91 research outputs found

    Possible reasons for the occurrence of false-negative results in urine drug screening

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    Introduction: Immunoassay screening of urine samples play a central role in the monitoring and fight against ever-increasing drug abuse. Thus, the aim of the present work was to clarify the reasons for deliberately or unintentionally causing of false-negative screening results.Materials and Methods: For the purpose of the study, an analysis of Google Scholar, PubMed, and Science Direct databases was conducted.Results:  The exact number of false-negative results in the analytical practice cannot be precisely determined because of the impossible confirmation of each screening test. In this regard, the screening of drug abuse appears to be a huge challenge these days due to multiple reasons. On the one hand, it is necessary to take into account the physicochemical properties of sometimes an unknown analyte, as well as the physiological characteristics of each individual. On the other hand, the test antibodies available to date do not have the necessary specificity for absolutely all drugs, especially designer ones. At the same time, there is an unlimited access to information and products supporting the manipulation of urine samples, respectively the achievement of false-negative results. In response, analytical chemistry offers a variety of methods to address the problem of filtering out abusers.Conclusion: Because of their high throughput and low cost, immunoassay techniques continue to be a cornerstone of drug screening, whether for clinical or criminological purposes. However, the risk of false-negative results requires efforts to improve their specificity in parallel with the implementation of countermeasures against the manipulation of the biological samples

    Morphology and demography of Sonoran mud turtles (Kinosternon sonoriense) along an aquatic habitat permanence gradient.

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    Aquatic habitats exist along a permanence gradient and are characterized by the degree of interactions between abiotic (desiccation) and biotic (predation) factors, which are identified as characteristics that regulate body size and population demographics. Sonoran mud turtles (Kinosternon sonoriense ) occur in aquatic habitats that span the permanence gradient and are potentially impacted by environmental variables associated with these habitats. I sampled aquatic habitats in the Peloncillo Mountains (32°12'N, 108°60'W) and classified them as ephemeral, intermittent, or permanent. I investigated the influence of aquatic habitats on body size, population density, and juvenile recruitment of Sonoran mud turtles. Body size was significantly larger in turtles from permanent aquatic habitats. Juvenile recruitment was related to population density and was highest in intermittent aquatic habitats. These data reflect a distribution pattern that favors intermittent aquatic habitats with desiccation and predation limiting populations in ephemeral and permanent aquatic habitats, respectively. The Sonoran mud turtle is listed as a vulnerable species and my research identifies anthropogenic factors threatening habitat sustainability and population viability

    The role of caffeine, nicotine and theobromine in the biodiversity and function of the human gut microbiome

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    The human gut microbiome plays a fundamental role in the regulation and maintenance of physiological processes and homeostatic relationships in the body, with research thoroughly proving its effects beyond gastrointestinal functioning such as in immune response, psychological operation, and nutritional metabolism. Caffeine, nicotine, and theobromine—the principal bioactive compounds in regularly consumed products like coffee, cigarettes, and dark chocolate, respectively—may yield significant and variable influences on human health beyond their normal pharmacodynamics through affecting gut microbiota. Using metagenomic modeling, predictions can be determined regarding intestinal community activity as well. I hypothesize that caffeine, nicotine, and theobromine will alter microbial community composition in a time- and dose-dependent manner relative to negative and solvent controls

    Hydrolytic stability of diltiazem in the presence of chosen polymers - Poloxamer 407 and Ammonio Metacrylate Copolymer Type B (Eudragit RS): а preliminary study

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    Introduction: The hydrolytic stability of the calcium channel blocker representative diltiazem hydrochloride in the presence of different polymeric entourage was quantitatively assessed using HPLC.Aim: The experiment was performed in order to establish drug-excipients compatibility in Poloxamer 407 hydrogel formulations, where the drug was introduced either by a direct (conventional) approach or in the form of Eudragit RS microsponge-type particles with sustained drug release.Materials and Methods: Samples of conventional diltiazem 2% hydrogel and microsponge-enriched diltiazem 2% hydrogel were stored at 25±2oC for 10 months, protected from light. Analysis of the chemical decomposition rate of diltiazem hydrochloride to its desacetyl degradant - O-desacetyl-diltiazem hydrochloride - was performed in the period between 4th and 10th month of storage.Results and Discussion: It was hypothesized that a polymeric “shield” of Eudragit RS in the composition of diltiazem-loaded porous microspheres and/or the enhanced viscosity achieved by the addition of high-molecular gelling agent Poloxamer 407 to an aqueous drug dispersion will benefit the drug’s stability. Instead, a negative effect on the hydrolysis rate was found to be dominant for both polymers, likely due to an “unfavorable” shift in the dielectric conductivity of the media and/or suspected catalytic effect of quaternary ammonium groups of Eudragit RS.Conclusion: These preliminary results led us to a deeper understanding of the polymeric impact on diltiazem hydrolytic behavior and a very useful foundation for a future preformulation stage in the development of diltiazem modified-release semisolid forms for the treatment of chronic anal fissure

    Pra Desain Pabrik Pembuatan Pupuk Urea dari Gas Alam Menggunakan Metode Snamprogetti dengan Kapasitas 626.000 Ton/tahun

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    Kebutuhan pupuk di Indonesia cukup besar karena pupuk merupakan salah satu hal yang penting dalam mendukung hasil dan mutu tanaman. Salah satu jenis pupuk yang banyak digunakan yaitu pupuk urea dengan jumlah konsumsi pada tahun 2019 mencapai 5,425 juta ton berdasarkan dari data Asosiasi Pupuk Indonesia (APPI) [1]. Pembuatan pupuk urea menggunakan bahan baku gas alam yang diproses terlebih dahulu menjadi ammonia lalu masuk ke dalam proses produksi urea. Dalam proses produksi ammonia menggunakan teknologi Haldor Topsoe dengan pertimbangan efisiensi energi yang digunakan karena beroperasi pada tekanan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan teknologi lain. Sedangkan proses produksi urea menggunakan teknologi Snamprogetti yang mempunyai konversi 98% dan menggunakan ammonia berlebih untuk menghindari korosi pada alat. Pabrik urea direncanakan didirikan di Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia. Pemilihan lokasi ini berdasarkan tujuh faktor pembanding meliputi pemasaran dan aksesibilitas transportasi, tenaga kerja, sumber energi dan air, ketersediaan bahan baku, iklim dan topografi, tata ruang wilayah serta peraturan dan hukum. Dengan didirikan pabrik urea ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk dalam negeri dan ekspor. Selain itu, dapat membantu mengembangkan kawasan industri yang terdapat di Kabupaten Banggai sesuai dengan rencana pembangunan Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah tahun 2018 – 2038. Pabrik direncanakan dibangun pada tahun 2021 dan mulai beroperasi pada tahun 2023 dengan laju inflasi 1,68% pertahun dengan modal sendiri sebesar Rp 2.359.977.124.524,70 dan modal pinjaman Rp 3.539.965.686.787,05 dengan bunga 8,70%. Internal rate of return pabrik adalah 30,12% dengan pay out time selama 6,2 tahun dan break event point pada kapasitas produksi 19%. Kenaikan harga bahan baku dapat ditoleransi hingga 152,4% sedangkan untuk harga produk penurunan hingga 35,40%. Selain itu kenaikan TCI dapat ditoleransi hingga 88,42%. Kapasitas produksi urea sebesar 626.000 ton/tahun

    Prenatal Diagnosis and Management of Sacrococcygeal Teratomas

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    Sacrococcygeal teratomas (SCT) represents a group tumors deriving from the primordial germ cells. It is the most common tumor affecting neonates, with a female to male ratio of almost 4:1.78. SCT are either benign (mature) or malignant (immature) with different outcome. With advancements in ultrasonography, more SCT are diagnosed prenatally. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is more accurate in describing the intrapelvic and abdominal extent of the tumor. Most fetal teratomas could be managed by planned delivery and postnatal surgery. The earlier the diagnosis and surgical intervention, the better the prognosis. A complete surgical excision of the tumor is necessary, including coccygectomy, to prevent recurrence. At the time of birth, most lesions are benign and surgical resection can be accomplished with relatively low morbidity and mortality. Recurrence is reported as 2–35% in patients with immature teratomas, tumor spillage, incomplete resection or failure to remove the coccyx. A long-term follow-up is required for any urinary or bowel dysfunction

    Therapeutic approaches in neovascular glaucoma

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    Clinica Ofta Total Sibiu, Facultatea de Medicină, Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, RomâniaSummary. Neovascular glaucoma (NVG) is a severe type of secondary glaucoma caused by a variety of conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy, central vein occlusion and central retinal vein branches, or ischemic eye syndrome. NVG is a devastating type of glaucoma with a poor prognosis. It is caused by neovascularization in the angle of the anterior chamber, which affects the drainage of aqueous humor in the presence of an open angle and subsequently contracts, fibrosis to become a secondary closed angle.Introducere. Glaucomul neovascular (GNV) este un tip sever de glaucom secundar cauzat de o varietate de afecțiuni, cum ar fi retinopatia diabetică, ocluzia venei centrale și ramurile venei centrale a retinei sau sindromul ischemic ocular. GNV este un tip devastator de glaucom cu prognostic rezervat. Este cauzat de neovascularizație în unghiul camerei anterioare, care afectează drenarea umoarei apoase în prezența unui unghi deschis și ulterior se contractă, se fibrozează pentru a deveni un unghi închis secundar. Scopul studiului este de a arăta diferite metode de tratament și urmărire în glaucomul neovascular. Materiale și metode. Am studiat un număr de 52 de cazuri de glaucom neovascular cauzate de următoarele afecțiuni: retinopatie diabetică, ocluzie a venei centrale a retinei și sindrom ischemic ocular. Tratamentul a fost medical, laser și chirurgical. Tratamentul laser transcleral cu laserul Cyclo G6 a fost aplicat în 11 cazuri. Rezultate. Tratamentul chirurgical a fost asociat cu fotocoagularea panretiniană și injecția intravitreană cu bevacizumab, aflibercept. În majoritatea cazurilor am reușit să păstrăm vederea restantă și să reducem durerea. Tratamentul laser cu laserul Iridex prin ciclofotocoagulare transclerala oferă o soluție de necesitate. Concluzii. Glaucomul neovascular este o patologie foarte dificilă și este foarte greu de gestionat. Tratamentul trebuie să înceapă foarte devreme. Utilizarea fotocoagulării panretiniene și a injecției intravitreene poate reduce neovascularizarea irisului și a unghiului și poate normaliza PIO. Chirurgia se impune cu antimetaboliți și agenți antifibrotici pentru a evita fibroza bulei de filtrație. Tratamentul laser cu laserul Iridex, ciclofotocoagulare transclerală este de luat în considerare, deoarece este miniinvaziv și repetitiv


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    Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist who, along with Ferdinand Kohn and Robert Koch, is considered one of the three founders of bacteriology. He was the discoverer of microbial fermentation, pasteurization and the creator of the first vaccine against rabies and anthrax. He is often called the father of microbiology. In 2022 it is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Pasteur. The awards that Louis Pasteur received are recognition of his achievements in scientific and research activities. In 1856 the Royal Society of London awarded him the Rumford Medal for research on chirality. The French Academy of Sciences awarded him the Montion prize in 1859 for experimental physiology, the Jacker prize in 1861, the Alhumbert prize in 1862. He was also awarded the "Copley" medal in 1874. for his work on fermentation. In 1883 became a foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1895 Louis Pasteur also won the Leeuwenhoek Medal, the highest Dutch honor in art and science.Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist who, along with Ferdinand Kohn and Robert Koch, is considered one of the three founders of bacteriology. He was the discoverer of microbial fermentation and pasteurization and the creator of the first vaccines against rabies and anthrax. He is often called the "Father of Microbiology." In 2022, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Pasteur was celebrated. The awards that Louis Pasteur received are recognition of his achievements in scientific and research activities. In 1856, the Royal Society of London awarded him the Rumford Medal for research on chirality. The French Academy of Sciences awarded him the Montion prize in 1859 for experimental physiology, the Jacker prize in 1861, and the Alhumbert prize in 1862. He was also awarded the "Copley" medal in 1874 for his work on fermentation. In 1883, he became a foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1895, Louis Pasteur also won the Leeuwenhoek Medal, the highest Dutch honor in the fields of art and science