13 research outputs found

    The challenges of moving from framework development to the real world: operationalising an oil vulnerability framework for oil spill response in the Canadian Pacific region

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    To support oil spill response planning, and to focus data collection within the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada (DFO), an oil vulnerability framework was developed in 2016, and applied to the Pacific region. Using a criteria scoring (Exposure, Sensitivity and Recovery categories) and screening process, the framework identifies and ranks species sub-groups in terms of their vulnerability to oil. The framework outputs have been applied during oil spill exercises and during the recent Jake Shearer incident near Bella Bella in Nov 2017. Operationalising the framework at the spatial scale and within the time constraints of oil spill response requires a varied approach to deal with lack of spatial data for some groups. Here we present the current working model how we ensure the best available data is feed into the oil spill response

    Oil spill preparedness planning: filling critical species data gaps using habitat suitability modelling

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    Under the World Class Tanker Safety System Initiative (WCTSS) a national framework was developed to identify marine biological organisms most vulnerable to ship-source oil spills. The Pacific regional application of this framework identified 27 highly vulnerable biological groups, with sea grasses, salt marsh grasses/succulents, sea otters, and baleen whales at the top of the list. A gap analysis during the Pacific regional application identified critical species data gaps that must now be filled to ensure effective response in marine oil spill emergencies. In the absence of robust species distribution and abundance data, habitat suitability models can be used to predict this information using environmental spatial data layers and limited species distribution data. The Oceans Protection Plan (OPP) Habitat Suitability Modelling team is developing a workbook of standardized habitat suitability modelling approaches to illustrate how critical species data gaps may be filled. This workbook will include recommendations for data requirements, models to use, and how to deal with modelling challenges. Models will be developed and tested using data from Canada’s North Central Coast study area and then applied in the Salish Sea to the Strait of Georgia study area in support of the south coast Area Response Plan. In addition to the modelling workbook and model predictions, another major output of this project is the extension of bottom type classification layers from 50-200 m depth, which will be useful for other marine spatial planning analyses. The habitat suitability modelling workbook, model predictions, and extended bottom type classification layers will serve as valuable pieces in the larger puzzle of international transboundary ecosystem protection and recovery

    A framework to assess vulnerability of biological components to ship-source oil spills in the marine environment

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    A structured approach to identify biological components most affected by a ship-source oil spill has been developed utilising a suite of criteria to assess vulnerability. Our approach divides criteria into three categories: exposure, sensitivity, and recovery, each encompassing a number of criteria which are envisaged to be consistent and broad enough to be usable in any region in Canada. In support of this, we are working with biologists from other Canadian regions who are currently developing ship-source oil spill response plans (i.e. Pacific, Quebec and Maritimes) to test the usability of this approach in multiple marine environments. For the Pacific region, a full application of this process is underway for the Salish Sea. If successful, we anticipate this approach will be useful for identification of biological components most affected by ship-source oil spills in any marine environment

    Phenotypic variation and fitness in a metapopulation of tubeworms (Ridgeia piscesae Jones) at hydrothermal vents

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    We examine the nature of variation in a hot vent tubeworm, Ridgeia piscesae, to determine how phenotypes are maintained and how reproductive potential is dictated by habitat. This foundation species at northeast Pacific hydrothermal sites occupies a wide habitat range in a highly heterogeneous environment. Where fluids supply high levels of dissolved sulphide for symbionts, the worm grows rapidly in a ‘‘short-fat’’ phenotype characterized by lush gill plumes; when plumes are healthy, sperm package capture is higher. This form can mature within months and has a high fecundity with continuous gamete output and a lifespan of about three years in unstable conditions. Other phenotypes occupy low fluid flux habitats that are more stable and individuals grow very slowly; however, they have low reproductive readiness that is hampered further by small, predator cropped branchiae, thus reducing fertilization and metabolite uptake. Although only the largest worms were measured, only 17% of low flux worms were reproductively competent compared to 91% of high flux worms. A model of reproductive readiness illustrates that tube diameter is a good predictor of reproductive output and that few low flux worms reached critical reproductive size. We postulate that most of the propagules for the vent fields originate from the larger tubeworms that live in small, unstable habitat patches. The large expanses of worms in more stable low flux habitat sustain a small, but long-term, reproductive output. Phenotypic variation is an adaptation that fosters both morphological and physiological responses to differences in chemical milieu and predator pressure. This foundation species forms a metapopulation with variable growth characteristics in a heterogeneous environment where a strategy of phenotypic variation bestows an advantage over specialization

    Model of reproductive readiness based on tube diameter.

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    <p>Onset of reproduction with size follows a logistic curve. The likelihood that an individual is reproductive at a given tube diameter is shown in the dotted line (left axis) using all individuals in our 2008 study. Tube diameter is highly correlated body characters but is an easier trait to measure. The right axis represents the proportion of the Endeavour samples that were reproductive (dots) and the full logistic curve (solid line) is the best fit for any sample taken.</p

    <i>Ridgeia piscesae</i> on Juan de Fuca Ridge.

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    <p>Images taken using the vehicle <i>ROPOS</i> (Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility).A. Eight months post-eruption at Nascent Vent, South Rift Zone, Axial; scale 10 cm. B. Branchial plume with white obturaculum of high flux <i>R. piscesae</i>; scale 1.5 cm. C. Sparse branchial plumes in low flux grazed by polynoid polychaetes (top centre); scale 1.5 cm. D. Clump of short-fat <i>R. piscesae</i> on the side of a smoker chimney; fluids emerging from ledge below. Orange polychaetes are <i>Paralvinella palmiformis</i>, a microbial grazer; scale 5 cm. E. Extensive tubeworm clumps on basalts in weak fluid flow between chimneys; image about 2 m across.</p

    Comparison of tube characteristics between high fluid flow and low flow samples.

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    <p>Each sample represents 20 to 25 of the largest tubeworms to capture maximum growth extent. Tube diameter is highly correlated with vestimentum diameter and usually about 400 µm larger. A. Sample means plotted against tube length for comparison with <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0110578#pone-0110578-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2</a> illustrate that low flux animals are smaller diameter at length. Triangles are low flux samples in which all individuals were non-reproductive and deemed immature: LoC, LoD and LoH. B. In paired samples at each site members of each pair are within metres on the same structure. Bars are standard error. All Mann-Whitney paired tests show significant difference (p<0.01) between high and low flux samples except Site B.</p

    Estimate of gonad extent with increasing size.

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    <p>The majority of animals in our initial samples were small with little gonad development in both sexes (open symbols). Each measure of gonad area is the mean of 10 cross-sections equidistant along the trunk. Several worms from the 2009 study (filled symbols) augment numbers of larger individuals to illustrate gonad extent in full maturity.</p

    Traits in <i>Ridgeia piscesae</i> that influence individual fitness.

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    <p>The main environmental driver is the level of dissolved sulphide flux to sustain the bacterial symbionts. Habitat stability, which is low in high flux habitat, is likely an additional factor. This study did not assess factors that influence recruitment success (a fitness component). Most attributes are assessed in this study but additional literature information includes growth rates <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0110578#pone.0110578-Urcuyo1" target="_blank">[38]</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0110578#pone.0110578-Tunnicliffe3" target="_blank">[39]</a>, hemoglobin levels <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0110578#pone.0110578-Carney2" target="_blank">[27]</a> and sulphide uptake <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0110578#pone.0110578-Urcuyo1" target="_blank">[38]</a>.</p><p>Traits in <i>Ridgeia piscesae</i> that influence individual fitness.</p

    Sample collection and preservation data for the four questions addressed.

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    <p>BF = 10% buffered formalin; EtOH = ethanol.</p><p>Sample collection and preservation data for the four questions addressed.</p