39 research outputs found

    Uticaj transgenaze na kvalitet i prinos mesa kunića

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    In this paper results of the effect of transgenesis on quality and yield of rabbit meat are presented. During the trial body mass of transgenic progeny of F1 generation was monitored and compared to control group (nontransgenic animals of same age). Subsequent to slaughtering, meat yield, ratio between certain musculature parts and meat quality (proteins, lipids, water) were analyzed. Obtained data was compared to control group of animals of same age but standard genotype. Meat colour was evaluated on apparatus Specol 11 and expressed as percentage of remission on wave length of 540 μm. Content of elements in thigh muscle was established subsequent to dry mineralization in spectro-photometer UNICAM 939 Cambridge UK. Phosphorus content was measured spectro-photometrically on apparatus SPECOL 11. Subsequent to measuring and systematization, data was statistically analyzed and processed. Arithmetic mean values for certain groups of data were calculated, and their values compared using t-test (Hadživuković, 1991). Changes established in regard to content of water, lipids, energy and water binding capacity, were relative to changes in histological structure and level of metabolic processes. It is possible that these changes are result of pleiotropic effect of integrated gene. However, in order to confirm and interpret these changes, it is necessary to carry out further researches of the microscopic structure and metabolic processes of muscle tissues in transgenic rabbits.U radu su prikazani rezultati uticaja transgeneze na kvalitet i prinos mesa kunića. Ogled je vršen na komercijalnim tovnim hibridima nastalim ukrštanjem Novozelandskih belih i Kalifornijskih kunića. Dobijeni podaci upoređeni su sa kontrolnom grupom vršnjaka standardnog genotipa. Posmatrani su sledeći parametri kod obe grupe životinja: telesna masa (1, 2, 5, 10, 20 i 30- tog dana starosti), klanični podaci (w-težina pre žrtvovanja, dw- težina nakon iskrvarenja, s-težina kože, sp-težina distalnih delova zadnjih nogu, b- težina polutke sa kožom, hd-težina glave bez kože, fl- težina prednjih nogu, t- težina butova, r-težina rebara (grudi), bk - težina leđa, ht- težina srca, ky-težina bubrega, l- težina pluća, lvtežina jetre, git- težina stomaka i creva sa sadržajem, gite-težina praznog stomaka i creva, f- težina masnoće, bt- težina kostiju nogu, mt-težina mišića nogu, bf- težina kostiju prednjih nogu, c- prinos mesa (obraslost muskulaturom %); kvalitet mesa butova (cw- sadržaj vode, cp - sadržaj proteina, cf- sadržaj masti, ce- energija, pH, cc- boja, bw- kapacitet zadržavanja vode) i sadržaj mikroelemenata u mesu buta (Cu, Zn, Fe, K, Na, Mg, P, Ca). Posle merenja i sistematizacije podaci su statistički obrađeni. Izvršena su izračunavanja aritmetičkih sredina pojedinih grupa podataka, a zatim poređenje njihovih vrednosti t-testom (Hadživuković, 1991). Nizak nivo varijabiliteta u svim starosnim kategorijama u obe posmatrane grupe je jasno vidljiv iz vrednosti standardne greške aritmetičke sredine. To je manifestovano statistički značajnim uticajem procesa transgeneze na živu masu pri rođenju uprkos činjenici da je apsolutna razlika aritmetičkih sredina transgene i kontrolne grupe samo 0,005 kg (0,063±0,001 nasuprot 0,058±0,002) (tabela 1). Ovaj uticaj je na granici P=0,05 u tabeli analize varijanse (tabela 2). Razlika aritmetičkih sredina nije statistički značajna kod ostalih starosnih kategorija i ona se gubi već nakon 48 časova. Može se konstatovati da integrisani gen nema uticaja na porast transgenih kunića. Statistički značaj uticaja integrisanog gena je utvrđen kod parametara koji se odnose na masu distalnih delova transgenih i netransgenih kunića (0,062±0,001 nasuprot 0,069±0,001 kg), težine glave (0,119±0,003 nasuprot 0,128±0,003 kg) i težine butova (0,405±0,010 nasuprot 0,433±0,009 kg). Kod ostalih klaničnih karakteristika koje su testirane nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike koje bi bile uslovljene integracijom gena (tabele 3 i 4). Na uzorcima mesa nogu (butovi) praćene su vrednosti koje se odnose na kvalitet mesa (tabele 5 i 6). Dobijeni podaci koji se odnose na sastav mesa (tabela 5) ukazuju da je uticaj integracije gena bio statistički značajan (p (lt) 0,05) u grupi transgenih kunića u poređenju sa netransgenim u pogledu sledećih karakteristika: sadržaj proteina (74,03±0,26 nasuprot 74,84±0,28%), sadržaj masnoće (3,66±0,40 nasuprot 2,32±0,44%), sadržaja energije (495,43±11,81 nasuprot 458,07±12,94%), kapacitet zadržavanja vode (31,66±0,84 nasuprot 35,63±0,92%). Statistički značajne razlike kao posledica uticaja integrisanog gena nisu utvrđene kod ostalih posmatranih parametara (tabela 6). Srednje vrednosti sadržaja elemenata u tkivu mišića pokazale su najveće varijacije od svih posmatranih parametara. Najizraženije varijacije bile su u grupi netransgenih kunića (tabela 7). Broj životinja ili ponavljanja je igrao veliku ulogu. Za većinu posmatranih karakteristika može se reći da nisu pokazale uticaj integrisanog WAP- hFVIII gena u genotipu kunića. Značajnije razlike pojavile su se samo u okviru nekih parametara kvaliteta mesa (tabela 8). Rezultati ukazuju da nije utvrđeno ni prisustvo rhFVIII u skeletnim mišićima transgenih kunića

    Classification of mesic grasslands and their transitions of South Transdanubia (Hungary)

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    Relevés from meadows and pastures of South Transdanubia (Hungary) are evaluated by clustering and ordination methods. The relevé selection focused on the Arrhenatheretalia order but its transitions towards other types were also included. The groups of relevés are delimited and described according to differential, dominant and constant species. Ecological conditions of the groups were compared using indicator values. Nine groups were distinguished, four of them belonging strictly to the order Arrhenatheretalia. Each alliance of Arrhenatheretalia presented in the study area (Cynosurion, Arrhenatherion) was represented by two groups. Groups from these two alliances are separated along a light gradient, while groups of the same alliance differ in nutrient values. Within Cynosurion, the nutrient-poor group cannot be identified unambiguously as any syntaxa previously known from Hungary. The nutrient-rich Cynosurion meadows are similar to Lolio–Cynosuretum, however, they show a stronger relationship with wet meadows. Within Arrhenatherion, Pastinaco–Arrhenatheretum is recognised as a hay meadow of nutrient-rich soils. The other meadow type is similar to Filipendulo–Arrhenatheretum, thus raising syntaxonomical problems. There are transitional groups towards semi-dry and wet meadows, one dynamic phase and one outlier group among the other five clusters

    European Vegetation Archive (EVA): An integrated database of European vegetation plots

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    © 2016 International Association for Vegetation Science. The European Vegetation Archive (EVA) is a centralized database of European vegetation plots developed by the IAVS Working Group European Vegetation Survey. It has been in development since 2012 and first made available for use in research projects in 2014. It stores copies of national and regional vegetation- plot databases on a single software platform. Data storage in EVA does not affect on-going independent development of the contributing databases, which remain the property of the data contributors. EVA uses a prototype of the database management software TURBOVEG 3 developed for joint management of multiple databases that use different species lists. This is facilitated by the SynBioSys Taxon Database, a system of taxon names and concepts used in the individual European databases and their corresponding names on a unified list of European flora. TURBOVEG 3 also includes procedures for handling data requests, selections and provisions according to the approved EVA Data Property and Governance Rules. By 30 June 2015, 61 databases from all European regions have joined EVA, contributing in total 1 027 376 vegetation plots, 82% of them with geographic coordinates, from 57 countries. EVA provides a unique data source for large-scale analyses of European vegetation diversity both for fundamental research and nature conservation applications. Updated information on EVA is available online at http://euroveg.org/eva-database

    Criteria for Determining the Alignment between the Content of TIMSS Science Items and Science and Social Studies Teaching Curriculum

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    Analysis of compatibility of tasks and syllabi of the participating countries represents one of the procedures, which provide comparison of results within the TIMSS study. Due to the fact that criteria for determination of this compatibility are not explicit, there is a question posed regarding the procedures, whether all the different countries approach this process in the same way and whether their results surely enable comparison of aspects of students between the countries and observing achievements of students in comparison to syllabi. This is why the aim of this paper is defining criteria that would enable accurate classification of TIMSS tasks from the field of natural sciences concerning the syllabi issues and those, which do not belong to syllabi. Based on the analysis of the current syllabi and educational standards of teaching natural and social sciences in the first cycle of primary education, we defined two kinds of criteria for tasks classification: incorporating the contents of the tasks into the syllabi contents and/or educational standards and compatibility of the contents of the tasks with the principle of homeland. Validity and quality of using these criteria were examined by classification of the published tasks from the TIMSS 2011 study. Compatibility between estimations of the authors of the paper and external expert concerning the sample of tasks was satisfactory. In the paper, we gave possibilities of defining general criteria that all the countries participants in the study would follow, and possibilities of the TIMSS study to be more prone to national particularities concerning the syllabi

    Publisher: Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun UDC 637.55'712 DOI:10.2298/BAH1004245D EFFECT OF TRANSGENESIS ON QUALITY AND YIELD OF RABBIT MEAT

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    Abstract: In this paper results of the effect of transgenesis on quality and yield of rabbit meat are presented. During the trial body mass of transgenic progeny of F1 generation was monitored and compared to control group (nontransgenic animals of same age). Subsequent to slaughtering, meat yield, ratio between certain musculature parts and meat quality (proteins, lipids, water) were analyzed. Obtained data was compared to control group of animals of same age but standard genotype. Meat colour was evaluated on apparatus Specol 11 and expressed as percentage of remission on wave length of 540 μm. Content of elements in thigh muscle was established subsequent to dry mineralization in spectro-photometer UNICAM 939 Cambridge UK. Phosphorus content was measured spectro-photometrically on apparatus SPECOL 11. Subsequent to measuring and systematization, data was statistically analyzed and processed. Arithmetic mean values for certain groups of data were calculated, and their values compared using t-test (Hadživuković, 1991). Changes established in regard to content of water, lipids, energy and water binding capacity, were relative to changes in histological structure and level of metabolic processes. It is possible that these changes are result of pleiotropic effect of integrated gene. However, in order to confirm and interpret these changes, it is necessary to carry out further researches of the microscopic structure and metabolic processes of muscle tissues in transgenic rabbits. Key words: transgenesis, rabbit, meat, transgenic animal

    Basic mechanisms of the cellular alterations in T-2 toxin poisoning: Influence on the choice and result of the therapy

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    T-2 mycotoxin, secondary metabolite of Fusarium fungi, is one of the most potent cytotoxic representatives of trichothecene mycotoxin type A. After ingestion, T-2 toxin affects actively dividing cells and irreversible post-mitotic cells. In our experiments, the best protective effects were produced by dexametasone (PI = 3.37) and different methylprednisolone formulations (PI = 2.43-2.64). Significant protective efficacy was shown by nimesulide (PI = 1.44) and N-acethyilcistein (PI = 1.29), but their values were higher in a combination with methylprednisolone (PI = 2.16-2.34). Radioprotector amifostine (WR-2721) expressed good protective effects (PI = 1.26) or/and different absorbent formulations, such as: activated charcoal (PI = 1.13) and various Min-a-zel® powder compounds, which are a well known zeolite clinoptilolite absorbents. Among the five zeolite regimens investigated, only Min-a-zel Plus® showed a significant protective effect (PI = 1.77). In summary, the steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs could be recommended as a regimen of choice for treatment of acute T-2 toxicosis while nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compounds, different absorbent formulations and their combinations with antioxidants or radioprotectors could be important for the treatment of subacute and chronic T-2 toxin poisonings

    Mycotoxins and their impact on poultry production

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    Only two years after the great expansion of "AGROŽIV" company, it was evident that mycotoxins have great impact on all segments of poultry production. During that year we were for the first time faced up with problems in poultry fattening. It was not possible to explain the present problems only by bacterial and viral infections, so we assumed that there is another reason for the observed clinical picture. From that time we started to pay more attention on contamination of poultry feed with mycotoxins. In the four years' period, from 1988 to 2002, 57 samples were analyzed for the presence of mycotoxins. Mycotoxicological investigations revealed the presence of T-2 toxin in 19 samples at concentrations less than 0.3 mg/kg, in 18 samples at concentration of 0.5 mg/kg, and in 3 samples 1.0 mg/kg. Beside this, type A trichotecene DAS was found in 6 of tested samples, and ochratoxin A and in 1 sample. Clinical picture and damages varied depending on mycotoxins' concentrations and poultry age. To exceede this problem in animal production we tried to use the organic and anorganic mycotoxin adsorbents as additives of poultry feed, but the results were not satisfactory enough. So, we resumed that if we really want to resolve problem of mycotoxins we have to start from the field production of poultry feed components