18 research outputs found

    An Experimental Evaluation of the Weathering Effects on Mine Shaft Lining Materials

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    Many shaft collapses are related to the deterioration and failure of the masonry shaft lining materials. In modern mine shaft, concrete is widely used to provide support. To analyse shafts stability, the properties of the lining need to be well defined. The behaviour of masonry and concrete can be considerably affected by long-term exposure to harsh mine water. This paper presents a study which focuses on the weathering effects of mine water on lining materials (brick, mortar, and concrete). To reproduce the weathering process, samples were placed into solutions of potable water, artificial mine water, and a more aggressive mine-water solution for just less than one year. Four phases of laboratory tests were conducted throughout the time period to assess the degradation of mechanical properties of the lining materials. Particular attention is given to the degradation of material strength and stiffness. Results indicate that the harsh acidic mine water has pronounced detrimental effects on the strength and stiffness of mortar. The weathering process is shown to have the most significant effect on the stiffness of concrete and mortar. It is also shown that the use of mass loss as an index for evaluation of mechanical properties may not be appropriate

    Th gme 10: A numerical model to capture the geotechnical response to coal combustion at an underground coal gasification site

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    A detailed numerical modelling study was carried out to represent geotechnical aspects of the Wieczorek underground coal gasification (UCG) site in Poland. A coupled thermos-mechanical numerical model was created to represent a single coal burning panel. The coal burning proceb was simulated by modifying the energy balance equation with an additional term related to the calorific value of coal as a source. Temperature dependent material properties were abigned to the coupled thermal-mechanical model according to published data. In the model, the burning zone spread about 7.5m laterally after 20 days of burning. Results from the coupled model were used to gauge a worst-case scenario in terms of the potential size of a formed cavity. This data was used within a leb computationally expensive mechanicalonly numerical model in order to evaluate the ground subsidence caused by the worst-case scenario for single and multiple UCG burning panels. The single panel burning resulted in 23mm of ground subsidence at the top of the model after long term coal burning. The ground subsidence measured at the top of the model, at the center point of the gasification arrangement, was approximately 72mm when five panels were burnt with an edge to edge panel distance of 5m; this was increased to 85mm for seven panels. The numerical modelling results have implications to the industrial application of UCG

    Prediction of Psilocybin Response in Healthy Volunteers

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    Responses to hallucinogenic drugs, such as psilocybin, are believed to be critically dependent on the user's personality, current mood state, drug pre-experiences, expectancies, and social and environmental variables. However, little is known about the order of importance of these variables and their effect sizes in comparison to drug dose. Hence, this study investigated the effects of 24 predictor variables, including age, sex, education, personality traits, drug pre-experience, mental state before drug intake, experimental setting, and drug dose on the acute response to psilocybin. The analysis was based on the pooled data of 23 controlled experimental studies involving 409 psilocybin administrations to 261 healthy volunteers. Multiple linear mixed effects models were fitted for each of 15 response variables. Although drug dose was clearly the most important predictor for all measured response variables, several non-pharmacological variables significantly contributed to the effects of psilocybin. Specifically, having a high score in the personality trait of Absorption, being in an emotionally excitable and active state immediately before drug intake, and having experienced few psychological problems in past weeks were most strongly associated with pleasant and mystical-type experiences, whereas high Emotional Excitability, low age, and an experimental setting involving positron emission tomography most strongly predicted unpleasant and/or anxious reactions to psilocybin. The results confirm that non-pharmacological variables play an important role in the effects of psilocybin

    Numerical modelling of ground subsidence at an underground coal gasification site

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    A detailed numerical modelling study was carried out to represent geotechnical aspects of the Wieczorek underground coal gasification (UCG) site in Poland. A coupled thermos-mechanical numerical model was created to represent a single coal burning panel. The coal burning process was simulated by modifying the energy balance equation with an additional term related to the calorific value of coal as a source. Temperature dependent material properties were assigned to the coupled thermal-mechanical model according to published data. In the model, the burning zone spread about 7.5m laterally after 20 days of burning. Results from the coupled model were used to gauge a worst-case scenario in terms of the potential size of a formed cavity. This data was used within a less computationally expensive mechanical-only numerical model in order to evaluate the ground subsidence caused by the worst-case scenario for single and multiple UCG burning panels. The single panel burning resulted in 23mm of ground subsidence at the top of the model after long term coal burning. The ground subsidence measured at the top of the model, at the center point of the gasification arrangement, was approximately 72mm when five panels were burnt with an edge to edge panel distance of 5m; this was increased to 85mm for seven panels. The numerical modelling results have implications to the industrial application of UCG

    A combined morphometric and AFLP based diversity study challenges the taxonomy of the European members of the complex Prunus L. section Prunus

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    Multivariate analysis of both endocarp and leaf morphometrics is combined with cluster analysis and Bayesian inference of AFLP markers to assess the morphologic and genetic variation of five European members of Prunus section Prunus (P. cerasifera, P. domestica, P. insititia, P. spinosa, and P. x fruticans). Endocarp morphometrics separate most Prunus taxa studied, but overlap remains between P. domestica and P. cerasifera, and P. spinosa and P. x fruticans. Leaf morphometrics yield better separation of P. domestica and P. cerasifera, but do not allow distinction between P. spinosa and P. x fruticans. Both cluster analysis and PCoA of AFLP markers equally produce three distinct clusters. A first consists of all P. cerasifera samples and the sole P. cocomilia; a second cluster includes all individuals of P. domestica and P. insititia; and a third group comprises all P. spinosa and P. x fruticans samples