743 research outputs found

    Икономически, социални и здравни аспекти на операциите по повод девиация на носната преграда (клинична пътека 124)

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    There is an increasing trend in day-surgery procedures worldwide. In this paper we suggest that the septoplasty (clinical pattern 124) could be transferred to one day surgery and this will lead to increasing cost-efficiency. The surgeon’s professional skills and the appropriate selection of the patients are crucial for the good outcome of the procedure. We made some recommendations to improve the procedure’s outcomes.------------------------------------------В световен мащаб се увеличава делът на еднодневната хирургия в различни области на хуманната медицина. В статията се предлага септопластиката да бъде осъществявана в определени случаи и като еднодневна хирургия. От значение за добрия изход на операцията са професионалните умения на хирурга и правилния подбор на пациентите. Направени са препоръки за подобряване на резултатите от процедурата

    The economics of healthcare systems in the period of Global financial crisis - A comparative analysis

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    In this paper we discuss the connection between the global financial crisis and the need of healthcare systems reforms in the developed countries. We provide descriptive comparative analysis on health care problems in the EU and in USA. The paper focuses upon attempts to reorganize existing healthcare systems in order to make them more effective and cost-efficient in the time of financial crisis.------------------В статията се изследва връзката между световната финансова криза и необходимостта от реформи в системата на здравеопазване в развитите страни. Представен е анализ на основните проблеми, възникнали в ЕС и САЩ, както и на решенията за реорганизация на здравеопазването, с цел да се повиши ефективността и да се намалят разходите

    Democracy and Identity in the Danube Region (the Case of Romania and Hungary)

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    Objectives: The paper aims at researching the interconnection between two key concepts in political sciences – “democracy” and “identity”. The analysis is focused on the Danube Region as an example of a macro-regional construct in the multi-level governance system of the European Union. Prior Work :The author is working on a PhD dissertation dedicated to the democratic deficits in the European Union, with a specific focus on two of the newest member states – Hungary and Romania. Approach: Since both “democracy” and “identity” are notions that have not been defined by consent in the post-communist member states of the Union, the paper chooses to particularly examine their impact in Romania and Hungary by researching different information sources and statistical data. Results: The paper has to examine the level of interdependency of the post-communist political identity of Hungary and Romania and the state of democracy and its institutions. The results have to be further discussed not only in the context of both countries’ EU-membership, but also with a view to their belonging to the newly established Danube macro-region. Implications: The following paper and its results are part of the long-term PhD research of the author. Value: The study will add value to the analysis of two fundamental notions in the theory of political and social sciences by trying to examine the level of their interconnection in two Danube countries

    Families with intellectually disabled children - psychosocial problems and support in the republic of Bulgaria

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    Families with intellectually disabled children face many problems and difficulties in the process of care, which are influenced by their psychosocial functioning. The aim of the paper is to present the current problems of parents with a moderately intellectually disabled. child, based on results of the study conducted with 80 families in the Bułgaria. The results show that the tnain problems of the parents are connected with lack of adequate support and services for their children. There is a discussion about current changes and development of a policy for family support for children with intellectual disability during the last ten years

    Self - mutilation in adolescents admitted to Tara psychiatric hospital: prevalence and characteristics

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Medicine in the branch of Psychiatry Johannesburg, 2016Self-mutilation in youth is a major public health problem with increasing prevalence all over the world and is associated with high risk of suicide. Studies suggest that this behaviour is more commonly observed among hospitalised adolescents The aims of the study were to estimate the prevalence of self-mutilation, identify the factors associated and describe the specific characteristics for this behaviour among clinical population of adolescents. A retrospective file audit of 334 patient files over four years (2006-2010) was conducted at Tara Adolescent and Eating Disorder Unit. The study compared adolescents who self-mutilated with those who did not self-mutilate. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors (demographics, family structure, parental psychopathology, childhood trauma, substance abuse, previous suicide attempt and sexuality). Additional information regarding the precipitating factors, response to self-mutilation, methods of self-mutilation, locations and frequency was described according to gender. There were 183 patients who self-mutilated (age=15.8± 1.3 years, 73.2% females) and 151 non-self-mutilators (15.3± 1.2 years, 52.3% females). The prevalence of self-harm was 54.8% (95%CI, 49.1-59.7). Being a female, Caucasian, having a step-parent, having a parent with a mental illness, history of domestic violence, physical and sexual abuse and previous suicide attempts were found to be associated with self-mutilation (p<0.01). Smoking (adj OR 2.0 95% CI=1.3-3.2) and alcohol abuse (adj OR3.4 95%CI=2.0-5.5) increased the risk for self-harm. Females with increased number of comorbidities and emerging Personality Disorders self-harm more than their male peers. Superficial self-cutting was the most frequent method of self-mutilation (93.6%, 95%CI=90.2-97.0). The most common precipitating factor among both sexes was sadness (58.9%), followed by anger (45.0%). In conclusion, self-mutilation is a common and repetitive behaviour among hospitalised adolescents. The severity of the physical, sexual abuse and previous parasuicides increased the risk for self-harm in combination with smoking and alcohol abuse. However poor social support, academic problems, bullying, cannabis use and being homosexual was not associated with self-mutilation. Disruptive Behaviour Disorders were more prevalent among self-mutilators. Although superficial self-cutting was the most common method of self-mutilation, majority of the adolescents used different methods to self-harm. Clinicians should be aware of the increased risk to self-harm among hospitalised adolescents and develop strategies to decrease this behaviour.MT201

    Aviation industry in Bulgaria - development and trends

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    Today the aviation industry in Bulgaria is characterized by trends such as deregulation, liberalization, popularity of the low-cost carriers, changing attitudes and needs of passengers, need for tight security and prevention of terrorist acts, EU shocks and volatile fuel prices. They create prerequisites for accelerated dynamics and change in some basic aspects of the relationship between an airport operator and an airline. The report presents an analysis of some major trends and identifies prospects for the aviation industry in Bulgaria


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    Nowadays turbulent business conditions provoke organizations to develop unique competitive advantages through efficient use of the available limited resources. At the same time companies deal with increasingly informed customers, seeking high added value and better service at reasonable prices. In this context, the need for rethinking traditional marketing activities determines the interest in searching and designing tools, which are able to analyze, evaluate, develop and manage the relationships with the customers. Thus the customer portfolio management (CPM) concept gains popularity. The paper offers a systematic view of the multifaceted nature of customer portfolio management and its effects on the economic performance of the company. The effects are classified into four main areas: cost reduction; relationship improvement; risk optimization and revenue increase. A conceptual model, which can be used as a base for the creation of methodological instruments for measurement and assessment of CPM effects, is proposed

    Developing psychological capital: test of a training intervention with bulgarian students and professionals

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    Classificação: M54, O15O projeto apresentado consiste numa investigação empírica respeitante ao desenvolvimento do Capital Psicológico (PsyCap) via influência sobre as suas dimensões – esperança, auto-eficiência, resiliência e otimismo, sustentado por uma integração teórica de literatura nas áreas da Psicologia Positiva, Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Para efeitos da presente investigação, foi conduzido um exercício de curto-prazo em dois grupos amostrais oriundos da Bulgária: um constituído por estudantes e outros por trabalhadores. Este serviu como método de reflexão sobre os quatro componentes do PsyCap. O objetivo deste trabalho é fornecer resposta às questões “Em que medida poderão as quatro dimensões do PsyCap ser incrementados numa amostra aleatória de estudantes e pessoal trabalhador (profissionais)?” e “Será este incremento perdurável (por ex.: um mês) após a condução do estudo?” Como resultado da análise e dos estudo efetuados, foi possível inferir importantes percepções e conclusões que, futuramente, poderão sustentar pesquisas mais aprofundadas nas áreas relacionadas.The following thesis project consists of an empirical investigation regarding the Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and its development through influence over its dimensions - hope, self-efficacy, resilience and optimism, supported by a theoretical integration of literature in the areas of Positive Psychology, Organizational Behavior, and Human Resources Management. For the purposes of the project, a short-term intervention over a sample of students and employed people (professionals) from Bulgaria served as a method for reflecting over the four resources of PsyCap. The objective of this paper is to provide answers to the questions “To what extent the four dimensions of PsyCap (previously mentioned) could be increased in a random sample of students and employed people (professionals)?” and “Would this enhancement last in time (i.e., one month) after the training intervention?”. As a result of the analysis of the executed intervention, some valuable findings and insights were drawn, the use of which can contribute to further researches in related areas