13 research outputs found

    «Lite visste vi hvordan vårsemesteret 2020 ville bli» – en tverrsnittstudie om pandemiens innvirkning på intensivsykepleiestudentenes opplevelser i vårsemesteret 2020

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    Bakgrunn: Midt i vårsemesteret 2020 ble SARS-CoV-2 erklært som pandemi. Studiehverdagen til landets intensivsykepleiestudenter ble brått snudd på hodet. All undervisning ble digital, og det var stor usikkerhet rundt gjennomføringen av praksisstudier. Mangelen på intensivsykepleiere ble tydeliggjort, og utdanning av flere intensivsykepleiere mer kritisk. Hensikt: Hensikten med studien var å kartlegge hvilke erfaringer intensivsykepleiestudentene i masterprogram hadde i vårsemesteret 2020 under covid-19-pandemien i Norge. Metode: Studien er en beskrivende tverrsnittstudie med bruk av spørreskjema. Spørreskjemaet ble testet gjennom en pilotstudie, og sendt ut til alle landets intensivsykepleiestudenter som var i en videreutdanning som tilbød mastergrad. Resultat: Svarprosenten i studien var 29,2 prosent (n = 56). I teoretiske emner oppnådde 75 prosent av studentene sine læringsmål, og i kliniske emner oppnådde 76,8 prosent sine læringsmål. Digital undervisning medførte at 60,7 prosent (n = 34) opplevde svekket studiemotivasjon. Halvparten av studentene opplevde redusert mulighet for veiledning i klinisk praksis, og 64,3 prosent erfarte at de ble brukt som arbeidskraft på praksisstedet. Kun 34 prosent opplevde å få beholde sin studentrolle, og 23,3 prosent tviler på om de vil fortsette i yrket. Konklusjon: Våre resultater viser at første fase av pandemien medførte endringer i undervisning, praksisstudier og veiledning, som medførte lavere læringsutbytte og motivasjon. Flertallet av respondentene oppnådde likevel sine læringsmål i både teoretiske og kliniske emner. Funnene viser at opplevelse av å bli brukt som arbeidskraft i praksis, og tap av studentrolle, er faktorer som reduserer motivasjon til å både gjennomføre studiet og å fortsette i yrket. Studien viser at det å være student i en pandemi er utfordrende fordi pandemien medførte endringer i studenthverdagen.publishedVersio

    Validación del Nursing Activities Score en unidades de cuidados intensivos portuguesas

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    Objective: to describe the process of adaptation and validation of the Nursing Activities Score to the Portuguese context. Method: this was a pilot study of adaptation and validation of the Nursing Activities Score with a sample consisting of 67 patients hospitalized in the intensive care units of three Portuguese hospitals. The construct validity was assessed through factor analysis procedures and the internal consistency of the items was measured through the Cronbach’s alpha coeffi cient. Results: a mean workload value of 63.04% (SD = 14.25; Median = 61.30) was obtained. Psychometric data revealed a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.71 in the total scale, indicating an acceptable accuracy. Confi rmatory factor analysis suggested an appropriate adjustment between the model and the data (χ2 (199) = 214.5, p = 0.214; CFI = 0.95; RMSA = 0.035). Conclusion: in the present study, the Portuguese version of the Nursing Activities Score was found to be a valid instrument, enabling a safe assessment of the workload of nurses.Objetivo: descrever o processo de adaptação e validação do Nursing Activities Score para o contexto português. Método: trata-se de um estudo-piloto de adaptação e validação do Nursing Activities Score, com amostra de 67 doentes internados em unidades de cuidados intensivos de três hospitais portugueses. A validade de constructo avaliou-se mediante procedimentos de análise fatorial e a consistência interna dos itens através do coefi ciente Alpha de Cronbach. Resultados: obteve-se um valor médio da carga de trabalho de 63,04% (DP = 14,25; Mediana = 61,30). Os dados psicométricos revelaram um Alpha de Cronbach de 0,71, na escala total, indicando uma fi delidade aceitável. A análise fatorial confi rmatória sugeriu um ajustamento adequado entre o modelo e os dados (χ2(199) = 214,5, p = 0,214; CFI = 0,95; RMSA = 0,035). Conclusão: neste estudo, a versão portuguesa do Nursing Activities Score revelou-se um instrumento válido, permitindo avaliar a carga de trabalho dos enfermeiros com segurançaObjetivo: describir el proceso de adaptación y validación del Nursing Activities Score al contexto portugués. Método: estudio piloto de adaptación y validación del Nursing Activities Score, con muestra de 67 pacientes internados en unidades de cuidados intensivos de tres hospitales portugueses. La validez del constructo se evaluó mediante análisis factorial y por consistencia interna de los ítems evaluados a través del coefi ciente Alpha de Cronbach. Resultados: se obtuvo un valor medio de carga de trabajo de 63,04% (SD=14,25; Mediana=61,30). Los datos psicométricos expresaron un Alpha de Cronbach de 0,71 en la escala total, indicando fi delidad aceptable. El análisis factorial confi rmatorio sugirió un ajuste adecuado entre el modelo y os datos (χ2 (199)=214,5; p=0,214; CFI=0,95; RMSA=0,035). Conclusión: en este estudio, la versión portuguesa del Nursing Activities Score demostró ser un instrumento válido, permitiendo evaluar la carga de trabajo de los enfermeros con precisión

    Validation of the nursing workload scoring systems “Nursing Activities Score” (NAS), and “Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System for Critically Ill Children” (TISS-C) in a Greek Paediatric Intensive Care Unit

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    Objectives: To assess the reliability and validity of the Greek version of Nursing Activities Score (NAS), and Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System for Critically Ill Children (TISS-C) in a Greek Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Research methodology: A methodological study was performed in one PICU of the largest Paediatric Hospital in Athens-Greece. The culturally adapted and validated Greek NAS version, enriched according to the Norwegian paediatric one (P-NAS), was used. TISS-C and Norwegian paediatric interventions were translated to Greek language and backwards. Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (TISS-28) was used as a gold standard. Two independent observers simultaneously recorded 30 daily P-NAS and TISS-C records. Totally, 188 daily P-NAS, TISS-C and TISS-28 reports in a sample of 29 patients have been obtained during five weeks. Descriptive statistics, reliability and validity measures were applied using SPSS (ver 22.0) (p ≤ 0.05). Results: Kappa was 0.963 for P-NAS and 0.9895 for TISS-C (p < 0.001) and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for all scale items of TISS-C was 1.00 (p < 0.001). P-NAS, TISS-28 and TISS-C measurements were significantly correlated (0.680 ≤ rho ≤ 0.743, p < 0.001). The mean score(±SD) for TISS-28, P-NAS and TISS-C was 23.05(±5.72), 58.14(±13.98) and 20.21(±9.66) respectively. Conclusion: These results support the validity of P-NAS and TISS-C scales to be used in greek PICUs. © 2018 Elsevier Lt

    Nursing activities score: An updated guideline for its application in the intensive care unit

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    Objective: To describe nursing workload in Intensive Care Units (ICU) in different countries according to the scores obtained with Nursing Activities Score (NAS) and to verify the agreement among countries on the NAS guideline interpretation. Method: This cross-sectional study considered 1-day measure of NAS (November 2012) obtained from 758 patients in 19 ICUs of seven countries (Norway, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Egypt, Greece and Brazil). The Delphi technique was used in expertise meetings and consensus. Results: The NAS score was 72.8% in average, ranging from 44.5% (Spain) to 101.8% (Norway). The mean NAS score from Poland, Greece and Egypt was 83.0%, 64.6% and 57.1%, respectively. The NAS score was similar in Brazil (54.0%) and in the Netherlands (51.0%). There were doubts in the understanding of five out 23 items of the NAS (21.7%) which were discussed until researchers' consensus. Conclusion: NAS score were different in the seven countries. Future studies must verify if the fine standardization of the guideline can have a impact on differences in the NAS results