374 research outputs found

    Antibiotic Therapy of Infections Due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Normal and Granulocytopenic Mice: Comparison of Murine and Human Pharmacokinetics

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    An effort was made to elucidate the limits of drug-activity tests in small animals. Human plasma kinetics of gentamicin, netilmicin, ticarcillin, ceftazidime, and ceftriaxone were approximated in normal and in granulocytopenic mice infected with various strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the thigh muscle or intraperitoneally. The effect of such dosing on bacterial time-kill curves and on survival was compared with the effect of identical amounts of drug given as a single-bolus injection. With β-lactams, a highly significant superiority of fractionated dosing (simulated human kinetics) over bolus injections (murine plasma kinetics) was demonstrated, whereas with aminoglycosides it was a single-bolus injection that tended to be more active. Thus, when tested in conventional small-animal models, aminoglycoside activity may be overestimated, whereas β-lactam activity may be underestimated in respect to humans. These differences found in vivo most probably reflect the different pharmacodynamics between aminoglycosides and β-lactam drugs (time-kill curves, dose-response curves, and postantibiotic effect) similar to those previously observed in vitr

    Hibernation in pygmy lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus)–what does it mean?

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    Torpor use in primates appeared to be restricted to African species and was only recently discovered in a species from Asia, the pygmy loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus). This finding has considerable implications for our perception of torpor in this mammal group and demonstrates that torpor is probably more widespread in mammals than commonly thought. This article summarizes the current knowledge on the use of torpor in the pygmy loris and places it into the context of ongoing research on this topic

    Primary structure and evolutionary relationship between the adult alpha-globin genes and their 5'-flanking regions of Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis

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    To investigate the evolution of globin genes in the genus Xenopus, we have determined the primary structure of the related adult alpha I- and alpha II-globin genes of X. laevis and of the adult alpha-globin gene of X. tropicalis, including their 5'-flanking regions. All three genes are comprised of three exons and two introns at homologous positions. The exons are highly conserved and code for 141 amino acids. By contrast, the corresponding introns vary in length and show considerable divergence. Comparison of 900 bp of the 5'-flanking region revealed that the X. tropicalis gene contains a conserved proximal 310-bp promoter sequence, comprised of the canonical TATA and CCAAT motifs at homologous positions, and five conserved elements in the same order and at similar positions as previously shown for the corresponding genes of X. laevis. We therefore conclude that these conserved upstream elements may represent regulatory sequences for cell-specific regulation of the adult Xenopus globin genes

    Recommendations from a European Roundtable Meeting on Best Practice Healthy Infant Skin Care

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    Background European roundtable meeting recommendations on bathing and cleansing of infants were published in 2009; a second meeting was held to update and expand these recommendations in light of new evidence and the continued need to address uncertainty surrounding this aspect of routine care. Methods The previous roundtable recommendations concerning infant cleansing, bathing, and use of liquid cleansers were critically reviewed and updated and the quality of evidence was evaluated using the Grading of Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation system. New recommendations were developed to provide guidance on diaper care and the use of emollients. A series of recommendations was formulated to characterize the attributes of ideal liquid cleansers, wipes, and emollients. Results Newborn bathing can be performed without harming the infant, provided basic safety procedures are followed. Water alone or appropriately designed liquid cleansers can be used during bathing without impairing the skin maturation process. The diaper area should be kept clean and dry; from birth, the diaper area may be gently cleansed with cotton balls/squares and water or by using appropriately designed wipes. Appropriately formulated emollients can be used to maintain and enhance skin barrier function. Appropriately formulated baby oils can be applied for physiologic (transitory) skin dryness and in small quantities to the bath. Baby products that are left on should be formulated to buffer and maintain babies’ skin surface at approximately pH 5.5, and the formulations and their constituent ingredients should have undergone an extensive program of safety testing. Formulations should be effectively preserved; products containing harsh surfactants, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, should be avoided. Conclusion Health care professionals can use these recommendations as the basis of their advice to parents

    Tracing uptake and assimilation of NO2 in spruce needles with 13N

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    For the first time, spruce shoots (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) were fumigated in vivo with 13N-labelled NO2 with the aim of elucidating the mechanism of NO2− trapping in the apoplast of the substomatal cavity. Uptake by the needles could be monitored on-line, and a quantitative analysis of the activity records delivered a deposition velocity in agreement with the common dry deposition estimates and ruled out rapid export processes. A fast extraction procedure was applied which revealed that NO2 did not produce any detectable traces of nitrite. In needles in which the enzymes of nitrate reduction were not induced by prior fumigation with NO2, incorporation of NO2 was partially inhibited as compared to the fully induced shoots which took up and assimilated NO2 as expected from a constant influx. The only labelled inorganic species found in the extracts was nitrate (60%), whereas the rest of the label (40%) was assimilated organic nitrogen.A quantitative analysis of the data shows that the reaction of NO2 in the apoplast yields at least three times more nitrate than nitrite, so that the existing models about the apoplastic trapping reaction, disproportionation or antioxidant scavenging, which both postulate substantial production of nitrite, have to be reconsidere

    Quantum Conductance in Semimetallic Bismuth Nanocontacts

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    Electronic transport properties of bismuth nanocontacts are analyzed by means of a low temperature scanning tunneling microscope. The subquantum steps observed in the conductance versus elongation curves give evidence of atomic rearrangements in the contact. The underlying quantum nature of the conductance reveals itself through peaks in the conductance histograms. The shape of the conductance curves at 77 K is well described by a simple gliding mechanism for the contact evolution during elongation. The strikingly different behaviour at 4 K suggests a charge carrier transition from light to heavy ones as the contact cross section becomes sufficiently small.Comment: 5 pages including 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Free-electron Model for Mesoscopic Force Fluctuations in Nanowires

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    When two metal electrodes are separated, a nanometer sized wire (nanowire) is formed just before the contact breaks. The electrical conduction measured during this retraction process shows signs of quantized conductance in units of G_0=2e^2/h. Recent experiments show that the force acting on the wire during separation fluctuates, which has been interpreted as being due to atomic rearrangements. In this report we use a simple free electron model, for two simple geometries, and show that the electronic contribution to the force fluctuations is comparable to the experimentally found values, about 2 nN.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, reference correcte

    Fingerprinting of chlorinated paraffins and their transformation products in plastic consumer products

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    Chlorinated paraffins (CPs) can be classified according to their length as short-chain (SC, C10-C13), medium-chain (MC, C14-C17) and long-chain (LC, C ≥ 18) CPs. Technical CP-mixtures can contain a wide range of carbon- (C-, nC = 10-30) and chlorine- (Cl-, nCl = 3-19) homologues. CPs are high-production volume chemicals (>106 t/y). They are used as flame-retardants, plasticizers and coolant fluids. Due to the persistence, bioaccumulation, long-range environmental transport potential and adverse effects, SCCPs are regulated as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) by the Stockholm Convention. Transformation of CPs can lead to the formation of unsaturated compounds such as chlorinated mono- (CO), di- (CdiO) and tri-olefins (CtriO). Such transformation reactions can occur at different stages of CP manipulation providing characteristic C-/Cl-homologue distributions. All this results in unique patterns that collectively create a fingerprint, which can be distinguished from CP-containing samples. Therefore, CP-fingerprinting can develop into a promising tool for future source apportionment studies and with it, the reduction of environmental burden of CPs and hazards to humans. Herein, CP-containing plastics were studied to establish fingerprints and develop this method. We analyzed four household items by reverse-phase liquid-chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometer with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source and an Orbitrap mass analyzer (RP-LC-APCI-Orbitrap-MS) operated at a resolution of 120000 (FWHM at m/z 200). MS-data of different CP-, CO-, CdiO- and CtriO-homologues were efficiently processed with an R-based automatic mass spectra evaluation routine (RASER). From the 16720 ions searched for, up to 4300 ions per sample were assigned to 340 C-/Cl-homologues of CPs and their transformation products. Specific fingerprints were deduced from the C-/Cl-homologues distributions, the carbon- (nC) and chlorine- (nCl) numbers and saturation degree. These fingerprints were compared with the ones obtained by a GC-ECNI-Orbitrap-MS method

    Force, charge, and conductance of an ideal metallic nanowire

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    The conducting and mechanical properties of a metallic nanowire formed at the junction between two macroscopic metallic electrodes are investigated. Both two- and three-dimensional wires with a W(ide)-N(arrow)-W(ide) geometry are modelled in the free-electron approximation with hard-wall boundary conditions. Tunneling and quantum-size effects are treated exactly using the scattering matrix formalism. Oscillations of order E_F/lambda_F in the tensile force are found when the wire is stretched to the breaking point, which are synchronized with quantized jumps in the conductance. The force and conductance are shown to be essentially independent of the width of the wide sections (electrodes). The exact results are compared with an adiabatic approximation; the later is found to overestimate the effects of tunneling, but still gives qualitatively reasonable results for nanowires of length L>>lambda_F, even for this abrupt geometry. In addition to the force and conductance, the net charge of the nanowire is calculated and the effects of screening are included within linear response theory. Mesoscopic charge fluctuations of order e are predicted which are strongly correlated with the mesoscopic force fluctuations. The local density of states at the Fermi energy exhibits nontrivial behavior which is correlated with fine structure in the force and conductance, showing the importance of treating the whole wire as a mesoscopic system rather than treating only the narrow part.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Energetics, forces, and quantized conductance in jellium modeled metallic nanowires

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    Energetics and quantized conductance in jellium modeled nanowires are investigated using the local density functional based shell correction method, extending our previous study of uniform in shape wires [C. Yannouleas and U. Landman, J. Phys. Chem. B 101, 5780 (1997)] to wires containing a variable shaped constricted region. The energetics of the wire (sodium) as a function of the length of the volume conserving, adiabatically shaped constriction leads to formation of self selecting magic wire configurations. The variations in the energy result in oscillations in the force required to elongate the wire and are directly correlated with the stepwise variations of the conductance of the nanowire in units of 2e^2/h. The oscillatory patterns in the energetics and forces, and the correlated stepwise variation in the conductance are shown, numerically and through a semiclassical analysis, to be dominated by the quantized spectrum of the transverse states at the narrowmost part of the constriction in the wire.Comment: Latex/Revtex, 11 pages with 5 Postscript figure