151 research outputs found

    Developing the Critical Verbatim Theater Artist during the Pandemic: A Transatlantic Collaboration

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    Following recent social upheavals and an unprecedented pandemic, the development of theater students to work with stories from the community has become more urgent. Because verbatim theater brings to focus real voices and often involves sensitive topics, artists/educators consider key ethical questions before their engagement with educational or community contexts. Artists/educators are developed within the fieldwork of applied theater, during their study at university, through supervision to engage communities. The pandemic made such fieldwork difficult due to online learning and teaching, so university educators tested alternative ways of simulating the experience of working with participants. This article analyzes the rationale, application and evaluation of an educational verbatim theater case study that involved British theater students and American nursing students, from the University of Chichester and Kent State University respectively. It identifies how international collaborations might offer an alternative environment to fieldwork by inviting students to consider key ethical questions before their engagement with communities. The narrative of practice reveals how it was rooted in Paulo Freire’s pedagogy. The artist/educator’s reflection highlights how such collaborations invite students to explore dialectics and the ethics of representation in verbatim theater, and to develop accountability and empathy when working with participants, which hopefully, they bring to their future fieldwork

    Storage of Heat, Cold and Electricity

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    A promising energy storage system is presented based on the combination of a heat pump, a heat engine, a hot and a cold storage. It can be operated as a pure bulk electricity storage (alternative to Pumped Heat Electrical Storage (PHES)/Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)) or as combined storage of heat, cold and electricity. Both variations have been evaluated using a steady state, thermodynamic model and two promising concepts are proposed: A transcritical CO2 cycle for the pure electricity storage and a subcritical NH3 cycle for combined storage of electricity, heat and cold. Parametric studies are used to evaluate the influence of different parameters on the roundtrip efficiency of the storage system

    Case Report: Vasculitis Triggered by SIRT in a Patient With Previously Untreated Cholangiocarcinoma.

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    Arising from the biliary tract, cholangiocarcinoma is a rare and aggressive epithelial cancer. According to the primary site, it can be further classified into intrahepatic, perihilar and distal types. Due to the lack of symptoms early in the disease course, most patients are diagnosed at advanced stages. Being not candidates for curative surgical management, these patients are treated with palliative systemic chemotherapy, and their prognosis remains poor. Using radioisotopes like yttrium-90 -labeled microspheres ( <sup>90</sup> Y), radioembolization represents a local approach to treat primary and secondary liver tumors. In the case of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, radioembolization can be used as a primary treatment, as an adjunct to chemotherapy or after failing chemotherapy. An 88-year-old man underwent radioembolization for a previously untreated stage II intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. One week later, he presented to our clinic with a non-pruritic maculopapular rash of the lower extremities and abdomen, worsening fatigue and low-grade fever. Laboratory exams, including hepatitis screening, were within normal limits. Showing positive immunofluorescence staining for immunoglobulin M (IgM) and complement 3 (C3) in vessel walls without IgA involvement, the skin biopsy results were compatible with leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Apart from the anticancer intervention, there have been no recent medication changes which could explain this complication. Notably, we did not observe any side effects during or after the perfusion scan with technetium-99m macroaggregated albumin (MAA) performed prior to radioembolization. The symptoms resolved quickly after a short course of colchicine and did not reappear at cholangiocarcinoma progression. In the absence of other evident causes, we conclude that the onset of leukocytoclastic vasculitis in our patient was directly linked to the administration of yttrium-90 -labeled microspheres. Our report therefore demonstrates that this condition can be a rare but manageable complication of <sup>90</sup> Y liver radioembolization

    Insights from the first global population estimate of Weddell seals in Antarctica

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    The Weddell seal is one of the best-studied marine mammals in the world, owing to a multidecadal demographic effort in the southernmost part of its range. Despite their occurrence around the Antarctic coastline, we know little about larger scale patterns in distribution, population size, or structure. We combined high-resolution satellite imagery from 2011, crowd-sourcing, and habitat modeling to report the first global population estimate for the species and environmental factors that influence its distribution. We estimated ~202,000 (95% confidence interval: 85,345 to 523,140) sub-adult and adult female seals, with proximate ocean depth and fast-ice variables as factors explaining spatial prevalence. Distances to penguin colonies were associated with seal presence, but only emperor penguin population size had a strong negative relationship. The small, estimated population size relative to previous estimates and the seals' nexus with trophic competitors indicates that a community ecology approach is required in efforts to monitor the Southern Ocean ecosystem

    Population based prostate cancer screening in north Mexico reveals a high prevalence of aggressive tumors in detected cases

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    Background: Prostate Cancer (PCa) is the second most frequent neoplasia in men worldwide. Previous reports suggest that the prevalence of PCa in Hispanic males is lower than in Africans (including communities with African ancestry) and Caucasians, but higher than in Asians. Despite these antecedents, there are few reports of open population screenings for PCa in Latin American communities. This article describes the results of three consecutive screenings in the urban population of Monterrey, Mexico. Methods: After receiving approval from our University Hospital's Internal Review Board (IRB), the screening was announced by radio, television, and press, and it was addressed to male subjects over 40 years old in general. Subjects who consented to participate were evaluated at the primary care clinics of the University Health Program at UANL, in the Metropolitan area of Monterrey. Blood samples were taken from each subject for prostate specific antigen (PSA) determination; they underwent a digital rectal examination (DRE), and were subsequently interviewed to obtain demographic and urologic data. Based on the PSA (>4.0 ng/ml) and DRE results, subjects were appointed for transrectal biopsy (TRB). Results: A total of 973 subjects were screened. Prostate biopsy was recommended to 125 men based on PSA values and DRE results, but it was performed in only 55 of them. 15 of these biopsied men were diagnosed with PCa, mostly with Gleason scores ≥ 7. Conclusion: Our results reflect a low prevalence of PCa in general, but a high occurrence of high grade lesions (Gleason ≥ 7) among patients that resulted positive for PCa. This observation remarks the importance of the PCa screening programs in our Mexican community and the need for strict follow-up campaigns