117 research outputs found

    Fossils of Medvednica mountain

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    Najvažnija zagrebačka planina i oaza mira za brojne zagrepčane te simbol bijega u prirodu iz užurbanog glavnog grada, u sebi skriva dugu povijest. Na današnji položaj izdignula se prije oko 12 milijuna godina burnim tektonskim procesima. Na njoj pronalazimo sve osnovne vrste stijena i fosile iz gotovo svakog razdoblja u povijesti. Jezgra Medvednice izgrađena je od metamorfnog zelenog škriljavca koji krasi pročelja mnogih objekata na Medvednici kao što su Tomislavov dom i kapelica Majke Božje Sljemenske Kraljice Hrvata. Drugu najučestaliju stijenu Medvednice, litotamnijski vapnenac ili litavac, možemo vidjeti na mirogojskim arkadama i Zagrebačkoj katedrali. Važan dio tih stijena su i ostaci organizama, poput algi i ljuštura školjkaša, koji su živjeli u tadašnjim plićacima Panonskog mora koje je okruživalo, a dijelom i prekrivalo Medvednicu. Nažalost, litavac je podložan kemijskom i mehaničkom trošenju zbog svog vapnenačkog sastava i porozne građe te ne predstavlja izdrživ materijal zbog čega se na katedrali zamijenjuje talijanskim travertinom. Kameno blago Medvednice iskorištavano je od davnina, a mnogi napušteni kamenolomi danas predstavljaju mjesto okupljanja za brojne znanstvenike i zaljubljenike u prirodu jer se u njima mogu naći brojni fosili i minerali. Ostaci različitih organizama pokazatelj su promjena paleookolišta tijekom povijesti i složenoj geološkoj prošlosti Medvednice koju sam pobliže objasnila i prikazala u ovom seminarskom radu.The most important mountain of Zagreb and the oasis of peace for many citizens of Zagreb symbolizing escape from the busy capital, hides a long history. About 12 million years ago, today's form of Medvednica mountain emerged in tectonic processes. It contains all the main types of rocks and fossils from almost all periods in history. The Medvednica mountain is made of a metamorphic green slate that adorns the facades of many buildings in Medvednica such as Tomislav's home and chapel of the Mother of God of the Sljeme Queen of Croats. The second most common rock of Medvednica mountain, characteristic limestone or „litavac“, can be seen at the arcades of Mirogoj and the Zagreb cathedral. An important part of these rocks is the remains of organisms, such as algae and shellfish, who lived in the beaches of the Pannonian Sea that surrounded, and partly covered Medvednica. Unfortunately, limestone from Medvednica mountain is subject to chemical and mechanical wear due to its composition and porous material and is not a viable material, which is why the cathedral is replaced by Italian travertine. Stones of20 Medvednica mountain have been exploited since ancient times, and many abandoned quarries represent a gathering place for many scientists and nature lovers, as numerous fossils and minerals can be found. The remains of different organisms are the indicator of the change of paleoenvironment during the history and complex geological past of Medvednica, which I explained and presented in this work

    Predispositions Contributing to Quality of Life of the Elderly Accommodated in Decentralized Homes

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    Often, an individual is ravaged by the inevitable aging process under the influence of undesirable factors within the rural and urban areas testifying, on a daily basis, to the negative preferences of individuals lacking adequate care. The consequences of this are manifested in the lack of financial and material conditions or the alienation of an individual in a society that abandons traditional care segments in the household. The reason for this is primarily found in a lifestyle that is imposed or omnipresent as a result of the cultural and sociological aspects of the modern society in which we live. The purpose of this research is to point to the importance of the quality of institutional care in decentralized homes according to user attitudes and to find out in which domains need improvement. Data collection was conducted via anonymous questionnaires on a sample of 378 decentralized home users. The research in this paper provides clear predispositions that contribute to the quality of life of users of decentralized nursing homes and indicates potential long-term steps and measures to that might lead to significant improvement for all society stakeholders

    Cross-cultural comparison of spa and wellness services for teenagers

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    Communication is a process of information exchange between stakeholders, so it is not surprising that the life of each individual changes with time under the influence of information. Information, as part of our habit, enables the individual to be more agile in both everyday living and business sphere. One of the significant impacts on the process of receiving and processing information is the appearance of the Internet. The aim of this paper is to show that it is the Internet that has increased the flow of information that a person can absorb and that the internet affects the changes in society. Furthermore, the paper suggests that information overload is increasing at work and out of work, which is reflected and influences everyday life. Due to the flood of information, there is also a sense of information fatigue, which represents a syndrome, i.e. apathy, indifference and mental exhaustion resulting from exposure to too much information. /1/ Based on the research on a sample of 164 respondents, this paper confirmed hypothesis that information anxiety differs with age. Since the internet occupies an increasingly important role among its users, features of application are indicated. An explicit indicator is the synergy of the internet usage and possessing knowledge regarding ICT application.Komunikacija je proces razmjene informacija između dionika, stoga ne iznenađuje činjenica da se život svakog pojedinca s vremenom mijenja pod utjecajem informacija. Informacije, kao dio našeg habitusa, omogućuju pojedincu da bude agilniji kako u svakodnevnom življenju tako i poslovnoj sferi. Jedna od značajnih utjecaja na proces primanja i procesuiranja informacija je pojava interneta. Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati da je upravo internet povećao dotok informacija koje osoba može apsorbirati i da kao takav utječe na promjene u društvu. Također, radom se ukazuje da se preopterećenje informacijama povećava na poslu i izvan posla, što se odražava i utječe na svakodnevnii život.Uslijed bujice informacija dolazi i do osjećaja informacijskog zamora koji predstavlja sindrom odnosno apatiju, ravnodušnost te mentalnu iscrpljenost koje proizlaze iz izloženosti prevelikoj količini informacija /1/. Ovim su radom na temelju istraživanja na prigodnom uzorku od 164 ispitanika potvrđene hipoteze da se informacijska tjeskoba razlikuje s obzirom na dob sudionika. Budući da internet zauzima sve značajniju ulogu među svojim korisnicima upućuje se na značajke uporabe. Kao eksplicitni pokazatelj je sinergija korištenja interneta i posjedovanje znanja u primjeni IKT-a

    Fossils of Medvednica mountain

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    Najvažnija zagrebačka planina i oaza mira za brojne zagrepčane te simbol bijega u prirodu iz užurbanog glavnog grada, u sebi skriva dugu povijest. Na današnji položaj izdignula se prije oko 12 milijuna godina burnim tektonskim procesima. Na njoj pronalazimo sve osnovne vrste stijena i fosile iz gotovo svakog razdoblja u povijesti. Jezgra Medvednice izgrađena je od metamorfnog zelenog škriljavca koji krasi pročelja mnogih objekata na Medvednici kao što su Tomislavov dom i kapelica Majke Božje Sljemenske Kraljice Hrvata. Drugu najučestaliju stijenu Medvednice, litotamnijski vapnenac ili litavac, možemo vidjeti na mirogojskim arkadama i Zagrebačkoj katedrali. Važan dio tih stijena su i ostaci organizama, poput algi i ljuštura školjkaša, koji su živjeli u tadašnjim plićacima Panonskog mora koje je okruživalo, a dijelom i prekrivalo Medvednicu. Nažalost, litavac je podložan kemijskom i mehaničkom trošenju zbog svog vapnenačkog sastava i porozne građe te ne predstavlja izdrživ materijal zbog čega se na katedrali zamijenjuje talijanskim travertinom. Kameno blago Medvednice iskorištavano je od davnina, a mnogi napušteni kamenolomi danas predstavljaju mjesto okupljanja za brojne znanstvenike i zaljubljenike u prirodu jer se u njima mogu naći brojni fosili i minerali. Ostaci različitih organizama pokazatelj su promjena paleookolišta tijekom povijesti i složenoj geološkoj prošlosti Medvednice koju sam pobliže objasnila i prikazala u ovom seminarskom radu.The most important mountain of Zagreb and the oasis of peace for many citizens of Zagreb symbolizing escape from the busy capital, hides a long history. About 12 million years ago, today's form of Medvednica mountain emerged in tectonic processes. It contains all the main types of rocks and fossils from almost all periods in history. The Medvednica mountain is made of a metamorphic green slate that adorns the facades of many buildings in Medvednica such as Tomislav's home and chapel of the Mother of God of the Sljeme Queen of Croats. The second most common rock of Medvednica mountain, characteristic limestone or „litavac“, can be seen at the arcades of Mirogoj and the Zagreb cathedral. An important part of these rocks is the remains of organisms, such as algae and shellfish, who lived in the beaches of the Pannonian Sea that surrounded, and partly covered Medvednica. Unfortunately, limestone from Medvednica mountain is subject to chemical and mechanical wear due to its composition and porous material and is not a viable material, which is why the cathedral is replaced by Italian travertine. Stones of20 Medvednica mountain have been exploited since ancient times, and many abandoned quarries represent a gathering place for many scientists and nature lovers, as numerous fossils and minerals can be found. The remains of different organisms are the indicator of the change of paleoenvironment during the history and complex geological past of Medvednica, which I explained and presented in this work

    Fossils of Medvednica mountain

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    Najvažnija zagrebačka planina i oaza mira za brojne zagrepčane te simbol bijega u prirodu iz užurbanog glavnog grada, u sebi skriva dugu povijest. Na današnji položaj izdignula se prije oko 12 milijuna godina burnim tektonskim procesima. Na njoj pronalazimo sve osnovne vrste stijena i fosile iz gotovo svakog razdoblja u povijesti. Jezgra Medvednice izgrađena je od metamorfnog zelenog škriljavca koji krasi pročelja mnogih objekata na Medvednici kao što su Tomislavov dom i kapelica Majke Božje Sljemenske Kraljice Hrvata. Drugu najučestaliju stijenu Medvednice, litotamnijski vapnenac ili litavac, možemo vidjeti na mirogojskim arkadama i Zagrebačkoj katedrali. Važan dio tih stijena su i ostaci organizama, poput algi i ljuštura školjkaša, koji su živjeli u tadašnjim plićacima Panonskog mora koje je okruživalo, a dijelom i prekrivalo Medvednicu. Nažalost, litavac je podložan kemijskom i mehaničkom trošenju zbog svog vapnenačkog sastava i porozne građe te ne predstavlja izdrživ materijal zbog čega se na katedrali zamijenjuje talijanskim travertinom. Kameno blago Medvednice iskorištavano je od davnina, a mnogi napušteni kamenolomi danas predstavljaju mjesto okupljanja za brojne znanstvenike i zaljubljenike u prirodu jer se u njima mogu naći brojni fosili i minerali. Ostaci različitih organizama pokazatelj su promjena paleookolišta tijekom povijesti i složenoj geološkoj prošlosti Medvednice koju sam pobliže objasnila i prikazala u ovom seminarskom radu.The most important mountain of Zagreb and the oasis of peace for many citizens of Zagreb symbolizing escape from the busy capital, hides a long history. About 12 million years ago, today's form of Medvednica mountain emerged in tectonic processes. It contains all the main types of rocks and fossils from almost all periods in history. The Medvednica mountain is made of a metamorphic green slate that adorns the facades of many buildings in Medvednica such as Tomislav's home and chapel of the Mother of God of the Sljeme Queen of Croats. The second most common rock of Medvednica mountain, characteristic limestone or „litavac“, can be seen at the arcades of Mirogoj and the Zagreb cathedral. An important part of these rocks is the remains of organisms, such as algae and shellfish, who lived in the beaches of the Pannonian Sea that surrounded, and partly covered Medvednica. Unfortunately, limestone from Medvednica mountain is subject to chemical and mechanical wear due to its composition and porous material and is not a viable material, which is why the cathedral is replaced by Italian travertine. Stones of20 Medvednica mountain have been exploited since ancient times, and many abandoned quarries represent a gathering place for many scientists and nature lovers, as numerous fossils and minerals can be found. The remains of different organisms are the indicator of the change of paleoenvironment during the history and complex geological past of Medvednica, which I explained and presented in this work

    Predispositions Contributing to Quality of Life of the Elderly Accommodated in Decentralized Homes

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    Often, an individual is ravaged by the inevitable aging process under the influence of undesirable factors within the rural and urban areas testifying, on a daily basis, to the negative preferences of individuals lacking adequate care. The consequences of this are manifested in the lack of financial and material conditions or the alienation of an individual in a society that abandons traditional care segments in the household. The reason for this is primarily found in a lifestyle that is imposed or omnipresent as a result of the cultural and sociological aspects of the modern society in which we live. The purpose of this research is to point to the importance of the quality of institutional care in decentralized homes according to user attitudes and to find out in which domains need improvement. Data collection was conducted via anonymous questionnaires on a sample of 378 decentralized home users. The research in this paper provides clear predispositions that contribute to the quality of life of users of decentralized nursing homes and indicates potential long-term steps and measures to that might lead to significant improvement for all society stakeholders

    Role of the school principals in creating the image of primary schools in the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Macedonia

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    Promjene u društvu eksplicitno utječu na obrazovanje te iziskuju stalne prilagodbe i unaprjeđenja obrazovnih institucija. Pri tome identitet i imidž škole zauzimaju sve značajniju komponentu u definiranju uloge i mjesta školske institucije u društvu, a u njihovu kreiranju i upravljanju posebno mjesto pripada čelnicima ustanova. Doprinos ravnatelja kao čelnika ustanove od iznimne je važnosti jer kao stručni i poslovni rukovoditelj ima višestruku odgovornost za njezino pozicioniranje u svekolikoj javnosti, ali i svojevrsnu moć izravnog i neizravnog utjecanja na njezin identitet i imidž. Tema ovog rada stvaranje imidža škole ulogom ravnatelja na primjeru Republike Hrvatske i Republike Makedonije do sada nije istraživana stoga rezultati ovog istraživanja rezultiraju saznanjima dostatnim za implementiranje modela kreiranja imidža škole na temelju kompetencija ravnatelja, te strategije korporativne komunikacije s ciljem zadovoljenja korisnika i svih drugih ciljanih javnosti uz postizanje izvrsnosti. Osnovna je teza rada prikazati kako komunikacijske i organizacijske vještine ravnatelja značajno utječu na imidž škole bez obzira na obrazovni sustav i državu. Slijedom navedenog razvidno se upućuje na inkluziju uspješnih ravnatelja koji će svojom ulogom omogućiti diferencijaciju kreiranjem imidža škole u odnosu na druge škole. U doktorskoj su disertaciji prikazani rezultati istraživanja u kojem je sudjelovalo 255 ravnatelja i ravnateljica osnovnih škola Republike Hrvatske i 159 ravnatelja i ravnateljica osnovnih škola Republike Makedonije. Utvrđeni rezultati predstavljaju polazište ravnateljima za definiranje i jačanje kompetencija koje im mogu pomoću u učinkovitijem provođenju sustavnih promjena obrazovnog sustava kroz svoju ulogu, te na važnost njihove funkcije koju je neophodno revidirati jer rezultati ukazuju na problematiku rukovođenja školom i neprepoznavanja važnosti stvaranja imidža škole kako bi se očuvao i afirmirao kulturološki identitet.Changes in the society influence the education directly and therefore require permanent adjustments and improvements of the educational institutions. According to this, the school identity and the school image play the ever growing role in defining the part and the place of the school in the society, and the leaders of these institutions have an important part in creating and managing of them. The contribution of the school principals as the school managers is of the extreme importance, because he/she, as the competent business leader of the school, has a multiple responsibility for its positioning in the public, and also the power of the direct and indirect influence of its identity and image. The theme of this paper, the creation of the school image through the role of the school principals based on the examples of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Macedonia, has not been researched so far, therefore the results of this research are enough to implement the model of the creation of the school image based on the competences of its principals and the strategy of the corporative communication with a goal of satisfying the needs of its users and the targeted public as well as achieving excellence. The basic thesis of this paper is to show how the communicational and organizational skills of the principals significantly influence the school image regardless of the educational system and the state. Following the above mentioned the focus is put on the inclusion of the successful school principals who will enable the differentiation by creating the school image by comparison with other schools. The doctoral thesis presents the results of the research which involved 255 primary school principals from the Republic of Croatia and 159 primary school principals from the Republic of Macedonia. The assessed results represent the starting point to the school principals for defining and strengthening the competences that can help them in the more efficient implementation of the systematic changes in the educational system through their part, and point to the importance of their part which is necessary to be revised, because the results show the problems in the managing of schools and do not recognize the importance of creating the school image to preserve and affirm the cultural identity

    Role of Life Habits as a Construct in Dementia Prevention

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    Introduction: For over three decades, Europe has been viewed as a continent of the elderly. However, despite the fact that the Republic of Croatia is a part of Europe, it is only nowadays that we have come to face this problem in the form of a large – and rapidly growing – elderly population. Since age is the main risk factor for the onset of dementia, a further increase in the number of patients is expected. Consequently, the need for new insights in the field of constructs that contribute to the prevention of dementia is implied in the context of reducing the number of patients. This research aimed at gaining insight into life habits of individuals using homes for the elderly and infirm, which habits have been shown by previous research as contributory to dementia prevention or mitigation. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted using an appropriate sample of 443 users of decentralized homes for the elderly and infirm in Osijek-Baranja County. Results: The obtained research data was divided into four categories: physical activity, cognitive activity, consumption of tobacco products, and alcohol and diet. The results showed that physical and cognitive activities are the least represented in everyday lives of users of homes for the elderly and infirm. Conclusion: Based on research results, the importance and role of physical activity and maintenance of cognitive skill will be emphasised with an aim of achieving better quality aging, especially in terms of dementia prevention in the elderly