has become routine for LSL interpreters and can be considered as interpreting under normal conditions. During the pandemic, however, LSL interpreters suddenly found themselves having to interpret live press conferences of politicians and experts on the evolving situation of COVID-19, a major challenge. Until then, none of them had ever had to interpret under similar conditions in an environment of tension and uncertainty, and without special training of how to interpret in an emergency. The study was based on the methodology of R. L McKee (2014) for studying the sign language interpreters’ work under extreme conditions during the natural disasters in Australia and New Zealand and distinguished environmental, linguistic, paralinguistic and interpersonal factors, and on in-depth interview with all 9 LGK interpreters who interpreted during live press conferences on the COVID-19 pandemic. It examines how these four factors influenced the work of LSL interpreters.Straipsnyje pristatomas lietuvių gestų kalbos (LGK) vertėjų darbo 2020 m. pavasarį, kai buvo verčiamos tiesioginės spaudos konferencijos dėl COVID-19 pandemijos, tyrimas. Prasidėjus pandemijai LGK vertėjai, kaip ir daugelis kitų valstybių GK vertėjų, susidūrė su nauja vertimo tiesioginiame eteryje forma − vertimu ekstremaliomis sąlygomis. Be kasdienių televizijos žinių, kurių vertimas LGK vertėjams per ilgus metus tapo kasdienybe ir gali būti laikomas vertimu įprastomis sąlygomis, per pandemiją šios srities specialistams netikėtai teko versti tiesioginius politikų ir ekspertų pranešimus, susijusius su besikeičiančia COVID-19 situacija − tai buvo didžiulis iššūkis. Iki to laiko nė vienam iš jų nebuvo tekę versti panašiomis sąlygomis − įtampos ir nežinomybės aplinkoje ir be specialaus pasirengimo dirbti ekstremaliomis sąlygomis. Tyrime remtasi Naujosios Zelandijos mokslininkės R. L. McKee (2014) GK vertimo ekstremaliomis sąlygomis tyrimo metodika, pagal kurią išskirti išoriniai, lingvistiniai, paralingvistiniai ir tarpasmeniniai veiksniai, ir giluminiu interviu su visais 9 LGK vertėjais, vertusiais spaudos konferencijas dėl COVID-19 pandemijos. Nagrinėjama, kaip minimi veiksniai atsispindėjo LGK vertėjų darbe


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    The article analysed facts from the professional biography of Antanas Klementas in the period of his life in the town of Telšiai. In historiography A. Klementas is known as a writer who, as one of the first, began to write Lithuanian poems on secular topics, however to his contemporaries he was primarily known as a high-ranking court official. In 1792 Antanas Klementas moved to Telšiai hoping to take office in the new Telšiai court of landed-gentry. He had worked for ten years in Telšiai court of landed-gentry, and later in the land court. Klementas pursued his career and held various positions with the help of the Pliateriai family whose lifelong faction member he was. In the last decade of the 18th century Klementas actively participated in the life of the Telšiai town and district: he had signed up as a citizen, became a vogt of Telšiai, and in 1794 participated in the rebellion directed against the Russian army. Klementas also took part in all the Telšiai district dietines that were held in the period of 1792–1817. A. Klementas reached the top of his career in the period of1802–1817 in 1802–1809 and 1811–1814 he was the judge of the Telšiai land court, he used to be elected to other positions as well – he was a frontiers judge (1811), a standard bearer of Telšiai, more than once replaced the Marshal of Telšiai. Klement’s positions in the court guaranteed him a steady income that allowed him to purchase a considerable Gotautiškių estate. His work in the court and dietines in elective positions left an imprint on A. Klementas’ works.Šiame straipsnyje yra analizuojami lietuvių rašytojo ir teisininko Antano Klemento biografijos faktai iš jo gyvenimo Telšiuose laikotarpio. Lietuvos archyvuose ir bibliotekose surasti dokumentai atskleidžia kai kuriuos teisininkoA. Klemento karjeros etapus ir jų atspindėjimą kūryboje

    Free-shape 3D Structure Formation in Bulk Fused Silica by Irradiation with Femtosecond LaserPulses

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    Gay François. Guillaume en B. D : M. Lalevée et Th. Ferrand, Guillaume le Conquérant, 1028-1087, 1987 ; Michel Conversin, Guillaume le Conquérant. In: Études Normandes, 36e année, n°3, 1987. Fontenelle en Normandie. p. 72

    Jogailaičių idėja ir jos implikacijos lenkų XX a. geopolitinėje mintyje

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    The Jagiellonian idea could be analyzed as an analytical category possessing cultural and spatial meaning: on the one hand, as the territories ruled by the Jagiellon dynasty until the 16th century and the state habitat of the Republic of Two Nations until the end of the 18th century; on the other hand as unique historical multinational structure in Europe. This article seeks to relate the Jagiellonian idea with the 20th century Polish geopolitical thought and to demonstrate how the concept of the Jagiellonian idea itself and its interpretations in Polish memory emerged, as well as to show what influence it had on the construction of the 20th century Polish geopolitical concepts and whether the aforementioned concepts had any place in Lithuania. In order to achieve these objectives, the article analyzes the direction of Polish federalist geopolitical thought which is most likely related to the practical and written heritage of a politician Jozef Pilsudski, a historian Oskar Halecki, an editor Jerzy Giedroyc and, partially, of the inter-war period Vilnius Polish publicists. This area of the analysis has been determined by the belief that the Jagiellonian idea, as a rethinking of historical memory and space, is a significant object of interdisciplinary research dedicated to the creation of the argumentation of the cultural meaning of national geographical space in Europe as well as to the analysis of the European regional geopolitical importance of sovereign states created at the end of the 20th century on the previous territory of the Republic of Two Nations. The authors and proponents of the Jagiellonian idea characterized the space of the Republic of Two Nations as a civilization space of Western Europe. However, the practical implementation of the idea until the division of the Republic of Two Nations and in the 20th century had its own gaps and even painful long-term consequences, having conditioned the gap from the aforementioned civilization space. O. Halecki, who dedicated his research to that idea, argued that the collapse of the Republic of Two Nations was conditioned by the factor that the Jagiellonian idea had not been fully realized, as in the 16th-17th centuries its third member Russia (present Ukraine) had not been included. J. Pilsudski’s practical federalist project on the realization of the Jagiellonian idea in the inter-war period foresaw the corrections of the conclusions presented in Polish historiography. However, Poland’s war with Bolshevik Russia and the 1921 Treaty of Riga prevented their implementation as they deprived Lithuania of its historical capital Vilnius and parcelled out Ukraine and Belarus, which had just regained their independence. Only as late as after World War II J. Giedroyc, who found himself in emigration, was able to dialectically criticize J. Pilsudski’s previous plans and the Jagiellonian idea itself; therefore, he clearly spoke for the creation of sovereign states of the largest nations: the Ukrainians, Lithuanians and Belarusians, that were part of the Republic of Two Nations. For the Polish it meant the recognition of the claims of civil nationalism of its Eastern neighbours, as only they could return all the states to Western Europe and insure smooth future cooperation under new geopolitical conditions. Nowadays, thoughts on the Jagiellonian idea have not been completely disrupted in Polish public discourse and obviously they should be significant not only to the Polish, but also equally importan to the Ukrainians, Lithuanians and Belarusians in the context of the system of the European Union and European regionalism.Jogailaičių idėją galima nagrinėti kaip kultūrinę ir erdvinę prasmę turinčią analitinę kategoriją. Viena vertus, kaip Jogailaičių valdomas teritorijas iki XVI a. ir kaip Abiejų Tautų Respublikos valstybinį arealą iki XVIII a. pabaigos, kita vertus, kaip unikalų daugiatautį ir daugiakultūrį darinį Europoje, sudarytą istorinių valstybių – Karūnos (Lenkijos) ir Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės (Lietuvos). Šiuo požiūriu Jogailaičių idėja tampa bendra dėl geografinės erdvės visoms ATR tautoms ir ji kaip kultūrinė ir istorinė atmintis tampa reikšmine interpretacine jungtimi, taigi, gali atverti kelią į tautų bendrystę ir istorinės sąveikos konkrečioje teritorijoje tyrimus, paskatinti istorinių argumentų paieškas šiuolaikinių nacionalinių valstybių regioninei priklausomybei ir jų geopolitiniams sprendimams pagrįsti. Jogailaičių idėjos kaip istorinės atminties ir erdvės permąstymas yra reikšmingas tiek lenkų, tiek lietuvių tarpdisciplininiams tyrimams ne tik pagrindžiant nacionalinės geografinės erdvės įprasminimą Europoje, bet ir siekiant suprasti ir paaiškinti šioje erdvėje gyvenančių tautų ryšius, šių dienų jų valstybinius santykius bei geopolitines perspektyvas bendros praeities akivaizdoje. Straipsnyje susiejant Jogailaičių idėją su lenkų XX a. geopolitine mintimi siekiama atskleisti, kaip atsirado ir kito ši sąvoka ir jos interpretacija lenkų atmintyje, kokią įtaką ji turėjo konstruojant modernias lenkų geopolitines koncepcijas ir ar būta jose vietos Lietuvai

    Impact of coordination for organization process

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    The article analyzed the organization of work: work organization and its constituent elements studied in theoretical aspect. It is also presented organization, the division of labor, organizational structures, hierarchy, the concept of coordination and their values in organization activity. The discussed measures, in organizations of public and private sector, should help organize the staff work. Purified the importance of the coordination in the organization of work and discussed the principal regulations, elements and features of the practical application. With the development of technology and science, work organization problems remain continuously relevant because the organization of tools and methods should change and improve parallel. Summarizing the theoretical data, at the end of the article the authors compare them with the results of an empirical study performed in Vilnius district municipality in 2013 and presents the conclusions

    5th International Meeting of Early-stage Researchers in Palaeontology

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    The International Meetings of Early-stage Researchers in Palaeontology (IMERP) are aimed at early-stage palaeontologists, from undergraduate students to recent post-doctoral researchers. Geologists, biologists or any scientist with research topics related to palaeontology, as well as palaeoartists, are also welcome. The IMERP has two main objectives: To provide a friendly environment for early-stage researchers to present their research through oral or poster presentations and follow each other’s progress. To share new methods and ideas useful in palaeontology, and develop the skills of the attendees with the help of leading experts, invited to give lectures about their fields. The IMERPs are usually held in villages or towns located in countryside areas of geological interest. This way the meeting can be held in a closer and more friendly environment, as well as help to the dissemination of the regional natural heritage among the local population. A field trip to this paleontological and geological heritage is offered to the meeting participants. After the 1st IMERP in 2016, the 2nd IMERP was held in Sigri (Lesbos, Greece) in 2017, the 3rd IMERP in Krasiejów (Opole, Poland) in 2018, and the 4th in Cuenca (Spain) in 201

    Pulsed Electric Field: Fundamentals and Effects on the Structural and Techno-Functional Properties of Dairy and Plant Proteins

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    Dairy and plant-based proteins are widely utilized in various food applications. Several techniques have been employed to improve the techno-functional properties of these proteins. Among them, pulsed electric field (PEF) technology has recently attracted considerable attention as a green technology to enhance the functional properties of food proteins. In this review, we briefly explain the fundamentals of PEF devices, their components, and pulse generation and discuss the impacts of PEF treatment on the structure of dairy and plant proteins. In addition, we cover the PEF-induced changes in the techno-functional properties of proteins (including solubility, gelling, emulsifying, and foaming properties). In this work, we also discuss the main challenges and the possible future trends of PEF applications in the food proteins industry. PEF treatments at high strengths could change the structure of proteins. The PEF treatment conditions markedly affect the treatment results with respect to proteins’ structure and techno-functional properties. Moreover, increasing the electric field strength could enhance the emulsifying properties of proteins and protein-polysaccharide complexes. However, more research and academia-industry collaboration are recommended to build highly effective PEF devices with controlled processing conditions. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence acknowledges funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2