146 research outputs found

    Assessment of the quality of newly-formed bone for implant insertion after augmentation of the maxillary sinus floor

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    Background: Presence of the maxillary sinus and low bone density in this area often could create a problem for prosthetic rehabilitation with dental implants. Sinus floor augmentation technique can successfully increase dimensions of the posterior maxilla for implant placement. Objective: To assess quality of newly formed bone for implant insertion after augmentation of the floor of the maxillary sinus using Digora for Windows computer programme. Materials and Methods: 30 patients with indications for sinus lift procedure were involved in this clinical study. Bone density was analyzed by Digora for Windows computer programme. Results: 16 patients completed this clinical study with preoperative and postoperative orthopantomographs. Conclusion: Cases with sufficient density and bone volume in the posterior maxilla require sinus lift technique with adequate bone graft for implant insertion. This is confirmed by pre- and post-operative analysis of radiographic images in Digora for Windows programme

    Dokaz da ampicilin i streptomicin mogu da spreče autotomiju kod pacova

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    Autotomy is a phenomenon of deafferentation of the rat limb by transection of the sciatic and saphenous nerves, inducing an automutilation of the limb as a response to painful stimuli generated from the amputation neuroma. Autotomy has been proposed as an experimental model for neuralgia pain. The present study was designed to investigate the influence of streptomycin, ampicillin and chloramphenicol applied either in the vicinity of the nerve stump or intramuscularly. The course of autotomy was followed during 8 weeks using the scoring system of Wall et al. (1979). It was shown that streptomycin and ampicillin can suppress autotomy when applied topically whereas systemic use of the investigated antibiotics was efficient only when streptomycin was injected.Eksperiment je izveden na 60 Albino Wistar pacova kod kojih je izvršeno presecanje n. ischiadicus-a i n. saphenus-a što je za posledicu imalo pojavu fenomena autotomije. Ovaj fenomen predstavlja eksperimentalni model bola, a ispoljava se samoodgrizanjem delova denervisanog stopala eksperimentalne životinje. Većina autora smatra da supstance i lekovi koji sprečavaju autotomiju utiču i na supresiju bola. Imajući ovo u vidu, cilj naših istraživanja bio je da ispitivane antibiotike primenimo na eksperimentalnom modelu posle ispoljavanja fenomena autotomije, kako bi utvrdili njihovo dejstvo na supresiju ovog fenomena. U isto vreme moguće je razmatrati i eventualno korišćenje ovih lekova u terapiji bola. Rezultati naših istraživanja pokazuju da streptomicin primenjen lokalno i intramuskularno sprečava autotomno ponašanje kod pacova, dok ampicilin sprečava razvoj ovog fenomena primenjen lokalno. Mehanizam delovanja ovih antibiotika još uvek nije u potpunosti razjašnjen, ali to ne umanjuje njihovu eventualnu primenu u terapiji hroničnog bola

    Neurolytic effects of ampicillin on the rat infraorbital nerve

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate the histomorphological changes of the infraorbital nerve of rats treated with ampicillin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The infraorbital nerve was approached through the infraorbital foramen, and 0.01 ml of ampicillin dissolved in distilled water was injected taking care not to damage the nerve. Saline solution was used in control animals. Nerves were dissected and after routine histology processing analysed by light microscopy. RESULTS: Cross-section of the nerve treated with ampicillin showed damaged axons with disintegration of heavily myelinated fibres, while thinly myelinated fibres remain unaffected. In the saline group, no damage was observed. The signs of regeneration of the damaged infraorbital nerves were detected on the fourth postoperative week. CONCLUSION: Ampicillin can cause peripheral nerve damage when injected perineurally. J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41: 268-27

    High-valuable functional compounds from tomato by-products

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    Ekstrakcijom heksanom, a zatim 80% etanolom predhodno pripremljenog tropa od IZ odabranih genotipova Bačka, Knjaz, Novosadski niski, O2, Rutgers i Saint Pierre paradajza, dobijeni su heksanski i etanolni ekstrakti tropa. Sadržaj karotenoida u heksanskim i polifenolnih jedinjenja, flavonoida i askorbinske kiseline u etanolnim ekstraktima određen je spektrofotometrijskim metodama. Identifikacija i kvantifikacija pojedinih karotenoida u heksanskim i polifenolnih jedinjenja u etanolnim ekstraktima tropa paradajza izvedena je HPLC analizom. U ostacima nakon ekstrakcija tropa paradajza određen je sadržaj prehrambenih vlakana. Spektrofotometrijskim testovima određena je antiradikalska aktivnost na DPPH radikale i redukciona sposobnost dobijenih ekstrakata. ESR spektroskopijom ispitan je uticaj etanolnih ekstrakata na reaktivne hidroksil i superoksid anjon radikale. Pored toga, ispitana je i helirajuća sposobnost etanolnih ekstrakata. Antiradikalsko delovanje na DPPH radikale ostataka nakon ekstrakcija tropa paradajza radikale, takođe je utvrđeno. Ispitana je in vitro antiproliferativna aktivnost frakcija ekstrakata, njihovim delovanjem na rast tri histološki različite humane ćelijske linije: MCF-7 (adenokarcinom dojke), HeLa (epitelni karcinom cerviksa) i MRC-5 (fetalni fibroblastni karcinom pluća). Rezultati ispitivanja hemijskog sastava, antioksidativne i antiproliferativne aktivnosti ekstrakata, kao i ostataka nakon ekstracija tropa odabranih genotipova paradajza ukazuju na mogućnost iskorišćenja ovog sporednog proizvoda kao potencijalnog izvora prirodnih antioksidanata, koji bi našli primenu u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj i kozmetičkoj industriji.Tomato pomaces obtained from selected tomato genotypes (Bačka, Knjaz, Novosadski niski, O2, Rutgers and Saint Pierre) were extracted sequentially with hexane and 80% ethanol. The content of carotenoids i hexane and total polyphenolics, flavonoids and ascorbic acid in ethanolic extracts was determined by spectrophotometric methods. Identification and quantification of individual carotenoids in hexane and polyphenolics in ethanolic extracts was determined by HPLC analysis. The content of dietary fiber was determined in the residues after extraction of tomato pomaces. The scavenging activity on DPPH radicals and reducing power of the obtained extracts were determined spectrophotometrically. The influence of ethanolic extracts on reactive hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals was examined by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. In addition, the chelating ability of ethanolic extracts was investigated. Scavenging effect on DPPH radicals of the residue after extraction of tomato pomace, has also been established. Antiproliferative activity of investigated extracts was determined in vitro, testing their influence on the growth of three histologically different human cell lines: MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), HeLa (cervix epithelioid carcinoma) and MRC-5 (fetal lung). Based on the results of chemical analysis, significant antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of the tomato waste extracts, as well as residues after extraction showed that tomato waste obtained from different tomato genotypes should be regarded as potential source of natural antioxidants, which can be used for various purposes in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry

    High-valuable functional compounds from tomato by-products

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    Ekstrakcijom heksanom, a zatim 80% etanolom predhodno pripremljenog tropa od IZ odabranih genotipova Bačka, Knjaz, Novosadski niski, O2, Rutgers i Saint Pierre paradajza, dobijeni su heksanski i etanolni ekstrakti tropa. Sadržaj karotenoida u heksanskim i polifenolnih jedinjenja, flavonoida i askorbinske kiseline u etanolnim ekstraktima određen je spektrofotometrijskim metodama. Identifikacija i kvantifikacija pojedinih karotenoida u heksanskim i polifenolnih jedinjenja u etanolnim ekstraktima tropa paradajza izvedena je HPLC analizom. U ostacima nakon ekstrakcija tropa paradajza određen je sadržaj prehrambenih vlakana. Spektrofotometrijskim testovima određena je antiradikalska aktivnost na DPPH radikale i redukciona sposobnost dobijenih ekstrakata. ESR spektroskopijom ispitan je uticaj etanolnih ekstrakata na reaktivne hidroksil i superoksid anjon radikale. Pored toga, ispitana je i helirajuća sposobnost etanolnih ekstrakata. Antiradikalsko delovanje na DPPH radikale ostataka nakon ekstrakcija tropa paradajza radikale, takođe je utvrđeno. Ispitana je in vitro antiproliferativna aktivnost frakcija ekstrakata, njihovim delovanjem na rast tri histološki različite humane ćelijske linije: MCF-7 (adenokarcinom dojke), HeLa (epitelni karcinom cerviksa) i MRC-5 (fetalni fibroblastni karcinom pluća). Rezultati ispitivanja hemijskog sastava, antioksidativne i antiproliferativne aktivnosti ekstrakata, kao i ostataka nakon ekstracija tropa odabranih genotipova paradajza ukazuju na mogućnost iskorišćenja ovog sporednog proizvoda kao potencijalnog izvora prirodnih antioksidanata, koji bi našli primenu u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj i kozmetičkoj industriji.Tomato pomaces obtained from selected tomato genotypes (Bačka, Knjaz, Novosadski niski, O2, Rutgers and Saint Pierre) were extracted sequentially with hexane and 80% ethanol. The content of carotenoids i hexane and total polyphenolics, flavonoids and ascorbic acid in ethanolic extracts was determined by spectrophotometric methods. Identification and quantification of individual carotenoids in hexane and polyphenolics in ethanolic extracts was determined by HPLC analysis. The content of dietary fiber was determined in the residues after extraction of tomato pomaces. The scavenging activity on DPPH radicals and reducing power of the obtained extracts were determined spectrophotometrically. The influence of ethanolic extracts on reactive hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals was examined by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. In addition, the chelating ability of ethanolic extracts was investigated. Scavenging effect on DPPH radicals of the residue after extraction of tomato pomace, has also been established. Antiproliferative activity of investigated extracts was determined in vitro, testing their influence on the growth of three histologically different human cell lines: MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), HeLa (cervix epithelioid carcinoma) and MRC-5 (fetal lung). Based on the results of chemical analysis, significant antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of the tomato waste extracts, as well as residues after extraction showed that tomato waste obtained from different tomato genotypes should be regarded as potential source of natural antioxidants, which can be used for various purposes in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry

    Synthesis and characterization of ethylcellulose polymer composite magnetic membranes

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    Fokus ove doktorske disertacije je na pripremi i karakterizaciji magnetnihnanokompozitnih membrana za separaciju gasova, kao i na pripremi i karakterizacijipolimernih membrana za uklanjanje jona teških metala iz vode. Pri procesiranjumagnetnih membrana, magnetne nanočestice barijum ferita (BaFe12O19) i stroncijumferita (SrFe12O19) inkorporirane su u etilcelulozu, sa ciljem pospešivanja difuzijekiseonika u odnosu na azot. Sinteza asimetričnih polimernih membrana na bazihidrogela ojačanog polietarsulfonom (PES) izvršena je kombinovanjem procesa fazneinverzije sa fotopolimerizacijom i umrežavanjem monomera Ispitivan je uticaj udelananočestica kod magnetnih nanokompozitnih i udela PES kod polimernih membrana namehanička i separaciona svojstva. Sa ciljem identifikacije struktura nastalihprocesiranjem membrana, izvršene su različite analize, kao što su skenirajućaelektronska mikroskopija (FESEM), mikroskopija atomskih sila (AFM), rendgentskodifrakcionaanaliza (XRD) i infracrvena spektroskopija sa Furijeovom transformacijom(FTIR) Mehanička svojstva membrana ispitivana su mikro Vikers metodom izatezanjem. Sorpciona kinetika ispitana je promenom koncentracije jona u rastvoru iopisana je korišćenjem različitih kinetičkih modela. Permeabilnost magnetnihnanokompozitnih membrana ispitana je praćenjem promene izlaznog pritiska smešeazota i kiseonika, kao i čistog azota. Membrane na bazi hidrogelova sa većim sadržajemPES pokazuju poboljšana mehanička svojstva, uz visok adsorpcioni kapacitet.Nanokompozitne magnetne membrane sa većim sadržajem magnetnih nanočesticapokazale su značajno poboljšanje mehaničkih svojstava u poređenju sa čistometilcelulozom, uz visoku permeabilnost. Navedene analize su pokazale da sunanokompozitne membrane na bazi etilceluloze odličan kandidat za separaciju gasova,dok membrane na bazi hidrogelova pokazuju visok potencijal za uklanjanje jona teškihmetala iz vode. Na osnovu dosadašnjih saznanja, navedeni materijali nisu bili predmetranijih istraživanja.The focus of this doctoral dissertation is on the preparation and characterization ofmagnetic nanocomposite membranes for gas separation, as well as on the preparationand characterization of polymer membranes for removal of heavy metal ions fromwater. In the processing of magnetic membranes, magnetic nanoparticles of bariumferrite (BaFe12O19) and strontium ferrite (SrFe12O19) were incorporated intoethylcellulose, in order to promote oxygen diffusion against nitrogen. Synthesis ofasymmetric hydrogel-based polymer membranes reinforced with polyethersulphone(PES) was performed by combining the phase inversion with photopolymerization andthe cross-linking of monomers. The influence of the nanoparticle content in magneticnanocomposite and the PES fraction in polymer membranes on the mechanical andseparation properties was investigated. In order to identify the structures formed bymembrane processing, various analyzes were performed, such as scanning electronmicroscopy (FESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction XRD andinfrared spectroscopy with Fourier transformation (FTIR). Mechanical properties of themembranes were investigated using micro Vickers method and tensile test. The sorptionkinetics has been followed with the measurements of ions concentration change in thesolution, and was described using different kinetic models. The permeability ofmagnetic nanocomposite membranes was tested by monitoring the output pressurechange of the nitrogen and oxygen mixtures, as well as pure nitrogen. Hydrogel-basedmembranes with a higher PES content showed enhanced mechanical properties, withhigh adsorption capacity. Nanocomposite magnetic membranes with a higher content ofmagnetic nanoparticles have shown a significant improvement in mechanical propertiescompared to pure ethylcellulose, with high permeability. These findings have shownthat nanocomposite membranes based on ethylcellulose are an excellent candidate forgas separation, while hydrogel-based membranes exhibit high potential for removal ofheavy metal ions from water. Based on our current knowledge, these materials have notbeen the subject of previous research

    Synthesis and characterization of ethylcellulose polymer composite magnetic membranes

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    Fokus ove doktorske disertacije je na pripremi i karakterizaciji magnetnih nanokompozitnih membrana za separaciju gasova, kao i na pripremi i karakterizaciji polimernih membrana za uklanjanje jona teških metala iz vode. Pri procesiranju magnetnih membrana, magnetne nanočestice barijum ferita (BaFe12O19) i stroncijum ferita (SrFe12O19) inkorporirane su u etilcelulozu, sa ciljem pospešivanja difuzije kiseonika u odnosu na azot. Sinteza asimetričnih polimernih membrana na bazi hidrogela ojačanog polietarsulfonom (PES) izvršena je kombinovanjem procesa fazne inverzije sa fotopolimerizacijom i umrežavanjem monomera Ispitivan je uticaj udela nanočestica kod magnetnih nanokompozitnih i udela PES kod polimernih membrana na mehanička i separaciona svojstva. Sa ciljem identifikacije struktura nastalih procesiranjem membrana, izvršene su različite analize, kao što su skenirajuća elektronska mikroskopija (FESEM), mikroskopija atomskih sila (AFM), rendgentskodifrakciona analiza (XRD) i infracrvena spektroskopija sa Furijeovom transformacijom (FTIR) Mehanička svojstva membrana ispitivana su mikro Vikers metodom i zatezanjem. Sorpciona kinetika ispitana je promenom koncentracije jona u rastvoru i opisana je korišćenjem različitih kinetičkih modela. Permeabilnost magnetnih nanokompozitnih membrana ispitana je praćenjem promene izlaznog pritiska smeše azota i kiseonika, kao i čistog azota. Membrane na bazi hidrogelova sa većim sadržajem PES pokazuju poboljšana mehanička svojstva, uz visok adsorpcioni kapacitet. Nanokompozitne magnetne membrane sa većim sadržajem magnetnih nanočestica pokazale su značajno poboljšanje mehaničkih svojstava u poređenju sa čistom etilcelulozom, uz visoku permeabilnost. Navedene analize su pokazale da su nanokompozitne membrane na bazi etilceluloze odličan kandidat za separaciju gasova, dok membrane na bazi hidrogelova pokazuju visok potencijal za uklanjanje jona teških metala iz vode. Na osnovu dosadašnjih saznanja, navedeni materijali nisu bili predmet ranijih istraživanja.The focus of this doctoral dissertation is on the preparation and characterization of magnetic nanocomposite membranes for gas separation, as well as on the preparation and characterization of polymer membranes for removal of heavy metal ions from water. In the processing of magnetic membranes, magnetic nanoparticles of barium ferrite (BaFe12O19) and strontium ferrite (SrFe12O19) were incorporated into ethylcellulose, in order to promote oxygen diffusion against nitrogen. Synthesis of asymmetric hydrogel-based polymer membranes reinforced with polyethersulphone (PES) was performed by combining the phase inversion with photopolymerization and the cross-linking of monomers. The influence of the nanoparticle content in magnetic nanocomposite and the PES fraction in polymer membranes on the mechanical and separation properties was investigated. In order to identify the structures formed by membrane processing, various analyzes were performed, such as scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction XRD and infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transformation (FTIR). Mechanical properties of the membranes were investigated using micro Vickers method and tensile test. The sorption kinetics has been followed with the measurements of ions concentration change in the solution, and was described using different kinetic models. The permeability of magnetic nanocomposite membranes was tested by monitoring the output pressure change of the nitrogen and oxygen mixtures, as well as pure nitrogen. Hydrogel-based membranes with a higher PES content showed enhanced mechanical properties, with high adsorption capacity. Nanocomposite magnetic membranes with a higher content of magnetic nanoparticles have shown a significant improvement in mechanical properties compared to pure ethylcellulose, with high permeability. These findings have shown that nanocomposite membranes based on ethylcellulose are an excellent candidate for gas separation, while hydrogel-based membranes exhibit high potential for removal of heavy metal ions from water. Based on our current knowledge, these materials have not been the subject of previous research

    TG-DTG analysis of fruit-based waste pyrolysis: A case study of goji berry mesocarp

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    This work considers possible uses of fruit-based waste for the production of valuable chemicals and biofuel precursors through recycling by thermochemical conversion. Slow pyrolysis of Goji berry mesocarp (GBM) as sugar-rich feedstock was investigated using simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) measurements in non-isothermal conditions. Results reveal that pyrolysis of GBM represents a promising route to obtain important key platform chemical - 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF). It was found that autocatalytic dehydration of fructose (in a presence of Lewis acids) is responsible for production of 5-HMF at a low heating rate (5.0 K/min) with a maximum 5-HMF theoretical yield of 63.20 %. Higher heating rates (10.0 and 15.0 K/min) trigger fructose autogenesis behavior which opens the transferability channel to glucose engagement for 5-HMF theoretical high yield production.The book of abstracts available at: [http://www.socphyschemserb.org/media/physical-chemistry-2022/abstracts.pdf]PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2022 : 16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry; Septemebr 26–30, Belgrad

    Structural characterization of bio-modified epoxy resin by using MALDI-TOF

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    Polymers and polymer composites have wide application in every industrial field, and are a subject of continuous research from different scientific aspects [1,2]. However, most commercial polymers are oil refinery based products. Recently, due to a growing concern for oil depletion, researchers have been focused on modification of polymers, as well as reinforcements [3,4]. Epoxy resin is the most commonly used adhesive that can be improved with fiber or particle reinforcements, or by using chemical modifiers. Modifying agents from renewable resources show potential in replacing oil-based compounds, because of their abundance, low price and heterogeneous structure that offers number of reactive groups [5]. In our research, honey was used as a bio-based modifier for diglycidyl ether of bisphenolA (DGEBA) based epoxy resin, with the aim of investigating structural changes. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry [6] was used as a powerful technique that is able to reveal presence of functional groups and modified epoxy resin structure. In this manner, successful chemical modification of epoxy resin was confirmed, which further opened the path for the investigation of honey potential as epoxy modifying agent.9. Simpozijum "Hemija i zaštita životne sredine" sa međunarodnim učešćem : Knjiga izvoda ; 4-7. jun 2023; Kladovo, Srbija9th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection with international participation : Book of Abstracts ; 4-7th June 2023 ; Kladovo, Serbi

    Low-temperature tension properties of glass-epoxy composite materials

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    Predmet i cilj ispitivanja prikazanih u ovom radu predstavlja određivanje zatezne čvrstoće (Rm) i modula elastičnosti (EJ staklo-epoksi kompozitnih materijala ispitivanjem na zatezanje na dve različite temperature (t=20°S i t=-50°S). Ispitivanja su izvedena prema standardu na staklo-epoksi kompozitnom materijalu različitih struktura (dve specifične težine ojačanja 210 g/m2H 550 g/m2) i orijentacija ojačanja (0°/90° i ±45°). Doprinos predstavlja i mikromehanička analiza na prelomnim površinama izvedena na stereo i elektronskom mikroskopu kojom se došlo do stvarnih modela nastanka i razvoja oštećenja pri izvedenim ispitivanjima.The aim of this paper was to present the determination of tensile strength Rm and modulus of elasticity Et of glass-epoxy composites at two different temperatures (at room temperature t=20°C, and at t =-50°C). Standard mechanical testing was carried out on glass woven-epoxy composite material with different structures (two specific weights of reinforcement, 210 g/m2 and 550 g/m2) and orientations (0°/90° and ±45°). Micromechanical analysis of failure was performed on a stereo microscope and SEM in order to determine real models and mechanisms of crack