167 research outputs found

    Announcing a Green New Deal: The Role of Policy Signals for Stimulating Entrepreneurship

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    Policymakers increasingly recognize the potential of creating local industries and jobs around carbon-neutral technologies. In this paper we discuss whether policymakers can use information about green energy policies as a signal to stimulate the foundation of new companies. We explore empirically whether we can identify an impact of policy announcements on entry decision-making of new firms by using new data from the Swiss commercial registry. Our study reveals a significant relationship between information on future policies and firm entries indicating that credible policy announcements can spur new industry development. We then develop a theoretical model to substantiate the link between announcements of myopic governments and firm entry. We consider entrepreneurs investing in fixed costs the period before they produce based on the announced subsidy by the government but payed out in the subsequent period. We can show that governments can use announcements as important information for investment decisions and – as shown in the empirical analysis – foster new firm entries before the policy is in place. We finally discuss to which degree our results hold for a wider range of political institutions and conclude with the some implications for policymakers

    Fracking - Gefahr für das Trinkwasser?

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    Fracking-Vorhaben sind zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt nicht mit dem rechtlichen Schutz des Trinkwassers vereinbar. Dies zeigt eine Studie, die diese Tage auf sui.generis publiziert wurde

    What are the factors and needs promoting mobility-as-a-service? Findings from the Swiss Household Energy Demand Survey (SHEDS)

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    Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a service that supports customers' transportation needs by providing information and ticketing for a multitude of transport modes in one interface; thus, buy potentially fostering multimodality and public transport, it represents an important lever to reduce negative transportation impacts such as emissions and congestion. By means of an online survey conducted in Switzerland, we try to understand potential user needs as well as factors that would motivate the use of MaaS. Comparing the openness to use MaaS for specific trip purposes like commuting and leisure activities, we find the lowest level of openness for commuting and the highest for weekend leisure trips. Intention to reduce car usage was positively related to openness to MaaS in commuting. On the other hand, factors that positively influence openness to using MaaS for leisure activities include a higher education degree, experience with carsharing and the use of transport-related climate policy announcements directly affecting consumers. These findings suggest focusing specifically on either commuting or leisure activities when designing policy measures

    Intestinal Tritrichomonas foetus infection in cats in Switzerland detected by in vitro cultivation and PCR

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    Tritrichomonas foetus, a parasite well known for its significance as venereally transmitted pathogen in cattle, has recently been identified as a cause of chronic large-bowel diarrhea in domestic cats in the US, UK, and, more recently, also in Norway. In a period of 3months (October to December 2007), 45 cats of Switzerland suffering from chronic diarrhea were investigated for intestinal infections, including a search for trichomonads. A commercially available in vitro culture system was used to screen for infection, complemented with a PCR and subsequent amplicon sequencing to support speciation. The PCR is based upon amplification of a sequence derived from the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1) on the ribosomal RNA gene (rRNA) using primers designed to detect a broad range of genera and species belonging to the family of Trichomonadidae. The method was furthermore adapted to the uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) system in order to prevent carry-over contamination and it included a recombinant internal control to track for inhibitory reactions. Eleven out of the 45 cats were culture-positive, as revealed by microscopic identification of trichomonadid organisms. One of the isolates was subjected to scanning electron microscopy and findings revealed the presence of three flagella, thus placing the isolate into the gender Tritrichomonas sp. PCR and subsequent amplicon sequencing were carried out with ten of the 11 isolates. A total homology with published T. foetus sequences was confirmed in all of the cases. T. foetus therefore appears to range among those organisms that can cause chronic diarrhea in cats in Switzerlan

    Modeling Permafrost Sensitivity in Arctic Forest

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    Deciduous larch is a weak competitor when growing in mixed stands with evergreen taxa but is dominant in many boreal forest areas of Eastern Siberia. However, it is hypothesized that certain factors such as a shallow active layer thickness and high fire frequency favor larch dominance. Our aim is to understand how thermohydrological interactions between vegetation, permafrost, and atmosphere stabilize the larch forests and the underlying permafrost in Eastern Siberia. A tailored version of a one-dimensional land surface model (CryoGrid) is adapted for the application in vegetated areas and used to reproduce the energy transfer and thermal regime of permafrost ground in typical boreal larch stands. In order to simulate the responds of Arctic trees to local climate and permafrost conditions we have implemented a multilayer canopy parameterization originally developed for the Community Land Model (CLM-ml_v0). The coupled model is capable of calculating the full energy balance above, within and below the canopy including the radiation budget, the turbulent fluxes and the heat budget of the permafrost ground under several forcing scenarios. We will present first results of simulations performed for different study sites in larch-dominated forests of Eastern Siberia and Mongolia under current and future climate conditions. Model performance is thoroughly evaluated based on comprehensive in-situ soil temperature and radiation measurements at our study sites

    Studies on "precarious rocks" in the epicentral area of the AD 1356 Basle earthquake, Switzerland

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    For the first time precarious rocks have been analysed in the epicentral area of the AD 1356 Basle earthquake in northern Switzerland. Several cliff sites in flat-lying, thickly bedded Upper Jurassic coral limestones in the Jura Mountains were investigated. Seven blocks are regarded as precarious with respect to earthquake strong ground motions. The age of these precarious rocks could not be determined directly as for instance by radiometric dating methods; however, based on slope degradation processes it can be concluded that the formation of these blocks predates the AD 1356 Basle earthquake. The acceleration required to topple a precarious rock from its pedestal is estimated using geometrical data for individual block sections and earthquake strong-motion records from stations on rock sites in the European Strong-Motion Database as input data for the computer program ROCKING V1.0 from the Seismological Laboratory, University of Nevada, Reno. The calculations indicate that toppling of a precarious rock largely depends on earthquake strength but also on the frequency spectrum of the signal. Although most investigated precarious rocks are surprisingly stable for ground motions similar to those expected to have occurred during the AD 1356 Basle earthquake, at least two blocks are clearly precariously balanced, with peak toppling accelerations lower than 0.3 g. Possible reasons why these blocks did not topple during the AD 1356 Basle earthquake include incomplete separation from their base, sliding of precarious rocks, their size, lower than assumed ground accelerations and/or duration of shaking

    Lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes (CAEV e Maedi-Visna): revisão e perspectivas

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    Announcing a Green New Deal:The Role of Policy Signals for Stimulating Entrepreneurship

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    Policymakers increasingly recognize the potential of creating local industries and jobs around carbon-neutral technologies. In this paper we discuss whether policymakers can use information about green energy policies as a signal to stimulate the foundation of new companies. We explore empirically whether we can identify an impact of policy announcements on entry decision-making of new firms by using new data from the Swiss commercial registry. Our study reveals a significant relationship between information on future policies and firm entries indicating that credible policy announcements can spur new industry development. We then develop a theoretical model to substantiate the link between announcements of myopic governments and firm entry. We consider entrepreneurs investing in fixed costs the period before they produce based on the announced subsidy by the government but payed out in the subsequent period. We can show that governments can use announcements as important information for investment decisions and – as shown in the empirical analysis – foster new firm entries before the policy is in place. We finally discuss to which degree our results hold for a wider range of political institutions and conclude with the some implications for policymakers
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