138 research outputs found

    Configuring electrochemical 3D printer for PCB production

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    In this document I look at an electrochemical 3D printer and compare it to a more established machine for the making of printing printed circuit board

    Global Sustainable Strategies in the Local Tourism Industry A study of how to implement sustainable tourism strategies

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    This master thesis in Tourism Studies is about gaining a further understanding of sustainable tourism and implementing sustainable strategies in tourism businesses for a common political region, such as Nordhordland, the first UNESCO MAB reserve in Norway. The region is used as a political district for delimiting the research. The study's primary purpose is to improve the understanding of sustainable development in the tourism industry and how the industry implements such strategies. My research question is answered using Hall's Three Archetypes model of Implementation (Hall, 2009) and a qualitative approach of in-depth interviews. The research question is divided into four underlying sub-questions: the perception of the term sustainability, how to put sustainability into practice, balancing the three pillars of social, nature and environment, and economics, and the implementation process itself. First, I look into how the term sustainable tourism is perceived among the involved stakeholders in the region. Secondly, I look at how stakeholders put sustainability into practice. The third underlying issue was the balance between ecological, social, and economic sustainability. Perspectives from both regional and local levels are evaluated. Joint projects, such as for a MAB reserve such as Nordhordland, are suitable ways of gaining collective experiences, innovation, and perception of strategies

    Fare på merde? : Behov for endret sikkerhetsarbeid ved norske oppdrettsanlegg

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    -Denne rapporten er en del av forskningarbeidet i HITS og er en rapport om resultater fra en kvalitativ undersøkelse av skkerhet i arbeidet på og rundt et oppdrettsanlegg i to regioner i Norge

    Erfaringer fra fire skolers arbeid med å bli lærende organisasjoner

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    -​Denne rapporten tar for seg fire videregående skolers utvikling mot å bli bedre lærende organisasjoner. Arbeidet er en del av prosjektet ”Redusert bortvalg i en lærende organisasjon”. Rapporten bygger på kvalitative og kvantitative data om oppfatningene til medarbeidere ved disse fire skolene. I første kapittel introduseres prosjektet og datainnsamlingen

    "Internett er kommet for å bli". En kvalitativ undersøkelse om digital kompetanse og digital dannelse på ungdomstrinnet

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    Masteroppgave i tilpassa opplæring - Nord universitet, 201

    I'm not "stupid", reading and writing training needs to be adapted to me

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    Masteroppgave i tilpasset opplæring - Nord universitet, 201

    Local climate analysis for buildings and outdoor environment

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    Rapporten tar for seg en lokalklimatisk analyse i forbindelse med utbygging av felt B10 og B11 på Skytterhusfjellet, Kirkenes. Det teoretiske grunnlaget tar for seg klimatiske faktorer, komfort og strømningslære. Numeriske simuleringer er utført for å studere virkninger av snø- og vindforhold. Based on theoretical aspects on the influence from climatic factors, comfort and fluid mechanics, this report provides a local climatic analysis focusing on the development of project area B10 and B11 at Skytterhusfjellet in Kirkenes. Numerical simulations concerning wind and snowdrift are performed to examine the impact of different design ideas.Abstract: Based on theoretical aspects on the influence from climatic factors, comfort and fluid mechanics, this report provides a local climatic analysis focusing on the development of project area B10 and B11 at Skytterhusfjellet in Kirkenes. Numerical simulations concerning wind and snowdrift are performed to examine the impact of different design ideas

    Troppeføreren på det moderne stridsfeltet. In front - always, sometimes, never?

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    Denne masteravhandlingen tar mål av seg å studere hvordan karakteristikker ved det moderne stridsfeltet kan fordre endringer i den fysiske plasseringen til den militære sjefen på taktisk nivå, betegnet som troppeføreren. Avhandlingen avgrenses til å studere høyintensitetskrig frem mot år 2040 og retter et spesielt fokus mot troppeføring på bataljonsnivå og manøverbataljonssjefen. Fenomenet troppeføring studeres like fullt i rammen av ulike kontekster og over en tidsperiode på omtrent 450 år. Blant de sentrale spørsmålene i avhandlingen finner man følgende: Hvilke reelle alternativer har troppeføreren når han skal velge sin plassering i striden? Hvordan er mulighetene for å motivere og stridslede fra ulike posisjoner? På hvilke måter vil moderne krigføring påvirke troppeførerens valg av sin plassering på stridsfeltet? Avhandlingen søker å besvare disse og flere andre spørsmål gjennom omfattende studier av en lang rekke litterære kilder. Først gransker avhandlingen hvordan historiske endringer i troppeførerens plassering har forekommet som følge av endrede kontekstuelle forhold. Denne delen konsentrerer seg i hovedsak om organisatoriske, teknologiske og samfunnsmessige endringer som har inntruffet fra 1600-tallet og frem til i dag. Videre drøftes det hvordan det moderne stridsfeltet vil kunne se ut for militære sjefer på taktisk nivå. Fokuset rettes da mot perioden 2020-2040 og drøftingen legger spesielt vekt på fremtidig militærteknologisk innovasjon. Deretter vurderes de historiske driverne for endring av troppeførerens plassering opp mot sannsynlige karakteristikker ved det moderne stridsfeltet. Foreliggende masteravhandling har utforsket et snevert aspekt ved ledelse av militære operasjoner som synes å være lite forsket på her til lands, i alle fall de senere år. Slik forsøker avhandlingen å være et konstruktivt innspill til fremtidig utvikling av taktiske håndbøker så vel som et originalt militærteoretisk bidrag til akademia. Masteravhandlingen indikerer at endringer på det moderne stridsfeltet trolig vil fordre endringer i manøverbataljonssjefens plassering i striden, og at stadig mer sofistikert kommunikasjonsteknologi ikke nødvendigvis er ensbetydende med større handlingsrom når han skal velge sin plassering.The aim of the present thesis is to investigate how the characteristics of the modern battlefield will require changes in the position of the commander at the tactical level during combat. The thesis studies high-intensity warfare towards the year 2040 with a special focus on the battalion commander of ground manoeuvre forces. However, the phenomenon command will still be examined within a range of different contexts and over a period of about 450 years. Among the key questions asked are the following: What alternatives does the commander have when choosing his position on the battlefield? How are the possibilities for mission management and mission motivation from different positions? In what ways will modern warfare affect the commander´s choiche of his position? These and other questions will be answered through extensive literature studies of a wide range of sources. Firstly, the thesis explores how historical changes in the position of the commander have occurred as a result of changing contextual conditions. This part concentrates mainly on organizational, technological and societal changes from the 17th century to the present day. Further discussion investigates what the modern battlefield might look like for commanders at the tactical level, with special attention given to future military innovation in technology. Thereafter, the historical driving forces for change in the commander´s position are assessed against probable characteristics of the modern battlefield. The present thesis explores a narrow aspect of commanding military forces that appear to be quite overlooked in Norwegian military academic circles. By doing that, the thesis seeks to be a useful input for the future development of tactical doctrine and manuals as well as an original theoretical contribution to academia. The thesis concludes that changes on the modern battlefield likely will require changes in the position of the ground manoeuvre battalion commander during combat, and that increasingly sophisticated communication technology not necessarily means that the commander will be given more options when choosing his position

    Fugler i Norge i 2005 - Rapport fra Norsk faunakomité for fugl (NFKF)

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    THE NORWEGIAN BIRD REPORT 2005 - a report on locally uncommon and scarce birds in Norway in 2005, by the Norwegian Birds Records Committee (NFKF) The basis of this report is the annual reports produced by the county rarities committees. For 2005 all the counties on the mainland contributed to the report, although Finnmark, Troms, Sogn & Fjordane, Rogaland and Vest-Agder counties did not publish own county reports. Svalbard archipelago and Jan Mayen did not contribute to this report. We believe this report reflects fairly well observations from Norway in 2005. Readers should take care to note the geographical or time delimitation of the records stated for the different species, as stated in codes immediately after the scientific name of the species. The Norwegian Birds Records Committee (NFKF) has been publishing annual reports since 1991. The occurrence of Bewick’s Swan Cygnus columbianus was the poorest in NFKFs history, and the occurence of Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus at the traditional feeding and roosting site at Valdakmyra, Porsanger (FI) continued to be very low. White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons were seen in poor numbers, while Bar-headed Geese Anser indicus were seen in record high numbers. Mandarin Ducks Aix galericulata occurred in high numbers. Gadwalls Anas strepera have occurred in steadily increasing numbers in Norway in recent years, and 2005 was the best year to date for this species. Garganeys Anas qurquedula had a poor year. Quail Coturnix coturnix occurred in good numbers for the fourth year in succession. Yellow-billed Divers Gavia adamsii experienced the second best year since 1991. Due to favourable weather conditions in late August both Sooty Shearwaters Puffinus griseus and Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus occurred in record high numbers. Many Rough-legged Buzzards Buteo lagopus were seen during the winter months. The Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo is a raptor that has occurred in high numbers in recent years, and 2005 was the third best year ever. The occurrence of Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta was very poor. Several shorebirds, such as Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula, Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus, Sanderlings Calidris alba and Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica were reported in high numbers from mid-January following the winter storm «Inga». The number of migrating Broad-billed Sandpipers Limicola falcinellus, Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa and Red-necked Phalaropes Phalaropus lobatus were the second best in NFKFs history. Migrating Pomarine Skuas Stercorarius pomarinus was seen in good numbers. Iceland Gulls Larus glaucoides occurred in record high numbers while the occurrence of Little Gulls Larus minutus and Glaucous Gulls Larus hyperboreus was the third best in NFKFs history. The occurrence of Black Terns Chlidonias niger was very poor. Wood Larks Lullula arborea occurred in record high numbers. The negative trend related to migrating Horned Larks Eremophila alpestris continued in 2005 and the last six years represent the six poorest years for this species. Red-throated Pipits Anthus cervinus had another poor year, while Richard’s Pipits Anthus richardi occured in record high numbers. The occurrence of Yellow Wagtails Motacilla flava flavissima was the poorest in NFKF’s history. Stonechats Saxicola torquata occurred in record high numbers and seventeen confirmed breeding pairs were recorded from coastal areas. The Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus is probably expanding significantly in the north of its distribution range. The number of singing Common Grasshopper Warblers Locustella naevia and the occurrence of Yellow-browed Warblers Phylloscopus inornatus was the best ever recorded. The number of Barred Warblers Sylvia nisoria was the second best in NFKF’s history. The number of Great Grey Shrikes Lanius excubitor was the highest ever recorded. Two-barred Crossbills Loxia leucoptera and Pine Grosbeaks Pinicola enucleator occurred in poor numbers. The Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana still has a negative trend and is disappearing from former breeding areas. The Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica experienced the poorest year in NFKFs history, while the occurrence of Little Buntings Emberiza pusilla was the best ever recorded