238 research outputs found

    CO2\mathrm{CO_2} exploding clusters dynamics probed by XUV fluorescence

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    Clusters excited by intense laser pulses are a unique source of warm dense matter, that has been the subject of intensive experimental studies. The majority of those investigations concerns atomic clusters, whereas the evolution of molecular clusters excited by intense laser pulses is less explored. In this work we trace the dynamics of CO2\mathrm{CO_2} clusters triggered by a few-cycle 1.45-Ό\mum driving pulse through the detection of XUV fluorescence induced by a delayed 800-nm ignition pulse. Striking differences among fluorescence dynamics from different ionic species are observed

    High-order harmonic spectroscopy for molecular imaging of polyatomic molecules

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    High-order harmonic generation is a powerful and sensitive tool for probing atomic and molecular structures, combining in the same measurement an unprecedented attosecond temporal resolution with a high spatial resolution, of the order of the angstrom. Imaging of the outermost molecular orbital by high-order harmonic generation has been limited for a long time to very simple molecules, like nitrogen. Recently we demonstrated a technique that overcame several of the issues that have prevented the extension of molecular orbital tomography to more complex species, showing that molecular imaging can be applied to a triatomic molecule like carbon dioxide. Here we report on the application of such technique to nitrous oxide (N2O) and acetylene (C2H2). This result represents a first step towards the imaging of fragile compounds, a category which includes most of the fundamental biological molecules

    Phase-matching effects in the generation of high-energy photons by mid-infrared few-cycle laser pulses

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    We report on our experimental and theoretical investigations on the generation of high-order harmonics driven by 1500 nm few-cycle laser pulses in xenon. In contrast to the common belief, we found experimental evidence suggesting that harmonic generation driven by mid-infrared laser pulses can be realized with high efficiency; in particular, an enhancement of very high harmonic orders can be achieved under suitable conditions of the laser–medium interaction. The experimental results were simulated by a 3D non-adiabatic model. The theoretical outcomes confirm the experimental findings and provide a physical explanation for the counter-intuitive results. In particular, a time-dependent phase-matching analysis threw light on the generation mechanisms at a timescale of half optical cycle of the fundamental pulse

    Ultrafast charge carrier dynamics in quantum confined 2D perovskite

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    We studied the charge carrier dynamics in 2D perovskite NBT2PbI4 by ultrafast optical pump-THz probe spectroscopy. We observed a few ps long relaxation dynamics that can be ascribed to the band to band carrier recombination, in the absence of any contribution from many-body and trap assisted processes. The transient conductivity spectra show that the polaron dynamics is strongly modulated by the presence of a rich exciton population. The polarization field resulting from the exciton formation acts as the source of a restoring force that localizes polarons. This is revealed by the presence of a negative imaginary conductivity. Our results show that the dynamics of excitons in 2D perovskites at room temperature can be detected by monitoring their effect on the conductivity of the photoinduced polaronic carrier

    Attosecond metrology in the few-optical-cycle regime

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    The polarization gating method in combination with few-optical-cycle driving pulses with controlled waveform is a powerful technique for the generation of isolated few-cycle attosecond pulses. We show that such a technique allows one to generate attosecond pulses tunable in a broad spectral region, corresponding to more than 26 eV. Complete temporal characterization of the attosecond pulses has been obtained by using the frequency resolved optical gating for complete reconstruction of attosecond bursts technique. The physical processes which determine the temporal confinement of the extreme ultraviolet radiation and the effects of various experimental parameters on the electric field of the attosecond pulses have been investigated using numerical simulations based on the nonadiabatic saddle-point method

    Ultrafast carrier dynamics of epitaxial silicene

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    The recent integration of silicene in field-effect transistors (FET) opened new challenges in the comprehension of the chemical and physical properties of this elusive two-dimensional allotropic form of silicon. Intense efforts have been devoted to the study of the epitaxial Silicene/Ag(111) system in order to elucidate the presence of Dirac fermion in analogy with graphene; strong hybridization effects in silicene superstructures on silver have been invoked as responsible for the disruption of \u3c0 and \u3c0* bands. In this framework, the measured ambipolar effect in silicene-based FET characterized by a relatively high mobility, points out to a complex physics at the silicene-silver interface, demanding for a deeper comprehension of its details on the atomic scale. Here we elucidate the role of the metallic support in determining the physical properties of the Si/Ag interface, by means of optical techniques combined with theoretical calculations of the optical response of the supported system. The silicene/Ag(111) spectra, which turn out to be strongly non-additive, are analyzed in the framework of theoretical density functional based calculations allowing us to single out contributions arising from different localization. Electronic transitions involving silver states are found to provide a huge contribution to the optical absorption of silicene on silver, compatible with a strong Si-Ag hybridization. The results point to a dimensionality-driven peculiar dielectric response of the two-dimensional-silicon/silver interface, which is confirmed by means of Transient-Reflectance spectroscopy. The latter shows a metallic-like carrier dynamics, (both for silicene and amorphous silicon), hence providing an optical demonstration of the strong hybridization arising in silicene/Ag(111) systems

    Microfluidic devices for quasi-phase-matching in high-order harmonic generation

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    The development of compact and bright XUV and soft X-ray sources based on high-order harmonic generation is boosting advances towards understanding the behavior of matter with extreme temporal and spatial resolutions. Here, we report efficient XUV generation inside microfluidic devices fabricated by femtosecond laser irradiation followed by chemical etching. Our microfluidic approach allows one to control and manipulate the generation conditions in gas on a micro-meter scale with unprecedented flexibility, thus enabling a high photon-flux and broadband harmonics spectra up to 200 eV
