70 research outputs found

    Pain Catastrophising Affects Cortical Responses to Viewing Pain in Others

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    Pain catastrophising is an exaggerated cognitive attitude implemented during pain or when thinking about pain. Catastrophising was previously associated with increased pain severity, emotional distress and disability in chronic pain patients, and is also a contributing factor in the development of neuropathic pain. To investigate the neural basis of how pain catastrophising affects pain observed in others, we acquired EEG data in groups of participants with high (High-Cat) or low (Low-Cat) pain catastrophising scores during viewing of pain scenes and graphically matched pictures not depicting imminent pain. The High-Cat group attributed greater pain to both pain and non-pain pictures. Source dipole analysis of event-related potentials during picture viewing revealed activations in the left (PHGL) and right (PHGR) paraphippocampal gyri, rostral anterior (rACC) and posterior cingulate (PCC) cortices. The late source activity (600-1100 ms) in PHGL and PCC was augmented in High-Cat, relative to Low-Cat, participants. Conversely, greater source activity was observed in the Low-Cat group during the mid-latency window (280-450 ms) in the rACC and PCC. Low-Cat subjects demonstrated a significantly stronger correlation between source activity in PCC and pain and arousal ratings in the long latency window, relative to high pain catastrophisers. Results suggest augmented activation of limbic cortex and higher order pain processing cortical regions during the late processing period in high pain catastrophisers viewing both types of pictures. This pattern of cortical activations is consistent with the distorted and magnified cognitive appraisal of pain threats in high pain catastrophisers. In contrast, high pain catastrophising individuals exhibit a diminished response during the mid-latency period when attentional and top-down resources are ascribed to observed pain

    Cortical Activation Changes during Repeated Laser Stimulation: A Magnetoencephalographic Study

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    Repeated warm laser stimuli produce a progressive increase of the sensation of warmth and heat and eventually that of a burning pain. The pain resulting from repetitive warm stimuli is mediated by summated C fibre responses. To shed more light on the cortical changes associated with pain during repeated subnoxious warm stimution, we analysed magnetoencephalographic (MEG) evoked fields in eleven subjects during application of repetitive warm laser stimuli to the dorsum of the right hand. One set of stimuli encompassed 10 laser pulses occurring at 2.5 s intervals. Parameters of laser stimulation were optimised to elicit a pleasant warm sensation upon a single stimulus with a rise of skin temperature after repeated stimulation not exceeding the threshold of C mechano-heat fibres. Subjects reported a progressive increase of the intensity of heat and burning pain during repeated laser stimulation in spite of only mild (4.8°C) increase of skin temperature from the first stimulus to the tenth stimulus. The mean reaction time, evaluated in six subjects, was 1.33 s, confirming involvement of C fibres. The neuromagnetic fields were modelled by five equivalent source dipoles located in the occipital cortex, cerebellum, posterior cingulate cortex, and left and right operculo-insular cortex. The only component showing statistically significant changes during repetitive laser stimulation was the late component of the contralateral operculo-insular source peaking at 1.05 s after stimulus onset. The amplitude increases of the late component of the contralateral operculo-insular source dipole correlated with the subjects' numerical ratings of warmth and pain. Results point to a pivotal role of the contralateral operculo-insular region in processing of C-fibre mediated pain during repeated subnoxious laser stimulation

    Altered cortical processing of observed pain in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome

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    Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is characterized by widespread chronic pain, fatigue, sleep disorders, and cognitive-emotional disturbance. Patients with FMS exhibit increased sensitivity to experimental pain and pain-related cues, as well as deficits in emotional regulation. The present study investigated the spatiotemporal patterns of brain activations for observed pain in 19 patients with FMS and 18 age-matched, healthy control individuals using event-related potential analysis. Patients with FMS attributed greater pain and unpleasantness to pain pictures, relative to healthy control participants. An augmented late positive potential (LPP) component (>500 milliseconds) was found in patients viewing both pain and nonpain pictures, and this amplitude difference in the LPP covaried with perceived unpleasantness of pictures. Mid-latency potentials (250–450 milliseconds) demonstrated similar amplitude increases of positive potentials in the FMS patient group. By contrast, the short-latency positive potential (140 milliseconds) was reduced in patients with FMS relative to healthy control participants. Results suggest amplitude increases to mid- to long-latency cortical activations in patients with FMS, which are known to reflect emotional control and motivational salience of stimuli. Perspective Patients with FMS demonstrate increased activations associated with pain and nonpain pictures. The findings suggest that even innocuous, everyday visual stimuli with somatic connotations may challenge the emotional state of patients with FMS. Our study points toward the importance of cognitive-emotional therapeutic approaches for the treatment of FMS

    Brain Responses to Emotional Faces in Natural Settings: A Wireless Mobile EEG Recording Study

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    open access articleThe detection of a human face in a visual field and correct reading of emotional expression of faces are important elements in everyday social interactions, decision making and emotional responses. Although brain correlates of face processing have been established in previous fMRI and electroencephalography (EEG)/MEG studies, little is known about how the brain representation of faces and emotional expressions of faces in freely moving humans. The present study aimed to detect brain electrical potentials that occur during the viewing of human faces in natural settings. 64-channel wireless EEG and eye-tracking data were recorded in 19 participants while they moved in a mock art gallery and stopped at times to evaluate pictures hung on the walls. Positive, negative and neutral valence pictures of objects and human faces were displayed. The time instants in which pictures first occurred in the visual field were identified in eye-tracking data and used to reconstruct the triggers in continuous EEG data after synchronizing the time axes of the EEG and eye-tracking device. EEG data showed a clear face-related event-related potential (ERP) in the latency interval ranging from 165 to 210 ms (N170); this component was not seen whilst participants were viewing non-living objects. The face ERP component was stronger during viewing disgusted compared to neutral faces. Source dipole analysis revealed an equivalent current dipole in the right fusiform gyrus (BA37) accounting for N170 potential. Our study demonstrates for the first time the possibility of recording brain responses to human faces and emotional expressions in natural settings. This finding opens new possibilities for clinical, developmental, social, forensic, or marketing research in which information about face processing is of importance

    Tracking Economic Value of Products in Natural Settings: A Wireless EEG Study

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    Economic decision making refers to the process of individuals translating their preference into subjective value (SV). Little is known about the dynamics of the neural processes that underpin this form of value-based decision making and no studies have investigated these processes outside of controlled laboratory settings. The current study investigated the spatio-temporal dynamics that accompany economic valuation of products using mobile electroencephalography (EEG) and eye tracking techniques. Participants viewed and rated images of household products in a gallery setting while EEG and eye tracking data were collected wirelessly. A Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) auction task was subsequently used to quantify the individual’s willingness to pay (WTP) for each product. WTP was used to classify products into low, low medium, high medium and high economic value conditions. Eye movement related potentials (EMRP) were examined, and independent component analysis (ICA) was used to separate sources of activity from grand averaged EEG data. Four independent components (ICs) of EMRPs were modulated by WTP (i.e., SV) in the latency range of 150–250 ms. Of the four value-sensitive ICs, one IC displayed enhanced amplitude for all value conditions excluding low value, and another IC presented enhanced amplitude for low value products only. The remaining two value-sensitive ICs resolved inter-mediate levels of SV. Our study quantified, for the first time, the neural processes involved in economic value based decisions in a natural setting. Results suggest that multiple spatio-temporal brain activation patterns mediate the attention and aversion of products which could reflect an early valuation system. The EMRP parietal P200 component could reflect an attention allocation mechanism that separates the lowest-value products (IC7) from products of all other value (IC4), suggesting that low-value items are categorized early on as being aversive. While none of the ICs showed linear amplitude changes that parallel SV’s of products, results suggest that a combination of multiple components may sub-serve a fine-grained resolution of the SV of products

    Neural correlates of perceptual texture change during active touch

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    IntroductionTexture changes occur frequently during real-world haptic explorations, but the neural processes that encode perceptual texture change remain relatively unknown. The present study examines cortical oscillatory changes during transitions between different surface textures during active touch.MethodsParticipants explored two differing textures whilst oscillatory brain activity and finger position data were recorded using 129-channel electroencephalography and a purpose-built touch sensor. These data streams were fused to calculate epochs relative to the time when the moving finger crossed the textural boundary on a 3D-printed sample. Changes in oscillatory band power in alpha (8–12 Hz), beta (16–24 Hz) and theta (4–7 Hz) frequency bands were investigated.ResultsAlpha-band power reduced over bilateral sensorimotor areas during the transition period relative to ongoing texture processing, indicating that alpha-band activity is modulated by perceptual texture change during complex ongoing tactile exploration. Further, reduced beta-band power was observed in central sensorimotor areas when participants transitioned from rough to smooth relative to transitioning from smooth to rough textures, supporting previous research that beta-band activity is mediated by high-frequency vibrotactile cues.DiscussionThe present findings suggest that perceptual texture change is encoded in the brain in alpha-band oscillatory activity whilst completing continuous naturalistic movements across textures

    Intensity-dependent modulation of cortical somatosensory processing during external, low-frequency peripheral nerve stimulation in humans.

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    External low-frequency peripheral nerve stimulation (LFS) has been proposed as a novel method for neuropathic pain relief. Previous studies have reported that LFS elicits long-term depression-like effects on human pain perception when delivered at noxious intensities, while lower intensities are ineffective. To shed light on cortical regions mediating the effects of LFS, we investigated changes in somatosensory-evoked potentials (SEPs) during four LFS intensities. LFS was applied to the radial nerve (600 pulses, 1 Hz) of twenty-four healthy participants at perception (1×), low (5×), medium (10×) and high intensities (15× detection threshold). SEPs were recorded during LFS, and averaged SEPs in 10 consecutive one-minute epochs of LFS were analysed using source dipole modelling. Changes in resting electroencephalography (EEG) were investigated after each LFS block. Source activity in the midcingulate cortex (MCC) decreased linearly during LFS, with greater attenuation at stronger LFS intensities, and in the ipsilateral operculo-insular cortex during the two lowest LFS stimulus intensities. Increased LFS intensities resulted in greater augmentation of contralateral primary sensorimotor cortex (SI/MI) activity. Stronger LFS intensities were followed by increased alpha (9-11 Hz) band power in SI/MI and decreased theta (3-5 Hz) band power in MCC. Intensity-dependent attenuation of MCC activity with LFS is consistent with a state of long-term depression. Sustained increases in contralateral SI/MI activity suggests that effects of LFS on somatosensory processing may also be dependent on satiation of SI/MI. Further research could clarify if the activation of SI/MI during LFS competes with nociceptive processing in neuropathic pain
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