9 research outputs found

    Local Dimensions of Global Responsibility

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    A report from the conference held in the Maria Grzegorzewska University (Warsaw, May 30, 2014

    Constraint As an Ethical Postulate in the Context of Ecological Limits

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    The problem of natural resources being finite as well as the capability of ecosystems and the biosphere to assimilate the effects of economic activity on the one hand, and growing economic discrepancies on the other raise a question mark over the chase after the unrestrained economic growth. In the search for alternative models of thinking and development a significant role of constraint is being more and more emphasized. In the case of ecological barriers limitation of using non-renewable resources, greenhouse gases emissions, excessive consumption and production seems to be a reasonable strategy that manifests our care for the natural environment.The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that the postulate of constraint present in the de-growth model in the form proposed by Tim Jackson and Serge Latouche apart from a quantitative dimension has, above all, a qualitative and ethically orientated dimension. Constraint conceived in the above way stays close to terms like moderation, restraint, sustainability, i.e. such terms that possess solid ethical foundations and constitute an important base for environmental ethics.

    Możliwe interakcje fluorków, wapnia i kwasów tłuszczowych w blaszkach miażdżycowych izolowanych z tętnic szyjnych

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    Background. Quantitative and qualitative changes in the mineral composition of the arterial wall seem to be engaged in the formation of the atherosclerotic plaque. The aim of this study was to determine the content of fluoride and calcium in atherosclerotic plaques and to understand the process of fluorine ions binding into the plaque. Material and methods. Plaques were obtained from patients operated for atherosclerosis of carotid arteries. Median content of fluoride and calcium in the atherosclerotic plaques were 0.75 and 207 μmol/g, respectively. Results. No correlation between the content of fluoride and calcium (R = 0.11, p = 0.60) was disclosed. Conclusions. We are of the opinion that fluoride reacts with fatty acids of the plaque, disrupting carbon bonds of the fatty acid molecule. Fluoride is a component of the atherosclerotic plaque but apparently is not deposited together with calcium ions. Fluoride is capable of interacting with fatty acids of the atherosclerotic plaque.Wstęp. Zmiany ilościowe oraz jakościowe składników mineralnych w ścianie tętniczej mogą być jednym z czynników stymulujących rozwój blaszki miażdżycowej. Celem niniejszej pracy było oznaczenie zawartości fluorku oraz wapnia w blaszce oraz zbadanie sposobu wiązania jonu fluorkowego w złogu miażdżycowym. Materiał i metody. Pomiary zawartości fluorku i wapnia prowadzono w blaszkach miażdżycowych uzyskanych od chorych operowanych z powodu zaawansowanej miażdżycy tętnic szyjnych. Zmierzona mediana zawartości fluorku w blaszce osiągnęła 0,75 μmola/gram. Wyniki. Nie odnotowano istotnej statystycznie korelacji pomiędzy zawartością fluorku oraz wapnia w blaszce miażdżycowej (R = 0,11, p = 0,60). Wnioski. Fluorek może reagować z zawartymi w blaszce miażdżycowej kwasami tłuszczowymi, prawdopodobnie przyczyniając się do degradacji wiązania pomiędzy atomami węgla w cząsteczce kwasu tłuszczowego. Fluorek jest składnikiem blaszki miażdżycowej, ale nie odkłada się w niej w połączeniu z jonami wapnia i może on oddziaływać w blaszce z zawartymi w niej kwasami tłuszczowymi

    Self-Constraint: Ethical Challenges for Contemporaneity

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    The paper deals with issues related to self-constraint examined in the context of the social, environmental or economic threats and challenges generated by the contemporary civilization. The ability to limit one's own needs, and hence the issue of the reasonable use of goods is nothing new for ethics. However, after having realized the finite nature of natural resources, growing economic disproportions, and especially the exceeding consumption, that problem gains importance and calls for the recapitulation. The article, based on references to alternative models of consumers' behavior (sustainable consumption, voluntary simplicity) and sustainable strategies of development (degrowth), provides an argument why reflection on self-constraint is one of the critical areas of ethical reflection today. Self-constraint was presented as a voluntary, and individual approach of the moral agent towards other people and the natural environment


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    One of the most significant managerial functions is motivating which leads to the implementation of the particular organizational objectives, to shaping of engagement and loyalty of its members and, consequently, to the raising effectiveness of their actions. The properly constructed solutions in the area of employee motivating process may result in the several benefits for the organization, which is true also for the public institutions including the academic ones, which employ a specific group – academic teachers. The aim of the herein study was the identification of the factors which have an impact on the motivation of academic teachers employed in the higher education institution. The research was conducted with the questionnaire survey among the academic employees of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland. The conducted survey concludes that the motivation of employees is affected by various factors, mostly concerning the remuneration for work and also with the self-development possibilities, stability of employment, interpersonal relations, and effective communication. It is vital and worth to use the knowledge about them for improving the quality and efficiency of the organization.Motyvavimas tai viena svarbiausių valdymo funkcijų, kuri tinkamai įgyvendinama gali atnešti daug naudos organizacijai, padeda pasiekti jos tikslus, prisideda prie jos narių įsipareigojimų ir lojalumo kūrimo, o taip pat padidina jų veiklos efektyvumą. Efektyvių motyvacijos sprendimų kūrimo problematika svarbi kiekvienoje organizacijoje, tai taip pat liečia ir viešąsias organizacijas, kurioms priklauso universitetai, įdarbinantys konkrečią profesinę darbo grupę – dėstytojus. Pateikto tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti veiksnius, įtakojančius įdarbintų universitete dėstytojų motyvaciją. Tyrimai tikslui pasiekti buvo atlikti apklausos metodu Varmijos Mozūrų universitete Olštyne. Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad dėstytojų motyvaciją įtakoja daug įvairių veiksnių, susijusių iš esmės su darbo atlyginimu ir profesinio tobulėjimo galimybe, o taip pat su įdarbinimo saugumu, darbo atmosfera ir sąlygomis ar informacijos srautu ir bendravimu universitete. Žinias apie juos verta panaudoti žmogiškųjų išteklių analizuojamoje organizacijoje kokybės ir efektyvumo pagerinimui


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    Motivating leads to implementation of particular organizational objectives, to shaping engage-ment and loyalty of its members and, consequently, to raising effectiveness of their actions. Properly constructed solutions in the area of employee motivating process may result in several benefits for an organization, which is also appropriate for public institutions, including the academic ones. The main goal of the research presented in this study was to assess factors shaping engagement of employees of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The research aimed at achieving the goal was carried out using questionnaire method among the group of workers who were not the academic teachers. The conducted research confirmed that motivation and commitment of employees are influenced by a variety of factors in such areas as: attitude to work and organization, learning and development, relations with superiors, communication and cooperation, work organization and also rewarding and motivating. In the surveyed organization, the last of the indicated areas was rated the most critically, which indicates the need to improve solutions in the scope of the incentive system, with particular emphasis on the employee remuneration system.Motyvavimas padeda organizacijai pasiekti konkrečių tikslų, skatina jos narius įsitraukti į veiklą, būti lojaliems, taip pat kelti savo paslaugų kokybę. Tinkamai suformuoti sprendimai susiję su darbuotojų motyvavimu gali atnešti daug naudos kiekvienai organizacijai. Tai susiję ir su viešosiomis instituci-jomis, kurioms priskiriamos ir aukštosios mokyklos. Pagrindinis šių tyrimų tikslas –darbuotojų aktyvaus veikimo formavimo veiksnių įvertinimas Varmijos-Mozūrijos universitete Olštyne, Lenkija. Tyrimas buvo atliktas naudojant anketas, kurios buvo išplatintos ne dėstytojams. Atlikti tyrimai patvirtino, kad darbuotojų motyvaciją ir aktyvią veiklą daro įtaką įvairiems veiksniams, tokiose srityse kaip: požiūris į darbą ir organizaciją, mokymasis ir tobulėjimas, santykiai su vadovais, bendravimas ir bendradarbiavi-mas, darbo organizavimas bei atlyginimas ir skatinimas. Tiriamoje organizacijoje kritiškiausiai buvo įvertinta paskutinioji iš nurodytų sričių, a tai rodo, kad būtina tobulinti skatinimo sistemos sprendimus, atkreipiant ypatingą dėmesį į darbuotojų atlyginimų sistemą

    Anti-cancer management of head and neck cancers and oral microbiome—what can we clinically obtain?

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) exhibits significant genetic heterogeneity and primarily concerns the oral cavity and oropharynx. These cancers occur more frequently in men with a 5-year survival rate below 50%. Major risk factors include human papilloma virus (HPV) (notably type 16), Epstein–Barr virus, tobacco, alcohol, and poor oral hygiene with approximately 4.5% of global cancers linked to HPV. Notably, differences in the microbiome between healthy individuals and patients with head and neck cancers (HNCs) have been identified. Recent studies highlight the significance of certain oral microbes in risk assessment and the potential of the microbiome as a biomarker for HNCs. Additionally, role of the microbiome in metastasis has been acknowledged. Treatment for HNCs includes local methods, such as surgery and radiotherapy, and systemic approaches, such as immunotherapy. Numerous side effects accompany these treatments. Emerging research suggests the beneficial role of preoperative immunonutrition and probiotics in patient outcomes, emphasizing the influence of the microbiome on treatment efficacy. This review explores the reciprocal effects of HNC treatment and the gut microbiome using radiotherapy, brachytherapy, surgery, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy

    The Relationship between Eicosanoid Levels and Serum Levels of Metabolic and Hormonal Parameters Depending on the Presence of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

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    Background: The purpose of our investigation was to analyze the relationship between the serum levels of inflammatory mediators (HETE, HODE) and the levels of selected metabolic and hormonal parameters in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with regard to concomitant metabolic syndrome (MetS). Methods: The study involved 151 men with BPH. Blood samples were taken for laboratory analysis of the serum levels of metabolic and hormonal parameters. Gas chromatography was performed using an Agilent Technologies 7890A GC System. Results: We found that waist circumference was the only parameter related to the levels of fatty acids, namely: 13(S)-HODE, 9(S)-HODE, 15(S)-HETE, 12(S)-HETE, and 5-HETE. In the patients with BPH and MetS, triglycerides correlated with 9(S)-HODE, 15(S)-HETE, 12(S)-HETE, and 5-HETE, which was not observed in the patients without MetS. Similarly, total cholesterol correlated with 9(S)-HODE, and 15(S)-HETE in the patients with BPH and MetS, but not in those without MetS. In the group of BPH patients with MetS, total testosterone positively correlated with 13(S)-HODE, and free testosterone with 9(S)-HODE. Conclusions: Based on this study, it can be concluded that lipid mediators of inflammation can influence the levels of biochemical and hormonal parameters, depending on the presence of MetS in BPH patients