23 research outputs found

    Biological control of Fusarium graminearum : use of Trichoderma spp. and biofumigation with aerial part of Brassica juncea

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    Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: determinar la factibilidad de la utilizaci贸n combinada de dos m茅todos de control biol贸gico: la aplicaci贸n del hongo antagonista Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con la parte a茅rea de Brassica juncea en el estadio de fin de fructificaci贸n; evaluar su efecto sobre el crecimiento del pat贸geno Fusarium graminearum. Se trituraron plantas de B. juncea y se colocaron en recipientes de pl谩stico en dosis de 5 y 10 g. Sobre el material triturado se apoy贸 una caja de Petri con agar papa glucosado al 2%, que conten铆a un disco con micelio de F. graminearum o Trichoderma spp. o ambos hongos. Los recipientes de pl谩stico se cerraron e incubaron a 25卤2掳C en oscuridad durante 7 d铆as. Finalizado este per铆odo, se midi贸 el di谩metro de las colonias. Se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: i) cuando se biofumigaron por separado, no se observ贸 efecto fungist谩tico de B. juncea sobre Trichoderma spp. ni sobre F. graminearum; ii) en ausencia del biofumigante, Trichoderma spp. inhibi贸 significativamente el crecimiento de las colonias de F. graminearum, iii) la combinaci贸n de Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea mostr贸 un efecto sin茅rgico sobre el control del crecimiento miceliar de F. graminearum. Los resultados in vitro sugieren que el crecimiento de Trichoderma spp. y su potencial efecto de biocontrol sobre F. graminearum, no son afectados por la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea. La utilizaci贸n combinada de Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea, tendr铆a un efecto sin茅rgico sobre el control del crecimiento de F. graminearum.The aims of this work were: to determine feasibility of the combination of two biological control methods: application of antagonistic fungus Trichoderma spp. and biofumigation with the aerial part of Brassica juncea in the end of fruiting stage; to evaluate their effect on the growth of the pathogen Fusarium graminearum. Two doses (5 and 10 g) of triturated plant material from B. juncea were placed in plastic recipients. Petri dishes with potato glucose agar medium 2% and a disc inoculated with F. graminearum, or Trichoderma spp. or both fungi, were placed on top of the plant material. Plastic recipients were then closed and incubated at 25卤2掳C in darkness for 7 days. After that, the diameter of the colonies was measured. The results indicated that: i) when Trichoderma spp. and F. graminearum were biofumigated separately, fungistatic effect was not observed, ii) without biofumigant, Trichoderma spp. significantly inhibited growth of F. graminearum colonies, iii) the combination of Trichoderma spp. and the biofumigation with B. juncea showed synergic effect on growth control of F. graminearum. These in vitro results suggest that the growth of Trichoderma spp. and its potential biocontrol effect of F. graminearum, are not affected by biofumigation with B. juncea. Also, the combination of Trichoderma spp. and biofumigation with B. juncea, would have synergic effect on growth control of F. graminearum.Fil: Perniola, Omar Salvador. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesFil: Staltari, Sebasti谩n. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesFil: Chorzempa, Silvia Elena. Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora. Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasFil: Astiz Gass贸, Marta M贸nica. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesFil: Molina, Mar铆a del Carmen. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    NaCl effects in Zea mays L. x Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L. hybrid calli and plants

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    High salt concentrations in soils negatively affect maize growth. Techniques such as remote hybridization and in vitro selection have been extensively used to accelerate breeding processes. In order to determine the usefulness of Tripsacum to improve salt tolerance in maize, the effects of NaCl, in vitro and in vivo, were evaluated in an intergeneric hybrid (MT) obtained from crossing Zea mays with Tripsacum dactyloides. Organogenic calli, induced from immature MT hybrid embryos, were exposed to different NaCl concentrations and the survival and regeneration percentages were calculated. Plants of the MT hybrid, obtained from the organogenic calli, were exposed to NaCl concentrations considered harmful for maize. The shoot dry weights of plants exposed to 250 mM NaCl did not show significant differences respect to the control ones. Although sodium content in shoots was incremented 2,5 fold, it was not toxic for this material. The MT hybrid showed better behavior, in vitro and in vivo, that maize genotypes exposed to similar conditions.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Biofumigation with Brassica juncea: effect on weeds

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    La biofumigaci贸n con brassic谩ceas es una t谩ctica biol贸gica que podr铆a contribuir al manejo integrado de malezas en las etapas iniciales de los cultivos hort铆colas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la dosis del biofumigante Brassica juncea L. Czerniak (mostaza parda) t茅cnicamente m谩s eficaz para el manejo de malezas en un sustrato. El ensayo se realiz贸 en cajones de madera que conten铆an tierra extra铆da de la capa arable de un suelo de Llavallol, Argentina, que portaba las semillas de la flora del lugar. Se trituraron plantas de mostaza parda y se mezclaron con la tierra, en dosis de 2,5, 5, 10 y 15 kg.m-2. Cada caj贸n se reg贸 y cubri贸 con polietileno negro durante 21 d铆as. Paralelamente, se evalu贸 un control sin biofumigante, con id茅ntica cobertura y riego. Tres semanas despu茅s de extraer el polietileno se contabiliz贸 la cantidad y frecuencia de individuos de cada especie arvense y se midi贸 cobertura y peso seco por tratamiento. La dosis de 2,5 kg.m-2 redujo el n煤mero total de individuos de arvenses mono y dicotiled贸neas, en particular de Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. (pasto de cuaresma), Portulaca oleracea L. (verdolaga) y Taraxacum officinalis G.H. Weber ex Wiggers (diente de le贸n), aunque no disminuy贸 significativamente la biomasa a茅rea y la cobertura. El tratamiento con 5 kg.m-2 mostr贸 un comportamiento similar al control. Las dosis de 10 y 15 kg.m-2 favorecieron el crecimiento de las malezas. La biofumigaci贸n con 2,5 kg.m-2 representa una herramienta alternativa para el manejo integrado de malezas en estadios iniciales de cultivos hort铆colas.Biofumigation with Brassicaceae is a biological tactic which could contribute to the integrated weeds management in the initial stages of horticultural crops. The aim of this study was to determine the dose of the biofumigant Brassica juncea L. Czerniak (brown mustard) technically more effective for the weeds management in a substrate. The test was carried out in wooden drawers that containing ground extracted from the arable layer of a soil of Llavallol, Argentina and including the seeds of the local flora. Brown mustard plants were triturated and mixed with the ground in doses of 2.5, 5, 10 and 15 kg.m-2. Each drawer was irrigated and covered with black polyethylene for 21 days. At the same time, a control without biofumigant, with identical coverage and irrigation was evaluated. Three weeks after extracting polyethylene, the amount and frequency of individuals of each species of weed were counted and the cover and dry weight by treatment were measured. The biofumigant treatment with 2.5 kg.m-2 reduced the total number of individuals of mono and dicotyledonous weeds, in particular of Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. (large crabgrass), Portulaca oleracea L. (common purslane) y Taraxacum officinalis G.H. Weber ex Wiggers (dandelion), although it did not generate significant reduction of aerial biomass and coverage. The treatment with 5 kg.m-2 showed an action similar to the control. Doses of 10 and 15 kg.m-2 favored the growth of weeds. Biofumigation with 2.5 kg.m-2 represents an alternative tactic for the integrated weeds management in the initial stages of horticultural crops.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Control biol贸gico de Fusarium graminearum: utilizaci贸n de Trichoderma spp. y biofumigaci贸n con parte a茅rea de Brassica juncea

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    The aims of this work were: to determine feasibility of the combination of two biological control methods: application of antagonistic fungus Trichoderma spp. and biofumigation with the aerial part of Brassica juncea in the end of fruiting stage; to evaluate their effect on the growth of the pathogen Fusarium graminearum. Two doses (5 and 10 g) of triturated plant material from B. juncea were placed in plastic recipients. Petri dishes with potato glucose agar medium 2% and a disc inoculated with F. graminearum, or Trichoderma spp. or both fungi, were placed on top of the plant material. Plastic recipients were then closed and incubated at 25卤2掳C in darkness for 7 days. After that, the diameter of the colonies was measured. The results indicated that: i) when Trichoderma spp. and F. graminearum were biofumigated separately, fungistatic effect was not observed, ii) without biofumigant, Trichoderma spp. significantly inhibited growth of F. graminearum colonies, iii) the combination of Trichoderma spp. and the biofumigation with B. juncea showed synergic effect on growth control of F. graminearum. These in vitro results suggest that the growth of Trichoderma spp. and its potential biocontrol effect of F. graminearum, are not affected by biofumigation with B. juncea. Also, the combination of Trichoderma spp. and biofumigation with B. juncea, would have synergic effect on growth control of F. graminearum.Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: determinar la factibilidad de la utilizaci贸n combinada de dos m茅todos de control biol贸gico: la aplicaci贸n del hongo antagonista Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con la parte a茅rea de Brassica juncea en el estadio de fin de fructificaci贸n; evaluar su efecto sobre el crecimiento del pat贸geno Fusarium graminearum. Se trituraron plantas de B. juncea y se colocaron en recipientes de pl谩stico en dosis de 5 y 10 g. Sobre el material triturado se apoy贸 una caja de Petri con agar papa glucosado al 2%, que conten铆a un disco con micelio de F. graminearum o Trichoderma spp. o ambos hongos. Los recipientes de pl谩stico se cerraron e incubaron a 25卤2掳C en oscuridad durante 7 d铆as. Finalizado este per铆odo, se midi贸 el di谩metro de las colonias. Se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: i) cuando se biofumigaron por separado, no se observ贸 efecto fungist谩tico de B. juncea sobre Trichoderma spp. ni sobre F. graminearum; ii) en ausencia del biofumigante, Trichoderma spp. inhibi贸 significativamente el crecimiento de las colonias de F. graminearum, iii) la combinaci贸n de Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea mostr贸 un efecto sin茅rgico sobre el control del crecimiento miceliar de F. graminearum. Los resultados in vitro sugieren que el crecimiento de Trichoderma spp. y su potencial efecto de biocontrol sobre F. graminearum, no son afectados por la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea. La utilizaci贸n combinada de Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea, tendr铆a un efecto sin茅rgico sobre el control del crecimiento de F. graminearum

    Biological control of Fusarium graminearum: use of Trichoderma spp. and biofumigation with aerial part ofBrassica juncea

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    Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: determinar la factibilidad de la utilizaci贸n combinada de dos m茅todos de control biol贸gico: la aplicaci贸n del hongo antagonista Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con la parte a茅rea de Brassica juncea en el estadio de fin de fructificaci贸n; evaluar su efecto sobre el crecimiento del pat贸geno Fusarium graminearum. Se trituraron plantas de B. juncea y se colocaron en recipientes de pl谩stico en dosis de 5 y 10 g. Sobre el material triturado se apoy贸 una caja de Petri con agar papa glucosado al 2%, que conten铆a un disco con micelio de F. graminearum o Trichoderma spp. o ambos hongos. Los recipientes de pl谩stico se cerraron e incubaron a 25卤2掳C en oscuridad durante 7 d铆as. Finalizado este per铆odo, se midi贸 el di谩metro de las colonias. Se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: i) cuando se biofumigaron por separado, no se observ贸 efecto fungist谩tico de B. juncea sobre Trichoderma spp. ni sobre F. graminearum; ii) en ausencia del biofumigante, Trichoderma spp. inhibi贸 significativamente el crecimiento de las colonias de F. graminearum, iii) la combinaci贸n de Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea mostr贸 un efecto sin茅rgico sobre el control del crecimiento miceliar de F. graminearum. Los resultados in vitro sugieren que el crecimiento de Trichoderma spp. y su potencial efecto de biocontrol sobre F. graminearum, no son afectados por la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea. La utilizaci贸n combinada de Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea, tendr铆a un efecto sin茅rgico sobre el control del crecimiento de F. graminearumThe aims of this work were: to determine feasibility of the combination of two biological control methods: application of antagonistic fungus Trichoderma spp. and biofumigation with the aerial part of Brassica juncea in the end of fruiting stage; to evaluate their effect on the growth of the pathogen Fusarium graminearum. Two doses (5 and 10 g) of triturated plant material from B. juncea were placed in plastic recipients. Petri dishes with potato glucose agar medium 2% and a disc inoculated with F. graminearum, or Trichoderma spp. or both fungi, were placed on top of the plant material. Plastic recipients were then closed and incubated at 25卤2掳C in darkness for 7 days. After that, the diameter of the colonies was measured. The results indicated that: i) when Trichoderma spp. and F. graminearum were biofumigated separately, fungistatic effect was not observed, ii) without biofumigant, Trichoderma spp. significantly inhibited growth of F. graminearum colonies, iii) the combination of Trichoderma spp. and the biofumigation with B. juncea showed synergic effect on growth control of F. graminearum. These in vitro results suggest that the growth of Trichoderma spp. And its potential biocontrol effect of F. graminearum, are not affected by biofumigation with B. juncea. Also, the combination of Trichoderma spp. and biofumigation with B. juncea, would have synergic effect on growth control of F. graminearum.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnica

    Cryptic homoeology analysis in species and hybrids of genus <i>Zea</i>

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    Cryptic intergenomic pairing of genus Zea was induced by the use of a diluted colchicine solution in order to elucidate the phylogenetic relations and differentiation of the homoeologous genomes. Results indicate that in species and hybrids with 2n = 20, there was chromosome pairing between the homoeologous A and B genomes with a maximum of 5IV, with the exception of Zea diploperennis and their interspecific hybrids where cryptic homoeologous chromosome pairing was not induced. In almost all 2n = 30 hybrids, observed cryptic pairing increased to a maximum of 10III although Z. mays 脳 Z. mays with 2n = 30 did not show significant differences between treated and untreated materials. Pairing was also observed in species and hybrids with 2n = 40, in which a maximum of 10IV was observed, with the exception of Z. mays with 2n = 40 where treated and untreated cells did not differ significantly.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Biological control of Fusarium graminearum: use of Trichoderma spp. and biofumigation with aerial part ofBrassica juncea

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    Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: determinar la factibilidad de la utilizaci贸n combinada de dos m茅todos de control biol贸gico: la aplicaci贸n del hongo antagonista Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con la parte a茅rea de Brassica juncea en el estadio de fin de fructificaci贸n; evaluar su efecto sobre el crecimiento del pat贸geno Fusarium graminearum. Se trituraron plantas de B. juncea y se colocaron en recipientes de pl谩stico en dosis de 5 y 10 g. Sobre el material triturado se apoy贸 una caja de Petri con agar papa glucosado al 2%, que conten铆a un disco con micelio de F. graminearum o Trichoderma spp. o ambos hongos. Los recipientes de pl谩stico se cerraron e incubaron a 25卤2掳C en oscuridad durante 7 d铆as. Finalizado este per铆odo, se midi贸 el di谩metro de las colonias. Se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: i) cuando se biofumigaron por separado, no se observ贸 efecto fungist谩tico de B. juncea sobre Trichoderma spp. ni sobre F. graminearum; ii) en ausencia del biofumigante, Trichoderma spp. inhibi贸 significativamente el crecimiento de las colonias de F. graminearum, iii) la combinaci贸n de Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea mostr贸 un efecto sin茅rgico sobre el control del crecimiento miceliar de F. graminearum. Los resultados in vitro sugieren que el crecimiento de Trichoderma spp. y su potencial efecto de biocontrol sobre F. graminearum, no son afectados por la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea. La utilizaci贸n combinada de Trichoderma spp. y la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea, tendr铆a un efecto sin茅rgico sobre el control del crecimiento de F. graminearumThe aims of this work were: to determine feasibility of the combination of two biological control methods: application of antagonistic fungus Trichoderma spp. and biofumigation with the aerial part of Brassica juncea in the end of fruiting stage; to evaluate their effect on the growth of the pathogen Fusarium graminearum. Two doses (5 and 10 g) of triturated plant material from B. juncea were placed in plastic recipients. Petri dishes with potato glucose agar medium 2% and a disc inoculated with F. graminearum, or Trichoderma spp. or both fungi, were placed on top of the plant material. Plastic recipients were then closed and incubated at 25卤2掳C in darkness for 7 days. After that, the diameter of the colonies was measured. The results indicated that: i) when Trichoderma spp. and F. graminearum were biofumigated separately, fungistatic effect was not observed, ii) without biofumigant, Trichoderma spp. significantly inhibited growth of F. graminearum colonies, iii) the combination of Trichoderma spp. and the biofumigation with B. juncea showed synergic effect on growth control of F. graminearum. These in vitro results suggest that the growth of Trichoderma spp. And its potential biocontrol effect of F. graminearum, are not affected by biofumigation with B. juncea. Also, the combination of Trichoderma spp. and biofumigation with B. juncea, would have synergic effect on growth control of F. graminearum.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnica

    Obtenci贸n de la primera variedad argentina de mostaza india: SANTA CATALINA UNLP, para su utilizaci贸n como biofumigante

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    In recent decades, the greater awareness of society about the harmful effects of agrochemicals on health and the environment, has generated changes in some horticultural and flower farms in the green belt of Buenos Aires, which have incorporated other strategies to control pests, friendly with the environment, and reduced the use of synthetic pesticides. In this context, biofumigation with indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czerniak) is presented as an effective biological strategy for the control of soil pests, which could be part of an agroecological pest management program. In our country there are use experiences of biofumigation practices with local resources (mainly, harvest residues of horticultural Brassicaceae species) but there were no cultivar developments for biofumigant purposes. For this reason, a mass selection process was carried out and the biofumigant variety SANTA CATALINA UNLP was obtained, which is the first cultivar of indian mustard registered in the national registry of cultivars (Registro Nacional de Cultivares, INASE). The SANTA CATALINA UNLP indian mustard variety was developed for use as a biofumigant for soils and substrates in horticultural and floricultural productions. Given that the selection process was carried out in Llavallol town (Buenos Aires Province), this cultivar is adapted to the environmental conditions of the green belt of Buenos Aires. Numerous investigations carried out during the cultivar selection period have demonstrated the efficacy of biofumigation with this variety to suppress some species of phytopathogenic fungi, to reduce populations of phytophagous nematodes and to inhibit the emergence and growth of some weeds. Biofumigation with indian mustard was also shown not to affect the antagonistic fungus Trichoderma spp. nor to the free-living soil nematodes (beneficial). The SANTA CATALINA UNLP variety was developed at the Instituto Fitot茅cnico de Santa Catalina, a facility at Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. From 2009 to 2016, mass selection was made on a mixed population from a batch of indian mustard seeds that entered the country from India, to be marketed as a condiment. The plants with the highest aerial biomass and with the lowest incidence and severity of black rot or V-spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris) were selected. At the same time, tests were carried out to evaluate its capacity as a biofumigant for the biocontrol of agricultural pests. In June 2017 it was multiplied, verifying the stability of the variety. In several tests it was observed that biofumigation with indian mustard had a suppressing effect on the growth in vitro of Fusarium graminearum. In another work, it was concluded that biofumigation significantly reduced the amount of sclerotia of Sclerotium rolfsii. The results obtained in several trials showed that the biocontrol technique with the Trichoderma spp antagonist fungus can be considered compatible with B. juncea biofumigation. Thus, the growth of the Trichoderma spp. beneficial fungus it was not affected by biofumigation with B. juncea. In another trial, it was observed that biofumigation with low doses of B. juncea did not inhibit the in vitro growth of colonies of Azospirillum brasilense, a plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Regarding the effect of biofumigation on weeds, a reduction in the growth of several weed species was observed: Anoda cristata, Picris echiodes, Portulaca oleracea, Digitaria sanguinalis and Taraxacum officinalis. It was also determined that biofumigation with SANTA CATALINA UNLP increased the density of free-living nematodes and reduced the density of plant parasitic nematodes.En las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, la mayor concientizaci贸n de la sociedad sobre los efectos nocivos de los agroqu铆micos sobre la salud y el medio ambiente, ha generado cambios en algunas explotaciones hort铆colas y flor铆colas del cintur贸n verde de Buenos Aires, que han incorporado otras estrategias de control de plagas, amigables con el medio ambiente, reduciendo el uso de plaguicidas sint茅ticos. En este contexto, la biofumigaci贸n con mostaza india (Brassica juncea L. Czerniak) se presenta como una t谩ctica biol贸gica eficaz para el control de plagas de suelo, que podr铆a formar parte de un programa de manejo agroecol贸gico de plagas. En nuestro pa铆s hay registros de pr谩cticas de biofumigaci贸n con recursos locales (principalmente, restos de cosecha de especies hort铆colas brassic谩ceas), pero no exist铆an desarrollos de cultivares con prop贸sitos biofumigantes. Por este motivo, se realiz贸 un proceso de selecci贸n masal y se obtuvo la variedad biofumigante SANTA CATALINA UNLP, que es el primer cultivar de mostaza india inscripto en el Registro Nacional de Cultivares del INASE. La variedad de mostaza india SANTA CATALINA UNLP fue desarrollada para su utilizaci贸n como biofumigante de suelos y sustratos en producciones hort铆colas y flor铆colas. Dado que el proceso de selecci贸n se realiz贸 en la localidad de Llavallol, conurbano bonaerense, este cultivar se adapta a las condiciones medioambientales del cintur贸n verde de Buenos Aires. Numerosas investigaciones realizadas durante el per铆odo de selecci贸n del cultivar, han demostrado que la biofumigaci贸n con esta variedad es eficaz para suprimir algunas especies de hongos fitopat贸genos, reducir poblaciones de nematodos fit贸fagos y para inhibir la emergencia y el crecimiento de algunas malezas. Tambi茅n se demostr贸 que la biofumigaci贸n con mostaza india no afecta al hongo antagonista Trichoderma spp. ni a los nematodos de vida libre del suelo (ben茅ficos). La variedad SANTA CATALINA UNLP fue desarrollada en el Instituto Fitot茅cnico de Santa Catalina, dependencia de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Desde el a帽o 2009 hasta el 2016 se realiz贸 selecci贸n masal sobre una poblaci贸n mixta proveniente de un lote de semillas de mostaza india que ingres贸 al pa铆s procedente de la India, para ser comercializado como condimento. Se seleccionaron las plantas con mayor biomasa a茅rea y con menor incidencia y severidad de podredumbre negra o mancha en V (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris). Paralelamente se realizaron ensayos para evaluar su capacidad como biofumigante para el biocontrol de plagas agr铆colas. En junio de 2017 fue multiplicada, verific谩ndose la estabilidad de la variedad. En varios ensayos se observ贸 que la biofumigaci贸n con mostaza india tuvo efecto supresor sobre el crecimiento de Fusarium graminearum cultivado in vitro. En otro trabajo se concluy贸 que la biofumigaci贸n redujo significativamente la cantidad de esclerocios de Sclerotium rolfsii. Los resultados obtenidos en varios ensayos mostraron que la t茅cnica de biocontrol con el hongo antagonista Trichoderma spp. puede ser considerada compatible con la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea. Adem谩s, el crecimiento del hongo ben茅fico Trichoderma spp. no fue afectado por la biofumigaci贸n con B. juncea. En otro ensayo se observ贸 que la biofumigaci贸n con dosis bajas B. juncea no inhibi贸 el crecimiento in vitro de colonias de Azospirillum brasilense, bacteria rizosf茅rica promotora del crecimiento vegetal. Con respecto al efecto de la biofumigaci贸n sobre las malezas, se observ贸 reducci贸n del crecimiento de varias&nbsp; especies de malezas: Anoda cristata (malva cimarrona), Picris echiodes, Portulaca oleracea (verdolaga), Digitaria sanguinalis (pasto de cuaresma) y Taraxacum officinalis (diente de le贸n). Tambi茅n se determin贸 que la biofumigaci贸n con SANTA CATALINA UNLP increment贸 la densidad de nematodos de vida libre y redujo la densidad de nematodos par谩sitos de plantas

    Biofumigaci贸n in vitro con Brassica juncea y Sinapis alba. Inhibici贸n de la germinaci贸n y del crecimiento de pl谩ntulas de malezas.

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    La biofumigaci贸n consiste en la incorporaci贸n en el suelo de residuos org谩nicos, que generan durante su descomposici贸n sustancias con actividad biocida. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar in vitro el efecto herbicida de la biofumigaci贸n con Brassica juncea L. Czerniak (mostaza parda) y Sinapis alba L. (mostaza blanca), en el estadio de fin de fructificaci贸n, sobre la germinaci贸n y el crecimiento de pl谩ntulas de tres especies arvenses: Anoda cristata (L.) Schltdl. (malva cimarrona), Picris echiodes L. y Portulaca oleracea L. (verdolaga). Plantas de mostaza parda y blanca se trituraron y colocaron por separado en recipientes de pl谩stico, en dosis de 10 y 40 g; sobre ese material se apoy贸 una caja de Petri con papel absorbente humedecido, que conten铆a 50 semillas de una especie arvense. Se incub贸 a 24 卤 2潞C, con fotoper铆odo de 12h/12h luz-oscuridad. A los 8 d铆as se extrajo el material biofumigante y se prosigui贸 con la incubaci贸n hasta el d铆a 21. Brassica juncea, en las dos dosis evaluadas, inhibi贸 significativamente la germinaci贸n de las malezas. Sinapis alba solo inhibi贸 la germinaci贸n de A. cristata y P. echiodes en la dosis de 40 g; sin embargo, en todos los tratamientos ralentiz贸 significativamente el crecimiento de las pl谩ntulas de las tres especies arvenses. Los resultados obtenidos in vitro sugieren que B. juncea tendr铆a mayor potencial que S. alba para controlar biol贸gicamente las malezas A. cristata, P. echiodes y P. oleracea

    <i>In vitro</i> biofumigation with <i>Brassica juncea</i> and <i>Sinapis alba</i>. Inhibition of germination and growth seedlings of weeds

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    La biofumigaci贸n consiste en la incorporaci贸n en el suelo de residuos org谩nicos, que generan durante su descomposici贸n sustancias con actividad biocida. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar in vitro el efecto herbicida de la biofumigaci贸n con Brassica juncea L. Czerniak (mostaza parda) y Sinapis alba L. (mostaza blanca), en el estadio de fin de fructificaci贸n, sobre la germinaci贸n y el crecimiento de pl谩ntulas de tres especies arvenses: Anoda cristata (L.) Schltdl. (malva cimarrona), Picris echiodes L. y Portulaca oleracea L. (verdolaga). Plantas de mostaza parda y blanca se trituraron y colocaron por separado en recipientes de pl谩stico, en dosis de 10 y 40 g; sobre ese material se apoy贸 una caja de Petri con papel absorbente humedecido, que conten铆a 50 semillas de una especie arvense. Se incub贸 a 24 卤 2潞C, con fotoper铆odo de 12h/12h luz-oscuridad. A los 8 d铆as se extrajo el material biofumigante y se prosigui贸 con la incubaci贸n hasta el d铆a 21. Brassica juncea, en las dos dosis evaluadas, inhibi贸 significativamente la germinaci贸n de las malezas. Sinapis alba solo inhibi贸 la germinaci贸n de A. cristata y P. echiodes en la dosis de 40 g; sin embargo, en todos los tratamientos ralentiz贸 significativamente el crecimiento de las pl谩ntulas de las tres especies arvenses. Los resultados obtenidos in vitro sugieren que B. juncea tendr铆a mayor potencial que S. alba para controlar biol贸gicamente las malezas A. cristata, P. echiodes y P. oleracea.Biofumigation consists of the incorporation into the soil of organic debris that generates biocidal compounds during its decomposition. The aim of this study was to determine the in vitro herbicidal effect of biofumigation with Brassica juncea L. Czerniak (brown mustard) and Sinapis alba L. (white mustard), at the fructification stage, on germination and growth of seedlings of Anoda cristata (L.) Schltdl., Picris echiodes L. and Portulaca oleracea L. Two doses (10 and 40 g) of triturate plant material from each mustard species were placed separately in plastics recipients. Petri dishes with moist paper, which contained 50 seeds of the weed species, were placed on top of the plant material. It was incubated at 24 卤 2掳C, with a photoperiod of 12h/12h light-dark. After 8 days, the biofumigant material was extracted and incubation was continued until day 21. Brassica juncea, at the two doses tested, inhibited significantly the germination of the three weed species. Sinapis alba only inhibited the germination of A. cristata and P. echiodes at dose of 40 g; however, in all treatments slowed significantly the growth of seedlings of the three weed species. These in vitro results suggest that B. juncea would have greater potential than S. alba for biocontrol of the weeds A. cristata, P. echiodes and P. oleracea.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale