123 research outputs found

    Error Probability in Redundant Packet Sending over IP Network

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    In this paper we calculate error probability of packetized signal when method of redundant packet sending is used in IP network. The number of repeated signaling packets from each interval of packetization is determined to achieve the desired error probability. The method for management of this number of repetitions is developed based on the new analysis. This method is especially important in the case of sending signaling criteria of classic telephony network over IP network, because it makes possible to reach the same error probability as in classic telephony network

    Contribution to the development of a digital twin based on CMM to support the inspection process

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    Digital twin (DT) based on CMMs acting as a mirror between the physical and virtual measuring system and process. The inspection planning process performed on the virtual components of DT, and execution of measurement on the physical components. In this paper the measurement system with the DEA-IOTA-2203 was used as a physical twin, and a virtual machine, generated after modeling and configuring in PTC Creo software. Also, a simulation process was performed in order to check the collision and generate a measuring path for one example prismatic part. The information flow is unidirectional and flowing from the virtual to the physical inspection system based on CMM. In this way, a data format or a list of instructions for the physical machine and its movements per axes is provided. Virtual measurement system is developed for inspection of the standard types of tolerances and family of prismatic mechanical parts. The result of this paper is a new contribution to the development of the digital twin for CMM based on unidirectional information flow by.ncl (DMIS) file. The application of the results of DT development is especially pronounced when planning the inspection of prismatic parts with a large number of tolerances in industrial conditions

    Effects of oxytocin on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and behavior of rats

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    Poremećaji raspoloženja, uključujući i depresiju, predstavljaju ozbiljne zdravstvene probleme i prema podacima Svetske zdravstvene organizacije do 2020. godine postaće vodeći uzrok radnog onesposobljavanja na globalnom nivou. Poznato je da je hiperaktivnost osovine hipotalamus-hipofiza-nadbubreg (HPA) čest pratilac depresivnih poremećaja, kao i da je hronična izloženost stresu vodeći faktor rizika u razvoju ovih bolesti. Jedan od najvećih problema farmakoterapije depresije predstavlja prilično veliki procenat neadekvatnog odgovora pacijenata na terapiju selektivnim inhibitorima preuzimanja serotonina (SSRI), koji predstavljaju lekove prvog izbora. Stoga, identifikacija biomarkera povoljnog odgovora na terapiju atnidepresivima, kao i pronalaženje eventualnog dodatnog tretmana koji bi povećao verovatnoću dobrog odgovora na terapiju od velikog je kliničkog značaja. Poslednjih godina pokazano je da hormon oksitocin učestvuje u modulaciji ponašanja i raspoloženja kao i da ima ulogu u adaptaciji organizma na hronični stres. Cilj istraživanja obuhvaćenih ovom doktorskom disertacijom bio je da se ispita uticaj oksitocina na ponašanje i parametre aktivnosti HPA osovine u modelu hroničnog stresa/depresije indukovane dugotrajnom primenom kortikosterona kod pacova Wistar soja. Takođe, cilj je bio i da se u navedenom modelu ispita efekat dodatnog tretmana oksitocinom uz antidepresiv citalopram, lek iz grupe SSRI. Da bi se realizovali postavljeni ciljevi, istraživanja su podeljena u tri faze. U prvoj fazi, ispitivan je uticaj različite dužine tretmana kao i različitih doza oksitocina na ponašanje i nivo biogenih amina u plazmi pacova. U drugoj eksperimentalnoj fazi, ispitivan je uticaj tretmana oksitocinom u dozi 10 IU/400 μL, s.c., tokom 14 dana na ponašanje i parametre aktivnosti HPA osovine u modelu hroničnog stresa/depresije izazvane primenom kortikosterona u dozi 100 mg/L, per os, tokom 21. dana...Mood disorders, with depression leading the way, are severe health problems and according to the World Health Organization, depression is becoming the leading cause of disability worldwide. It is known that depressive disorders are frequently accompanied with hyperactivity of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis, as well as that the chronic stress is one of the most important risk-factors for its development. One of the most important problems of depressive disorders pharmacotherapy is that fairly large percentage of patients does not respond adequately to the therapy with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), which are the first-line treatment drugs. Therefore, the identification of biomarkers of favorable response to antidepressant therapy, as well as discoveries of potential additional treatments, which would increase the probability of favorable response to the primary therapy is of the major clinical importance. In recent years, it has been shown that the hormone oxytocin modulates mood and behavior, and mediates adaptation feedback-response against chronic stress. The aim of the doctoral dissertation research was to evaluate the influence of oxytocin on the behavior and parameters of HPA axis activity, in the model of the long-term corticosterone administration-induced depression-like symptoms in adult male Wistar rats. Furthermore, the aim was to examine the potential beneficial effect of administering oxytocin alongside citalopram, an antidepressant from SSRI group, in this animal model. In order to fulfil these aims, the experimental work has been conducted in three phases. In the first phase, the effects of different treatment durations and dosages of oxytocin on behavior and plasma levels of biogenic amines were evaluated. In the second experimental phase, the effects of 14-day long oxytocin treatment (10 IU/400 μL, s.c.) on behavior and HPA axis activity in the model of chronic stress/depression induced by 21-day long corticosterone administration (100 mg/L, per os) were investigated..

    The role of travel agencies in the placement of Serbian geospace in the tourism market

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    Савремени туризам захтева развијен научни прилаз дефинисан кроз детаљну анализу економских, социо-културних, еколошких и других ефеката као последица његовог динамичног развоја по геопростор у коме се одвијају туристичка кретања. Туристичке агенције као привредна предузећа која представљају посредника између понуде и тражње, својим пословањем на туристичком тржишту доприносе стварању различитих односа који настају као последица развоја туризма унутар одређених геопростора. Геопростор Србије могуће је у форми туристичких аранжмана као унапред припремљених паушалних или пакет путовања успешно пласирати у оквирима домаћег и међународног туристичког тржишта посредством туристичких агенција које послују у земљи. У оквиру докторске дисертације посебна пажња је усмерена ка идентификацији улоге туристичких агенција у пласману атрактивних садржаја геопростора Србије на туристичком тржишту и утврђивању значаја пласмана геопростора Србије посредством туристичких агенција на туристичком тржишту, као дела укупних туристичких кретања и њихов допринос развоју туризма на подручју геопростора Србије, као циљевима рада; као и идентификовању њихове улоге као фактора унапређења рецептивног пословања у пласману атрактивних садржаја геопростора Србије на туристичком тржишту. Методе истраживања примењене у докторској дисертацији чине метод анализе прикупљених података, дедуктивни метод, метод техничке анализе, синтеза прикупљених података, метод субјективних ставова и историјско-генетски метод, док у оквиру метода прикупљених података значајну улогу имају дескриптивни метод који се заснива на описним објашњењима и компаративни метод путем којег се упоређују прикупљени подаци. У докторској дисертацији су истражене организационо- кадровске и квалитативне карактеристике пословања туристичких агенција у Србији, у односу на ниво и стање техничке опремљености и људских ресурса, као и начини пословања на туристичком тржишту.Modern tourism demands developed scientific approach defined through a detailed analysis of the economic, socio-cultural, environmental and other effects as a result of its dynamic development by geospace where tourism trends occur. Travel agencies, as the commercial enterprises which are intermediaries between supply and demand, contribute, through its operations in the tourism market, to the formation of different relationships that arise as a consequence of the development of tourism within certain geospace. Serbian geospace can exist in the form of holiday packages prepared in advance, as a lump or travel package successfully placed within the domestic and international tourism market by tourist agencies operating in the country. In this dissertation, special attention was directed towards the identification of the role of travel agencies in the placement of Serbian geospace attractive content in the tourism market and the importance of determining the placement of Serbian geospace through travel agencies in the tourism market, as a part of the overall tourism trends and their contribution to the development of tourism in the geospace of Serbia, as working objectives; as well as identifying their role as a factor in improving receptive business in the placement of Serbian geospace attractive content in the tourism market. Research methods applied in this doctoral dissertation consist of a method of analysis of the collected data, deductive method, method of technical analysis, synthesis of the data collected, the method of subjective attitudes and historical and genetic method, while under the method of collected data, descriptive method has a significant role and it is based on descriptive explanations and a comparative method using which the collected data can be compared. This doctoral dissertation examines the organizational, staffing and qualitative characteristics of travel agencies in Serbia, in relation to the level and condition of their technical equipment and human resources, and the ways of doing business in the tourism market. Particular attention is focused on exploring forms of tourism that dominate the supply of travel agencies in Serbia, as well as the inclusion of certain tourist motives and values in the travel package offer for domestic destinations, regarding the existence of the reasons why travel agencies do not include domestic destinations in the offer of travel arrangements


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    Position of president of the republic worldwide has been vastly discussed in domestic and foreign literature. However, the position of presidential spouse, as far as the authors know, hasn’t been under much scrutiny. That very fact has instigated the authors to research this matter and give incentive for further scientific research. The object of analysis are only certain European countries, because the intention was to analyse European countries that were the part of so-called ‘communist bloc’. This is logical choice, having in mind that our country was also part of that milieu. The paper consists of three parts – introduction that gives brief overview of the position of president in these countries, main part that contemplates concrete solutions and concluding remarks that intent to summarize findings of the research.У домаћој и страној литератури много се писало о правном положају председника у различитим државама, односно уставним системима. Међутим, правни положај супружника председника (председнице), бар колико је ауторима познато, није привукао толику пажњу. Управо је то подстакло ауторе да покушају да ову материју истраже и да на тај начин пруже подстицај за нека будућа проучавања. Предмет анализе су само неке европске земље, јер је намера била да се анализа ограничи на европске државе које су биле део тзв. комунистичког блока. Овакав избор делује логично, јер је управо и наша земља припадала овом миљеу. Рад је структуиран тако да се у уводном делу укратко и крајње уопштено приказује положај председника у овим земљама, у средишњем делу се наводе конкретна решења, док закључак представља покушај сублимације резултата до којих се дошло након спроведеног истраживања

    Leaching kinetics of Co(II) and Sr(II) contaminated soil via chemical extraction method

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    Artificially contaminated soil, with mixture of Co(II) and Sr(II) ions in different proportions, was tested. The main aim was to investigate the possibility of ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA) utilization in the chemical extraction process as a method for soil remediation in the case of mixed contamination. The efficiency of this process when EDTA of 10 -4 molL -1 was used was low, while the application of the EDTA solution of the initial concentration 5 · 10 -3 molL -1 or higher showed almost the same efficiency. This suggested that the application of the solution EDTA (5 · 10 -3 molL -1 ) is optimal from the aspect of cost and degradation of soil properties. Furthermore, process kinetic was fitted using one parameter shrinking core models. Kinetic data modeling showed that the process is complex, demanding multi resistance kinetic model. © 2018, Vinca Inst Nuclear Sci. All rights reserved

    Reaction of a 3-aryilidene-2-thiohydantoin derivative with polymeric trans-[CuCl2(DMSO)(2)](n) complex: unexpected isomerization to dinuclear cis-[{CuCl(DMSO)(2)}(mu-Cl)](2)

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    The 3-arylidene-2-thiohydantoin derivative, 3-[(2-hydroxybenzylidene)amino]-2-thioxoimidazolidin-4-one, was synthesized in a two-step condensation reaction of 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde, thiosemicarbazide and ethyl chloroacetate. The ligand was structurally characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy, as well as by elemental analysis. In the reaction of the well-known polymeric trans-[CuCl2(DMSO)(2)](n) complex with the polydentate thiohydantoin type ligand, instead of the corresponding copper thiohydantoin complex, unexpectedly, the dinuclear cis-[{CuCl(DMSO)(2)}(mu-Cl)](2) complex (1) was formed predominantly as the final stable product. The structure of the complex 1 was confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The cis-complex is obtained through assisted isomerization of the trans-form, in which the thiohydantoin derivative has a crucial role