479 research outputs found

    Magnetoelectric Jones Dichroism in Atoms

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    The authors suggest that atomic experiments measuring the interference between magnetic-dipole and electric-field-induced electric-dipole transition amplitudes provide a valuable system to study magnetoelectric Jones effects.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Measurement of excited-state transitions in cold calcium atoms by direct femtosecond frequency-comb spectroscopy

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    We apply direct frequency-comb spectroscopy, in combination with precision cw spectroscopy, to measure the 4s4p3P14s5s3S1{\rm 4s4p} ^3P_1 \to {\rm 4s5s} ^3S_1 transition frequency in cold calcium atoms. A 657 nm ultrastable cw laser was used to excite atoms on the narrow (γ400\gamma \sim 400 Hz) 4s21S04s4p3P1{\rm 4s^2} ^1S_0 \to {\rm 4s4p} ^3P_1 clock transition, and the direct output of the frequency comb was used to excite those atoms from the 4s4p3P1{\rm 4s4p} ^3P_1 state to the 4s5s3S1{\rm 4s5s} ^3S_1 state. The resonance of this second stage was detected by observing a decrease in population of the ground state as a result of atoms being optically pumped to the metastable 4s4p3P0,2{\rm 4s4p} ^3P_{0,2} states. The 4s4p3P14s5s3S1{\rm 4s4p} ^3P_1 \to {\rm 4s5s} ^3S_1 transition frequency is measured to be ν=489544285713(56)\nu = 489 544 285 713(56) kHz; which is an improvement by almost four orders of magnitude over the previously measured value. In addition, we demonstrate spectroscopy on magnetically trapped atoms in the 4s4p3P2{\rm 4s4p} ^3P_2 state.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    AC Stark shift noise in QND measurement arising from quantum fluctuations of light polarization

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    In a recent letter [Auzinsh {\it{et. al.}} (physics/0403097)] we have analyzed the noise properties of an idealized atomic magnetometer that utilizes spin squeezing induced by a continuous quantum nondemolition measurement. Such a magnetometer measures spin precession of NN atomic spins by detecting optical rotation of far-detuned probe light. Here we consider maximally squeezed probe light, and carry out a detailed derivation of the contribution to the noise in a magnetometric measurement due to the differential AC Stark shift between Zeeman sublevels arising from quantum fluctuations of the probe polarization.Comment: This is a companion note to physics/040309

    Can a quantum nondemolition measurement improve the sensitivity of an atomic magnetometer?

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    Noise properties of an idealized atomic magnetometer that utilizes spin squeezing induced by a continuous quantum nondemolition measurement are considered. Such a magnetometer measures spin precession of NN atomic spins by detecting optical rotation of far-detuned light. Fundamental noise sources include the quantum projection noise and the photon shot-noise. For measurement times much shorter than the spin-relaxation time observed in the absence of light (τrel\tau_{\rm rel}) divided by N\sqrt{N}, the optimal sensitivity of the magnetometer scales as N3/4N^{-3/4}, so an advantage over the usual sensitivity scaling as N1/2N^{-1/2} can be achieved. However, at longer measurement times, the optimized sensitivity scales as N1/2N^{-1/2}, as for a usual shot-noise limited magnetometer. If strongly squeezed probe light is used, the Heisenberg uncertainty limit may, in principle, be reached for very short measurement times. However, if the measurement time exceeds τrel/N\tau_{\rm rel}/N, the N1/2N^{-1/2} scaling is again restored.Comment: Some details of calculations can be found in a companion note: physics/040712

    Kilohertz-resolution spectroscopy of cold atoms with an optical frequency comb

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    We have performed sub-Doppler spectroscopy on the narrow intercombination line of cold calcium atoms using the amplified output of a femtosecond laser frequency comb. Injection locking of a 657-nm diode laser with a femtosecond comb allows for two regimes of amplification, one in which many lines of the comb are amplified, and one where a single line is predominantly amplified. The output of the laser in both regimes was used to perform kilohertz-level spectroscopy. This experiment demonstrates the potential for high-resolution absolute-frequency spectroscopy over the entire spectrum of the frequency comb output using a single high-finesse optical reference cavity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Figure

    Safety, the Preface Paradox and Possible Worlds Semantics

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    This paper contains an argument to the effect that possible worlds semantics renders semantic knowledge impossible, no matter what ontological interpretation is given to possible worlds. The essential contention made is that possible worlds semantic knowledge is unsafe and this is shown by a parallel with the preface paradox

    Observation of a Large Atomic Parity Violation Effect in Ytterbium

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    Atomic parity violation has been observed in the 6s^2 1S0 - 5d6s 3D1 408-nm forbidden transition of ytterbium. The parity-violating amplitude is found to be two orders of magnitude larger than in cesium, where the most precise experiments to date have been performed. This is in accordance with theoretical predictions and constitutes the largest atomic parity-violating amplitude yet observed. This also opens the way to future measurements of neutron skins and anapole moments by comparing parity-violating amplitudes for various isotopes and hyperfine components of the transition

    Nonlinear magneto-optical rotation, Zeeman and hyperfine relaxation of potassium atoms in a paraffin-coated cell

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    Nonlinear magneto-optical Faraday rotation (NMOR) on the potassium D1 and D2 lines was used to study Zeeman relaxation rates in an antirelaxation paraffin-coated 3-cm diameter potassium vapor cell. Intrinsic Zeeman relaxation rates of γNMOR/2π=2.0(6)Hz\gamma^{NMOR}/2\pi=2.0(6) {\rm Hz} were observed. The relatively small hyperfine intervals in potassium lead to significant differences in NMOR in potassium compared to rubidium and cesium. Using laser optical pumping, widths and frequency shifts were also determined for transitions between ground-state hyperfine sublevels of 39^{39}K atoms contained in the same paraffin-coated cell. The intrinsic hyperfine relaxation rate of γexpthf/2π=10.6(7)\gamma^{hf}_{expt}/2\pi = 10.6(7) Hz and a shift of 9.1(2)-9.1(2) Hz were observed. These results show that adiabatic relaxation gives only a small contribution to the overall hyperfine relaxation in the case of potassium, and the relaxation is dominated by other mechanisms similar to those observed in previous studies with rubidium

    Velocity-selective direct frequency-comb spectroscopy of atomic vapors

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    We present an experimental and theoretical investigation of two-photon direct frequency-comb spectroscopy performed through velocity-selective excitation. In particular, we explore the effect of repetition rate on the 5S1/25D3/2,5/2\textrm{5S}_{1/2}\rightarrow \textrm{5D}_{3/2, 5/2} two-photon transitions excited in a rubidium atomic vapor cell. The transitions occur via step-wise excitation through the 5P1/2,3/2\textrm{5P}_{1/2, 3/2} states by use of the direct output of an optical frequency comb. Experiments were performed with two different frequency combs, one with a repetition rate of 925\approx 925 MHz and one with a repetition rate of 250\approx 250 MHz. The experimental spectra are compared to each other and to a theoretical model.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure